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International Islamic University,

Power Distribution and Utilization


Implementation of a single side fed radial AC distributor

Name of Student: Muhammad Afaq

Roll No.: 265-FET-BSEE-F17b
Date of Experiment: ………………………………..
Implementation of a single side fed radial AC distributor

An electric supply system consists of three principal components viz., the power station, the transmission
lines and the distribution system. Electric power distribution is the final stage in the delivery of electric
power; it carries electricity from the transmission system to individual consumers. At the utilization end,
the power is distributed to a large number of small and big consumers through a distribution network.
Distribution consists of two stages i–e primary distribution and secondary distribution. The secondary
distribution system consists of feeders, distributors and service mains. No consumer is given direct
connection from the feeders. Instead, the consumers are connected to the distributors through their service

1 Feeder
A feeder is a conductor which connects the sub-station (or localised generating station) to the area where
power is to be distributed. Generally, no tappings are taken from the feeder so that current in it remains
the same throughout. The main consideration in the design of a feeder is the current carrying capacity.
Distribution feeder circuits are the connections between the output terminals of a distribution substation
and the input terminals of primary circuits. The distribution feeder circuit conductors leave the substation
from a circuit breaker or circuit recloser via underground cables, called substation exit cables. The
underground cables connect to a nearby overhead primary circuit outside the substation. This eliminates
multiple circuits on the poles adjacent to the substations thereby improving the overall appearance of the

2 Distributor
A distributor is a conductor from which tappings are taken for supply to the consumers. In Fig. 4.1, AB,
BC, CD and DA are the distributors. The current through a distributor is not constant because tappings
are taken at various places along its length. While designing a distributor, voltage drop along its length is
the main consideration since the statutory limit of voltage variations is ± 6% of rated value at the
consumers’ terminals.

Figure 4.1: Structure of Secondary AC distribution

3 Radial Distribution System
In this system, separate feeders radiate from a single substation and feed the distributors at one end only.
Fig.4.1 (i) shows a single line diagram of a radial system for d.c. distribution where a feeder OC supplies
a distributor AB at point A. Obviously, the distributor is fed at one end only i.e., point A is this case.
Fig. 4.2 (ii) shows a single line diagram of radial system for a.c. distribution. Here substation supplies
power to a distributor AB at end A through feeder OC. This system is only employed when power is
generated at low voltage and the substation is located at the center of the load.

Figure 4.2: Basic Structure of Radial distribution system

4 Case Study:
There are several ways of solving a.c. distribution problems. However, symbolic notation method has
been found to be most convenient for this purpose. In this method, voltages, currents and impedances are
expressed in complex notation and the calculations are made exactly as in d.c. distribution.

A single phase a.c. distributor AB __________ km Long is fed from end A and is loaded with three loads
as shown in figure 4.3. The load resistance and inductance of the distributor is 100 Ω, 0·5 H and C=1uF
for each segment on trainer shown in figure 4.3. The details will be delivered in demonstration.

Figure 4.3. line diagram of Distributors of different lengths

5 Power Distribution Trainer and Loads
The figure 4.4 is the power distribution and utilization trainer available for demonstration and expriments
at power system laboratory. The trainer has the simulation models for Distribution Lines, feeders,
couplers, metering, utility and protection. The trainers take 3-phase main from the electricity available in
laboratory. A circuit braker is used safety and protection at the top of left corner.

The parts of the trainer used in this Lab Experiment are:

1. Main
Use only single phase distributors
2. Feeders
The losses in the feeders will be ignored in this experiment
3. Distributers
A singgle phase distributer will be used in this experiment and the distributer will be powered
from one end only. The line losses analysis will be conducted. The students are advised to listen
the demostration carefully and observe the activity during demonstration carefully.
4. Load used in this expriments are lamp of 60 W, 100W and 200W.

Figure 4.4. Power distribution and utilization trainer

Calculations for Load 1
Load-1 Voltage Current PF Power Power Power Voltage Current PF Power Power Power
(100W) (V) (A) KVA KVR KW (V) (A) KVA KVR KW
Line-1 Line-1

Line-2 Line-2

Line-3 Line-3

Calculations for Load 2

Load-2 Voltage Current PF Power Power Power Voltage Current PF Power Power Power
(200W) (V) (A) KVA KVR KW (V) (A) KVA KVR KW
Line-1 Line-1

Line-2 Line-2

Line-3 Line-3

Observations for Load 1

Load-1 Voltage Current PF Power Power Power Voltage Current PF Power Power Power
(100W) (V) (A) KVA KVR KW (V) (A) KVA KVR KW
Line-1 Line-1

Line-2 Line-2

Line-3 Line-3

Observations for Load 2

Load-2 Voltage Current PF Power Power Power Voltage Current PF Power Power Power
(200W) (V) (A) KVA KVR KW (V) (A) KVA KVR KW
Line-1 Line-1

Line-2 Line-2

Line-3 Line-3

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