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Collin Campbell 1

Lesson Plan
5E Adaptation (Draft)

PED 3141 Planning, Implementation, Assessment I

Course: ENG1D (Gr. 9 English) Grade: 9 Unit: Identity and Media


Period: 3 Time: 12:00-1:15pm Students: 30

Advance Planning

Prepare the Text

 Review “Black Soul” by Martine Chartrand:
 Make sure video/audio works in the class
 Find two key “surreal transitions” to be used as examples and record their
timestamps (0:40-0:55 and 3:25-3:45)

Prepare Handouts
 Print out “storyboard” templates to be used in the small groups (6 total)

Group Structuring

 Full Class Instruction: Introduction to the lesson and high-level concepts are
covered with the full class

 Small Discussion Groups: Students complete application work in groups of five

that have been previously assigned for this unit, desks face each other

 Media 1.2 Interpreting Messages: interpret simple and
complex media texts, identifying and explaining the overt and
implied messages they convey
 Media 1.4 Audience Responses: identify and explain different
audience responses to selected media texts


 Housekeeping, attendance, daily/lesson agenda (7 min)
Collin Campbell 2

 Lesson begins with a viewing of the short film, “Black Soul” by Martine
Chartrand, a film which explores how a young boy’s identity is formed by black
history and culture (9 min 52 sec)


Brainstorming Identity
 Immediate reflection on the film: individually, students create a word cluster or
mind map that reflects key aspects of their family identity and/or their personal
identity (to be used later in the lesson) (5 min)

Learning Objectives
 1.4 Initial exploration of how their own identities might be formed by their family
cultures and history

 Buddy/peer tutoring: in low voices, students can ask for help or inspiration from
their previously assigned small group of five


Film Technique: Surreal Transitions

 Full class discussion
 Revisit two “surreal transitions” in the film as examples
 Structure: show the first transition again (15-30 sec), engage in guided discussion
that explores a) the symbolic meaning before the transition, b) the symbolic
meaning after the transition, and c) the moment of transition (why these two
symbols are connected, what the result of the transition is, how it is effective in
creating a greater meaning in the film), then repeat for the second example (13

Learning Objectives
 1.2 The class discussion models how to perform film analysis, which provides
scaffolding for when the students need to analyze on their own
 1.2 Students will begin to see how meaning is created through symbols, and how
an even deeper meaning is created by the juxtaposition of two different symbols
 1.2 Students will gain literacy in the media technique of the transition or “cut”
 1.4 Understanding transitions helps to scaffold for their summative project (a
book trailer that requires the use of transitions)
Collin Campbell 3


Create a Surreal Transition

 In small groups of five, students will take their word cluster/mind map from the
beginning of the lesson and create a surreal transition that speaks to identity (25
 Components: discuss identities between group members, look for commonalities
in word clusters/mind maps, choose two key ideas, create symbols that represent
those key ideas, and “storyboard” (discussed in an earlier class) how that “surreal
transition” from one symbol to the other will take place (use Appendix A)
 Teacher roams to observe work, answer questions, and provide help
 Teacher informally assesses understanding of symbols and transitions

Learning Objectives
 1.4 Learn to apply their knowledge of symbols and transitions to their own project
(scaffolding for the summative task)
 1.4 Learn similarities and differences between their own identities and those of
their peers
 1.4 Learn how elements of identity can be expressed through symbol and through


Quick Share
 Each group presents their storyboard to the class (12 min, 2 min per group)
 Explain: how the symbols express identity, and how the “surreal transition”
functions to create meaning between the two symbols
 Teacher informally assesses for understanding of the application of symbols and

Learning Objectives
 Practice oral communication skills
 Reflect on the process of literary analysis and media creation (curriculum
expectation 4. for the “Media Studies” strand)

Connect to Summative Project
 As a class, quickly discuss how transitions will be helpful for storyboarding their
own summative projects (the book trailer assignment) (3 min)

Learning Objectives
 Scaffolding one essential element for creating their own media project
(curriculum expectation 3. For the “Media Studies” strand)
Collin Campbell 4

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