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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning Elementary Lesson Plan

UNLV Student: Mackenzie Perry PSMT Name: Jennifer Lucas

Lesson Plan Math Lesson Plan Math

Title: Topic:

Date: 4/2/2024 Estimated Time: 25 minutes

Grade Level: K School Site: Doral Cactus

1. State Standard(s):
● K.OA.A Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand
subtraction as taking apart and taking from.
● K.OA.A.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within
10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
● K.MD.A.2 Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see
which object has "more of"/"less of" the attribute, and describe the difference.
● K.MD.B.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each
category and sort the categories by count.

2. Teaching Model(s):


3. Objective(s):

● Students can solve addition and subtraction problems using objects, pictures, and

visualizations. (Bloom’s: apply)

● Students can describe, count, and compare the data in each of two categories.
(Bloom’s: Understand)

4. Materials and Technology Resources

- whiteboards
- Expo markers
- Erasers
- Index cards
- Workbook page 133

5. Instructional Procedures:

- Motivation/Engagement:

Math warm-up & Number talk

- I will have students row grab whiteboard, marker, eraser and find a seat at the edge of the
rug. Students will be instructed to place whiteboards in front of them and hands free until
they are given instructions to use them.
- Once students have their materials, I will have them close their eyes and imagine the story
problem as I read it to them. I will read it once without numbers and a second time with
- Technique 12: Culture of Error
- Students are aware of our math warm up/number talks routine is a safe place to make
errors and learn from it. Students feel safe to volunteer to share their work regardless if
they are right or wrong.
- Problem 1
- Today I found some pennies in my pocket. I found 3 pennies in my left
pocket and 1 penny in my right pocket. How many pennies did I find in my
- Problem 2
- I had 4 pennies in my pocket. I gave 1 of the pennies to my friend. How
many pennies did I have left?
- Students will visualize and then be given 3 minutes to draw math pictures and an
equation to match the story. I will call on students to share their work with the
class and explain the steps they took to solve it.
- Students will be called on by rows to return whiteboards, markers, and erasers to the
baskets and return to their carpet spot.

Developmental Activities/Learning Experiences

Unit 7- Session 1.4: Organizing Data: Favorite Lunch Foods
● Organizing Data
○ "People eat lots of different things for lunch, and lunch can have a lot of different
parts to it. For example, sometimes my lunch is a salad, apple and some yogurt.
Sometimes it's a sandwich, chips and a cookie. What do you like to eat for
lunch?" Turn and share your thinking with your partner.
○ "Today we are going to collect information about the foods we eat for lunch. We
will use this information to make a chart of our favorite lunch foods."
○ "I'm going to give you a blank notecard. I want you to pick our your favorite part
of your lunch. You will illustrate and label it." Model an example for students
reminding them to write responses with the notecard showing Mr. Lazy Straight
○ Give students time to illustrate their favorite part of their lunch.
○ Bring students back to the rug. Now let's share our favorite part of lunch with the
class. Give each student a chance to share and place card in the center of the rug.
○ Questions:
■ Are most of our favorite foods the same or different?
■ Do our favorite foods have anything in common?
○ "People chose different things. It might be easier to talk about our favorite foods
if we put them into groups that have something in common. Do you see a way
that some of these foods go together as a group?"
■ Suggestions:
■ Exact matches
■ Healthy/Not healthy
■ Desserts/drinks/sandwiches
■ Fruits/vegetables
■ Things that you drink/things with bread/cookies and cake
○ "Suppose one of our groups was Sweet Things. What foods do you think would
be in this group? What would go in the group that is not sweet things? How could we
make more groups out of the other foods that are not sweet things? What could we call
these other groups?"
○ Count, record and compare the number of cards in each category.
○ Continue by sorting a different way. Practice the same procedures.
○ For the last sort add information to chart paper to display in the classroom.
● Independent Practice: SAB, page 133
○ What's the Same?
■ Color the shapes that have 6 sides red. Color the shapes that have 4 sides blue.

Extension: N/A

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

- movement throughout lesson

- students can draw the picture and label for the extra step

- One of my students has an aid during math and is able to help guide through the lesson.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative: n/a this is the intro to our unit.

b. Summative Assignment: n/a

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths:
This math lesson went very well. I got to introduce our new unit and re visit story
problems during our warm up. I’ve gotten comfortable with teaching the whole day
and keeping my pace at a good speed.

b. Concerns:
I don’t really have any concerns, more so something I would like to work on. I want
to continue getting my students who are quieter to engage in the lesson with sharing.
I did do a partner share prior to sending them to draw, but I would like to work
towards them sharing whole group wise. I’ve noticed some times it can be the same
6 students sharing so I’ve started to cold call here and there.

c. Insights:
I believe I’ve become more confident with teaching math. It was the subject I was
nervous to take over, but as I continued my confidence has gone up for the subject. I
took the time to take the teacher manual home and read through it for each lesson. It
helped me with questioning and seeing where the students should be at vocab wise.

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