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The hamburger has become a worldwide cultural icon.

Eating meat, especially beef, is an integral part of diverse

cultures. Studies show that; however, that the
consumption of large quantities of meat is a main
contributing factor toward a great many deaths,
including the unnecessarily high number of deaths from
heart-related. Although it has caught on slowly in
Western society, vegetarianism is a living way that can
help improve not only the quality of people’s lives but
also their longevity.

Surprisingly as it may sound, vegetarianism can help

beneficial effects on the environment. Because demand
of meat animal is so high, cattle are being raised in areas
where rain forest once stood. As rain forest and land is
cleared in order to make room for cattle ranches, the
environmental balance is upset; this imbalance could
have serious consequences for humans. The article
“Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming” by
Daniel Howden explains that much of the current global
warming is due to depletion of the rain forest.
More significant at private level is the question of how
eating meat affects a person’s health. Meat unlike
vegetable, containing very large amount of fat. Eating
this fat has been connected- in some research cases-tp
certain kinds of cancer. In fact, the report of TheSt.ppp”
there was a statistically important risks…gastric cancer
connected with consumption of all meat such as red
meat, and processed meat. If people cut down on the
amounts of meat they ate, they would automatically
decline the risks of disease. Moreover, eating animal fat
can lead to obesity, and cause numerous health
problems. For example, obesity can cause people to slow
down and their hearts have to work harder. This results
high blood pressure. Meat also is high in Cholesterol,and
this only adds to health problems. With so much fat
consumption worldwide, it is no wonder that heart
disease is a leading killer.
If people followed vegetarian diets, they would not only
be healthier but also live longer. Eating certain kinds of
vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
cauliflower , has been shown to reduce the chance of
contracting colon cancer later in life. Vegetables do not
contain the toxic fat, cholesterol, so on like meat.
Furthermore , native inhabitants of areas of the world
where people eat more vegetable than meat, notably
areas of the former Soviet Asian republics, routinely live
to be over one hundred.

Some argue that, human nature being what is it, it is

unhealthy for humans not to eat meat. These some
individuals say that humans are naturally carnivores, and
cannot help wanting to consume a juicy piece of red
meat. Even, anthropologist have shown that early
humans only ate meat when other foods were not plenty
Humans is inherently a herbivore, not a carnivores
Numerous scientific studies have shown that the benefits
of vegetarianism for people in general. There is a
common tendency for people who switch from eating
meat to only consuming vegetable products. Although
the change of diet is difficult at first, almost they never
regret their decision to become a vegetarian. They feel
better, and those around them comment that they look
better than ever before. As more people are becoming
aware of the risks associated with the meat
consumption, they will make the change.

Children’s violent behaviors has been widely discussed in

recent years. Some argue that video games lead to
antisocial behavior of children, and it teach children
violent behaviors. In fact, few children do not control
their actions and imitate characters in games . This
results children violent behaviors. However, children use
of video games can learn them many skills when they
appreciate to play game. I strongly agree with using
video games of children for their development due to
these main reasons stress belief, social skills, and
language learning.

People should encourage children use of video games

due to the effectiveness in enhancing their stress relief.
Children engage in gaming to provide the escape from
the stress of daily life such studying, working, or peers
tension. In particular, many games are designed in order
to be immersive and enjoyable, providing a sense of
achievements and satisfaction for players as players
overcome challenges or achieve goals. Moreover,
children can interact with others through the playing
time. In fact, many children have a tension because they
have not people for talking and sharing with those.
Specific, when children have social environment to
contact with others such as friends, family, and relatives.
As a results of that there are a emotional health and
tension reduction.

Surprisingly as it may sound, children’s use of video

games can help them enhance their social skills. This like
a community environment as a virtual world allow
children connect with new and old friends, family
members. Besides, video games help children express
their thoughts and feeling when they achieve success or
failures. As an illustrations, after a successful fighting,
children have pleasant and satisfying feeling; or after a
failure fighting, they have embarrassing and badness

Opponents of children’s use of video often stated that

this is associated with a high probability of physical
health risks. Studies have shown that children’s use video
game is the main cause in eyes diseases. Due to using
video games continually a couple time, a pair of eyes are
tired, and reduce ability of looking . However, children
use of video game can help children energy and
motivated in studying. In other words, many children
thanks to video gaming add friends in classroom, so they
connect with and promote others. In short, a new
partner would motivate people who feel boring and

In conclusion, tension reduction, community

environment, and physical health are claimed to be three
reason why I total believed playing video games in
enhancing children’ strengths. As more people are
becoming aware of the benefits associated with children’
use of video games, they will make the change.
Exercise has been widely discussed in recent years. Some
scientific studies have shown that the consumption a
large quantities of meat lead to heart related-diseases
like obesity. Especially, residents in the large cities have
high risk of disease, so they start to make chance in daily
habit by regularly exercising. There are numerous
benefits of exercise in enhancing their physical health,
mental health, and immune system.

To begin with, exercise can help people enhance their

physical health. Regular exercise helps maintaining a
healthy weight, and can aid in weight loss. In fact, there
is a common tendency people who follow the workout
routine. They always have a better body than normal
people. Their body are influenced by bacteria around
Online courses have been widely discussed in recent
years. Some argue that getting a college degree through
online courses are ineffective. It also does not have face-
to-face contact with other students and instructors. In
fact, many students purchase online courses through the
internet, but they give up early due to not motivation.
However, college students get a college degree through
online that bring many advantages in both students and
schools. I totally agree with that due to these reasons
cost- efficiency, convenience, and diverse course options.

People should encourage college student engaging in

online course due to the convenience in getting their
college degree. Traffic jam is the serious issue among
workers and students, so this results delays and absent
of students. Besides, gasoline cost is thing which pay for
movement. Time movement also is crucial for effective
learning. Pupils are flexible in table time as students can
learn whenever they want to because the lessons have a
livestream video. If you want to watch it , you can click
the link of video. As a results of online course, they do
not worry about a lack of knowledge when I absent in

Surprisingly it may sound, online courses are cheaper

than traditional courses. Students can register for about
a year instead of paying each month. In addition, course
would take care students when they learn online course.
Because offline courses often very crowed, students
adapt slowly knowledge. For instance, if online math
registration ongoing a year, they provide a particular
pathways. Whenever students have a free time, they can
learn. This lesson have many different level from
beginner to advanced, and they have a experience
instructors in teaching.
Opponents of getting online degree through online
courses often claimed that this could produce way to
reducing their student’s interaction. When students and
instructors interact others through the computer screen,
they do not know their attention and they can feel
boring. This point has some merit on the surface.
However as stated previously, online course have diverse
options for students in choosing each individual. In
traditional courses, students do not have many options
because a course cost is expensive. Online course can
improve educational performance, and enhance their

In conclusion, there are well-documented benefits of

online course for getting a college degree. Studies show
that students learn better, and work harder when they
learn online. Students should engage in online course in
order to benefits both the students and society as whole.
Working time has been widely discussed in recent years.
Some argue that companies must require workers to
work no more than 40 hours per week. In fact, when
worker’s health are better, they work harder. This led to
high productivity in company . However, this can affect
adversely economic growth, family life, and the
emotional health of workers due to reducing time work
of employees, which I strongly agree with.

Surprisingly as I may sound, employee’s work-hour can

influence the economic growth. Workers are the integral
factor in company development, so if workers reduce
their work-hour in workplace, it can affect the low
production. In fact, many companies have new policies to
promote employees adding time work with overtime
pay. As the results of policies, both employees and their
company have many benefits as employees have high
salary and opportunities of advancement, and their
company has much profit from overtime of laborer.
Reducing working hour of laborer can create the ricks of
arguments for employee’s family. Their families can
encounter many hours, but it may lead to quarel
between wife and husband, or between parents and
childrens. In other words, many families may break up
due to disagreement about children raising, or chore
doing. Besides, many husband prefer workplace instead
of their house because their childs are naughty, active.
This results the negative impacts in employee’s life.

Advocates of reducing the number of hours people work

per week often claimed that this could produce way to
enhance their employee’s productivity. Specifically, most
workers want to have a couple of time to improve
professional skills and adapt their families. This point has
merit on the surface. However as its previously, reducing
working hour affect adversely for employees as when
employees use their time for negative activities related
to social evils such as gamble, heroin, and commercial
sex, so on. Thus, companies should not conduct new
policies in reducing woking hour of employees.

In conclusion, there are many advangtages and

disadvangtages of reducing reducing woking hour of
employees at workplace. However, the disadvantages of
that impact economic development, their families, and
well-being so that govermant should consider carefully
this policies, and depend on this country’s growth
Allowing children to play video games has been a
controversial issue in recent years. Many individuals
contend that gaming provides numerous disadvantages
to children, namely: academic low performance, physical
health concerns, and inappropriate contents. However, I
foster children’s gaming on account of the three
following reasons: learning new languages, stress reliefs,
and enhancing social skills.

To begin with, I advocate children’s video games because

this is an effective way to learn new languages. Many
scientific studies have shown that playing video games is
an effective tool to learn languages. While participating
in games such as Go, Microsoft, Picture Crossword, and
Wordshaker, players can widen their vocabulary, gain
knowledge how to for, correct sentences. Furthermore,
many well-known reporters have shown that language
learning quickly occurs when completed in content, and
this applies directly to video games. Children can
automatically know, and recall the new words because
they listen repeatedly vocabulary commands,
announcements in specific situations in video games.
Moreover, children can speak fluently languages with the
right pronunciation when speaking with native speakers.
For example, when children engage in Pug, they have
international teammates, so they must speak English, a
worldwide popular language, to discuss the strategies in
completing missions.

Secondly, enhancing children’s stress reduction is one of

the main factors that contribute to my support. Children
engage in gaming to escape the pressures of daily life
such as studying, working, and financial tension. For
example, many games are designed to be immersive and
enjoyable, providing a sense of achievement and
satisfactions as players overcome challenges, and
achieve goals. Moreover, multiplayer like Go Together
can be social environment that allows players connect
with friends, or family members in virtual activities of the
gaming world. Thus, this social interaction and a sense of
community can contribute to emotional well-being,
stress relief. In fact, the scientific research have shown
that people release dopamine when playing video games
moderately. Therefore, games can help children control
better in their mood.

Opponents of children’s use video games often claimed

that this could way to bring social isolation to children.
Admittedly, kids spend too much time on gaming, so they
do not interact directly with other people in real life. This
point has some merits on the surface, However as stated
previously, playing video games can provide a great
opportunity for building social skills in children. Multiple
gamers uphold children’s collaboration, leadership,
communication to complete missions. For instance,
League of legends requires players to work together,
develop strategies, and make decisions to complete a
goal in general. Besides, many games contain different
characters to interact with the difficult cases. Therefore,
children can improve their social skills through playing

In conclusion, useful language learning tools, tension

reduction, and the improvement of social skills are
claimed to be three significant components that make
me fully in favor of youngers playing video games for
children. Hence, educators and parents should allow
their children to stimulate their essential skills through
video games in moderation with guidance, and
Having history has been a controversial issues in recent
years. Some argue that not all career paths directly
require historical knowledge. In fact, an immediate
application for historical lesson in their daily life is not
important. However, understanding history as people
know their roots and context, so I foster history as a
required course on account of the three following
reason: critical thinking, cultural awareness, and a sense
of identity.

To begin with, I advocate having history as a required

course because this encourage students critical thinking.
Studying historical events help students analyze different
perspective, evaluating evidence, and forming well-
reasoned arguments. For instance, while students learn a
important historical event in Vietnamese such as August
Revolution, they gain knowledge related to time, leaders,
location, happening, results, so on. They have a
individual thoughts about events, and analyze why
Vietnamese win and give logical explanation for this .
Thus, history can foster student’s critical thinking.

People should encourage student to learn history as

required course due to the effectiveness in their cultural
awareness. History help students to exposes students to
diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This fosters
cultural awareness and a more inclusive worldview,
contributing to a global perspective. For example, while
students learn history, they have a great opportunity to
understand the “Hung King’s Anniversary” historical
events. In a result, this helps support a grateful people
and have a cultural awareness.

Opponents of having history as required course often

claimed that this can not connect with their roots, and
only make people become an old-fashioned version.

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