EF Intermediate 4e WB F2

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s ‘When aman tells you he got rich % Spending money bali reer ‘Gas a EEE CE Ges 1. VOCABULARY money € Complete the advertisement with the words from the list. ‘a Complete the sentences with the correct verb in 2 fe brackets. tax contactless payment 1 My sister wast 2 lot of money on budget lean mortgage salary she never wears. (wastes / saves) 2 leant to buy a flat of my own, (pay / afford) 3 You'll have to a lot of money if you want to travel around the world next year. (save / waste) 4 We still the bank a lot of money 5 Kevin about €1,000 a month in his at new job. (raises / earns) wt 6 That painting a lot of money, Giseps ines Reps Src Use our WIN-WIN phone app to manage your money ‘and pay your ‘bills __. For extra My uncle is doing a bike ride to money for charity. (afford / raise) ‘convenience, sign up for? and 8 | don't want to lose these earrings. They youll never have to carry cash with you again a fortune! (cost / owed) 9 Vilhave to some money from the What hasn't changed if | want to buy a new car, (borrow / lend) Need money for a car or a holiday? We'll give you a 10 Mary £10,000 from her grandfather *_____of up to €10,000 for whatever when he died. (inherited / invested) you want to buy. if youre Buying @ house, we can nt £5,000 pounds in a company, and | give you a *___ atone of the lowest made 5% profit. (inherited / invested) Hist ee 12. The plumber me €100 for mending Someone ta ane my shower. (cost / charged) Finding it hard to get to the end of the month? Our a2disors can help you plan a®_____to make your money go further. youre working, they can b Complete the sentences with the correct preposition, dive you advice on how to manage your® nicl Sas month and how much 13. Can you me $200 until | get paid? {borrow / lend) 1 Il pay for the meal ifyou get the drinks. 2 They charged us €5 a bottle of water. ak you shoud 3 My fiends got debt when they bought their ba paying o,f your looking fora 4 We've borrowed some mone my parents. a y mp new bank ust remember: Mobile Banking 5. My grendparents aloys pay cash ran acts ite 6 | don't mind lending money —— paris cient family Sy 7 Andy and Su education, pent a lot of money their 8 Cant pay credit card? 9 If llend you some money, when can you pay 10 Phil invested all his money his own company, Z 2 d_ Complete the questions with a phrasal verb from, the list. live off liveon payback take-out 1 How often do you use a cash machine? How much money do you usually take out? 2 When was the last time you lent money to somebody? How long did it take them to you 2 3 Why do young people sometimes ___their parents? 4. What's the smallest amount of money you think you could ____ for a month? What would you spend it on? ‘Answer the questions in d. VOCABULARY FROM READING Complete the compound nouns in the sentences. 1 We use olive oi forall our cooking. 2. Max fal off his bike during our cycling tr bout he did't hurt himsel 3 Becky doesn't use beauty t that are tested on animals. 4 Ourelectrcityb is going to be very high this month ~ we've had the heating on every day. 5 usually drink tap w. 6 | try to buy environmentally fiandly cleaning pr____ because they don’t pollute the water. with my meals, PRONUNCIATION o and or Circle the word with a different sound. 1 money nething Geny) wery BM oc |2 cont shopping dnl dation ag a ater 2.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Look at the pairs of words. Is the pronunciation of or the same (S) or different (0)? 1 afford organized = _S_ 2 store worse D 3 mortgage fork = 4 short work = 5 world worth 6 order word 2.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. GRAMMAR present perfect and past simple Circle the correct answer, 1 Remever awed) never owed any money tothe bank in a 2 Rachel wants to buy aft, but she hast saved / felitaivs ancth may 2 "Tey vetoed flared ik} much for clr el las right 4 Paul hasn't inherited / did't inherit anything from his iaciathay ihn he shad 5 (can'epay you back. ( aventzbech/ exdit.ge tothe cash machine yet. 6 lve never used / never used contactless payment, but [eke to ey it 7. How much hes your TV cost/ did your TV cost? 8 | haven't had / did't have any coins, sol couldn't put ey cere tia par rete 9 ove yourhouse how long have you ved ld you fveinit 10 My gitiend hasa relly well paid job. She fas eamed/ earned £45,000 lst year. Aer en, b Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 4A When did your son buy. his car? (buy) B Whenhe __his driving test last month (pass) 2 A Howmuch money ___you__ from your sister yesterday? (borrow) B About £100, but! already it all (spend) Bor you (find) B Yes, and the bank just ____ to give me a mortgage. (agree) anew flat yet? aa ___ you ever any money to a friend? (lend) B Only to my boyfriend when he ___a new phone. (need) 5A your mother __an appointment with the doctor yet? (make) B Yes, sh him yesterday, and she's seeing him tomorrow. (call) ee Cemmimenas) ¢ Re-order the words to write present perfect and past simple questions. 1a you/ buy a house b when / you / buy it When did you buy it? 2 a you/find any money on the street , how much feu fod 3a you/ use contactless payment b where / use it 4 2 you/ pay fora meal for a lot of people bb why / you/ pay for it 5 a you/ stay in an expensive hotel b who / you / stay there with 6 a you/ raise money for charity b how much / you / raise d_ Answer the questions in ¢. 1 Goi tco 4) oa lives poe et ee Ey A ( 41 GRAMMAR present perfect ¢ Complete the conversations with the present perfect + for/ since, present perfect continuous form of the verbs. continuous Sf Fg 9 1A Did you know that Amy’s in a band? ‘a Write the words and phrases from the os A,B No. Have they been playing together list in the correct column. for a long time? (they / play] 2035 along time Christmas Iwas very young. lunchtime six months two weeks three days Tuesday years How long was your flight? ae Twelve hours. _ all day. (we / travel) for since __ [2015 My brather has a very good job in New York. Really? How long : there? (he / work) b Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple form of the verb in brackets and for or since. Diana's found a new flat, at last Oh good! i; bee a rhs ee ae ‘one for ages. (she / look for) 2 Mymum easy — weeks. (be) 3 We ____each other Why does Liam's teacher want to ____we were at school. (know) see you? 4 Owen_______for the same his homework company five years. (work) lately. (he / not do) 5 Dan and Vicky in me j_____ they got married te 6 Myparents___gardening Yes, know. Sorry. —_ they were young, (love) sien wa rel 71______to go to Australia a long time. (want) ® Lols__tome You look exhausted, ast year. not speak) os pares the mn my grandparents children all day! (/ look after) _______ ages. (not see) 10 Harry Ayesha 5 os ____ they were at school together. (ike) G 8 A How's your football team doing, Pete? B Very well, but recently I've hurt my foot. (I/ not play) rcle the correct form. If both forms are possible, tick (“) 3 the sentence. 1 How long have you lived / have you been lving abroad? W- 2 Pe sided lve BEET SEC Nnese Tor year 3 My parents have had/ have been having the same car for ten years. 4 How long has Mark played / has Mark been playing the bass guitar? 5 Alex has worked / has been working in this school since he. started teaching. 6 I've known / {'ve been knowing her for years. 7 We've gone / We've been going to the same dentist since we wore children 8 You've worn / You've been wearing the same coat for years! 9 How long have you ridden / heve you been riding horses? 10 I've washed / I've been washing the car; it looks much cleaner now What have you been doing recently? Write five sentences. Use the ideas from the list or your own ideas. abook shobby ajob anewhabit asport a TV series your work/studies t've been eating more vegetables because | want to be healthier. U've got exams. so I've been studying PRONUNCIATION sentence stress 2.3 Listen and complete the sentences. 1 ve been travelling al day 2 have they oak Sea RRC 3 She's been since z 4 They been fa 5 We've been __ the 61____ been @2.3 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm. VOCABULARY strong adjectives Match the normal adjectives 1-14 to the strong adjectives a-n. ttied = da 2 surprised b aug ae ee a 4 cold aa d 5 dity ° 6 funny f 7 happy 9 8 hot h 9 hunny i 10 interesting 11 small k 12° sure a ' 1B afraid Wangy on amazed boiling delighted exhausted filthy freezing furious fascinating hilarious huge positive starving terrified tiny 4 He's Complete the sentences with the strong adjectives from a. 1 The temperature has been going up all week, and now it’s absolutely boiling 2 1'm that you don’t know the name of the president of the USA. 3. Tom's parents have just found out he's been missing school, so they're 4 ve been watching a horror film, and now I'm absolutely 5 We're because we've walked 35 km today. 6 That film is ! We laughed all the way ugh it This book is from it. I've learned so much I've been thinking about your question, and now I'm I know the answer. 5 Isa 3 It's really hamster. 6 She's absolutely d_ Complete the sentences about you 1. The last time | had a huge meal was when 2 The weather was absolutely boiling when | 3. One of the most hilarious films I've seen is 4 elt really exhausted when | 5 When I'm absolutely starving the thing | most want to eat is_ 6 | was delighted with a present | got 7 | saw a fascinating TV program ne recently about 8 Something that makes me furious is (Q eventos ecm pcin) (Gj Goonineiochederpowen)

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