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Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

Read the text for question number 1
(It’s in the morning. Diana is going to have breakfast and go to school)
Diana : Good morning, Mom!
Mother : Morning, Dear. Here’s your breakfast.
Diana : Oh, this is my favorite fried rice!
Mother : Yes. I made it special for you.
Diana : Thank you, Mom.
Mother : Anytime.
(After 10 minutes)
Diana : Oh, it’s already six thirty. I have to go now. Bye, Mom!
Mother : OK. Take care, Diana!

Adapted from

Penulis: Risky Guswindari

1. Which sentences are used as leave taking expression? (Hint: there are 2 answers)
A. Morning, Dear.
B. Take care, Diana!
C. Good morning, Mom!
D. I have to go now. Bye, Mom!

Read the text for questions number 2 to 4.

Angga meets Tania in front of teachers’ room. Tania brings so many books. Angga helps Tania to
bring the books to the class.
In front of teacher’s room
Angga : Hi, Tania.
Tania : Hi, Angga.
Angga : Wow, you bring so many books.
Tania : Yeah. Teacher asks me to bring the books to the class.
Angga : Let me help you to bring some.
Tania : Oh, I’m really sorry to bother you.
Angga : That’s alright.
In the classroom
Angga : Okay, here the books.
Tania : Thank you so much for helping me.
Angga : No problem. Ah, I have to go now. Bye.
Tania : Bye. See you later.

2. From the dialogue, we can conclude that Angga is a … person.

A. Stingy C. Selfish
B. Clever D. Helpful

3. “Oh, I’m really sorry to bother you”. What is the kind of expression for this sentence?
A. Greeting C. Apologizing
B. Thanking D. Leave taking

4. “Teacher asks me to bring ….” What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Give C. Answer
B. Ignore D. Request
Read the text for questions number 5 to 6.
My School

Made by

This is my school. It is green and beautiful. The air around my school is very fresh and clean
because it is surrounded by many trees. It is quite far from the residential area. I need around 10-15
minutes to go there by riding motorcycle.
The area of my school is quite large. It has a big school yard which we usually use to hold
ceremony every Monday morning. Moreover, my school also has one football field and one court that
we can use to play basketball, volleyball, or badminton.
My school only has 9 classrooms. Each grade is divided into 3 classes. The classes for 7th and 9th
grade are located on the west side of area, while the classes for 8th grade are located on the east side.
Besides, on the west side, it has a hall in front of the football filed, an art room next to 9C, and a
multimedia room between the toilet and canteen. Meanwhile, on the east side of the school, there are a
mosque on the corner and a science laboratory which is located between medical room and library. In
front of every room there are small gardens which add the beauty of my school.
My school also has 3 toilets and 2 canteens. The toilets are placed around the area to
accommodate everyone who need it. They are located next to multimedia room, hall, and mosque. One
of the canteen is also located next to multimedia room, while the other is located next to the room for
8C. The canteens sell a lot of food and always maintain the cleanliness.
In addition, you can find the headmaster’s room, teacher’s room, and staffroom when you enter
the school through hallway. Before that, you will pass a parking area that can accommodate all
vehicles belonging to teachers and students. Every morning some of teachers will lined up in front of
the building to welcome the students.
Source: writer

5. The main topic of paragraph four is ….

A. Name of rooms in the east side of the school.
B. How long the writer needs to go to school.
C. The location of toilets and canteens.
D. The rooms around hallway.

6. What room is indicated by number 4 in the picture above?

A. Hall C. Multimedia room
B. Canteen D. Science laboratory

7. Look at the picture!


What is the notice means?

A. You should not try and keep a safe distance between you and anyone outside of your
B. Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible and in poorly ventilated
C. Keep physical distance of at least six feet from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick.
Avoid crowds and close contact.
D. Meet people outside. Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor ones, particularly if indoor
spaces are small and without outdoor air coming in.

Read the text for question number 8.

To: School band’s member.
We are going to perform a music show bands in a multipurpose building
in front of our school. The donation will be distributed to people in need
around our school. Please prepare yourselves to show your best
performance. The committee will arrange the event.
Thank you.
Futu Hatur

8. Choose True or False for the statements below according to the text. Give ✅ to each statement.

Statements True False

1. The music show will be held indoors.
2. Information of the text is about an event.
3. The message is for all students in the school.
4. Futu Hatur is one of the committees of the event.
9. Look at the picture!
This graph shows the number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia.

Source : JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data

Based on the picture above we know that …. (Hint: there are 2 answers)
A. The Covid case on 21st November is higher than the Covid case on 30th November.
B. The new case of Covid on 2nd December is higher than case on 28th November.
C. The Covid case on 12th December is as low as Covid case on 6th December.
D. The case on 13th December is the highest Covid case in Indonesia.

Read the text for question number 10.

I loved spicy food so much. Until one week ago, I got sick because of spicy food. When I was in my
lunch break, I ate my favourite meatball and I put too much sauce into my meatball.

After I finished my lunch, my stomach felt like it was on fire. It was very painful that I left school
early. I got fever and diarrhea for 3 days. After three days, I got better, and I promised not to eat too
much spicy food anymore.

10. According to the text, which statements are True or False? Give ✅ to each statement.

Statements True False

1. His likes to eat meatball.
2. The writer did not like spicy food.
3. After he got better, he would eat spicy food so much.
4. He got stomachache after ate spicy meatball in his lunch.

11. Tina : How long did you wait for Justin Bieber last night?
Widya : I waited for two hours _____ I could meet her.
The best word to complete the dialogue is …
A. in order not to C. because
B. in order to D. so that

Read the advertisement for questions number 12 to 13.

12. Which statement is correct based on the Advertisement?

A. Customers can choose the sauce
B. The chicken is marinated for a night
C. Every student can get free soft drink
D. Customers can do a reservation by phone

13. What is the meaning of “Basted”?

A. Covering the chicken with flour
B. To cook the chicken on the flame
C. Marinated the chicken with spices after cooking
D. To pour sauce over chicken while it is cooking

Read the text for questions number 14 to 16.

How to order GoFood
Use GoFood to order meals and get it delivered to your location. With GoFood, you can also book up
to 3 orders at a time.
Here are the steps to use GoFood:
● Click GoFood on Homepage
● Select the food you wish to order
● Select restaurant and add item
● Enter your address as a pickup location in ‘Your location’ section
● If you have any specific requirement for food, don't forget to write down in ‘Note’
● Total price will be shown in app, make sure to check it out
● Click ‘Order’ to book
Driver will contact you as soon as the order is received, please pick up the phone so the driver can
support promptly.
Currently, GoFood only supports using cash as a payment method, please pay the driver with cash
when receiving food.
14. What should the customer do if they want a specific requirement for the order?
A. Click ‘order’ C. Enter the address
B. Check it out D. Write down in note

15. According to the text, which following steps are correct about how to order food online?
(Hint: there are 2 answers)
A. Select restaurant and add the address
B. Choose the food that you want to order
C. Put your address in 'Your location' section
D. Check the total price after booking the food

16.According to the text, what will the driver do after receiving the order?
A. Contact the customer C. Pay them with cash
B. Go to the restaurant D. Book the order

Read the label for questions number 17 to 20.

17. What is the text telling us about?

A. The information of the food C. The benefit of the food
B. The materials of the food D. The usage of the food

18. From the text we know that the product must be … by one who has allergic
A. consumed C. removed
B. purchased D. avoided

19. What is the synonym of “broth”?

A. Juice C. Water
B. Soup D. Liquid

20. Based on the label, choose True or False for the following statements. Give ✅ to each statement.

Statements True False

1. The food is recommended for people who have allergies.
2. The chunks of bone might be found in the soup.
3. The food can be served for two people.
4. The broth is a vegan food.

21. Read the dialog carefully!

Santi : “Will you taste my pudding?”
Gita : “Sure”.
Santi : “How about its taste?”
Gita : “This pudding is sweeter than Rina’s pudding”.
Santi : “So, Rina’s pudding is more delicious than mine, right?”
Gita : “I don’t conclude like that. I think it depend on the taster. But, according to me,
your pudding is more delicious than mine.”
Santi : “Really?”
Gita : “Of course. If you say you can’t cook, so I am worse than you.”
Santi : “Hahaha, I don’t think so.”
The correct statements based on the text above are …. (Hint: there are 2 answers)
A. Gita said that Rina’s pudding is as sweet as Santi’s pudding.
B. Santi said that Rina’s pudding is more delicious than hers.
C. Santi said that Rina’s pudding is sweeter than hers.
D. Gita said that Santi is better than Gita at cooking.

22. I am going to Canada _____ forget my English.

What is the best word to complete the sentence above?
A. in order not to C. because
B. in order to D. so that

Read the text for questions number 23 to 24.

The Legend of Putri Karang Melenu
Once upon a time in Kampung Melanti, Hulu Dusun there lived a couple, the leader of Hulu
Dusun and his wife Babu Jaruma. One day, Hulu Dusun was struck by stormy rains for seven days. On
the seventh day they were running out of firewood. The leader decided to take parts of his house
ceiling woods for his firewood.
When the leader of Hulu Dusun cut the wood that he wanted to burn, a larva came out of the
wood. When the larva was taken by The Leader, the storm that lasted for seven days suddenly stopped.
The leader and his wife were amazed by that miracle. They decided to take care of the larva and
consider it as their child. Day by day, month by month, the larva was growing up very fast and became
a dragon.
One night, The Leader of Hulu Dusun met a beautiful princess in his dream. She was the
incarnation of the dragon. She said “My dear Father, don’t be afraid of me, I’m sorry if I scared the
people in Hulu Dusun. Make me a ladder so that I can come down and follow my incarnation
wherever it creeps.” The leader of Hulu Dusun and his wife Babu Jaruma fulfilled the request of the
When they followed the dragon, the dragon dived into the river. That river was suddenly frothing,
and, on the riverbanks, many beautiful flowers were blooming. The Leader of Hulu Dusun and wife
were just amazed and didn’t know what happened. They were frightened when they heard a baby cry
between the river froths.
Babu Jaruma told his husband to steer the boat to the direction of the baby cries. When they got
close, they saw a sparkling baby lying inside a gong. Suddenly the gong was carried by the dragon. As
it was getting higher there was an ox that also carried the dragon. That ox was standing on a stone.
The dragon and lembuswana drowned slowly, leaving the baby inside the gong. Babu Jaruma
swiftly took the gong and the baby and put them into the boat. They happily rowed back because they
finally had a baby. At night, Babu Jaruma dreamed of hearing a command that told her to name the
baby as Putri Karang Melenu and celebrate Erau (Traditional festival) along with Tijak Tanah
ceremony. Erau was held with great fun fare.
The people from all over the country gathered to attend and celebrate Erau at Hulu Dusun for forty
days. When Putri Karang Melenu reached adolescence, they arranged a Tijak Tanah ceremony. In that
ceremony a man and two buffaloes were sacrificed. The feet of the princess were stepped on the head
of the man and buffaloes that were sacrificed, then on a steel and a stone.
After Erau was finished, the daily life of Hulu Dusun went back to normal. The people returned to
their routines. Day by day Putri Karang Melenu has grown bigger, and her breast began to protrude,
signifying that the princess reached puberty. She finally became an adult and a very beautiful princess.

23. What did the leader of Hulu Dusun do on the seventh day of the storm?
A. He decided to take parts of his house ceiling woods for his firewood.
B. He found a larva coming out of the wood and took it home.
C. He decided to consider the larva as their child.
D. He cut and burnt the wood from his house.

24. Based on the text, what happened when the couple followed the dragon?
(Hint: there are 3 answers)
A. The dragon dived into the river.
B. The river was suddenly frothing.
C. The flower on the riverbanks was blossoming.
D. They heard a woman cried between the river froth.

Read the text for questions number 25 to 27.

Beluga Whale
The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale. Their distinctive color and
prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable. Unlike most other whales, the beluga has a very
flexible neck that enables it to nod and turn its head in all directions.

Belugas generally live together in small groups known as pods. They are social animals and
vocal communicators using a diversified language of clicks, whistles, and clangs. Belugas can also
copy a variety of other sounds. These whales are common in the Arctic Ocean's coastal waters, though
they are found in subarctic waters as well. Arctic belugas migrate southward in large herds when the
sea freezes over.
Belugas feed on fish, crustaceans, and worms. The whale is related to the tusked "unicorn"
whale known as the narwhal. The beluga is not related to the sturgeon of the same name, which has
been heavily fished for its famous caviar.

25. Which of the following statements that inform about the characteristic of Beluga whale?
(Hint: there are 3 answers)
A. It has a very flexible neck that enables it to nod and turn its head in all directions.
B. The beluga, or white whale, is one of the biggest species of whale.
C. It has prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable.
D. It has distinctive color.

26. The following animals are Beluga’s feed. They are ….

A. Fish, shrimp, and anchovy C. Fish, crustaceans, and worms
B. Crab, anchovy, and worms D. Crab, crustaceans, and plankton

27. Choose True or False for the following descriptions about Beluga whale. Give ✅ to each
Descriptions True False
1. Belugas cannot copy a variety of other sounds.
2. These whales are common in the Arctic Ocean's coastal water.
3. Belugas generally live together in small groups known as pods.
4. They communicate using a diversified language of clicks, whistles, and clangs.

28. Rita : I think the English test was easy.

Dian : I don’t think so.
From the dialogue, we can assume that ….
A. Dian accepts Rita’s opinion. C. Dian disagrees with Rita.
B. Dian has no idea about that. D. Dian agrees with Rita.

29. Paul : The sci-fi movie is very interesting.

Chris : I beg to differ. In my opinion, it’s a bit boring.
From the dialogue, we can assume that ….
A. Paul and Chris have different idea about the movie.
B. Paul and Chris have same opinion about the movie.
C. Chris asks something from Paul.
D. Paul is asking Chris’s opinion.

30. Make sure your bags are tagged … you can identify them later
A. in order not to C. to
B. in order to D. so

Read the text for questions number 31 to 34.

A school trip was scheduled for junior high students at the beginning of the year. It was arranged by
Students Association (OSIS) and Committee before the school ended.
At first, they planned to visit many attractive(1) tourism spots around Kutai Kartanegara, Samarinda,
and Balikpapan. But after Indonesian Government stating the latest news about OMICRON first
suspect In Indonesia, the plan was changed unpredictably.

After having discussion with the School Principal, OSIS finally decided to visit tourism spots around
Tenggarong as their destination. Those are Ladaya Park, Tuah Himba Museum, Mulawarman Museum
and Taman Pintar.
Finally, that day is coming. The students are informed about the schedule changed and they need to
prepare their belonging in one day before their trip.
Here’s the dialog among the student on the Bus
Bima : Friends! Attention, please!
Arga : What’s up?
Bima : Do you guys bring snacks and drinks? I forgot it!
(Everybody is checking their bags)
Tirta : Listen up!
Dino : What?
Tirta : I don’t bring snacks, too.
Arga : Argh! I changed my bag before leaving. I left my snacks!
Dino : I totally forgot about that. What should we do? We’re going to picnic without snacks and
Tirta : No way! That’s a bad idea! We should stop to buy something at least, what do you think?
Bima : Yes sure! I think we should find a minimarket.
Arga : Look at that! There is a minimarket. Let’s stop and buy some snacks.
Bima : OK. (Talking to the driver). Excuse me, Sir.
Driver : Yes?
Bima : Can we stop at that minimarket?
Driver : Sorry, I can’t stop there. It doesn’t have parking area. We can stop to the next one, but you
must get a permission from your teacher.
Arga : Alright, I’ll ask our teachers.
(Arga talk to his teacher and ask whether they are allowed to stop at the minimarket)
Adapted from
Karya Risky Guswindari

31. Who will likely buy snacks if the bus stops at the minimarket?
A. All students C. Arga and Dino
B. All passengers D. Tirta and Bima
32. Which of the statement is True or False based on the information on the text? Give ✅ to each
Statements True False
1. Ladaya Park is located in Tenggarong.
2. The students are informed a week before the trips.
3. Samarinda tourism was mentioned as their initial plan.
4. The Indonesian news released about OMICRON caused the schedule changed.

33. Match the statements to the characters based on given information on the text!
Statements Characters
1. Having discussion with OSIS and Committee A. OSIS and Committee
2. Checking their snacks and drinks B. Principal
3. Arranged the school trips C. Students
4. Talking to the driver D. Bima
E. Dino

34. Match the sentences to the correct expression!

Sentences Expressions
1. Listen up! A. Opinion
2. You must get a permission from your teacher. B. Ability
3. We should stop to buy something at least… C. Attention
4. I think we should find a minimarket. D. Suggestion
E. Obligation

Read the text for questions number 35 to 37.

Last week, my school had a study tour to Saung Angklung Mang Udjo in Bandung. We started
our journey very early in the morning. There are six buses to take our groups. We stopped in the rest
area before went directly toward Bandung.
When we arrived at Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, we were welcome by hot Sundanese drinks
known as Bandrek. It was very unique. After that, we went around the gallery that sells the Sundanese
handicrafts. We then walked to the hall, it was a rounded stage. Everybody sat anxiously.
The Angklung shows soon began with a performance of a large group of dancers and Angklung
players. Then, the master of ceremony introduced herself and offered the audience a short course to
play Angklung. She then taught the audience to play the Angklung, each rhythm. Soon after the
audience knew the basic sound, we all played popular songs together. The master ceremony spoke in
English too because there are foreigners among the visitors. At the end of the show, we were asked to
join the performing children to dance together.
We really enjoyed the performance of bamboo musical instruments combined with the wonderful
dances and nice master of ceremony. We were all very cheerful and refreshed after the show.

35. Match the paragraphs with the part of the text below.
Paragraph 1 A. Identification
Paragraph 2 B. Reorientation
Paragraph 3 C. Orientation
Paragraph 4 D. Event 1
E. Event 2
36. What did the students do at Saung Angklung Mang Udjo?
(Hint: there are 3 answers)
A. Drank Bandrek
B. Bought the souvenir
C. Danced with the children
D. Learned to play angklung

37. What did the writer feel after watching the performance?
A. Sad C. Happy
B. Bored D. Depressed

Read the Greeting Cards, identify the information in the table, for questions number 38 to 40.
This text is about greeting cards. The information provided here are example of greeting card,
purposes of greeting card and occasion related. There are some information connected each other.

1 To congratulate someone on a special day like Father’s Day and teachers’ day. a. Father’s Day
2 To celebrate a religious day b. Healthy
3 To wish someone to get well c. Graduation
4 To congratulate someone on his/her birthday d. Religious day
5 To show sympathy on someone’s loss e. Birthday

Taken from: Modul Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-10 Untuk Jenjang SMP

38. Today is Mother’s Day. Diana wants to express her gratitude for her mother. What kind of
greeting card will she make?
A. Greeting card (A), Purpose (1), Occasion (c)
B. Greeting card (C), Purpose (1), Occasion (a)
C. Greeting card (A), Purpose (4), Occasion (e)
D. Greeting card (C), Purpose (4), Occasion (d)

39. Safira is a fifteenth-year-old girl. She has many friends as other teenagers does. Now she is a
student at junior high school in Kutai Kartanegara. Today she has a friend who’s celebrating a
birthday party, but she is celebrating in the hospital because of her illness.
Which information on the greeting cards above that related to Safira’s story?
(Hint: there are 2 answers)
A. Greeting card (A), Purpose (4), Occasion (e)
B. Greeting card (B), Purpose (2), Occasion (d)
C. Greeting card (D), Purpose (3), Occasion (b)
D. Greeting card (C), Purpose (1), Occasion (a)

40. Match the words to the meaning!

Words Meaning
1. Congratulate A. to suggest that someone does something
2. Celebrate B. to behave in a way that allows people to know your feelings
3. Wish C. to tell someone that you are pleased about their success
4. Show D. to want something to happen
E. to do something enjoyable

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