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Words and phrases to write a happy scenario

a) Introduction

● The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly.

● The sunset was glorious, all rosy and salmon-pink

b) Describing People

● Puffy cheeks/ broad muscular shoulders/ cute button nose/ soft and sweet

voice/ with lovely curls/ long, soft and silky hair/ bright, sparkling eyes

c) Describing happiness

● Her heart was filled with overflowing joy.

● She felt surrounded by angels of joy.

● Her eyes twinkled with happiness.

● She was in high spirits.

d) Idioms

● On cloud nine

● Smack one’s lips

● Over the moon

● Have a whale of a time

● Lend a helping hand

● Greet someone with open arms

e) Proverbs

● A friend in need is a friend indeed

● Every cloud has a silver lining

● Make hay while the sun shines

● Many hands make light work

f) Similes

● As happy as a lark

● As joyful as a fly

● As faithful as a dog

● As gentle as a dove

● As graceful as a swan

● As sharp as a razor

● As bright as a button

● As brilliant as stars
Words and phrases to write a sad scenario

a) Introduction

The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across the

b) Describing sadness/pain in dialogue

● Sobbed

● Moaned

● Lamented

● An expression of acute agony on his face

c) Describing people

● Pale-looking

● Sunken cheeks

● Tremulous voice

● Unkempt hair

● Bloodshot eyes

● Dull, expressionless eyes

● Puffy eyes

d) Idioms
● Be on the rocks

● No laughing matter

● Down in the mouth

● Have the blues

● Get cold feet

● Lose heart

● Bury the hatchet

● Could never see eye to eye

e) Proverbs

● Beggars can’t be choosers

● Its no use crying over spilt milk

● Time and tide wait for no man

f) Similes

● As sad as night

● As mournful as the grave

● As timid as a rabbit

● As calm as death
Words and phrases to write an Exciting scenario

a) Introduction

● The morning was cold and wet with a brisk wind sweeping the rain across

the land

● Black, ominious clouds covered the sky and released a sudden shower

b) Describing excitement/ panic

● Screams and loud cries pierced the air

● Everybody was fleeing franctically

● Horrible screams filled the air

● The scene was chaotic

● The wails of the fire engines could be heard

c) Describing dialogue and exciting phrases

● Stuttered

● Gasped

● Raved

● Shrieked

● A wild shriek of rage

● A fearful peal of thunder

● I was paralysed with fear

● His eyes revolved in terror

● She felt a shiver go down her spine

● See red

● Hit the ceiling

● At the eleventh hour

● Keep a cool head

● Smelt a rat

● At each other’s throats

d) Describing people

● Full of pockmarks

● Bulbous nose

● A screeching voice

● Eyes as red as burning coals

e) Proverbs

● Alls well that ends well

● Out of the frying pan and into the fire

f) Similes
● As angry as a wasp

● As fierce as a lion

● As stubborn as a mule

● As dark as midnight

5/P6 Helping Phrases to create suspense

I was walking home from school when a large, black suitcase
caught my eye..

First Paragraph

● Sun beat down on me mercilessly

● Desperate for a cool shower and some lunch

● Took the shortcut through the deserted, shady park

● Something caught my eye

● Curiosity got the better of me

● Looked around but there was not a soul in sight

● I bent over and reached towards the suitcase when I felt someone grab

me from behind and shoved me in some bushes

Second paragraph

● When I recovered from the shock, I looked around me

● Several muscular men with stern faces

● Was sure that I was being kidnapped and was about to flee for my life


● CID badge, explained to me that they were on a sting operation

● The suitcase contained drugs

● Lying in wait, to ambush the drug smuggling ring

● My heart started to beat wildly in fear and excitement

Third Paragraph

● A few minutes later, a group of men walked casually up to the suitcase

● Unkempt, tattoos all over their bodies

● Looked terrifying

● A few of them had large parangs with them

● I froze in fear

● The leader of the gang picked up the suitcase

● The detectives leapt out of the bushes, rushed forward, shouting at them

to stop and drop their weapons

● Gangsters were not about to give up the fight

● Brandished their weapons and a fierce struggle took place

● Detectives overpowered them and handcuffed the men

● Emerged from my hiding place, legs trembling

● One of the detectives warned me not to tell many people about what had


Last Paragraph

● That night I could not sleep

● Learnt a valuable lesson

● Crime does not pay

● Mind my own business next time

Wild Cricket Match
By Vasco

Finally, the Blue Team Wins a Cricket Tournament for the First
Time in Five Years!

CHENNAI,19th March 2021 - On the 18th of March 2021, A

cricket tournament was organized in Omega School, Chennai.
The tournament was organized by the school authorities as part
of their annual sports event. There were four teams: Red, blue,
yellow and green. The blue team won the match defeating the
yellow team in the finals.

The first match was between red and blue teams. Team blue
quickly eliminated team red in an hour. In the second round, it
was team yellow against green. Team yellow eliminated team
green also in about an hour. In the final round, team blue versus
team yellow. After two hours, team blue eliminated team yellow
and won the tournament.

After the tournament, team blue's captain said, "It was a tough
match against the yellow team, but we won. I can't express how
I feel. Thank you all for supporting us."

The winners of team blue received a cash prize of 1000 rupees.

The authorities informed the next tournament will be conducted
on the same date next year. In the next tournament, there will
be an addition of three teams: Orange, pink and purple. "The
stadium will be much bigger than this, for the next
tournament," informed the authorities.

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