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Office of Graduate Studies
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Final Examination

Submitted by:

1. Project formulation is an important state in the pre-investment phase. It is taking a first look carefully or
critically at the project idea. It consists of stages. Explain each stage in project formulation. How is a
project proposal differentiated from a feasibility study? What are the different types of feasibility ? Explain
each type of feasibility?

1. Feasibility Analysis : This is very first stage in project formulation. It is done to evaluate the feasibility of
the project.
2. Techno-Economic Analysis : As the name indicates this analysis is concerned with the technology
selected and the economy of the project idea. In this step, estimation of project demand potential and the
choice of optimal technology is made.
3. Project Design and Network-Analysis : Project design is one of the most important and essential part of
the project formulation. This defines individual activities and their interrelationship with each other which
are being performed to constitute the whole project.
4. Input Analysis : Project is the combination of several activities required to convert an idea into a reality.
Each activity requires certain input to be complete successfully. Input analysis is primarily concerned with
the identification, quantification and evaluation of the inputs required during the construction and also
during the operation of the project.
5. Financial Analysis : Financial analysis mainly involves estimating the project costs, estimation of the
operating cost of project and the fund requirements. This analysis provides the feasibility report of any
project to the entrepreneur to make decision about the project.
6. Cost-Benefit Analysis : As we have read that entrepreneurs are like the back-bone of economic power of
any country. So their projects must provide some national interests. Under this analysis, estimation of
social costs and social benefits are made for the computation of social profitability of the project.
7. Pre-investment Appraisal : The results of all above defined analysis and steps i.e., the feasibility analysis,
the techno-economic analysis, the design and network analysis, the input analysis, financial analysis and
the social cost-benefit analysis are consolidated in this step to provide a final and formal shape to the
In a nutshell, a feasibility report explains why the project is worth doing while a project proposal asks for
permission to do it. Therefore, many project proposals are backed up a feasibility report.

Types of Feasibility:
Technical Feasibility study of a project analyzes and evaluates its present resources, including
equipment, programming, and necessary innovation.
Operational Feasibility study examines how well a product will satisfy needs and how simply it will be
used and maintained after implementation.
The economic market feasibility study examines the project's expense and value. This implies that a
thorough analysis is done to determine the program's development costs, including the cost of the
design process and operating costs.
The project is examined from a legal standpoint in examining Legal Feasibility. It evaluates project
implementation legal obstacles such as privacy laws or social networking regulations, business
Office of Graduate Studies
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
5007 Philippines
Contact No. (+63) 917-624-6100
Email: /

certificates, licenses, trademarks, etc. Ultimately, it can be argued that a legal feasibility study is an
investigation to determine whether a project proposal complies with the law and ethical guidelines.
A scheduling feasibility study's primary focus is the project proposal's schedules and due dates. This
assessment involves how long it will take team members to finish the project.

2. Project life cycle consists of various phases. What are the phases? Discuss thoroughly. What is the
significance of the project life cycle? Draw up the diagram of the project life cycle.

Initiation Phase

During the first of these phases, the initiation phase, the project objective or need is identified; this can be
a business problem or opportunity. An appropriate response to the need is documented in a business case
with recommended solution options. A feasibility study is conducted to investigate whether each option
addresses the project objective and a final recommended solution is determined. Issues of feasibility (“can
we do the project?”) and justification (“should we do the project?”) are addressed.

Planning Phase

The next phase, the planning phase, is where the project solution is further developed in as much detail as
possible and the steps necessary to meet the project’s objective are planned. In this step, the team
identifies all of the work to be done. The project’s tasks and resource requirements are identified, along
with the strategy for producing them. This is also referred to as “scope management.” A project plan is
created outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies, and time frames. The project manager coordinates
the preparation of a project budget by providing cost estimates for the labor, equipment, and materials
costs. The budget is used to monitor and control cost expenditures during project implementation.

Implementation (Execution) Phase

During the third phase, the implementation phase, the project plan is put into motion and the work of the
project is performed. It is important to maintain control and communicate as needed during
implementation. Progress is continuously monitored and appropriate adjustments are made and recorded
as variances from the original plan. In any project, a project manager spends most of the time in this step.
During project implementation, people are carrying out the tasks, and progress information is being
reported through regular team meetings. The project manager uses this information to maintain control
over the direction of the project by comparing the progress reports with the project plan to measure the
performance of the project activities and take corrective action as needed. The first course of action
should always be to bring the project back on course (i.e., to return it to the original plan). If that cannot
happen, the team should record variations from the original plan and record and publish modifications to
the plan. Throughout this step, project sponsors and other key stakeholders should be kept informed of
the project’s status according to the agreed-on frequency and format of communication. The plan should
be updated and published on a regular basis.
Office of Graduate Studies
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
5007 Philippines
Contact No. (+63) 917-624-6100
Email: /

Closing Phase

During the final closure, or completion phase, the emphasis is on releasing the final deliverable to the
customer, handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing
project resources, and communicating the closure of the project to all stakeholders. The last remaining
step is to conduct lessons-learned studies to examine what went well and what didn’t. Through this type
of analysis, the wisdom of experience is transferred back to the project organization, which will help
future project teams.

Project Life Cycle

3. Prepare a simple project proposal requesting funding from any government agency or funding
I. Title: Proposal for the 2023 Philippine Heart Month Celebration

II. Date: February 2023

IV. Amount: Php 7,000.00

V. Rationale:

Heart disease and non-communicable diseases in general remains to be one of the leading causes of
mortality and morbidity in the Philippines. Heart disease comes in all shapes and sizes, and it can hit every
gender, race, and age.
Office of Graduate Studies
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
5007 Philippines
Contact No. (+63) 917-624-6100
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One of the keys in combating heart disease is thru health education, advocacy and spreading of
awareness. Knowing what to avoid, what to look for, and where to get help are the first steps in keeping
your heart healthy for the long-term.

February is celebrated as the Philippine Heart Month. This celebration aims to bring awareness on the
prevention of heart diseases. This year, the Public Health Unit in collaboration with the Program on
Preventive Cardiology, aims to spread awareness in keeping our heart healthy among the staff of Western
Visayas Medical Center thru a social media engagement activity and virtual lecture: “The WVMC 5-day
Healthy Heart Challenge”. This proposed activity shall encourage active participation among the WVMC
Staff, and aims to spread awareness on heart health in a social media platform commonly used in the
Philippines (ie: Facebook), and in effect, enjoin participants to become staunch advocates of health.

VI. Program Design:

Date Activity In-Charge

Feb 13, 2023 Heart Month Celebration Launching and

presentation of Upcoming activities
Feb 13-Feb 17 Social Media Engagement Activity: “The PHU and Preventive cardiology program
WVMC 5-day Healthy Heart Challenge”

Day1: Eat Healthy

• Social Media Posting Thread on
Healthy Diet

Day2: Get up and Move

• Social Media Posting Thread on
Exercise and physical activity

Day3: Know your Numbers: BONUS

Day4: De-stress your heart

• Social Media Posting Thread on
Recreation or you can share
your favorite, wholesome joke

Day5: Educate yourself (culminating

Office of Graduate Studies
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
5007 Philippines
Contact No. (+63) 917-624-6100
Email: /

• Virtual lecture: Healthy Heart
for all
• Announcement of challenge
• Raffle!
VII. Resources needed:

Snacks 20 pax (75.00 Php/pax) Php 1500.00

Token for challenge winners: 50 pcs (110.00 Php/pc) Php 5, 500.00


TOTAL Php 7,000.00

Success Indicators:
-Increased enrolment in the healthy lifestyle program
-Increased census in the number of WVMC Staff availing CVD Risk Assessment and medical intervention as
Prepared by:



4. “Superior project management is the use of the right processes by the right people”. What are the
critical success factors of project management? Explain each success factor. Cite a project implemented by
your office/organization/LGU which you may consider to have been successfully implemented and
managed. Discuss its success factors.

The Malasakit Center is a project implemented in Western Visayas Medical Center (WVMC) under Republic
Act 11463 that aims to provide financial assistance and medical support to patients who are in need. The
success of implementing the Malasakit Center project in WVMC can be attributed to several factors:

• Strong Political Will: The Malasakit Center in WVMC was spearheaded by Dr. Joseph Dean Nicolo,
who made it a priority to provide accessible and affordable healthcare to all patients of WVMC. The
strong political will of the hospital’s administration has helped ensure the program's successful
implementation and sustainability.

• Partnership and Collaboration: The Malasakit Center project is a collaborative effort of several
government agencies, including the Department of Health, Department of Social Welfare and
Development, Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office, and Philippine Health Insurance Corporation.
These agencies work together to provide the necessary resources and support for the program.
Office of Graduate Studies
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo
5007 Philippines
Contact No. (+63) 917-624-6100
Email: /

• Simplified Process: The Malasakit Center project in WVMC is simplifying the process of availing
financial assistance and medical support. The program has streamlined the requirements and
procedures for patients to apply for assistance via flowcharts and queuing system, which makes it
easier for them to receive the help they need.
• Accessibility: The Malasakit Center project was established in a strategic location, making it more
accessible for patients to avail of financial assistance and medical support. Patients near or in the
city can easily avail of their medical and financial support.
• Transparency and Accountability: The Malasakit Center project in WVMC has implemented
measures to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of funds. Regular audits and reports
are conducted to ensure that the funds are used appropriately and for the benefit of the patients.

The success of implementing the Malasakit Center program can be attributed to a combination of factors,
including strong political will, partnership and collaboration, simplified processes, accessibility, and
transparency and accountability.

5. Cite a project which is being implemented by your organization/agency. How do you evaluate its project
implementation? Is it successfully implemented? If yes, cite the facilitating factors or success factors. In
case of failure, identify the hindering factors which contribute to the project failure. How do you address
these hindering factors?

One program I’ve seen that is poorly implemented in the WVMC is the Expanded Program on
Immunization (EPI) among children 2 yrs old and below. I identified the following factors that affected the
poor implementation of this program:

1. Lack of leadership: the EPI program has no direct point person who takes charge in the
implementation of this program. The minimum is implemented (which is the basic BCG shot and
the Hepa B shot that was given upon birth), but the complete immunization package is currently
not offered.
2. Logistics: we rely on the immunization provided by the regional office, so sometimes the vaccine
on hand is lacking. One issue is no permanent point person was identified to mobilize the program
who will monitor the needed resources.
3. Accessibility: Infrastructure is an encompassing issue in WVMC; specific to this program, there’s
no area dedicated for this program that is conducive for delivering such services.
4. Process standards: there was no written policy that supports the implementation of this program,
the management only settled with the rationale that this is a licensing requirement and
implements the minimum.

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