Tipple, Jackson - Imaginative Response Rationale

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Imaginative Response Rationale

The purpose of this task is to clearly articulate your reasoning behind the story you plan to write as the
secondary character you have selected. The left hand column has a number of prompts for you to
consider as you move from the pre-plan notes to creating a more detailed plan for your response.

Use full sentences to create a single paragraph responding to the prompts. A rationale should reflect
that you have given your story idea sufficient thought before committing to writing a draft.

Gaps and silences: Because not much in-depth info is given in the novel about tom’s
Explain why you believe the character backstory and time in Vietnam. This is to uncover more about how
Tom became so mysterious, reclusive, and taciturn
you picked needs to have their
perspective developed further; what
is a specific uncertainty or unknown
aspect of their involvement in the
novel you’d like to develop?

Setting – time and place:

South Vietnam, 1956 (sometime), 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian
Describe the ‘when and where’ of the
Regiment Forward Operating Base.
story you plan to write; what is
It is around where Tom would have been operating during the
significant or meaningful about the Vietnam War.
location and timing of where you
story takes place? How does this
relate to the overall plot of the film?

What aspect/s of your chosen
Tom becoming on-edge and apprehensive about the extra mission
character’s personality and character that his unit has been assigned to. Include his subconscious thoughts
development are you aiming to to show him developing a hatred towards the HQ and commanders
elaborate on? How do you intend to who are making their unit go on one more risky mission before going
give a deeper insight into the home.
character on an It gives insight into Tom’s anxiety and how he eventually develops
emotional/psychological level? PTSD.

What is the overall sequence of your The story will take place within about a couple of hours or less as the
story going to involve? What is the commander informs their platoon about the unexpected additional
dilemma your character will focus on mission they are being given.
and why do you think this is going to Dilemma: Tom has a bad feeling about the mission.
be an engaging complication? He starts an argument with the leaders. They disregard his worries.
Tom continues feeling anxious about the mission but is pressured into
He eventually comes to terms with the mission and doesn’t feel *as*
bad about going.

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