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CRDI312 grammar, punctuation, formatting errors,

TECHNICAL completeness, consistency and correctness.

Memorandum or memo is a brief and
WEEK 7 informal document that communicates
STYLE AND FORMAT OF information, updates, requests or
WRITING REPORT recommendations within an organization.
OR MEMORANDUM How to write a memo
•consider your audience and purpose.
Report is a formal and detailed document that
•write a clear and concise subject line, and use
presents the results, findings or conclusions
a standard format.
of an investigation, research or analysis.
How to write a report How to write a memo
•define the scope and objectives, considering •the body of the memo should be organized
what you want to achieve with the report and into paragraphs or sections with headings,
the questions you want to answer. bullet points or numbered lists.
•use a polite and professional tone when
How to write a report
writing and remember to proofread and edit
•conduct research and analysis by gathering
your memo for accuracy.
data from reliable sources and using
appropriate methods and tools to analyze How to write a memo
them. •ensure that the language used is positive and
•craft a descriptive and informative title with respectful, avoiding slang, jargon or
keywords that indicate the main topic and abbreviations that may confuse your readers.
scope of the report. •double check for any errors in spelling,
grammar, punctuation and formatting.
How to write a report
•use a standard report structure with elements Reports Memos
such as an executive summary, written for external audiences written for internal
introduction, body, conclusion and audiences
references. present the results, findings, or
•organize the body into sections and conclusions of an investigation,
subsections with headings, subheadings and research or analysis
labels to structure the report and guide your typically used to inform, update,
reader. request or recommend something
have a standard structure with a
How to write a report
title and several sections
•be sure to use evidence, examples and
have a simple format with a subject
citations to support your claims and
line and body
use formal and objective language
•use transitions and connectors to link your
that is technical and descriptive
ideas together in a coherent narrative.
use polite and professional language
•use a formal and objective tone without
that is simple and direct
personal opinions or emotions that may
maybe longer with appendices or
undermine your credibility.
attachments usually one or two pages long
How to write a report
Types of Reports
•use technical terms only if you define them for
1. Formal or Informal Reports
an audience familiar with them otherwise
•Formal reports are carefully structured,
use passive voice and third person to
detailed and written in a style that eliminate
maintain a professional distance.
such elements as personal pronouns.
•proofread and edit your report for spelling,
•Informal reports are usually short messages WEEK 8
with natural and casual use of language such MECHANICS OF
as the internal memorandum. WRITING OFFICE
Types of Reports
2. Short or Long Reports Memorandum
•This is a confusing classification. A one-page •a written document businesses use to
memorandum is obviously short, and a communicate an announcement or
twenty page report is clearly long. notification.
•As a report becomes longer or what you •a written report that is prepared for a person or
determine as long, it takes on more committee in order to provide them with
characteristics of formal reports. information about a particular matter.
•have no salutation line and no signature area
Types of Reports
at the end.
3. Informational or Analytical Reports
•Informational reports carry objective Types Of Memos
information from one area of an organization 1. Request Memo
to another such as annual reports. •to gain a favorable response to a request.
•Analytical reports present attempts to solve •use persuasive language because the end
problems such as scientific research and goal is to convince others.
feasibility reports. 2. Confirmation Memo
•to confirm in writing something that has been
Types of Reports
agreed to verbally.
4. Proposal Report
•Proposal reports are documents prepared Types Of Memos
to describe how one organization can •situations that need agreement between two
meet the needs of another. or more parties.
5. Periodic Reports 3. Ideas and Suggestion Memo
•Periodic reports are issued on regularly •to find efficient solutions to problems.
scheduled dates and directed upward and •encourage group discussions and
serves as a management control. brainstorming sessions.

Types of Reports Types Of Memos

6. Vertical or Lateral Reports 4. Periodic Report Memo
•This classification refers to the direction a •submitted at regular intervals such as monthly
report travels. cost control reports, quarterly sales reports
•Vertical Reports move upward or downward •designed and preprinted so that the writer can
and contribute to management control. complete them quickly.
•Lateral reports assist in coordination in the
Types Of Memos
organization and travel between units of
5. Informal Study Memo
the same organization level.
•usually submitted by organizational personnel
Types of Reports who are asked to write the results of an
7. Internal or External Reports informal study.
•Internal reports travel within the organization. •the objective of the message is to present the
•External reports such as annual reports of information in an easy-to-read and
companies, are prepared for distribution understandable form.
outside the organization.
Purpose of Memorandum
8. Functional Reports
•convey information
•Includes accounting , marketing, financial and
•revert to an inquiry
a variety of other reports.
•seek explanation
•offer suggestions •carries orders, instructions, policies and
•give instructions information from superiors to subordinates.
•confirm arrangements following a discussion
Movement of Memo
•amend existing policies
2. Upward Vertical Memo from Bottom to
•make inquiry
Top (Report)
Importance of Memorandum •used by junior-level or mid-level employees to
•to communicate something of immediate communicate with their respective
importance to people within a business or managers or leaders.
organization. •subordinates convey their suggestions,
•to have an efficient way of communication recommendations, requests, responses,
which is used to keep employees informed reports, problems etc. to their superiors.
on the latest happenings or to bring attention
Movement of Memo
and solve problems.
3. Horizontal
Advantages of Memorandum •used for communication between employees
•a simplified form of communication or coworkers at the same level of seniority
•it helps in determining responsibility within an organization.
•acts as a permanent record of anything
communicated through memos.
Parts of a Memorandum OFFICIAL LETTERS AND
•Header - gives basic information about the PERSONAL LETTERS
recipient, sender, subject and date.
Business letter
•Introduction - explains the context and
•a professional, formal letter that is sent by one
informs recipients about the purpose of the
company to another.
•can be used for professional correspondence
•Body - explains and elaborates on the
between business clients, employees,
purpose of the memo by giving details and
stakeholders as well as individuals.
Official letter
Parts of a Memorandum
•also known as a formal letter
•Conclusion - wraps up the memo with a call
•a document professionally written for another
to action or a final reminder or a rationale.
company or business professional.
•Necessary attachments - particularly
•can be used when applying for jobs, issuing a
documents that support, clarify or require
complaint, expressing interest in a job
action on the part of the recipient..
position or thanking someone.
Format of a Memorandum
Personal letter
Format of a Memorandum •a type of letter (or informal composition) that
usually concerns personal matters (rather
than professional concerns)
•sent from one individual to another.
•longer than a dashed-off note or invitation and
is often handwritten and sent through the
Movement of Memo mail.
1. Downward Vertical Memo from Top to
Types of Business Letters
Bottom (Directive)
1. Cover letter
•travel from senior management to their teams
•a business letter typically sent with your
and down the chain of command at the
resume when applying to a job.
•while not all employers require a cover letter, it unhappy with a service or product.
is a great opportunity to explain your 10. Apology letters
professional experience, qualifications and •acknowledges a mistake, expresses regret
interest in the company and job. and asks for forgiveness or patience.
•create a formal record of admission to and
Types of Business Letters
attempting to rectify a mistake or failure.
2. Letter of recommendation
•written on behalf of another professional to Types of Business Letters
verify their qualifications and work ethic. 11. Office memorandum
•can strengthen an application for employment, •a short formal document used for
higher education or another professional communication between the business and its
opportunity. employees.
12. Welcome letter
Types of Business Letters
•a formal way of introducing a company or
3. Interview follow-up letter
employee and provides basic information to
•sent after being interviewed for an open
the recipient.
position to demonstrate interest in the job
further. Types of Business Letters
4. Offer letter 13. Request letter
•an official offer of employment that describes •to formally ask for something in the workplace
the specific terms of the position. which can also be a beneficial way to
acquire specific information.
Types of Business Letters
14. Announcement letter
5. Sales letter
•sent out to employees and stakeholders to
•to introduce a service or product to a client or
declare something of note for the company,
such as a change of policy or a merger.
•sales professionals often use these letters
when making new contacts with prospective Types of Business Letters
buyers or strengthening relationships with 15. Termination letter
longtime clients. •a respectful yet effective way to dismiss an
employee from their current job.
Types of Business Letters
•also called a "letter of separation," "a notice of
6. Letter of commendation
termination of employment" or "contract
•a form of employee appreciation to
termination letter."
congratulate an employee for a job well
done. How to Write a Business Letter
7. Letter of resignation Step 1: Date
•informs the employer of one’s intent to resign. •Rather than abbreviating with numbers, write
•many organizations prefer to have an official the entire date.
letter for documentation purposes. •Example: October 20, 2016 (American)
20 October 2016 (English)
Types of Business Letters
Step 2: Recipient or Inside Address
8. Thank you letter
•Write the recipient’s name, their title
•an important way to let colleagues, employers,
(Ms./Mrs./Mr./Dr.) and their address.
vendors or other business contacts know
how their time or efforts are valued. •Make sure you’re as specific as possible so
•builds rapport with the recipient and that it reaches the right destination.
communicate your intentions for the future •If you don’t know the person’s name, a little
research won’t harm you. Call the company
Types of Business Letters
or speak to the employees of the company
9. Complaint letter
to find out the name.
•sent by consumers to businesses when they’re
•Example: •Make sure that you skip at least four lines so
Mr. Mike Brown that there’s enough room for your signature.
Executive Director After that, type out the name that has to be
XYZ, Inc. signed.
602 Melrose Avenue •Example :
Los Angeles, California 90038 Your signature
Typed full name
Step 3: The Salutation
•A salutation isn’t just a simple greeting, it’s an
indicator of respect. You can choose the Step 7: Enclosures (If applicable)
salutation based on how well you know the •If you plan to send anything along with your
person and the context of your letter. business letter, you can indicate this simply
•If you know the person you’re sending the by writing Enclosures after the signature.
letter to, and you address them with their first •Consider it the print version of “please find
name, it’s okay to use their first name in the attached” for emails.
salutation.(For example, Dear Mike) •If you have included many documents, make a
list that tells the recipient what he needs to
•If you don’t know someone, always use the
look for in the envelope.
personal title and their last name.
•If you are not sure of someone’s gender, you WEEK 11
can use their full name. (For example, Dear LAW ENFORCEMENT
Taylor Brown) AGENCIES
•If you don’t know specifically whom you’re CORRESPONDENCE
sending the letter to, use “to whom it may
Characteristics of Police Correspondence
concern.” Whatever the situation is, make
sure that you end the salutation with a colon,
•No error, fault, mistake, or departure from
not a comma.
Step 4: The Body •The correspondence should be thoroughly
•The body should contain a few (mostly three) edited.
concise paragraphs, each with a clear purpose.
Characteristics of Police Correspondence
•If you want your reader to get the best possible
2. Conciseness
impression, keep your message crystal-clear.
•Brief or limited in words.
•In the opening paragraph, introduce yourself and
•Concision (brief) does not mean deleting
clarify the point of your letter. You can also
words that count and make your statements
mention mutual connections here, in case the
brusque (rough in manner).
recipient doesn’t know who you are.
•Brevity means using necessary words only as
•In the closing paragraph, briefly summarize your you retain the natural tone of your
points, restate the letter’s purpose and tell sentences.
your planned course of action.
Characteristics of Police Correspondence
Step 5: Complimentary Closing
•This is a short remark that marks the end of your
•redundancies (unnecessary, repetitious) and
letter. You’ve got a lot of options here but
superfluous (more than is needed,
choose the one that reflects the formality of
desired, or required) words.
your relationship.
•gobbledygook or meaningless and non
•Recommended formal closings include “Yours
sense words that complicate the message
Truly” or “Respectfully” or “Sincerely”.
and makes it less understandable or
Step 6: Signature readable to the receiver.
•Below the complimentary close, sign the letter.
Characteristics of Police Correspondence purpose.
•Avoid •Modern writing requires us to refrain from
•misleading euphemisms or use euphemisms using terms that discriminate or show biases
sparingly (expressions aimed at in the treatment of males and females.
politeness or at making unpleasant subjects
Characteristics of Police Correspondence
seem less offensive) such as meet our
7. Accuracy
Creator (dying), policy of disinformation
•Neutral terms should be used to manifest,
(lying to the public) or conflicts and
fairness and equality between sexes such as
collateral damage ( wars and civilian
businessperson instead of businessman,
artificial or synthetic (man- made), workforce
Characteristics of Police Correspondence (manpower).
Tones of Memorandum
•weak phrases such as wealthy business
1. Memorandum For
person (tycoon), business prosperity
•used by a subordinate official in
(boom), carrying a child (pregnant)
communicating to a superior on matters which
•generality such as traveled in another
are recommendatory/advisory or informative
country instead of traveled in Japan
in nature.
(specific), my better-half (my husband; my
•tone must be formal.
•if used for officials of equal positions, the tone
Characteristics of Police Correspondence may be personal.
3. Completeness
Tones of Memorandum
•This means perfection, fullness or sufficiency
2. Memorandum To
of the correspondence as regards to
•used by a superior or higher office/position to
information and parts.
a subordinate office/position.
4. Courtesy
•used to issue administrative instructions that
•This is akin to acts or expressions that
requires compliance by or information of the
manifest politeness, civility, urbanity,
majority or all of the subordinate offices or
considerateness and respectfulness.
personnel in the same office/unit.
Characteristics of Police Correspondence •the tone is impersonal.
5. Visual appeal
Guidelines in Memorandum
•Any written communication should be
•In order to conform with the civilian character
attractive, has visual impact and generally
of the PNP, BJMP, and BFP the “subject-to-
looking good but not multicolored.
letter format” which is the standard military
•Format, spacing, margin and indention are
type of communication should not be used
matters to be carefully visualized.
anymore in all correspondence and instead
Characteristics of Police Correspondence be replaced with the “Memorandum” format
6. Tonal appeal which is the standard and acceptable type
•Statements may exude tense, hostility, among civilian offices.
artificiality, friendliness, naturalness or
Guidelines in Memorandum
sincerity of the communicator.
•As per Letter Directive No. 95-09-26 DHRDD,
•There are no substitutes for simplicity, straight
PNP-NHQ dated October 27,1995, the use
forward, modern and readers words and
of Memoranda and Memorandum from the
DHRDD Director dated February 11,1998, is
Characteristics of Police Correspondence limited to the preparation of decision papers,
7. Accuracy proposals, reports, requests and replies to
•Use the words that exactly serve your queries.
Guidelines in Memorandum
•For distinction however, memorandum shall be
used between offices within the PNP, BJMP
and BFP only.
•Letters shall be used for communications
intended for offices outside the PNP, BJMP
and BFP.

Guidelines in Memorandum
•Memorandums shall be numbered
consecutively by calendar years. The first two
digits shall represent the last two digits of the
calendar years when the issuance was
prepared and the number after the hyphen
shall represent the serial number of the
specific issuance.

Guidelines in Memorandum
•The last two digits shall be immediately below
the last letter of the issuance category or
type, as:

Guidelines in Memorandum
•Punctuations shall be used in accordance with
grammatical principles pertaining thereto.
•Prescribed formats shall be strictly followed in
the preparation of letter and memoranda.
•In the absence of institutional rules, rules of
technical writing shall prevail.

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