CRIM312 Prelims (Dispute Etc)

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CRIM312 agreement to bring about a settlement of their dispute

DISPUTE RESOLUTION through consensus or by using of the

AND CRISES/INCIDENT MANAGEMENT PRELIMS similar techniques which is persuasive.
• an alternative out-of-court dispute resolution
Principles and Philosophies of: Arbitration
•more formal and can look more like litigation.
•Parties submit their dispute to an arbitrator
who renders a decision following the process.
Dispute Resolution •They can agree to arbitrate before or after a
•a process for resolving differences between conflict occurs.
two or more parties or groups.
Principles and Philosophies of:
•a number of processes that can be used
to resolve a conflict, dispute or claim.
•They have the freedom to set the rules of
•used interchangeably with conflict resolution,
arbitration, which can be much more flexible
although conflicts are generally more deep-
than formal civil procedure required in court.
rooted and lengthy than disputes.
•can help parties save time and expense
Dispute Resolution associated with litigation.
• alternatives to having a court decide the dispute in a
Principles and Philosophies of: Negotiation
trial or other institutions decide the
•usually the first approach to take before
resolution of the case or contract.
resorting to other ADR methods.
• can be used to resolve any type of dispute
•more informal and affords the parties flexibility.
including family, neighborhood, employment,
•parties identify an issue and meet to fix it
business, housing, personal injury, consumer, and
wherein they control the process and the
environmental disputes.
• a way of resolving a conflict or dispute, often without
•the first stage in a potential ADR process.
needing to go to court.
Principles and Philosophies of: Mediation
The process of dispute resolution is also
•a type of assisted negotiation.
known as alternative dispute resolution,
•parties obtain the help of a neutral third party
appropriate dispute resolution or ADR. The
(the mediator) to help them resolve the
process can be used to attempt the
resolution of most business disputes
•can be informal, where the mediator is a
without parties needing to attend court.
friend, family member or trusted advisor.
Principles and Philosophies of: Conciliation
Principles and Philosophies of: Mediation
• the settling the disputes without litigations.
•can also be formal, where the parties hire a
• a process in which independent person or persons are
professional, neutral third party.
appointed by the parties with mutual consent by
•Formal mediators are trained in negotiations and help
agreement to bring about a settlement of their dispute
parties solve the issue to satisfy both sides.
through consensus or by using of the similar techniques
•In either case, the purpose of a mediator is not to
which is persuasive.
decide whether a party is wrong or right but to help the
• an alternative out-of-court dispute resolution
parties find a mutually acceptable resolution.
Principles and Philosophies of:
Principles and Philosophies of: Conciliation
Court-Annexed Mediation (CAM)
• the settling the disputes without litigations.
•a voluntary process conducted under the
• a process in which independent person or persons are
auspices of the court by referring the parties to
appointed by the parties with mutual consent by
the Philippine Mediation Center (PMC) Unit
for the settlement of their dispute, assisted by anybody that tarnishes the rights of somebody in
a Mediator accredited by the Supreme Court. order to determine what is due to be awarded
to the affected person.
Principles and Philosophies of:
Court-Annexed Mediation (CAM) Objectives to responses in law breaking
•If annexed mediation fails, the mediator shall •Behavioral control can be in a form of
immediately issue a certificate of failed mediation deterrence and incapacitation through
returning it to the court for further proceedings. The incarceration or confinement which is a punitive
court then, shall upon receipt of the notice of failure, means.
set the case for resumption of pre-trial, and thereafter, •Justice Restoration can be done in a form
try and decide the case on its merits. of meting out the punishment which is
retributive or it can also be in a form of
Other Modes of Dispute Resolution Judicial Mediation
constructive through restorative justice.
•a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
•brings the disputants together for a mediation RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
at a personal preliminary hearing before a VERSUS RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE
trained sitting judge who stays neutral and
Restorative Justice Retributive Justice
endeavors to administer the parties in
Emphasizes repairing harm caused by
resolving their disputes.
the offense and restoring relationships
Other Modes of Dispute Resolution between the offender, victim, and
Judicial Mediation community.
•Judicial Dispute Resolution is a process whereby the Centers on punishing the offender as a
judge (called the JDR Judge) employs conciliation, form of retribution for their wrongdoing.
mediation or early neutral Promotes rehabilitation and reintegration of the
evaluation in order to settle a case at the pre- trial offender into society. Seeks to establish a sense of
stage. In the event the JDR fails, then another judge justice through punishment proportional to the severity
(called the trial judge) shall proceed to hear and decide of the crime.
the case. Involves dialogue and negotiation
between the victim and offender,
Other Modes of Dispute Resolution Litigation
facilitated by a mediator. Encourages
•the process of resolving rights-based disputes
accountability and understanding.
through the court system, from filing a law suit,
Involves legal proceedings where guilt is
courtroom trial and appeal.
determined, followed by imposition of a
•the process of taking legal action to resolve
punishment, such as imprisonment or
disputes before a court of law.
•can apply to any situation where parties seek
Typically involves restitution, community
legal remedies from a court.
service, or other measures aimed at
WEEK 3 repairing the harm done.
The severity is often based on the nature
THE PRINCIPLES OF THE and gravity of the offense, with the aim
TWO PSYCHOLOGICAL of balancing the scales of justice.
CONCEPTIONS OF Strives for reconciliation and healing,
JUSTICE aiming to prevent future offenses by
Justice refers to the giving what is due to addressing underlying issues.
anybody, preservation and respecting the Emphasizes deterrence and societal
rights accorded to anybody. order, assuming that punishment serves
Justice System are processes and procedures as a deterrent to potential offenders.
to be observed in the verification and Similarities
investigation of any untoward act committed by •Both restorative and retributive justice operate
within the broader criminal justice system. Procedural Justice - Fair and
•Both approaches aim to hold individuals impartial legal procedures
accountable for their actions.
Core Values of Restorative Justice
•Both seek to contribute to maintaining social
order and preventing future criminal
Apology - either written or oral, recognizing
responsibility and not
Differences seeing oneself as a victim and realizing and
Restorative Justice Retributive Justice acknowledging the
Focuses on repairing harm, restoring harm suffered by the victim.
relationships, and promoting Reintegration – earning his or her place back in the
rehabilitation through dialogue. community
Emphasizes punishment as retribution, particularly through the action plan developed under
seeking proportional consequences the healing the
through legal proceedings. harm process.
Involves active participation of the Victim
offender, victim, and sometimes the Harm – assessing what harm was done, developing a
community to address harm. case plan to
Imposes punitive measures such as repair the harm and creating an action plan for those
imprisonment or fines to satisfy the responsible
need for justice. for healing and repairing the harm.
Focuses on repairing harm, restoring Forgiveness – the opportunity is extended for the victim
relationships, and promoting to accept
rehabilitation through dialogue. an apology from the offender and to extend
Primarily concerned with deterrence, forgiveness.
retribution, and societal justice. Community Relationship – healing broken relationships
Emphasizes non-traditional sanctions and creating new ones.
like restitution, community service, or
Key Values of Restorative Justice
Value Effect Elements
Often follows standardized legal
penalties, with less room for
create opportunities for victims,
offenders and community members
Types who want to do so to meet to
Restorative Justice Retributive Justice discuss the crime and its aftermath
Distributive Justice - Fair meeting, narrative, emotion,
distribution of resources and understanding and agreement.
benefits to repair harm. Amends expect offenders to take steps to
Retributive Justice - Punishment repair the harm they have caused
as a response to wrongdoing. apology, changed behavior, restitution
Corrective Justice - Addressing and generosity
imbalances through restitution Reintegration
and rehabilitation. seeks to restore victims and
Compensatory Justice - Seeking offenders as a whole, contributing
compensation for victims through members of society
punitive measures. acknowledging human dignity and
Social Justice - Fostering worth, providing material assistance
community involvement and and offering moral and spiritual direction
healing. Inclusion provide opportunities for parties
with a stake in a specific crime to
participate in its resolution invitations, regulations of a society, the scales of justice becomes
acknowledgement that the person invited has unique imbalance and in order to restore balance, sanctions
interest and recognition that he or she might want to against the individual violator should
try alternative approaches be enforced, this will restore the balance of the scale.
Punishment is considered necessary and sufficient for
the restitution of justice
UNDERSTANDING JUSTICE The psychological conceptions of Justice.........
Justice is the demand for a particular kind of order, or
for a system of order, and order is implemented in a
• Retributive Justice: When a person violates a law or
system of laws. The laws themselves establish a
the rules and regulations of a society, the scales of
particular morality. The morality follows from a theory
justice becomes imbalance and in order to restore
of ethics and when codified, is enforced by the state.
balance, sanctions against the individual violator should
Morality is the essence of society. Moralities however
be enforced, this will restore the balance of the scale.
differs from society to society as these societies
Punishment is considered necessary and sufficient for
themselves differ from each other. The morality of a
the restitution of justice. The offender does not need to
society is the kind of order which is suitable to that
agree with the punishment or does not need to show
society and therefore the only kind which can satisfy
remorse to the wrong he had done. But showing
remorse may lead to a more lenient punishment. But in
Justice is the demand for a system of laws.
concept, remorse is not essential in retributive justice.
The psychological conceptions of Justice The psychological conceptions of Justice.........
In general, there are two objectives to all responses in
law breaking, that is:
• Restorative Justice: this represents a more
A. Behavioral Control; and
constructive form of justice restoration. Here, it is
B. Justice Restoration (Retribution)
understood that an offense is a form of conflict
This two objectives can be achieved by different means
between the victim, offender, and the community and it
either punitive or constructive
needs to be resolved through interaction between the
Behavioral control parties. Both the victim and the offender are given the
Behavioral control can be in a form of deterrence (both chance to express their views and emotions. This is
specific and general deterrence) and incapacitation geared toward making the offender take responsibility
through incarceration or confinement. This is a punitive and accountability for his actions, and express a sincere
means.; and Rehabilitation- training the person or re- apology to the victim, and the victim is encouraged to
educating the person means express willingness to forgive the offender.
that while they are incarcerated, they are expected to The psychological conceptions of Justice.........
take steps for their better adjustment to society, they
are provided with support to learn new skills and
expand their behavior repertoire and change
At the center of the restorative justice lies the
attitudes. This is a more constructive means towards
idea that crimes or wrongdoings are
behavior control where both parties (offenders and the
violations of people and relationship and that
reactors) work together.
the acceptance of responsibility is required
The psychological conceptions of Justice.........
before the process of restoration can begin,
JUSTICE RESTORATION the following are the basic principles in
• This is aimed at reestablishing some moral order and Restorative Justice:
sense of justice. This can be done in a form of meting
• Holding the wrongdoer directly accountable for the
out the punishment which is considered as a punitive or
individual victim and the specific community affected by
retributive; it can also be in a form of constructive
the wrong act;
through restorative justice.
• Requiring the wrongdoer to take direct responsibility
• When a person violates a law or the rules and
for making
"things whole again" to the degree that this is possible; • Justice encourages dialogue and mutual agreement
• Providing the victim(s) purposeful access to the courts • It gives victims and the offenders central roles
and correctional processes, which allows them to assist • Judged by the extent to which responsibilities are
in shaping the wrongdoers' obligations; and assumed, needs met, and healing
• Encouraging the community to become directly
Retributive Justice Restorative Justice
involved in supporting victims, holding wrongdoers
Crime is an act against the state, a violation of a law, an
accountable, and providing opportunities for
abstract idea Crime is an act against another person and
wrongdoers to reintegrate into the community.
the community The criminal justice system controls
RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE VS. RESTORATIVE JUSTICE crime Crime control lies primarily in the community
• Retribution is the dominant framework in modem Offender accountability defined as taking punishment
criminal law theory. From the view of retributive Accountability defined as assuming responsibility and
justice, “crime is a violation of the state, defined taking action to repair harm
by lawbreaking and guilt" and “Justice determines
Crime is an individual act with individual responsibility
blame and administers pain in a contest between
Crime has both individual and social dimensions of
the offender and the state directed by systematic
responsibility Punishment is effective:
Threats of punishment deter crime Punishment changes
Retributive system is founded on the following behavior Punishment alone is not effective in changing
assumptions: behavior and is disruptive to community harmony and
Crime is essentially lawbreaking; good relationships Victims are peripheral to the process
when a law is broken, justice involves establishing Victims are central to the process of resolving a crime.
guilt; The offender is defined by deficits The offender is
Justice deserts can be meted out through inflicting defined by capacity to make reparation
pain Focus on establishing blame or guilt, on the past (did
Through a conflict in which rules and intentions are he/she do it?)Focus on the problem solving, on
placed above outcomes. liabilities/obligations,
on the future (what should be done?)
Retributive system is founded on the following
assumptions: Retributive Justice Restorative Justice
Crime is essentially lawbreaking; Emphasis on adversarial relationship Emphasis on
when a law is broken, justice involves establishing dialogue and negotiation
guilt; Imposition of pain to punish and deter/prevent
Justice deserts can be meted out through inflicting Restitution as a means of restoring both parties;
pain goal of reconciliation/restoration
Through a conflict in which rules and intentions are Community on sideline, represented abstractly by
placed above outcomes. state Community as facilitator in restorative process
Response focused on offender’s past behavior Response
Assumptions in restorative justice focused on harmful consequences of
• Crime violates people and relationship offender’s behavior; emphasis is on the future
• Justice aims to identify needs and obligations so that Dependence upon proxy professionals Direct
things can be made right involvement by participants
• Justice encourages dialogue and mutual agreement
• It gives victims and the offenders central roles Review the Topic before opening your
• Judged by the extent to which responsibilities are assessment tasks
assumed,needs met, and healing

Assumptions in restorative justice WEEK 4

• Crime violates people and relationship
• Justice aims to identify needs and obligations so that
things can be made right
CONCILIATION, ARBITRATION, NEGOTIATION AND Using negotiation as a method of conflict
MEDIATION resolution is popular because parties seek to
achieve a solution that respects each side's
perspectives while minimizing the negative
Conciliation is an ADR process where an
impact of the disagreement.
independent third party, the conciliator, helps
This process often involves open dialogue,
people in a dispute to identify the disputed issues,
active listening, compromise, and sometimes
develop options, consider alternatives and try to reach
an agreement.
The process is flexible, allowing parties to define the Mediation
time, structure and content of the conciliation Mediation is a process during which the parties to a
proceedings. dispute meet together and separately in
confidence with a neutral and independent outside
party (the mediator) to explore and decide how the
A conciliator may have professional expertise in
conflict between them is to be resolved.
the subject matter in dispute and will generally
The mediator assists the parties in reaching an
provide advice about the issues and options for
agreement but has no power to impose a result
resolution. However, a conciliator will not make a
upon them.
judgment or decision about the dispute.
Conciliation may be voluntary, court ordered or Mediation
required as part of a contract. It is often part of a court The mediator does not make a decision, and the
or government agency process. parties may terminate the process at any time.
Mediation may be used in a variety of contexts
besides those which are court-connected or
Arbitration is a legal process in which a neutral
otherwise part of a legal intervention such in civil suits
third party, called an arbitrator, is used to
and in other contexts include interpersonal disputes in
resolve a dispute between two or more
private and public sector such as work places.
The arbitrator listens to the evidence and Mediation
arguments presented by each side and The main difference between conciliation and
makes a binding decision on the dispute. mediation proceedings is that, at some point
during the conciliation, the conciliator will be
asked by the parties to provide them with a
The arbitration process is often faster and less formal
non-binding settlement proposal. A mediator,
than going to court, and the parties can choose an
by contrast, will in most cases and as a matter
arbitrator who has expertise in the subject matter of the
of principle, refrain from making such a
Arbitration can be used to resolve a wide range of
disputes, including commercial, employment, and Mediation
consumer disputes. In some cases, arbitration may be Sometimes parties to a dispute use a combined
required by a contract or by law as a means of resolving process known as `med-arb’, in order to retain
disputes. the advantages of both mediation and
arbitration. If the mediator is unsuccessful in
resolving the dispute through the agreement of
Negotiation is the preeminent mode of dispute
the parties, then the mediator becomes an
resolution. While the two most known forms of
arbitrator with power to issue a binding decision.
ADR are arbitration and mediation, negotiation
is almost always attempted first to resolve a
dispute. Negotiation allows the parties to meet in order
to settle a dispute.
MODULE 4 • Arbitration also involves a neutral third party (the
arbitrator) who is responsible for running the process
and making the decisions necessary to resolve the
MEDIATION dispute.

THE BENEFITS OF ARBITRATION • Unlike a judge (a public official) the arbitrator is

typically a private person chosen by the parties.
Proponents of ADR regularly argue that arbitration and
mediation • The person chosen to arbitrate the dispute often has
specialized expertise in the subject matter of the
– the two primary ADR processes – reduce the dispute; legal training is required only if the parties so
transaction cost of resolution and otherwise lead to specify.
better outcomes.
• A dispute that might otherwise go to court becomes
In assessing the benefits and costs of these procedures subject to binding arbitration only by the agreement of
it is necessary to ask: Compared to what? Normally, the parties.
arbitration is compared with conventional litigation
(“adjudication”); mediation with unfacilitated ADJUDICATION VS ARBITRATION
The proponents’ claims are best understood by
• In this sense, arbitration is a creature of contract, and
comparing adjudication, arbitration, negotiation and
the terms of the parties’ particular arbitration
agreement are generally controlling.
• Adjudication is an involuntary process, in the sense
• Before any dispute has arisen, parties often contract
that a court has the power (once its jurisdiction is
to arbitrate future disputes; arbitration provisions are
properly invoked by a plaintiff) to coerce a defendant
frequently included in commercial contracts for the sale
into either participating in the process or suffering the
of goods and services, in labor agreements
consequences of a default judgment.
(Ashenfelter and Bloom 1984) and in joint ventures
• The judge, a neutral third-party appointed by the
state, has the power and responsibility to run the
proceedings and to resolve the dispute. • An agreement to arbitrate can also be made after a
dispute has arisen, as the result of a negotiation
• The judicial proceedings are highly structured, with
between parties already in conflict. Binding arbitration
formal rules governing pre-trial discovery and the trial
in lieu of judicial adjudication is voluntary in the sense
itself – i.e. what counts as evidence, the order in which
that it is only by agreement that one is required to
evidence is presented and how arguments are made.
arbitrate; but once there is an agreement it is
THE BENEFITS OF ARBITRATION........ involuntary in the sense that courts will enforce it
against a reluctant party by refusing to adjudicate
ADJUDICATION VS ARBITRATION disputes which are within the scope of the arbitration
• In reaching its decision, the adjudicator is responsible agreement and thus require arbitration
for making a principled and reasoned decision based on ADJUDICATION VS ARBITRATION
legal norms. The trial judge’s decisions are binding on
the parties, subject to appeal to a higher court. • In an arbitration proceeding, the procedural rules may
be set by the parties in their
• Finally, adjudication is a public process – the judge is a
public official, and the proceedings themselves are arbitration agreement. Pretrial discovery is typically
ordinarily open to the public and not confidential. limited or eliminated, and each party is given an
opportunity to present proofs and arguments at a
THE BENEFITS OF ARBITRATION........ hearing where the procedures are typically much less
ADJUDICATION VS ARBITRATION formal than those found in court.
• Depending upon the parties’ agreement, the arbitrator’s award cannot be overturned by an appellate
arbitrator may or may not be asked to render a court for these sorts of errors. The binding nature and
principled decision supported by a reasoned opinion. comparative finality of an arbitrator’s award is, of
Often the arbitrator is free simply to announce the course, a mixed blessing. On the one hand, a final
award without any explanation. In “final-offer” resolution may be more prompt and appeals infrequent
arbitration, by agreement of the parties the arbitrator is because the scope of review is so narrow. On the other
required to resolve the dispute by choosing one or the hand, a losing party lacks the safeguard of ordinary
other of the “final-offers” submitted by the disputants – judicial review, which may improve the “accuracy” of
the arbitrator lacks all power to impose any other result the resolution.
(Farber 1980).
• (This is sometimes called “baseball arbitration” in the
United States because it is used to resolve salary
disputes in major league baseball.) In all of these, the • Negotiation does not require the participation of a
decision of the arbitrator is characteristically binding neutral third party with decisional authority. Instead,
and final, and subject to judicial review only if a party the parties themselves have the responsibility for
can show that the arbitrator was corrupt or acting deciding the terms of any resolution.
outside the scope of the jurisdiction conferred by the
parties’ agreement. • Negotiation is voluntary, in the sense that disputing
parties are not ordinarily forced to negotiate with each
THE BENEFITS OF ARBITRATION........ other. The process of negotiation is informal and
without defined procedures or rules governing the
presentation of evidence or arguments.
• The first has to do with the fact that parties can
• Because the goal of negotiation is a mutually
choose the arbitrator, whereas a judge is typically
acceptable resolution, the parties to a negotiation can
assigned. An arbitrator can be chosen with expertise in
shape that resolution to suit their own needs and
the subject matter of the dispute, whereas a judge is
interests, and are under no obligation to reach a
typically a generalist who Is knowledgeable about legal
principled outcome, much less one justified by a
procedures but may have no relevant experience and
reasoned opinion applying formal legal norms.
background relevant to the dispute;
If resolution is reached, the settlement is not ordinarily
subject to judicial review. The settlement agreement
• A second set of potential advantages relates to the can subsequently be enforced as a contract. Negotiation
fact that an arbitration may proceed more quickly is typically private; the process itself is not open to the
because of its comparative procedural informality. In public
conventional litigation, the costs of pre-trial discovery –
• Mediation also involves the use of a third-party, but a
taking pretrial depositions and answering
mediator unlike an arbitrator or judge has no authority
interrogatories – can be very time-consuming and make
to impose a resolution on the parties.
up a very high proportion of the total transaction costs.
Because arbitration typically either severely limits or • Instead, the mediator’s goal is to facilitate negotiation
eliminates pre-trial discovery, these costs can be and help the parties themselves to reach a mutually
eliminated. acceptable
The BENEFIT OF ARBITRATION settlement of their own dispute.
• The third critical difference relates to the scope of • Mediation is typically a voluntary process where the
judicial parties themselves may choose the person who will act
as the outside facilitator. It is private and confidential,
review. Unlike rulings of a trial court which are subject
and not open to the public.
to appellate review for mistakes of law or findings of
fact that are unsupported by the evidence, an NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION
• Although the mediator is typically responsible for NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION
managing the mediation process, there are no standard
What are the advantages of mediation?
procedures or fixed rules. The process by which the
mediator facilitates negotiation is often informal and • Proponents argue that a skilled mediator can often
unstructured. help parties reach a negotiated outcome when they
would be unable to do so on their own.
• The actual practices of individual mediators vary
greatly. While most mediators spend at least some time • They also suggest that even if the parties might be
working with the parties together, practices vary able eventually to settle on their own, a mediator may
concerning the use of “caucuses”. help parties reach better agreements with lower
transaction costs – in other words, the mediated
• Many but not all mediators also meet privately and
agreement may often be Pareto-superior to the one the
separately with each side in a “caucus”, often with an
parties might have reached on their own.
explicit ground-rule that the mediator will not share
what is learned with the other side. Among other Review Before proceeding to your canvas for your quiz
things, this is thought to encourage each party to share
confidential information with the mediator. Although WEEK 5
such ex parte contact would ordinarily be considered THE ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION ACT OF 2004
improper for a judge or arbitrator, mediators commonly (R.A. 9285) AND OTHER APPLICABLE POLICIES
use such caucuses to explore various settlement AND ISSUANCES OF THE COURT OR AGENCY CONCERN
Advantages of ADR
NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION •rapidity, confidentiality and flexibility.
Negotiation and........ •courts rarely overturn ADR decisions and awards if the
disputing parties formed a valid contract to abide by
• A mediated resolution may on the one hand simply them.
reflect the net expected value of what is likely to •potential means of avoiding the expense, delay and
happen in court or, on the other, can be shaped to meet uncertainty associated with traditional litigation.
the needs and interests of the parties by making trades
that are unrelated to the legal disputes. So long as the Advantages of ADR
resulting resolution is mutually acceptable to the •intended as a vehicle for improving
parties, there is no need that it involve the application communication between the parties.
of formal legal norms or mimic the outcome which a •provides a forum for creative solutions to
court might impose. There is typically no process of disputes that better meet the needs of the
review. If parties are able to resolve their dispute by parties.
reaching a mediated agreement, that agreement is Agencies that use ADR
subsequently enforceable as a contract. • The Katarungang Pambarangay under PD 1508
NEGOTIATION AND MEDIATION• A mediated resolution and later integrated into the Local Government
may on the one hand simply reflect the net expected Code (RA 7160)
value of what is likely to happen in court or, on the • The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
other, can be shaped to meet the needs and interests of created by virtue of RA 6939
the parties by making trades that are unrelated to the • The Philippine Construction Industry Arbitration
legal disputes. So long as the resulting resolution is Commission (CIAC) created by Executive Order
mutually acceptable to the parties, there is no need that No. 1008 to resolve cases involving contractual
it involve the application of formal legal norms or mimic claims within the industry.
the outcome which a court might impose. There is Agencies that use ADR
typically no process of review. If parties are able to • The Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication
resolve their dispute by reaching a mediated Board (DARAB) under the Department of Agrarian
agreement, that agreement is subsequently enforceable Reform (DAR)
as a contract. • The Philippine Dispute Resolution Center, Inc. which
is a private non-stock, nonprofit corporation Cases that must be referred to CAM
organized in 1996. •all ordinary civil cases, civil cases covered by
• The National Conciliation and Mediation Board the Rule on Summary Procedure (i.e.,
(NCMB) under the Department of Labor and ejectment), and family law cases, except
Employment (DOLE). those which cannot be compromised (i.e.,
those which involve civil status, validity of
Agencies that use ADR
marriage, legal separation, future support and
•The National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
under the Department of Labor and
Employment. Cases that must be referred to CAM
•The Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) under the •all special civil actions, except declaratory
DOLE concerned with settling labor disputes. relief, review of Comelec and COA resolutions and final
•The Commission on the Settlement of Land orders, certiorari, prohibition and mandamus, quo
Problems (COSLAP) under the Department of warranto, expropriation and contempt;
Justice (DOJ). •claims against the estate, or distribution or partition of
estate in intestate proceedings;
Agencies that use ADR
• The Insurance Commission under the Department of Cases that must be referred to CAM
Finance tasked with resolving disputes in the insurance •intellectual property cases;
industry. •commercial or intra-corporate controversies;
• The Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer and
Protection (BTRCP) under the Department of Trade and •environmental cases.
Industry relative to complaints from consumers
Cases that may not be referred to CAM
involving violations of RA 7394.
•those which cannot be compromised (i.e., those which
• The Court-Annexed Pilot Mediation Project by the
involve civil status, validity of
Supreme Court.
marriage, legal separation, future support
Other forms of ADR and legitime);
•early neutral evaluation •petitions for habeas corpus;
•neutral evaluation •probate of a will; and
•mini-trial •cases with pending applications for TRO or
•mediation-arbitration preliminary injunction.
•a combination thereof
Information obtained through mediation
Exceptions to Application of ADR Act proceedings shall be privileged and
•labor disputes covered by PD 442, otherwise confidential. A privilege arising from the confidentiality
known as the “Labor Code of the of
Philippines, as amended”, and its information may be waived in a record, or
Implementing Rules and Regulations orally during a proceeding by the mediator and
•the civil status of persons the mediation parties.
•the validity of marriage
•any ground for legal separation
•If mediation communication is:
Exceptions to Application of ADR Act •in an agreement authenticated by all parties
•the jurisdiction of courts to the agreement;
•future legitime •available to the public or that is made during
•criminal liability a session;
•those disputes which by law cannot be •a threat or statement of a plan to inflict
compromised bodily injury or commit a crime of violence;
•disputes referred to court-annexed mediation
•internationally used to plan a crime, attempt
to commit, or commit a crime, or conceal conciliator, arbitrator or neutral evaluator of their
an ongoing crime or criminal activity; dispute.
•sought or offered to prove or disprove
Alternative Dispute Resolution System means
abuse, neglect, abandonment, or
any process or procedure used to resolve a
exploitation in a proceeding in which a
dispute or controversy, other than by adjudication of a
public agency is protecting the interest of
presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government
an individual protected by law;
agency, as defined in the ADR Act, in which a neutral
Exceptions third person participates to assist in the resolution of
• sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim or issues, including arbitration, mediation, conciliation,
complaint of professional misconduct or early neutral evaluation, mini-trial or any combination
malpractice filed against mediator in a thereof.
Government Agency means any governmental
• sought or offered to prove or disprove a claim of
entity, office or officer, other than a court, that is vested
complaint of professional misconduct of
by law with quasi-judicial power or the
malpractice filed against a party, nonparty
power to resolve or adjudicate disputes involving the
participant, or representative of a party based on
government, its agencies and instrumentalities or
conduct occurring during a mediation.
private persons.
Exceptions Model Law means the Model Law on International
•If a court or administrative agency, finds that Commercial Arbitration adopted by the United Nations
there is a need for the evidence that is Commission on International Trade Law on 21 June
sought or offered in: 1985.
•a court proceeding involving a crime or
Ad hoc Mediation means any mediation other
than institutional or court- annexed.
•a proceeding to prove a claim or defense is
Institutional Mediation means any mediation
sufficient to reform or avoid a liability on a
administered by, and conducted under the rules
contract arising out of the mediation.
of, a mediation institution.
Exceptions Court-Annexed Mediation means any mediation
•The mediator may not be compelled to provide process conducted under the auspices of the
evidence of a mediation communication or testify in court and in accordance with Supreme Court
such proceeding. approved guidelines, after such court has
•If a mediation communication is not privileged acquired jurisdiction of the dispute.
under any of above exception, only the
Court-Referred Mediation means mediation
portion of the communication necessary for
ordered by a court to be conducted in
the application of the exception for
accordance with the agreement of the parties
nondisclosure may be admitted.
when an action is prematurely commenced in
The ADR Act shall not be interpreted to repeal, violation of such agreement.
amend or modify the jurisdiction of the Certified Mediator means a mediator certified
Katarungang Pambarangay under Republic by the Office for ADR as having successfully
Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local completed its regular professional training
Government Code of 1991. program.

ADR Provider means the institutions or persons Mediation Party means a person who participates in a
accredited as mediators, conciliators, arbitrators, mediation and whose consent is necessary to resolve
neutral evaluators or any person exercising similar the dispute. Mediator means a person who conducts
functions in any Alternative Dispute Resolution system. mediation.
This is without prejudice to the rights of the parties to Mini-trial means a structured dispute resolution
choose non-accredited individuals to act as mediator, method in which the merits of a case are argued
before a panel comprising of senior decision- Chief Officials and Offices
makers, with or without the presence of a neutral third •other barangay officials and members who may be
person, before which the parties seek a negotiated designated by law or ordinance and
settlement. charged with the maintenance of public order,
protection and security of life and property, or
Early Neutral Evaluation means an ADR process
the maintenance of a desirable and balanced
wherein parties and their lawyers are brought
environment, and any barangay member who
together early in the pre-trial phase to present
comes to the aid of persons in authority, shall
summaries of their cases and to receive a non-
be deemed agents of persons in authority.
binding assessment by an experienced neutral
person, with expertise in the subject matter or Lupong Tagapamayapa
substance of the dispute. • composed of the punong barangay, as chairman, and
Mediation-Arbitration or Med-Arb is a two-step • ten (10) to twenty (20) members
dispute resolution process involving mediation andthen • constituted every three (3) years
followed by arbitration. Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo
• a conciliation panel
• consist of three (3) members who shall be chosen by
CODE OF 1991
the parties to the dispute from the list of members of
(R.A. 7160)
the Lupon.
Role of the Barangay
Functions of the Lupon
•serves as the primary planning and implementing
•Exercise administrative supervision over the
unit of government policies,
conciliation panels
•plans, programs, projects, and activities in the
•Meet regularly once a month to provide a
forum for exchange of ideas among its
•a forum wherein the collective views of the
members and the public on matters relevant to
people may be expressed, crystallized and
the amicable settlement of disputes
•where disputes may be amicably settled. Functions of the Lupon
•Enable various conciliation panel members to
Chief Officials and Offices
share with one another their observations
•There shall be in each barangay a Punong
and experiences in effecting speedy
Barangay, seven (7) Sangguniang Barangay
resolution of disputes
Members, the Sangguniang Kabataan
•Exercise such other powers and perform such
Chairman, a Barangay Secretary, and a
other duties and functions as may be
Barangay Treasurer.
prescribed by law or ordinance
Chief Officials and Offices
The Lupon of each barangay shall have authority to
•There shall also be in every barangay a
bring together the parties actually residing in the same
Lupong Tagapamayapa. The Sangguniang
city or municipality for amicable settlement of all
Barangay may form community brigades and
disputes except:
create such other positions or offices as may
•Where one party is the government, or any
be deemed necessary to carry out the
subdivision or instrumentality thereof;
purposes of the barangay government in
•Where one party is a public officer or employee,
accordance with the needs of public service.
and the dispute relates to the performance of his official
Chief Officials and Offices functions;
•the Punong Barangay, Sangguniang Barangay
•Offenses punishable by imprisonment exceeding one
Members, and members of the Lupong
year or a fine exceeding P5,000.00;
Tagapamayapa in each barangay shall be
•Offenses where there is no private offended
deemed as persons in authority in their
•Where the dispute involves real properties preliminary injunction, attachment, delivery of personal
located in different cities or municipalities unless the property and support pendente lite; and
parties thereto agree to submit their •action may otherwise be barred by the statute of
differences to amicable settlement by an limitations.
appropriate Lupon;
Conciliation among members of indigenous
•Disputes involving parties who actually reside in cultural communities. - The customs and
barangays of different cities or municipalities, traditions of indigenous cultural communities
except where such barangay units adjoin each shall be applied in settling disputes between
other and the parties thereto agree to submit members of the cultural communities.
their differences to amicable settlement by an
appropriate Lupon;
•may be enforced by execution by the Lupon
•Such other classes of disputes which the President may
within six (6) months from the date of the
determine in the interest of Justice or upon the
recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.
•after the lapse of such time, the settlement
Venue may be enforced by action in the appropriate
•Disputes between persons actually residing in the city or municipal court.
same barangay shall be brought for amicable
settlement before the Lupon of said barangay.
•within ten (10) days from the date of the
•Those involving actual residents of different
barangays within the same city or municipality
•by filing with the Lupon chairman a statement to that
shall be brought in the barangay where the
effect sworn to before him
respondent or any of the respondents actually
•where the consent is vitiated by fraud, violence, or
resides, at the election of the complaint.
Venue •such repudiation shall be sufficient basis for the
•All disputes involving real property or any interest issuance of the certification for filing a
therein shall be brought in the barangay where the real complaint
property or the larger portion thereof is situated.
•Those arising at the workplace where the
contending parties are employed or at the
institution where such parties are enrolled for PART I
study, shall be brought in the barangay where GENERAL PROVISIONS AND POLICIES
such workplace or institution is located.
Pre-condition to Filing of Complaint
•there has been a confrontation between the parties Rule 1.1. Subject matter and governing rules.-The
before the Lupon chairman or the Pangkat, and Special Rules of Court on Alternative Dispute Resolution
•that no conciliation or settlement has been reached (the "Special ADR Rules") shall apply to and govern the
as certified by the Lupon secretary or Pangkat following cases:
secretary as attested to by the Lupon or Pangkat a. Relief on the issue of Existence, Validity, or
chairman, or Enforceability of the Arbitration Agreement;
•the settlement has been repudiated by the parties
thereto. b. Referral to Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR");

Parties May Go Directly to Court c. Interim Measures of Protection;

•accused is under detention; d. Appointment of Arbitrator;
•a person has been deprived of personal liberty
calling for habeas corpus proceedings; e. Challenge to Appointment of Arbitrator;
•actions are coupled with provisional remedies such as
f. Termination of Mandate of Arbitrator;
g. Assistance in Taking Evidence; (B) Notice.-Except for cases involving Referral to ADR
and Confidentiality/Protective Orders made through
h. Confirmation, Correction or Vacation of Award in
motions, the court shall, if it finds the petition sufficient
Domestic Arbitration;
in form and substance, send notice to the parties
i. Recognition and Enforcement or Setting Aside of an directing them to appear at a particular time and date
Award in International Commercial Arbitration; for the hearing thereof which shall be set no later than
five (5) days from the lapse of the period for filing the
j. Recognition and Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral opposition or comment. The notice to the respondent
Award; shall contain a statement allowing him to file a
k. Confidentiality/Protective Orders; and comment or opposition to the petition within fifteen
(15) days from receipt of the notice.
l. Deposit and Enforcement of Mediated Settlement
Agreements. The motion filed pursuant to the rules on Referral to
ADR or Confidentiality/Protective Orders shall be set for
Rule 1.2. Nature of the proceedings.-All proceedings hearing by the movant and contain a notice of hearing
under the Special ADR Rules are special proceedings. that complies with the requirements under Rule 15 of
Rule 1.3. Summary proceedings in certain cases.-The the Rules of Court on motions.
proceedings in the following instances are summary in (C) Summary hearing. - In all cases, as far as practicable,
nature and shall be governed by this provision: the summary hearing shall be conducted in one (1) day
a. Judicial Relief Involving the Issue of Existence, Validity and only for purposes of clarifying facts.
or Enforceability of the Arbitration Agreement; Except in cases involving Referral to ADR or
b. Referral to ADR; Confidentiality/Protective Orders made through
motions, it shall be the court that sets the petition for
c. Interim Measures of Protection; hearing within five (5) days from the lapse of the period
for filing the opposition or comment.
d. Appointment of Arbitrator;
(D) Resolution. - The court shall resolve the matter
e. Challenge to Appointment of Arbitrator;
within a period of thirty (30) days from the day of the
f. Termination of Mandate of Arbitrator; hearing.

g. Assistance in Taking Evidence; Rule 1.4. Verification and submissions. -Any pleading,
motion, opposition, comment, defense or claim filed
h. Confidentiality/Protective Orders; and
under the Special ADR Rules by the proper party shall be
i. Deposit and Enforcement of Mediated Settlement supported by verified statements that the affiant has
Agreements. read the same and that the factual allegations therein
are true and correct of his own personal knowledge or
(A) Service and filing of petition in summary based on authentic records and shall contain as annexes
proceedings.-The petitioner shall serve, either by the supporting documents.
personal service or courier, a copy of the petition upon
the respondent before the filing thereof. Proof of The annexes to the pleading, motion, opposition,
service shall be attached to the petition filed in court. comment, defense or claim filed by the proper party
may include a legal brief, duly verified by the lawyer
For personal service, proof of service of the petition submitting it, stating the pertinent facts, the applicable
consists of the affidavit of the person who effected law and jurisprudence to justify the necessity for the
service, stating the time, place and manner of the court to rule upon the issue raised.
service on the respondent. For service by courier, proof
of service consists of the signed courier proof of Rule 1.5. Certification Against Forum Shopping. - A
delivery. If service is refused or has failed, the affidavit Certification Against Forum Shopping is one made under
or delivery receipt must state the circumstances of the oath made by the petitioner or movant: (a) that he has
attempted service and refusal or failure thereof. not theretofore commenced any action or filed any
claim involving the same issues in any court, tribunal or interruption shall start to run on the day after notice of
quasi-judicial agency and, to the best of his knowledge, the cessation of the cause thereof.
no such other action or claim is pending therein; (b) if
The day of the act that caused the interruption shall be
there is such other pending action or claim, a complete
excluded from the computation of the period.
statement of the present status thereof; and (c) if he
should thereafter learn that the same or similar action Rule 1.8. Service and filing of pleadings, motions and
or claim has been filed or is pending, he shall report that other papers in non-summary proceedings. - The
fact within five (5) days therefrom to the court wherein initiatory pleadings shall be filed directly with the court.
his aforementioned petition or motion has been filed. The court will then cause the initiatory pleading to be
served upon the respondent by personal service or
A Certification Against Forum Shopping shall be
courier. Where an action is already pending, pleadings,
appended to all initiatory pleadings except a Motion to
motions and other papers shall be filed and/or served
Refer the Dispute to Alternative Dispute Resolution.
by the concerned party by personal service or courier.
Rule 1.6. Prohibited submissions. - The following Where courier services are not available, resort to
pleadings, motions, or petitions shall not be allowed in registered mail is allowed.
the cases governed by the Special ADR Rules and shall
(A) Proof of filing. - The filing of a pleading shall be
not be accepted for filing by the Clerk of Court:
proved by its existence in the record of the case. If it is
a. Motion to dismiss; not in the record, but is claimed to have been filed
personally, the filing shall be proved by the written or
b. Motion for bill of particulars;
stamped acknowledgment of its filing by the clerk of
c. Motion for new trial or for reopening of trial; court on a copy of the same; if filed by courier, by the
proof of delivery from the courier company.
d. Petition for relief from judgment;
(B) Proof of service. - Proof of personal service shall
e. Motion for extension, except in cases where an ex- consist of a written admission by the party served, or
parte temporary order of protection has been issued; the official return of the server, or the affidavit of the
f. Rejoinder to reply; party serving, containing a full statement of the date,
place and manner of service. If the service is by courier,
g. Motion to declare a party in default; and proof thereof shall consist of an affidavit of the proper
h. Any other pleading specifically disallowed under any person, stating facts showing that the document was
provision of the Special ADR Rules. deposited with the courier company in a sealed
envelope, plainly addressed to the party at his office, if
The court shall motu proprio order a pleading/motion known, otherwise at his residence, with postage fully
that it has determined to be dilatory in nature be pre-paid, and with instructions to the courier to
expunged from the records. immediately provide proof of delivery.
Rule 1.7. Computation of time. - In computing any (C) Filing and service by electronic means and proof
period of time prescribed or allowed by the Special ADR thereof. - Filing and service of pleadings by electronic
Rules, or by order of the court, or by any applicable transmission may be allowed by agreement of the
statute, the day of the act or event from which the parties approved by the court. If the filing or service of a
designated period of time begins to run is to be pleading or motion was done by electronic
excluded and the date of performance included. If the transmission, proof of filing and service shall be made in
last day of the period, as thus computed, falls on a accordance with the Rules on Electronic Evidence.
Saturday, a Sunday, or a legal holiday in the place where
the court sits, the time shall not run until the next Rule 1.9. No summons. - In cases covered by the Special
working day. ADR Rules, a court acquires authority to act on the
petition or motion upon proof of jurisdictional facts, i.e.,
Should an act be done which effectively interrupts the that the respondent was furnished a copy of the
running of the period, the allowable period after such petition and the notice of hearing.
(A) Proof of service. - A proof of service of the petition adopt, accept or establish the authenticity of a record or
and notice of hearing upon respondent shall be made in term.
writing by the server and shall set forth the manner,
d. "Foreign Arbitral Award" is one made in a country
place and date of service.
other than the Philippines.
(B) Burden of proof. - The burden of showing that a copy
e. "Legal Brief" is a written legal argument submitted to
of the petition and the notice of hearing were served on
a court, outlining the facts derived from the factual
the respondent rests on the petitioner.
statements in the witness’s statements of fact and citing
The technical rules on service of summons do not apply the legal authorities relied upon by a party in a case
to the proceedings under the Special ADR Rules. In submitted in connection with petitions, counter-
instances where the respondent, whether a natural or a petitions (i.e., petitions to vacate or to set aside and/or
juridical person, was not personally served with a copy to correct/modify in opposition to petitions to confirm
of the petition and notice of hearing in the proceedings or to recognize and enforce, or petitions to confirm or
contemplated in the first paragraph of Rule 1.3 (B), or to recognize and enforce in opposition to petitions to
the motion in proceedings contemplated in the second vacate or set aside and/or correct/modify), motions,
paragraph of Rule 1.3 (B), the method of service evidentiary issues and other matters that arise during
resorted to must be such as to reasonably ensure the course of a case. The legal brief shall state the
receipt thereof by the respondent to satisfy the applicable law and the relevant jurisprudence and the
requirement of due process. legal arguments in support of a party’s position in the
Rule 1.10. Contents of petition/motion. - The initiatory
pleading in the form of a verified petition or motion, in f. "Verification" shall mean a certification under oath by
the appropriate case where court proceedings have a party or a person who has authority to act for a party
already commenced, shall include the names of the that he has read the pleading/motion, and that he
parties, their addresses, the necessary allegations certifies to the truth of the facts stated therein on the
supporting the petition and the relief(s) sought. basis of his own personal knowledge or authentic
documents in his possession. When made by a lawyer,
Rule 1.11. Definition. - The following terms shall have
verification shall mean a statement under oath by a
the following meanings:
lawyer signing a pleading/motion for delivery to the
a. "ADR Laws" refers to the whole body of ADR laws in Court or to the parties that he personally prepared the
the Philippines. pleading/motion, that there is sufficient factual basis for
the statements of fact stated therein, that there is
b. "Appointing Authority" shall mean the person or sufficient basis in the facts and the law to support the
institution named in the arbitration agreement as the prayer for relief therein, and that the pleading/motion
appointing authority; or the regular arbitration is filed in good faith and is not interposed for delay.
institution under whose rule the arbitration is agreed to
be conducted. Where the parties have agreed to submit Rule 1.12. Applicability of Part II on Specific Court Relief.
their dispute to institutional arbitration rules, and - Part II of the Special ADR Rules on Specific Court Relief,
unless they have agreed to a different procedure, they insofar as it refers to arbitration, shall also be applicable
shall be deemed to have agreed to procedure under to other forms of ADR.
such arbitration rules for the selection and appointment
Rule 1.13. Spirit and intent of the Special ADR Rules. –
of arbitrators. In ad hoc arbitration, the default
In situations where no specific rule is provided under
appointment of arbitrators shall be made by the
the Special ADR Rules, the court shall resolve such
National President of the Integrated Bar of the
matter summarily and be guided by the spirit and intent
Philippines or his duly authorized representative.
of the Special ADR Rules and the ADR Laws.
c. "Authenticate" means to sign, execute or use a
symbol, or encrypt a record in whole or in part,
intended to identify the authenticating party and to Rule 2.1. General policies. - It is the policy of the State
to actively promote the use of various modes of ADR
and to respect party autonomy or the freedom of the b. The principal action is already pending before an
parties to make their own arrangements in the arbitral tribunal.
resolution of disputes with the greatest cooperation of
The Special ADR Rules recognize the principle of
and the least intervention from the courts. To this end,
competence-competence, which means that the arbitral
the objectives of the Special ADR Rules are to
tribunal may initially rule on its own jurisdiction,
encourage and promote the use of ADR, particularly
including any objections with respect to the existence or
arbitration and mediation, as an important means to
validity of the arbitration agreement or any condition
achieve speedy and efficient resolution of disputes,
precedent to the filing of a request for arbitration.
impartial justice, curb a litigious culture and to de-clog
court dockets. The Special ADR Rules recognize the principle of
separability of the arbitration clause, which means that
The court shall exercise the power of judicial review as
said clause shall be treated as an agreement
provided by these Special ADR Rules. Courts shall
independent of the other terms of the contract of which
intervene only in the cases allowed by law or these
it forms part. A decision that the contract is null and
Special ADR Rules.
void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity of the
Rule 2.2. Policy on arbitration.- (A) Where the parties arbitration clause.
have agreed to submit their dispute to arbitration,
Rule 2.3. Rules governing arbitral proceedings. - The
courts shall refer the parties to arbitration pursuant to
parties are free to agree on the procedure to be
Republic Act No. 9285 bearing in mind that such
followed in the conduct of arbitral proceedings. Failing
arbitration agreement is the law between the parties
such agreement, the arbitral tribunal may conduct
and that they are expected to abide by it in good faith.
arbitration in the manner it considers appropriate.
Further, the courts shall not refuse to refer parties to
arbitration for reasons including, but not limited to, the Rule 2.4. Policy implementing competence-competence
following: principle. - The arbitral tribunal shall be accorded the
first opportunity or competence to rule on the issue of
a. The referral tends to oust a court of its jurisdiction;
whether or not it has the competence or jurisdiction to
b. The court is in a better position to resolve the dispute decide a dispute submitted to it for decision, including
subject of arbitration; any objection with respect to the existence or validity of
the arbitration agreement. When a court is asked to
c. The referral would result in multiplicity of suits;
rule upon issue/s affecting the competence or
d. The arbitration proceeding has not commenced; jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal in a dispute brought
before it, either before or after the arbitral tribunal is
e. The place of arbitration is in a foreign country; constituted, the court must exercise judicial restraint
f. One or more of the issues are legal and one or more and defer to the competence or jurisdiction of the
of the arbitrators are not lawyers; arbitral tribunal by allowing the arbitral tribunal the first
opportunity to rule upon such issues.
g. One or more of the arbitrators are not Philippine
nationals; or Where the court is asked to make a determination of
whether the arbitration agreement is null and void,
h. One or more of the arbitrators are alleged not to inoperative or incapable of being performed, under this
possess the required qualification under the arbitration policy of judicial restraint, the court must make no more
agreement or law. than a prima facie determination of that issue.
(B) Where court intervention is allowed under ADR Laws Unless the court, pursuant to such prima facie
or the Special ADR Rules, courts shall not refuse to grant determination, concludes that the arbitration
relief, as provided herein, for any of the following agreement is null and void, inoperative or incapable of
reasons: being performed, the court must suspend the action
a. Prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the before it and refer the parties to arbitration pursuant to
court finds that the principal action is the subject of an the arbitration agreement.
arbitration agreement; or
Rule 2.5. Policy on mediation. - The Special ADR Rules be filed at any time prior to the commencement of
do not apply to Court-Annexed Mediation, which shall arbitration.
be governed by issuances of the Supreme Court.
Despite the pendency of the petition provided herein,
Where the parties have agreed to submit their dispute arbitral proceedings may nevertheless be commenced
to mediation, a court before which that dispute was and continue to the rendition of an award, while the
brought shall suspend the proceedings and direct the issue is pending before the court.
parties to submit their dispute to private mediation. If
Rule 3.4. Venue. - A petition questioning the existence,
the parties subsequently agree, however, they may opt
validity and enforceability of an arbitration agreement
to have their dispute settled through Court-Annexed
may be filed before the Regional Trial Court of the place
where any of the petitioners or respondents has his
Rule 2.6. Policy on Arbitration-Mediation or Mediation- principal place of business or residence.
Arbitration. - No arbitrator shall act as a mediator in any
Rule 3.5. Grounds. - A petition may be granted only if it
proceeding in which he is acting as arbitrator; and all
is shown that the arbitration agreement is, under the
negotiations towards settlement of the dispute must
applicable law, invalid, void, unenforceable or
take place without the presence of that arbitrator.
Conversely, no mediator shall act as arbitrator in any
proceeding in which he acted as mediator. Rule 3.6. Contents of petition. - The verified petition
shall state the following:
Rule 2.7. Conversion of a settlement agreement to an
arbitral award. - Where the parties to mediation have a. The facts showing that the persons named as
agreed in the written settlement agreement that the petitioner or respondent have legal capacity to sue or
mediator shall become the sole arbitrator for the be sued;
dispute or that the settlement agreement shall become
an arbitral award, the sole arbitrator shall issue the b. The nature and substance of the dispute between the
settlement agreement as an arbitral award, which shall parties;
be subject to enforcement under the law. c. The grounds and the circumstances relied upon by
PART II the petitioner to establish his position; and
SPECIFIC COURT RELIEF d. The relief/s sought.
RULE 3: JUDICIAL RELIEF INVOLVING THE ISSUE OF Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must
EXISTENCE, VALIDITY AND ENFORCEABILITY OF THE attach to the petition an authentic copy of the
ARBITRATION AGREEMENT arbitration agreement.
Rule 3.1. When judicial relief is available. - The judicial Rule 3.7. Comment/Opposition.-The
relief provided in Rule 3, whether resorted to before or comment/opposition of the respondent must be filed
after commencement of arbitration, shall apply only within fifteen (15) days from service of the petition.
when the place of arbitration is in the Philippines.
Rule 3.8. Court action. - In resolving the petition, the
A. Judicial Relief before Commencement of Arbitration court must exercise judicial restraint in accordance with
Rule 3.2. Who may file petition. - Any party to an the policy set forth in Rule 2.4, deferring to the
arbitration agreement may petition the appropriate competence or jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal to
court to determine any question concerning the rule on its competence or jurisdiction.
existence, validity and enforceability of such arbitration Rule 3.9. No forum shopping. - A petition for judicial
agreement serving a copy thereof on the respondent in relief under this Rule may not be commenced when the
accordance with Rule 1.4 (A). existence, validity or enforceability of an arbitration
Rule 3.3. When the petition may be filed. - The petition agreement has been raised as one of the issues in a
for judicial determination of the existence, validity prior action before the same or another court.
and/or enforceability of an arbitration agreement may
Rule 3.10. Application for interim relief. - If the inexistent or unenforceable as a result of which the
petitioner also applies for an interim measure of arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction to resolve the
protection, he must also comply with the requirements dispute.
of the Special ADR Rules for the application for an
Rule 3.16. Contents of petition. - The petition shall state
interim measure of protection.
the following:
Rule 3.11. Relief against court action. - Where there is a
a. The facts showing that the person named as
prima facie determination upholding the arbitration
petitioner or respondent has legal capacity to sue or be
agreement.-A prima facie determination by the court
upholding the existence, validity or enforceability of an
arbitration agreement shall not be subject to a motion b. The nature and substance of the dispute between the
for reconsideration, appeal or certiorari. parties;
Such prima facie determination will not, however, c. The grounds and the circumstances relied upon by
prejudice the right of any party to raise the issue of the the petitioner; and
existence, validity and enforceability of the arbitration
agreement before the arbitral tribunal or the court in an d. The relief/s sought.
action to vacate or set aside the arbitral award. In the In addition to the submissions, the petitioner shall
latter case, the court’s review of the arbitral tribunal’s attach to the petition a copy of the request for
ruling upholding the existence, validity or enforceability arbitration and the ruling of the arbitral tribunal.
of the arbitration agreement shall no longer be limited
to a mere prima facie determination of such issue or The arbitrators shall be impleaded as nominal parties to
issues as prescribed in this Rule, but shall be a full the case and shall be notified of the progress of the
review of such issue or issues with due regard, however, case.
to the standard for review for arbitral awards Rule 3.17. Comment/Opposition. - The
prescribed in these Special ADR Rules. comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15)
B. Judicial Relief after Arbitration Commences days from service of the petition.

Rule 3.12. Who may file petition. - Any party to Rule 3.18. Court action. - (A) Period for resolving the
arbitration may petition the appropriate court for petition.- The court shall render judgment on the basis
judicial relief from the ruling of the arbitral tribunal on a of the pleadings filed and the evidence, if any,
preliminary question upholding or declining its submitted by the parties, within thirty (30) days from
jurisdiction. Should the ruling of the arbitral tribunal the time the petition is submitted for resolution.
declining its jurisdiction be reversed by the court, the (B) No injunction of arbitration proceedings. - The court
parties shall be free to replace the arbitrators or any shall not enjoin the arbitration proceedings during the
one of them in accordance with the rules that were pendency of the petition.
applicable for the appointment of arbitrator sought to
be replaced. Judicial recourse to the court shall not prevent the
arbitral tribunal from continuing the proceedings and
Rule 3.13. When petition may be filed. - The petition rendering its award.
may be filed within thirty (30) days after having received
notice of that ruling by the arbitral tribunal. (C) When dismissal of petition is appropriate. - The court
shall dismiss the petition if it fails to comply with Rule
Rule 3.14. Venue. - The petition may be filed before the 3.16 above; or if upon consideration of the grounds
Regional Trial Court of the place where arbitration is alleged and the legal briefs submitted by the parties, the
taking place, or where any of the petitioners or petition does not appear to be prima facie meritorious.
respondents has his principal place of business or
residence. Rule 3.19. Relief against court action. - The aggrieved
party may file a motion for reconsideration of the order
Rule 3.15. Grounds. - The petition may be granted when of the court. The decision of the court shall, however,
the court finds that the arbitration agreement is invalid, not be subject to appeal. The ruling of the court
affirming the arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction shall not be (B) Submission agreement. - If there is no existing
subject to a petition for certiorari. The ruling of the arbitration agreement at the time the case is filed but
court that the arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction may the parties subsequently enter into an arbitration
be the subject of a petition for certiorari. agreement, they may request the court to refer their
dispute to arbitration at any time during the
Rule 3.20. Where no petition is allowed. - Where the
arbitral tribunal defers its ruling on preliminary question
regarding its jurisdiction until its final award, the Rule 4.3. Contents of request. - The request for referral
aggrieved party cannot seek judicial relief to question shall be in the form of a motion, which shall state that
the deferral and must await the final arbitral award the dispute is covered by an arbitration agreement.
before seeking appropriate judicial recourse.
Apart from other submissions, the movant shall attach
A ruling by the arbitral tribunal deferring resolution on to his motion an authentic copy of the arbitration
the issue of its jurisdiction until final award, shall not be agreement.
subject to a motion for reconsideration, appeal or a
The request shall contain a notice of hearing addressed
petition for certiorari.
to all parties specifying the date and time when it would
Rule 3.21. Rendition of arbitral award before court be heard. The party making the request shall serve it
decision on petition from arbitral tribunal’s preliminary upon the respondent to give him the opportunity to file
ruling on jurisdiction. - If the arbitral tribunal renders a a comment or opposition as provided in the
final arbitral award and the Court has not rendered a immediately succeeding Rule before the hearing.
decision on the petition from the arbitral tribunal’s
Rule 4.4. Comment/Opposition. - The
preliminary ruling affirming its jurisdiction, that petition
comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15)
shall become ipso facto moot and academic and shall be
days from service of the petition. The
dismissed by the Regional Trial Court. The dismissal
comment/opposition should show that: (a) there is no
shall be without prejudice to the right of the aggrieved
agreement to refer the dispute to arbitration; and/or (b)
party to raise the same issue in a timely petition to
the agreement is null and void; and/or (c) the subject-
vacate or set aside the award.
matter of the dispute is not capable of settlement or
Rule 3.22. Arbitral tribunal a nominal party. - The resolution by arbitration in accordance with Section 6 of
arbitral tribunal is only a nominal party. The court shall the ADR Act.
not require the arbitral tribunal to submit any pleadings
Rule 4.5. Court action. - After hearing, the court shall
or written submissions but may consider the same
stay the action and, considering the statement of policy
should the latter participate in the proceedings, but only
embodied in Rule 2.4, above, refer the parties to
as nominal parties thereto.
arbitration if it finds prima facie, based on the pleadings
RULE 4: REFERRAL TO ADR and supporting documents submitted by the parties,
that there is an arbitration agreement and that the
Rule 4.1. Who makes the request. - A party to a pending
subject-matter of the dispute is capable of settlement or
action filed in violation of the arbitration agreement,
resolution by arbitration in accordance with Section 6 of
whether contained in an arbitration clause or in a
the ADR Act. Otherwise, the court shall continue with
submission agreement, may request the court to refer
the judicial proceedings.
the parties to arbitration in accordance with such
agreement. Rule 4.6. No reconsideration, appeal or certiorari. - An
order referring the dispute to arbitration shall be
Rule 4.2. When to make request. - (A) Where the
immediately executory and shall not be subject to a
arbitration agreement exists before the action is filed. -
motion for reconsideration, appeal or petition for
The request for referral shall be made not later than the
pre-trial conference. After the pre-trial conference, the
court will only act upon the request for referral if it is An order denying the request to refer the dispute to
made with the agreement of all parties to the case. arbitration shall not be subject to an appeal, but may be
the subject of a motion for reconsideration and/or a a. Where the principal place of business of any of the
petition for certiorari. parties to arbitration is located;

Rule 4.7. Multiple actions and parties. - The court shall b. Where any of the parties who are individuals resides;
not decline to refer some or all of the parties to
c. Where any of the acts sought to be enjoined are
arbitration for any of the following reasons:
being performed, threatened to be performed or not
a. Not all of the disputes subject of the civil action may being performed; or
be referred to arbitration;
d. Where the real property subject of arbitration, or a
b. Not all of the parties to the civil action are bound by portion thereof is situated.
the arbitration agreement and referral to arbitration
Rule 5.4. Grounds. - The following grounds, while not
would result in multiplicity of suits;
limiting the reasons for the court to grant an interim
c. The issues raised in the civil action could be speedily measure of protection, indicate the nature of the
and efficiently resolved in its entirety by the court reasons that the court shall consider in granting the
rather than in arbitration; relief:

d. Referral to arbitration does not appear to be the a. The need to prevent irreparable loss or injury;
most prudent action; or
b. The need to provide security for the performance of
e. The stay of the action would prejudice the rights of any obligation;
the parties to the civil action who are not bound by the
c. The need to produce or preserve evidence; or
arbitration agreement.
d. The need to compel any other appropriate act or
The court may, however, issue an order directing the
inclusion in arbitration of those parties who are not
bound by the arbitration agreement but who agree to Rule 5.5. Contents of the petition. - The verified petition
such inclusion provided those originally bound by it do must state the following:
not object to their inclusion.
a. The fact that there is an arbitration agreement;
Rule 4.8. Arbitration to proceed.- Despite the pendency
of the action referred to in Rule 4.1, above, arbitral b. The fact that the arbitral tribunal has not been
proceedings may nevertheless be commenced or constituted, or if constituted, is unable to act or would
continued, and an award may be made, while the action be unable to act effectively;
is pending before the court. c. A detailed description of the appropriate relief

Rule 5.1. Who may ask for interim measures of d. The grounds relied on for the allowance of the
protection. - A party to an arbitration agreement may petition
petition the court for interim measures of protection. Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must
Rule 5.2. When to petition. - A petition for an interim attach to his petition an authentic copy of the
measure of protection may be made (a) before arbitration agreement.
arbitration is commenced, (b) after arbitration is Rule 5.6. Type of interim measure of protection that a
commenced, but before the constitution of the arbitral court may grant.- The following, among others, are the
tribunal, or (c) after the constitution of the arbitral interim measures of protection that a court may grant:
tribunal and at any time during arbitral proceedings but,
at this stage, only to the extent that the arbitral tribunal a. Preliminary injunction directed against a party to
has no power to act or is unable to act effectively. arbitration;

Rule 5.3. Venue. - A petition for an interim measure of b. Preliminary attachment against property or
protection may be filed with the Regional Trial Court, garnishment of funds in the custody of a bank or a third
which has jurisdiction over any of the following places: person;
c. Appointment of a receiver; for a period of twenty (20) days from the service on the
party required to comply with the order. Within that
d. Detention, preservation, delivery or inspection of
period, the court shall:
property; or,
a. Furnish the respondent a copy of the petition and a
e. Assistance in the enforcement of an interim measure
notice requiring him to comment thereon on or before
of protection granted by the arbitral tribunal, which the
the day the petition will be heard; and
latter cannot enforce effectively.
b. Notify the parties that the petition shall be heard on a
Rule 5.7. Dispensing with prior notice in certain cases. -
day specified in the notice, which must not be beyond
Prior notice to the other party may be dispensed with
the twenty (20) day period of the effectivity of the ex-
when the petitioner alleges in the petition that there is
parte order.
an urgent need to either (a) preserve property, (b)
prevent the respondent from disposing of, or The respondent has the option of having the temporary
concealing, the property, or (c) prevent the relief prayed order of protection lifted by posting an appropriate
for from becoming illusory because of prior notice, and counter-bond as determined by the court.
the court finds that the reason/s given by the petitioner
If the respondent requests the court for an extension of
are meritorious.
the period to file his opposition or comment or to reset
Rule 5.8. Comment/Opposition. - The the hearing to a later date, and such request is granted,
comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15) the court shall extend the period of validity of the ex-
days from service of the petition. The opposition or parte temporary order of protection for no more than
comment should state the reasons why the interim twenty days from expiration of the original period.
measure of protection should not be granted.
After notice and hearing, the court may either grant or
Rule 5.9. Court action. - After hearing the petition, the deny the petition for an interim measure of protection.
court shall balance the relative interests of the parties The order granting or denying any application for
and inconveniences that may be caused, and on that interim measure of protection in aid of arbitration must
basis resolve the matter within thirty (30) days from (a) indicate that it is issued without prejudice to
submission of the opposition, or (b) upon lapse of the subsequent grant, modification, amendment, revision
period to file the same, or (c) from termination of the or revocation by an arbitral tribunal.
hearing that the court may set only if there is a need for
Rule 5.10. Relief against court action. - If respondent
clarification or further argument.
was given an opportunity to be heard on a petition for
If the other parties fail to file their opposition on or an interim measure of protection, any order by the
before the day of the hearing, the court shall motu court shall be immediately executory, but may be the
proprio render judgment only on the basis of the subject of a motion for reconsideration and/or appeal
allegations in the petition that are substantiated by or, if warranted, a petition for certiorari.
supporting documents and limited to what is prayed for
Rule 5.11. Duty of the court to refer back. - The court
shall not deny an application for assistance in
In cases where, based solely on the petition, the court implementing or enforcing an interim measure of
finds that there is an urgent need to either (a) preserve protection ordered by an arbitral tribunal on any or all
property, (b) prevent the respondent from disposing of, of the following grounds:
or concealing, the property, or (c) prevent the relief
a. The arbitral tribunal granted the interim relief ex
prayed for from becoming illusory because of prior
parte; or
notice, it shall issue an immediately executory
temporary order of protection and require the b. The party opposing the application found new
petitioner, within five (5) days from receipt of that material evidence, which the arbitral tribunal had not
order, to post a bond to answer for any damage that considered in granting in the application, and which, if
respondent may suffer as a result of its order. The ex- considered, may produce a different result; or
parte temporary order of protection shall be valid only
c. The measure of protection ordered by the arbitral it is established by the petitioner that the arbitral
tribunal amends, revokes, modifies or is inconsistent tribunal has no power to act on any such interim
with an earlier measure of protection issued by the measure of protection or is unable to act thereon
court. effectively.

If it finds that there is sufficient merit in the opposition Rule 5.16. Court assistance should arbitral tribunal be
to the application based on letter (b) above, the court unable to effectively enforce interim measure of
shall refer the matter back to the arbitral tribunal for protection. - The court shall assist in the enforcement of
appropriate determination. an interim measure of protection issued by the arbitral
tribunal which it is unable to effectively enforce.
Rule 5.12. Security. - The order granting an interim
measure of protection may be conditioned upon the RULE 6: APPOINTMENT OF ARBITRATORS
provision of security, performance of an act, or
Rule 6.1. When the court may act as Appointing
omission thereof, specified in the order.
Authority. - The court shall act as Appointing Authority
The Court may not change or increase or decrease the only in the following instances:
security ordered by the arbitral tribunal.
a. Where any of the parties in an institutional
Rule 5.13. Modification, amendment, revision or arbitration failed or refused to appoint an arbitrator or
revocation of court’s previously issued interim measure when the parties have failed to reach an agreement on
of protection. - Any court order granting or denying the sole arbitrator (in an arbitration before a sole
interim measure/s of protection is issued without arbitrator) or when the two designated arbitrators have
prejudice to subsequent grant, modification, failed to reach an agreement on the third or presiding
amendment, revision or revocation by the arbitral arbitrator (in an arbitration before a panel of three
tribunal as may be warranted. arbitrators), and the institution under whose rules
arbitration is to be conducted fails or is unable to
An interim measure of protection issued by the arbitral
perform its duty as appointing authority within a
tribunal shall, upon its issuance be deemed to have ipso
reasonable time from receipt of the request for
jure modified, amended, revised or revoked an interim
measure of protection previously issued by the court to
the extent that it is inconsistent with the subsequent b. In all instances where arbitration is ad hoc and the
interim measure of protection issued by the arbitral parties failed to provide a method for appointing or
tribunal. replacing an arbitrator, or substitute arbitrator, or the
method agreed upon is ineffective, and the National
Rule 5.14. Conflict or inconsistency between interim
President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP)
measure of protection issued by the court and by the
or his duly authorized representative fails or refuses to
arbitral tribunal. - Any question involving a conflict or
act within such period as may be allowed under the
inconsistency between an interim measure of
pertinent rules of the IBP or within such period as may
protection issued by the court and by the arbitral
be agreed upon by the parties, or in the absence
tribunal shall be immediately referred by the court to
thereof, within thirty (30) days from receipt of such
the arbitral tribunal which shall have the authority to
request for appointment;
decide such question.
c. Where the parties agreed that their dispute shall be
Rule 5.15. Court to defer action on petition for an
resolved by three arbitrators but no method of
interim measure of protection when informed of
appointing those arbitrators has been agreed upon,
constitution of the arbitral tribunal. - The court shall
each party shall appoint one arbitrator and the two
defer action on any pending petition for an interim
arbitrators thus appointed shall appoint a third
measure of protection filed by a party to an arbitration
arbitrator. If a party fails to appoint his arbitrator within
agreement arising from or in connection with a dispute
thirty (30) days of receipt of a request to do so from the
thereunder upon being informed that an arbitral
other party, or if the two arbitrators fail to agree on the
tribunal has been constituted pursuant to such
third arbitrator within a reasonable time from their
agreement. The court may act upon such petition only if
appointment, the appointment shall be made by the
Appointing Authority. If the latter fails or refuses to act list of not less than three (3) proposed arbitrators
or appoint an arbitrator within a reasonable time from together with their curriculum vitae.
receipt of the request to do so, any party or the
Rule 6.7. Court action. - After hearing, if the court finds
appointed arbitrator/s may request the court to appoint
merit in the petition, it shall appoint an arbitrator;
an arbitrator or the third arbitrator as the case may be.
otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition.
Rule 6.2. Who may request for appointment. - Any party
In making the appointment, the court shall have regard
to an arbitration may request the court to act as an
to such considerations as are likely to secure the
Appointing Authority in the instances specified in Rule
appointment of an independent and impartial
6.1 above.
Rule 6.3. Venue. - The petition for appointment of
At any time after the petition is filed and before the
arbitrator may be filed, at the option of the petitioner,
court makes an appointment, it shall also dismiss the
in the Regional Trial Court (a) where the principal place
petition upon being informed that the Appointing
of business of any of the parties is located, (b) if any of
Authority has already made the appointment.
the parties are individuals, where those individuals
reside, or (c) in the National Capital Region. Rule 6.8. Forum shopping prohibited. - When there is a
pending petition in another court to declare the
Rule 6.4. Contents of the petition. -The petition shall
arbitration agreement inexistent, invalid,
state the following:
unenforceable, on account of which the respondent
a. The general nature of the dispute; failed or refused to participate in the selection and
appointment of a sole arbitrator or to appoint a party-
b. If the parties agreed on an appointment procedure, a
nominated arbitrator, the petition filed under this rule
description of that procedure with reference to the
shall be dismissed.
agreement where such may be found;
Rule 6.9. Relief against court action. - If the court
c. The number of arbitrators agreed upon or the
appoints an arbitrator, the order appointing an
absence of any agreement as to the number of
arbitrator shall be immediately executory and shall not
be the subject of a motion for reconsideration, appeal
d. The special qualifications that the arbitrator/s must or certiorari. An order of the court denying the petition
possess, if any, that were agreed upon by the parties; for appointment of an arbitrator may, however, be the
subject of a motion for reconsideration, appeal or
e. The fact that the Appointing Authority, without certiorari.
justifiable cause, has failed or refused to act as such
within the time prescribed or in the absence thereof, RULE 7: CHALLENGE TO APPOINTMENT OF
within a reasonable time, from the date a request is ARBITRATOR
made; and
Rule 7.1. Who may challenge. - Any of the parties to an
f. The petitioner is not the cause of the delay in, or arbitration may challenge an arbitrator.
failure of, the appointment of the arbitrator.
Rule 7.2. When challenge may be raised in court. -
Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must When an arbitrator is challenged before the arbitral
attach to the petition (a) an authentic copy of the tribunal under the procedure agreed upon by the
arbitration agreement, and (b) proof that the parties or under the procedure provided for in Article 13
Appointing Authority has been notified of the filing of (2) of the Model Law and the challenge is not
the petition for appointment with the court. successful, the aggrieved party may request the
Appointing Authority to rule on the challenge, and it is
Rule 6.5. Comment/Opposition. - The only when such Appointing Authority fails or refuses to
comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15) act on the challenge within such period as may be
days from service of the petition. allowed under the applicable rule or in the absence
Rule 6.6. Submission of list of arbitrators. - The court thereof, within thirty (30) days from receipt of the
may, at its option, also require each party to submit a
request, that the aggrieved party may renew the The court shall allow the challenged arbitrator who
challenge in court. subsequently agrees to accept the challenge to
withdraw as arbitrator.
Rule 7.3. Venue. - The challenge shall be filed with the
Regional Trial Court (a) where the principal place of The court shall accept the challenge and remove the
business of any of the parties is located, (b) if any of the arbitrator in the following cases:
parties are individuals, where those individuals reside,
a. The party or parties who named and appointed the
or (c) in the National Capital Region.
challenged arbitrator agree to the challenge and
Rule 7.4. Grounds. - An arbitrator may be challenged on withdraw the appointment.
any of the grounds for challenge provided for in
b. The other arbitrators in the arbitral tribunal agree to
Republic Act No. 9285 and its implementing rules,
the removal of the challenged arbitrator; and
Republic Act No. 876 or the Model Law. The nationality
or professional qualification of an arbitrator is not a c. The challenged arbitrator fails or refuses to submit his
ground to challenge an arbitrator unless the parties comment on the petition or the brief of legal arguments
have specified in their arbitration agreement a as directed by the court, or in such comment or legal
nationality and/or professional qualification for brief, he fails to object to his removal following the
appointment as arbitrator. challenge.
Rule 7.5. Contents of the petition. - The petition shall The court shall decide the challenge on the basis of
state the following: evidence submitted by the parties.
a. The name/s of the arbitrator/s challenged and The court will decide the challenge on the basis of the
his/their address; evidence submitted by the parties in the following
b. The grounds for the challenge;
a. The other arbitrators in the arbitral tribunal agree to
c. The facts showing that the ground for the challenge
the removal of the challenged arbitrator; and
has been expressly or impliedly rejected by the
challenged arbitrator/s; and b. If the challenged arbitrator fails or refuses to submit
his comment on the petition or the brief of legal
d. The facts showing that the Appointing Authority
arguments as directed by the court, or in such comment
failed or refused to act on the challenge.
or brief of legal arguments, he fails to object to his
The court shall dismiss the petition motu proprio unless removal following the challenge.
it is clearly alleged therein that the Appointing Authority
Rule 7.8. No motion for reconsideration, appeal or
charged with deciding the challenge, after the
certiorari. - Any order of the court resolving the petition
resolution of the arbitral tribunal rejecting the challenge
shall be immediately executory and shall not be the
is raised or contested before such Appointing Authority,
subject of a motion for reconsideration, appeal, or
failed or refused to act on the challenge within thirty
(30) days from receipt of the request or within such
longer period as may apply or as may have been agreed Rule 7.9. Reimbursement of expenses and reasonable
upon by the parties. compensation to challenged arbitrator. - Unless the bad
faith of the challenged arbitrator is established with
Rule 7.6. Comment/Opposition. - The challenged
reasonable certainty by concealing or failing to disclose
arbitrator or other parties may file a comment or
a ground for his disqualification, the challenged
opposition within fifteen (15) days from service of the
arbitrator shall be entitled to reimbursement of all
reasonable expenses he may have incurred in attending
Rule 7.7. Court action. - After hearing, the court shall to the arbitration and to a reasonable compensation for
remove the challenged arbitrator if it finds merit in the his work on the arbitration. Such expenses include, but
petition; otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition. shall not be limited to, transportation and hotel
expenses, if any. A reasonable compensation shall be
paid to the challenged arbitrator on the basis of the
length of time he has devoted to the arbitration and c. The fact that one or all of the parties had requested
taking into consideration his stature and reputation as the arbitrator to withdraw but he failed or refused to do
an arbitrator. The request for reimbursement of so;
expenses and for payment of a reasonable
d. The fact that one or all of the parties requested the
compensation shall be filed in the same case and in the
Appointing Authority to act on the request for the
court where the petition to replace the challenged
termination of the mandate of the arbitrator and failure
arbitrator was filed. The court, in determining the
or inability of the Appointing Authority to act within
amount of the award to the challenged arbitrator, shall
thirty (30) days from the request of a party or parties or
receive evidence of expenses to be reimbursed, which
within such period as may have been agreed upon by
may consist of air tickets, hotel bills and expenses, and
the parties or allowed under the applicable rule.
inland transportation. The court shall direct the
challenging party to pay the amount of the award to the The petitioner shall further allege that one or all of the
court for the account of the challenged arbitrator, in parties had requested the arbitrator to withdraw but he
default of which the court may issue a writ of execution failed or refused to do so.
to enforce the award.
Rule 8.5. Comment/Opposition. - The
RULE 8: TERMINATION OF THE MANDATE OF comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15)
ARBITRATOR days from service of the petition.
Rule 8.1. Who may request termination and on what Rule 8.6. Court action. - After hearing, if the court finds
grounds.- Any of the parties to an arbitration may merit in the petition, it shall terminate the mandate of
request for the termination of the mandate of an the arbitrator who refuses to withdraw from his office;
arbitrator where an arbitrator becomes de jure or de otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition.
facto unable to perform his function or for other
reasons fails to act without undue delay and that Rule 8.7. No motion for reconsideration or appeal. - Any
arbitrator, upon request of any party, fails or refuses to order of the court resolving the petition shall be
withdraw from his office. immediately executory and shall not be subject of a
motion for reconsideration, appeal or petition for
Rule 8.2. When to request. - If an arbitrator refuses to certiorari.
withdraw from his office, and subsequently, the
Appointing Authority fails or refuses to decide on the Rule 8.8. Appointment of substitute arbitrator. - Where
termination of the mandate of that arbitrator within the mandate of an arbitrator is terminated, or he
such period as may be allowed under the applicable rule withdraws from office for any other reason, or because
or, in the absence thereof, within thirty (30) days from of his mandate is revoked by agreement of the parties
the time the request is brought before him, any party or is terminated for any other reason, a substitute
may file with the court a petition to terminate the arbitrator shall be appointed according to the rules that
mandate of that arbitrator. were applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator
being replaced.
Rule 8.3. Venue. - A petition to terminate the mandate
of an arbitrator may, at that petitioner’s option, be filed RULE 9: ASSISTANCE IN TAKING EVIDENCE
with the Regional Trial Court (a) where the principal Rule 9.1. Who may request assistance. - Any party to an
place of business of any of the parties is located, (b) arbitration, whether domestic or foreign, may request
where any of the parties who are individuals resides, or the court to provide assistance in taking evidence.
(c) in the National Capital Region.
Rule 9.2. When assistance may be sought. - Assistance
Rule 8.4. Contents of the petition. - The petition shall may be sought at any time during the course of the
state the following: arbitral proceedings when the need arises.
a. The name of the arbitrator whose mandate is sought Rule 9.3. Venue. - A petition for assistance in taking
to be terminated; evidence may, at the option of the petitioner, be filed
b. The ground/s for termination; with Regional Trial Court where (a) arbitration
proceedings are taking place, (b) the witnesses reside or Rule 9.7. Comment/Opposition. - The
may be found, or (c) where the evidence may be found. comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15)
days from service of the petition.
Rule 9.4. Ground. - The court may grant or execute the
request for assistance in taking evidence within its Rule 9.8. Court action. - If the evidence sought is not
competence and according to the rules of evidence. privileged, and is material and relevant, the court shall
grant the assistance in taking evidence requested and
Rule 9.5. Type of assistance. - A party requiring
shall order petitioner to pay costs attendant to such
assistance in the taking of evidence may petition the
court to direct any person, including a representative of
a corporation, association, partnership or other entity Rule 9.9. Relief against court action. - The order
(other than a party to the ADR proceedings or its granting assistance in taking evidence shall be
officers) found in the Philippines, for any of the immediately executory and not subject to
following: reconsideration or appeal. If the court declines to grant
assistance in taking evidence, the petitioner may file a
a. To comply with a subpoena ad testificandum and/or
motion for reconsideration or appeal.
subpoena duces tecum;
Rule 9.10. Perpetuation of testimony before the arbitral
b. To appear as a witness before an officer for the taking
tribunal is constituted. - At anytime before arbitration is
of his deposition upon oral examination or by written
commenced or before the arbitral tribunal is
constituted, any person who desires to perpetuate his
c. To allow the physical examination of the condition of testimony or that of another person may do so in
persons, or the inspection of things or premises and, accordance with Rule 24 of the Rules of Court.
when appropriate, to allow the recording and/or
Rule 9.11. Consequence of disobedience. - The court
documentation of condition of persons, things or
may impose the appropriate sanction on any person
premises (i.e., photographs, video and other means of
who disobeys its order to testify when required or
perform any act required of him.
d. To allow the examination and copying of documents;
Rule 10.1. Who may request confidentiality. - A party,
e. To perform any similar acts.
counsel or witness who disclosed or who was compelled
Rule 9.6. Contents of the petition. - The petition must to disclose information relative to the subject of ADR
state the following: under circumstances that would create a reasonable
expectation, on behalf of the source, that the
a. The fact that there is an ongoing arbitration information shall be kept confidential has the right to
proceeding even if such proceeding could not continue prevent such information from being further disclosed
due to some legal impediments; without the express written consent of the source or
b. The arbitral tribunal ordered the taking of evidence the party who made the disclosure.
or the party desires to present evidence to the arbitral Rule 10.2. When request made. - A party may request a
tribunal; protective order at anytime there is a need to enforce
c. Materiality or relevance of the evidence to be taken; the confidentiality of the information obtained, or to be
and obtained, in ADR proceedings.

d. The names and addresses of the intended witness/es, Rule 10.3. Venue. - A petition for a protective order may
place where the evidence may be found, the place be filed with the Regional Trial Court where that order
where the premises to be inspected are located or the would be implemented.
place where the acts required are to be done. If there is a pending court proceeding in which the
information obtained in an ADR proceeding is required
to be divulged or is being divulged, the party seeking to
enforce the confidentiality of the information may file a proceedings: Confidential information shall not be
motion with the court where the proceedings are subject to discovery and shall be inadmissible in any
pending to enjoin the confidential information from adversarial proceeding, whether judicial or quasi
being divulged or to suppress confidential information. judicial. However, evidence or information that is
otherwise admissible or subject to discovery does not
Rule 10.4. Grounds. - A protective order may be granted
become inadmissible or protected from discovery solely
only if it is shown that the applicant would be materially
by reason of its use therein.
prejudiced by an unauthorized disclosure of the
information obtained, or to be obtained, during an ADR For mediation proceedings, the court shall be further
proceeding. guided by the following principles:

Rule 10.5. Contents of the motion or petition. - The a. Information obtained through mediation shall be
petition or motion must state the following: privileged and confidential.

a. That the information sought to be protected was b. A party, a mediator, or a nonparty participant may
obtained, or would be obtained, during an ADR refuse to disclose and may prevent any other person
proceeding; from disclosing a mediation communication.

b. The applicant would be materially prejudiced by the c. In such an adversarial proceeding, the following
disclosure of that information; persons involved or previously involved in a mediation
may not be compelled to disclose confidential
c. The person or persons who are being asked to divulge
information obtained during the mediation: (1) the
the confidential information participated in an ADR
parties to the dispute; (2) the mediator or mediators;
proceedings; and
(3) the counsel for the parties: (4) the nonparty
d. The time, date and place when the ADR proceedings participants; (5) any persons hired or engaged in
took place. connection with the mediation as secretary,
stenographer; clerk or assistant; and (6) any other
Apart from the other submissions, the movant must set person who obtains or possesses confidential
the motion for hearing and contain a notice of hearing information by reason of his/ her profession.
in accordance with Rule 15 of the Rules of Court.
d. The protection of the ADR Laws shall continue to
Rule 10.6. Notice. - Notice of a request for a protective apply even if a mediator is found to have failed to act
order made through a motion shall be made to the impartially.
opposing parties in accordance with Rule 15 of the
Rules of Court. e. A mediator may not be called to testify to provide
information gathered in mediation. A mediator who is
Rule 10.7. Comment/Opposition. - The wrongfully subpoenaed shall be reimbursed the full cost
comment/opposition must be filed within fifteen (15) of his attorney fees and related expenses.
days from service of the petition. The opposition or
comment may be accompanied by written proof that (a) Rule 10.9. Relief against court action. - The order
the information is not confidential, (b) the information enjoining a person or persons from divulging
was not obtained during an ADR proceeding, (c) there confidential information shall be immediately executory
was a waiver of confidentiality, or (d) the and may not be enjoined while the order is being
petitioner/movant is precluded from asserting questioned with the appellate courts.
If the court declines to enjoin a person or persons from
Rule 10.8. Court action. - If the court finds the petition divulging confidential information, the petitioner may
or motion meritorious, it shall issue an order enjoining a file a motion for reconsideration or appeal.
person or persons from divulging confidential
Rule 10.10. Consequence of disobedience. - Any person
who disobeys the order of the court to cease from
In resolving the petition or motion, the courts shall be divulging confidential information shall be imposed the
guided by the following principles applicable to all ADR proper sanction by the court.
RULE 11: CONFIRMATION, CORRECTION OR VACATION Rule 11.4. Grounds. - (A) To vacate an arbitral award. -
OF AWARD IN DOMESTIC ARBITRATION The arbitral award may be vacated on the following
Rule 11.1. Who may request confirmation, correction or
vacation. - Any party to a domestic arbitration may a. The arbitral award was procured through corruption,
petition the court to confirm, correct or vacate a fraud or other undue means;
domestic arbitral award.
b. There was evident partiality or corruption in the
Rule 11.2. When to request confirmation, arbitral tribunal or any of its members;
correction/modification or vacation. -
c. The arbitral tribunal was guilty of misconduct or any
(A) Confirmation. - At any time after the lapse of thirty form of misbehavior that has materially prejudiced the
(30) days from receipt by the petitioner of the arbitral rights of any party such as refusing to postpone a
award, he may petition the court to confirm that award. hearing upon sufficient cause shown or to hear
evidence pertinent and material to the controversy;
(B) Correction/Modification. - Not later than thirty (30)
days from receipt of the arbitral award, a party may d. One or more of the arbitrators was disqualified to act
petition the court to correct/modify that award. as such under the law and willfully refrained from
disclosing such disqualification; or
(C) Vacation. - Not later than thirty (30) days from
receipt of the arbitral award, a party may petition the e. The arbitral tribunal exceeded its powers, or so
court to vacate that award. imperfectly executed them, such that a complete, final
and definite award upon the subject matter submitted
(D) A petition to vacate the arbitral award may be filed,
to them was not made.
in opposition to a petition to confirm the arbitral award,
not later than thirty (30) days from receipt of the award The award may also be vacated on any or all of the
by the petitioner. A petition to vacate the arbitral award following grounds:
filed beyond the reglementary period shall be
a. The arbitration agreement did not exist, or is invalid
for any ground for the revocation of a contract or is
(E) A petition to confirm the arbitral award may be filed, otherwise unenforceable; or
in opposition to a petition to vacate the arbitral award,
b. A party to arbitration is a minor or a person judicially
at any time after the petition to vacate such arbitral
declared to be incompetent.
award is filed. The dismissal of the petition to vacate the
arbitral award for having been filed beyond the The petition to vacate an arbitral award on the ground
reglementary period shall not result in the dismissal of that the party to arbitration is a minor or a person
the petition for the confirmation of such arbitral award. judicially declared to be incompetent shall be filed only
on behalf of the minor or incompetent and shall allege
(F) The filing of a petition to confirm an arbitral award
that (a) the other party to arbitration had knowingly
shall not authorize the filing of a belated petition to
entered into a submission or agreement with such
vacate or set aside such award in opposition thereto.
minor or incompetent, or (b) the submission to
(G) A petition to correct an arbitral award may be arbitration was made by a guardian or guardian ad litem
included as part of a petition to confirm the arbitral who was not authorized to do so by a competent court.
award or as a petition to confirm that award.
In deciding the petition to vacate the arbitral award, the
Rule 11.3. Venue. - The petition for confirmation, court shall disregard any other ground than those
correction/modification or vacation of a domestic enumerated above.
arbitral award may be filed with Regional Trial Court
(B) To correct/modify an arbitral award. - The Court may
having jurisdiction over the place in which one of the
correct/modify or order the arbitral tribunal to
parties is doing business, where any of the parties
correct/modify the arbitral award in the following cases:
reside or where arbitration proceedings were
a. Where there was an evident miscalculation of figures shopping rule, the court or courts concerned may allow
or an evident mistake in the description of any person, the consolidation of the two proceedings in one court
thing or property referred to in the award; and in one case.

b. Where the arbitrators have awarded upon a matter Where the petition to confirm the award and petition to
not submitted to them, not affecting the merits of the vacate or correct/modify were simultaneously filed by
decision upon the matter submitted; the parties in the same court or in different courts in the
Philippines, upon motion of either party, the court may
c. Where the arbitrators have omitted to resolve an
order the consolidation of the two cases before either
issue submitted to them for resolution; or
d. Where the award is imperfect in a matter of form not
In all instances, the petition must be verified by a
affecting the merits of the controversy, and if it had
person who has knowledge of the jurisdictional facts.
been a commissioner’s report, the defect could have
been amended or disregarded by the Court. Rule 11.6. Contents of petition. - The petition must state
the following:
Rule 11.5. Form of petition. - An application to vacate an
arbitral award shall be in the form of a petition to a. The addresses of the parties and any change thereof;
vacate or as a petition to vacate in opposition to a
b. The jurisdictional issues raised by a party during
petition to confirm the same award.
arbitration proceedings;
An application to correct/modify an arbitral award may
c. The grounds relied upon by the parties in seeking the
be included in a petition to confirm an arbitral award or
vacation of the arbitral award whether the petition is a
in a petition to vacate in opposition to confirm the same
petition for the vacation or setting aside of the arbitral
award or a petition in opposition to a petition to
When a petition to confirm an arbitral award is pending confirm the award; and
before a court, the party seeking to vacate or
d. A statement of the date of receipt of the arbitral
correct/modify said award may only apply for those
award and the circumstances under which it was
reliefs through a petition to vacate or correct/modify
received by the petitioner.
the award in opposition to the petition to confirm the
award provided that such petition to vacate or Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must
correct/modify is filed within thirty (30) days from his attach to the petition the following:
receipt of the award. A petition to vacate or
correct/modify an arbitral award filed in another court a. An authentic copy of the arbitration agreement;
or in a separate case before the same court shall be b. An authentic copy of the arbitral award;
dismissed, upon appropriate motion, as a violation of
the rule against forum-shopping. c. A certification against forum shopping executed by
the applicant in accordance with Section 5 of Rule 7 of
When a petition to vacate or correct/modify an arbitral the Rules of Court; and
award is pending before a court, the party seeking to
confirm said award may only apply for that relief d. An authentic copy or authentic copies of the
through a petition to confirm the same award in appointment of an arbitral tribunal.
opposition to the petition to vacate or correct/modify Rule 11.7. Notice. - Upon finding that the petition filed
the award. A petition to confirm or correct/modify an under this Rule is sufficient both in form and in
arbitral award filed as separate proceeding in another substance, the Court shall cause notice and a copy of
court or in a different case before the same court shall the petition to be delivered to the respondent allowing
be dismissed, upon appropriate motion, as a violation of him to file a comment or opposition thereto within
the rule against forum shopping. fifteen (15) days from receipt of the petition. In lieu of
As an alternative to the dismissal of a second petition an opposition, the respondent may file a petition in
for confirmation, vacation or correction/modification of opposition to the petition.
an arbitral award filed in violation of the non-forum
The petitioner may within fifteen (15) days from receipt arbitration agreement was entered into by a guardian
of the petition in opposition thereto file a reply. or guardian ad litem, the latter was not authorized by a
competent court to sign such the submission or
Rule 11.8. Hearing. - If the Court finds from the petition
arbitration agreement.
or petition in opposition thereto that there are issues of
fact, it shall require the parties, within a period of not If on the basis of the petition, the opposition, the
more than fifteen (15) days from receipt of the order, to affidavits and reply affidavits of the parties, the court
simultaneously submit the affidavits of all of their finds that there is a need to conduct an oral hearing, the
witnesses and reply affidavits within ten (10) days from court shall set the case for hearing. This case shall have
receipt of the affidavits to be replied to. There shall be preference over other cases before the court, except
attached to the affidavits or reply affidavits documents criminal cases. During the hearing, the affidavits of
relied upon in support of the statements of fact in such witnesses shall take the place of their direct testimonies
affidavits or reply affidavits. and they shall immediately be subject to cross-
examination thereon. The Court shall have full control
If the petition or the petition in opposition thereto is
over the proceedings in order to ensure that the case is
one for vacation of an arbitral award, the interested
heard without undue delay.
party in arbitration may oppose the petition or the
petition in opposition thereto for the reason that the Rule 11.9. Court action. - Unless a ground to vacate an
grounds cited in the petition or the petition in arbitral award under Rule 11.5 above is fully
opposition thereto, assuming them to be true, do not established, the court shall confirm the award.
affect the merits of the case and may be cured or
An arbitral award shall enjoy the presumption that it
remedied. Moreover, the interested party may request
was made and released in due course of arbitration and
the court to suspend the proceedings for vacation for a
is subject to confirmation by the court
period of time and to direct the arbitral tribunal to
reopen and conduct a new hearing and take such other In resolving the petition or petition in opposition
action as will eliminate the grounds for vacation of the thereto in accordance with these Special ADR Rules, the
award. The opposition shall be supported by a brief of court shall either confirm or vacate the arbitral award.
legal arguments to show the existence of a sufficient The court shall not disturb the arbitral tribunal’s
legal basis for the opposition. determination of facts and/or interpretation of law.
If the ground of the petition to vacate an arbitral award In a petition to vacate an award or in petition to vacate
is that the arbitration agreement did not exist, is invalid an award in opposition to a petition to confirm the
or otherwise unenforceable, and an earlier petition for award, the petitioner may simultaneously apply with
judicial relief under Rule 3 had been filed, a copy of such the Court to refer the case back to the same arbitral
petition and of the decision or final order of the court tribunal for the purpose of making a new or revised
shall be attached thereto. But if the ground was raised award or to direct a new hearing, or in the appropriate
before the arbitral tribunal in a motion to dismiss filed case, order the new hearing before a new arbitral
not later than the submission of its answer, and the tribunal, the members of which shall be chosen in the
arbitral tribunal ruled in favor of its own jurisdiction as a manner provided in the arbitration agreement or
preliminary question which was appealed by a party to submission, or the law. In the latter case, any provision
the Regional Trial Court, a copy of the order, ruling or limiting the time in which the arbitral tribunal may
preliminary award or decision of the arbitral tribunal, make a decision shall be deemed applicable to the new
the appeal therefrom to the Court and the order or arbitral tribunal.
decision of the Court shall all be attached to the
petition. In referring the case back to the arbitral tribunal or to a
new arbitral tribunal pursuant to Rule 24 of Republic
If the ground of the petition is that the petitioner is an Act No. 876, the court may not direct it to revise its
infant or a person judicially declared to be incompetent, award in a particular way, or to revise its findings of fact
there shall be attached to the petition certified copies of or conclusions of law or otherwise encroach upon the
documents showing such fact. In addition, the independence of an arbitral tribunal in the making of a
petitioner shall show that even if the submission or final award.
RULE 12: RECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENT OR a. The party making the application furnishes proof that:
(i). A party to the arbitration agreement was under
some incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid
Rule 12.1. Who may request recognition and under the law to which the parties have subjected it or,
enforcement or setting aside. - Any party to an failing any indication thereof, under Philippine law; or
international commercial arbitration in the Philippines
(ii). The party making the application to set aside or
may petition the proper court to recognize and enforce
resist enforcement was not given proper notice of the
or set aside an arbitral award.
appointment of an arbitrator or of the arbitral
Rule 12.2. When to file petition. - (A) Petition to proceedings or was otherwise unable to present his
recognize and enforce. - The petition for enforcement case; or
and recognition of an arbitral award may be filed
(iii). The award deals with a dispute not contemplated
anytime from receipt of the award. If, however, a timely
by or not falling within the terms of the submission to
petition to set aside an arbitral award is filed, the
arbitration, or contains decisions on matters beyond the
opposing party must file therein and in opposition
scope of the submission to arbitration; provided that, if
thereto the petition for recognition and enforcement of
the decisions on matters submitted to arbitration can be
the same award within the period for filing an
separated from those not so submitted, only that part
of the award which contains decisions on matters not
(B) Petition to set aside. - The petition to set aside an submitted to arbitration may be set aside or only that
arbitral award may only be filed within three (3) months part of the award which contains decisions on matters
from the time the petitioner receives a copy thereof. If a submitted to arbitration may be enforced; or
timely request is made with the arbitral tribunal for
(iv). The composition of the arbitral tribunal or the
correction, interpretation or additional award, the three
arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the
(3) month period shall be counted from the time the
agreement of the parties, unless such agreement was in
petitioner receives the resolution by the arbitral
conflict with a provision of Philippine law from which
tribunal of that request.
the parties cannot derogate, or, failing such agreement,
A petition to set aside can no longer be filed after the was not in accordance with Philippine law;
lapse of the three (3) month period. The dismissal of a
b. The court finds that:
petition to set aside an arbitral award for being time-
barred shall not automatically result in the approval of (i). The subject-matter of the dispute is not capable of
the petition filed therein and in opposition thereto for settlement by arbitration under the law of the
recognition and enforcement of the same award. Philippines; or
Failure to file a petition to set aside shall preclude a
party from raising grounds to resist enforcement of the (ii). The recognition or enforcement of the award would
award. be contrary to public policy.

Rule 12.3. Venue. - A petition to recognize and enforce In deciding the petition, the Court shall disregard any
or set aside an arbitral award may, at the option of the other ground to set aside or enforce the arbitral award
petitioner, be filed with the Regional Trial Court: (a) other than those enumerated above.
where arbitration proceedings were conducted; (b) The petition to set-aside or a pleading resisting the
where any of the assets to be attached or levied upon is enforcement of an arbitral award on the ground that a
located; (c) where the act to be enjoined will be or is party was a minor or an incompetent shall be filed only
being performed; (d) where any of the parties to on behalf of the minor or incompetent and shall allege
arbitration resides or has its place of business; or (e) in that (a) the other party to arbitration had knowingly
the National Capital Judicial Region. entered into a submission or agreement with such
Rule 12.4. Grounds to set aside or resist enforcement. - minor or incompetent, or (b) the submission to
The court may set aside or refuse the enforcement of arbitration was made by a guardian or guardian ad litem
the arbitral award only if: who was not authorized to do so by a competent court.
Rule 12.5. Exclusive recourse against arbitral award. - c. A verification and certification against forum shopping
Recourse to a court against an arbitral award shall be executed by the applicant in accordance with Sections 4
made only through a petition to set aside the arbitral and 5 of Rule 7 of the Rules of Court; and
award and on grounds prescribed by the law that
d. An authentic copy or authentic copies of the
governs international commercial arbitration. Any other
appointment of an arbitral tribunal.
recourse from the arbitral award, such as by appeal or
petition for review or petition for certiorari or (B) Petition to set aside. - The petition to set aside or
otherwise, shall be dismissed by the court. petition to set aside in opposition to a petition to
recognize and enforce an arbitral award in international
Rule 12.6. Form. - The application to recognize and
commercial arbitration shall have the same contents as
enforce or set aside an arbitral award, whether made
a petition to recognize and enforce or petition to
through a petition to recognize and enforce or to set
recognize and enforce in opposition to a petition to set
aside or as a petition to set aside the award in
aside an arbitral award. In addition, the said petitions
opposition thereto, or through a petition to set aside or
should state the grounds relied upon to set it aside.
petition to recognize and enforce in opposition thereto,
shall be verified by a person who has personal Further, if the ground of the petition to set aside is that
knowledge of the facts stated therein. the petitioner is a minor or found incompetent by a
court, there shall be attached to the petition certified
When a petition to recognize and enforce an arbitral
copies of documents showing such fact. In addition, the
award is pending, the application to set it aside, if not
petitioner shall show that even if the submission or
yet time-barred, shall be made through a petition to set
arbitration agreement was entered into by a guardian
aside the same award in the same proceedings.
or guardian ad litem, the latter was not authorized by a
When a timely petition to set aside an arbitral award is competent court to sign such the submission or
filed, the opposing party may file a petition for arbitration agreement.
recognition and enforcement of the same award in
In either case, if another court was previously requested
opposition thereto.
to resolve and/or has resolved, on appeal, the arbitral
Rule 12.7. Contents of petition. - (A) Petition to tribunal’s preliminary determination in favor of its own
recognize and enforce. - The petition to recognize and jurisdiction, the petitioner shall apprise the court before
enforce or petition to set aside in opposition thereto, or which the petition to recognize and enforce or set aside
petition to set aside or petition to recognize and enforce is pending of the status of the appeal or its resolution.
in opposition thereto, shall state the following:
Rule 12.8. Notice. - Upon finding that the petition filed
a. The addresses of record, or any change thereof, of under this Rule is sufficient both in form and in
the parties to arbitration; substance, the court shall cause notice and a copy of
the petition to be delivered to the respondent directing
b. A statement that the arbitration agreement or
him to file an opposition thereto within fifteen (15) days
submission exists;
from receipt of the petition. In lieu of an opposition, the
c. The names of the arbitrators and proof of their respondent may file a petition to set aside in opposition
appointment; to a petition to recognize and enforce, or a petition to
recognize and enforce in opposition to a petition to set
d. A statement that an arbitral award was issued and aside.
when the petitioner received it; and
The petitioner may within fifteen (15) days from receipt
e. The relief sought. of the petition to set aside in opposition to a petition to
Apart from other submissions, the petitioner shall recognize and enforce, or from receipt of the petition to
attach to the petition the following: recognize and enforce in opposition to a petition to set
aside, file a reply.
a. An authentic copy of the arbitration agreement;
Rule 12.9. Submission of documents. - If the court finds
b. An authentic copy of the arbitral award; that the issue between the parties is mainly one of law,
the parties may be required to submit briefs of legal consolidate the proceedings to set aside with the earlier
arguments, not more than fifteen (15) days from receipt appeal.
of the order, sufficiently discussing the legal issues and
Rule 12.12. Presumption in favor of confirmation. - It is
the legal basis for the relief prayed for by each of them.
presumed that an arbitral award was made and
If the court finds from the petition or petition in released in due course and is subject to enforcement by
opposition thereto that there are issues of fact relating the court, unless the adverse party is able to establish a
to the ground(s) relied upon for the court to set aside, it ground for setting aside or not enforcing an arbitral
shall require the parties within a period of not more award.
than fifteen (15) days from receipt of the order
Rule 12.13. Judgment of the court. - Unless a ground to
simultaneously to submit the affidavits of all of their
set aside an arbitral award under Rule 12.4 above is
witnesses and reply affidavits within ten (10) days from
fully established, the court shall dismiss the petition. If,
receipt of the affidavits to be replied to. There shall be
in the same proceedings, there is a petition to recognize
attached to the affidavits or reply affidavits, all
and enforce the arbitral award filed in opposition to the
documents relied upon in support of the statements of
petition to set aside, the court shall recognize and
fact in such affidavits or reply affidavits.
enforce the award.
Rule 12.10. Hearing. - If on the basis of the petition, the
In resolving the petition or petition in opposition
opposition, the affidavits and reply affidavits of the
thereto in accordance with the Special ADR Rules, the
parties, the court finds that there is a need to conduct
court shall either set aside or enforce the arbitral
an oral hearing, the court shall set the case for hearing.
award. The court shall not disturb the arbitral tribunal’s
This case shall have preference over other cases before
determination of facts and/or interpretation of law.
the court, except criminal cases. During the hearing, the
affidavits of witnesses shall take the place of their direct Rule 12.14. Costs. - Unless otherwise agreed upon by
testimonies and they shall immediately be subject to the parties in writing, at the time the case is submitted
cross-examination thereon. The court shall have full to the court for decision, the party praying for
control over the proceedings in order to ensure that the recognition and enforcement or setting aside of an
case is heard without undue delay. arbitral award shall submit a statement under oath
confirming the costs he has incurred only in the
Rule 12.11. Suspension of proceedings to set aside. - The
proceedings for such recognition and enforcement or
court when asked to set aside an arbitral award may,
setting aside. The costs shall include the attorney’s fees
where appropriate and upon request by a party,
the party has paid or is committed to pay to his counsel
suspend the proceedings for a period of time
of record.
determined by it to give the arbitral tribunal an
opportunity to resume the arbitral proceedings or to The prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of
take such other action as in the arbitral tribunal’s costs, which shall include reasonable attorney’s fees of
opinion will eliminate the grounds for setting aside. The the prevailing party against the unsuccessful party. The
court, in referring the case back to the arbitral tribunal court shall determine the reasonableness of the claim
may not direct it to revise its award in a particular way, for attorney’s fees.
or to revise its findings of fact or conclusions of law or
otherwise encroach upon the independence of an RULE 13: RECOGNITION AND ENFORCEMENT OF A
arbitral tribunal in the making of a final award. FOREIGN ARBITRAL AWARD

The court when asked to set aside an arbitral award Rule 13.1. Who may request recognition and
may also, when the preliminary ruling of an arbitral enforcement. - Any party to a foreign arbitration may
tribunal affirming its jurisdiction to act on the matter petition the court to recognize and enforce a foreign
before it had been appealed by the party aggrieved by arbitral award.
such preliminary ruling to the court, suspend the Rule 13.2. When to petition. - At any time after receipt
proceedings to set aside to await the ruling of the court of a foreign arbitral award, any party to arbitration may
on such pending appeal or, in the alternative, petition the proper Regional Trial Court to recognize
and enforce such award.
Rule 13.3. Venue. - The petition to recognize and was not in accordance with the law of the country
enforce a foreign arbitral award shall be filed, at the where arbitration took place; or
option of the petitioner, with the Regional Trial Court
(v). The award has not yet become binding on the
(a) where the assets to be attached or levied upon is
parties or has been set aside or suspended by a court of
located, (b) where the act to be enjoined is being
the country in which that award was made; or
performed, (c) in the principal place of business in the
Philippines of any of the parties, (d) if any of the parties b. The court finds that:
is an individual, where any of those individuals resides,
or (e) in the National Capital Judicial Region. (i). The subject-matter of the dispute is not capable of
settlement or resolution by arbitration under Philippine
Rule 13.4. Governing law and grounds to refuse law; or
recognition and enforcement. - The recognition and
enforcement of a foreign arbitral award shall be (ii). The recognition or enforcement of the award would
governed by the 1958 New York Convention on the be contrary to public policy.
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral The court shall disregard any ground for opposing the
Awards (the "New York Convention") and this Rule. The recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award
court may, upon grounds of comity and reciprocity, other than those enumerated above.
recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral award made in
a country that is not a signatory to the New York Rule 13.5. Contents of petition. - The petition shall state
Convention as if it were a Convention Award. the following:

A Philippine court shall not set aside a foreign arbitral a. The addresses of the parties to arbitration;
award but may refuse it recognition and enforcement b. In the absence of any indication in the award, the
on any or all of the following grounds: country where the arbitral award was made and
a. The party making the application to refuse whether such country is a signatory to the New York
recognition and enforcement of the award furnishes Convention; and
proof that: c. The relief sought.
(i). A party to the arbitration agreement was under Apart from other submissions, the petition shall have
some incapacity; or the said agreement is not valid attached to it the following:
under the law to which the parties have subjected it or,
failing any indication thereof, under the law of the a. An authentic copy of the arbitration agreement; and
country where the award was made; or
b. An authentic copy of the arbitral award.
(ii). The party making the application was not given
If the foreign arbitral award or agreement to arbitrate
proper notice of the appointment of an arbitrator or of
or submission is not made in English, the petitioner shall
the arbitral proceedings or was otherwise unable to
also attach to the petition a translation of these
present his case; or
documents into English. The translation shall be
(iii). The award deals with a dispute not contemplated certified by an official or sworn translator or by a
by or not falling within the terms of the submission to diplomatic or consular agent.
arbitration, or contains decisions on matters beyond the
Rule 13.6. Notice and opposition. - Upon finding that
scope of the submission to arbitration; provided that, if
the petition filed under this Rule is sufficient both in
the decisions on matters submitted to arbitration can be
form and in substance, the court shall cause notice and
separated from those not so submitted, only that part
a copy of the petition to be delivered to the respondent
of the award which contains decisions on matters not
allowing him to file an opposition thereto within thirty
submitted to arbitration may be set aside; or
(30) days from receipt of the notice and petition.
(iv). The composition of the arbitral tribunal or the
Rule 13.7. Opposition. - The opposition shall be verified
arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the
by a person who has personal knowledge of the facts
agreement of the parties or, failing such agreement,
stated therein.
Rule 13.8. Submissions. - If the court finds that the issue enforcement of the foreign arbitral award under this
between the parties is mainly one of law, the parties rule is fully established.
may be required to submit briefs of legal arguments,
The decision of the court recognizing and enforcing a
not more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the order,
foreign arbitral award is immediately executory.
sufficiently discussing the legal issues and the legal
bases for the relief prayed for by each other. In resolving the petition for recognition and
enforcement of a foreign arbitral award in accordance
If, from a review of the petition or opposition, there are
with these Special ADR Rules, the court shall either [a]
issues of fact relating to the ground/s relied upon for
recognize and/or enforce or [b] refuse to recognize and
the court to refuse enforcement, the court shall, motu
enforce the arbitral award. The court shall not disturb
proprio or upon request of any party, require the parties
the arbitral tribunal’s determination of facts and/or
to simultaneously submit the affidavits of all of their
interpretation of law.
witnesses within a period of not less than fifteen (15)
days nor more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the Rule 13.12. Recognition and enforcement of non-
order. The court may, upon the request of any party, convention award. - The court shall, only upon grounds
allow the submission of reply affidavits within a period provided by these Special ADR Rules, recognize and
of not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than thirty enforce a foreign arbitral award made in a country not a
(30) days from receipt of the order granting said signatory to the New York Convention when such
request. There shall be attached to the affidavits or country extends comity and reciprocity to awards made
reply affidavits all documents relied upon in support of in the Philippines. If that country does not extend
the statements of fact in such affidavits or reply comity and reciprocity to awards made in the
affidavits. Philippines, the court may nevertheless treat such
award as a foreign judgment enforceable as such under
Rule 13.9. Hearing. - The court shall set the case for
Rule 39, Section 48, of the Rules of Court.
hearing if on the basis of the foregoing submissions
there is a need to do so. The court shall give due priority PART III
to hearings on petitions under this Rule. During the PROVISIONS SPECIFIC TO MEDIATION
hearing, the affidavits of witnesses shall take the place
of their direct testimonies and they shall immediately RULE 14: GENERAL PROVISIONS
be subject to cross-examination. The court shall have Rule 14.1. Application of the rules on arbitration. -
full control over the proceedings in order to ensure that Whenever applicable and appropriate, the pertinent
the case is heard without undue delay. rules on arbitration shall be applied in proceedings
Rule 13.10. Adjournment/deferment of decision on before the court relative to a dispute subject to
enforcement of award. - The court before which a mediation.
petition to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral RULE 15: DEPOSIT AND ENFORCEMENT OF MEDIATED
award is pending, may adjourn or defer rendering a SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS
decision thereon if, in the meantime, an application for
the setting aside or suspension of the award has been Rule 15.1. Who makes a deposit. - Any party to a
made with a competent authority in the country where mediation that is not court-annexed may deposit with
the award was made. Upon application of the the court the written settlement agreement, which
petitioner, the court may also require the other party to resulted from that mediation.
give suitable security. Rule 15.2. When deposit is made. - At any time after an
Rule 13.11. Court action. - It is presumed that a foreign agreement is reached, the written settlement
arbitral award was made and released in due course of agreement may be deposited.
arbitration and is subject to enforcement by the court. Rule 15.3. Venue. - The written settlement agreement
The court shall recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral may be jointly deposited by the parties or deposited by
award unless a ground to refuse recognition or one party with prior notice to the other party/ies with
the Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial Court (a) where
the principal place of business in the Philippines of any
of the parties is located; (b) if any of the parties is an the affirmative or negative defenses raised, and the
individual, where any of those individuals resides; or (c) respondent has breached that agreement, in whole or
in the National Capital Judicial Region. in part, the court shall order the enforcement thereof;
otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition.
Rule 15.4. Registry Book. - The Clerk of Court of each
Regional Trial Court shall keep a Registry Book that shall PART IV
chronologically list or enroll all the mediated settlement PROVISIONS SPECIFIC TO CONSTRUCTION
agreements/settlement awards that are deposited with ARBITRATION
the court as well as the names and address of the
parties thereto and the date of enrollment and shall
issue a Certificate of Deposit to the party that made the Rule 16.1. Application of the rules on arbitration. -
deposit. Whenever applicable and appropriate, the rules on
arbitration shall be applied in proceedings before the
Rule 15.5. Enforcement of mediated settlement
court relative to a dispute subject to construction
agreement. - Any of the parties to a mediated
settlement agreement, which was deposited with the
Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial Court, may, upon RULE 17: REFERRAL TO CIAC
breach thereof, file a verified petition with the same
court to enforce said agreement. Rule 17.1. Dismissal of action. - A Regional Trial Court
before which a construction dispute is filed shall, upon
Rule 15.6. Contents of petition. - The verified petition becoming aware that the parties have entered into an
shall: arbitration agreement, motu proprio or upon motion
made not later than the pre-trial, dismiss the case and
a. Name and designate, as petitioner or respondent, all
refer the parties to arbitration to be conducted by the
parties to the mediated settlement agreement and
Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC),
those who may be affected by it;
unless all parties to arbitration, assisted by their
b. State the following: respective counsel, submit to the court a written
agreement making the court, rather than the CIAC, the
(i). The addresses of the petitioner and respondents;
body that would exclusively resolve the dispute.
Rule 17.2. Form and contents of motion. - The request
(ii). The ultimate facts that would show that the adverse
for dismissal of the civil action and referral to
party has defaulted to perform its obligation under said
arbitration shall be through a verified motion that shall
agreement; and
(a) contain a statement showing that the dispute is a
c. Have attached to it the following: construction dispute; and (b) be accompanied by proof
of the existence of the arbitration agreement.
(i). An authentic copy of the mediated settlement
agreement; and If the arbitration agreement or other document
evidencing the existence of that agreement is already
(ii). Certificate of Deposit showing that the mediated part of the record, those documents need not be
settlement agreement was deposited with the Clerk of submitted to the court provided that the movant has
Court. cited in the motion particular references to the records
Rule 15.7. Opposition. - The adverse party may file an where those documents may be found.
opposition, within fifteen (15) days from receipt of The motion shall also contain a notice of hearing
notice or service of the petition, by submitting written addressed to all parties and shall specify the date and
proof of compliance with the mediated settlement time when the motion will be heard, which must not be
agreement or such other affirmative or negative later than fifteen (15) days after the filing of the motion.
defenses it may have. The movant shall ensure receipt by all parties of the
Rule 15.8. Court action. - After a summary hearing, if motion at least three days before the date of the
the court finds that the agreement is a valid mediated hearing.
settlement agreement, that there is no merit in any of
Rule 17.3. Opposition. - Upon receipt of the motion to by the arbitration agreement directly or by reference
refer the dispute to arbitration by CIAC, the other party thereto pursuant to Section 34 of Republic Act No.
may file an opposition to the motion on or before the 9285.
day such motion is to be heard. The opposition shall
Furthermore, the court shall issue an order directing the
clearly set forth the reasons why the court should not
case to proceed with respect to the parties not bound
dismiss the case.
by the arbitration agreement.
Rule 17.4. Hearing. - The court shall hear the motion
Rule 17.8. Referral - If the parties manifest that they
only once and for the purpose of clarifying relevant
have agreed to submit all or part of their dispute
factual and legal issues.
pending with the court to arbitration by CIAC, the court
Rule 17.5. Court action. - If the other parties fail to file shall refer them to CIAC for arbitration.
their opposition on or before the day of the hearing, the
court shall motu proprio resolve the motion only on the
basis of the facts alleged in the motion.
After hearing, the court shall dismiss the civil action and
refer the parties to arbitration if it finds, based on the Rule 18.1. Applicability of rules to other forms of ADR. -
pleadings and supporting documents submitted by the This rule governs the procedure for matters brought
parties, that there is a valid and enforceable arbitration before the court involving the following forms of ADR:
agreement involving a construction dispute. Otherwise,
the court shall proceed to hear the case. a. Early neutral evaluation;

All doubts shall be resolved in favor of the existence of a b. Neutral evaluation;

construction dispute and the arbitration agreement. c. Mini-trial;
Rule 17.6. Referral immediately executory. - An order d. Mediation-arbitration;
dismissing the case and referring the dispute to
arbitration by CIAC shall be immediately executory. e. A combination thereof; or

Rule 17.7. Multiple actions and parties. - The court shall f. Any other ADR form.
not decline to dismiss the civil action and make a Rule 18.2. Applicability of the rules on mediation. - If the
referral to arbitration by CIAC for any of the following other ADR form/process is more akin to mediation (i.e.,
reasons: the neutral third party merely assists the parties in
a. Not all of the disputes subject of the civil action may reaching a voluntary agreement), the herein rules on
be referred to arbitration; mediation shall apply.

b. Not all of the parties to the civil action are bound by Rule 18.3. Applicability of rules on arbitration.-If the
the arbitration agreement and referral to arbitration other ADR form/process is more akin to arbitration (i.e.,
would result in multiplicity of suits; the neutral third party has the power to make a binding
resolution of the dispute), the herein rules on
c. The issues raised in the civil action could be speedily arbitration shall apply.
and efficiently resolved in its entirety by the Court
rather than in arbitration; Rule 18.4. Referral. - If a dispute is already before a
court, either party may before and during pre-trial, file a
d. Referral to arbitration does not appear to be the motion for the court to refer the parties to other ADR
most prudent action; or forms/processes. At any time during court proceedings,
e. Dismissal of the civil action would prejudice the rights even after pre-trial, the parties may jointly move for
of the parties to the civil action who are not bound by suspension of the action pursuant to Article 2030 of the
the arbitration agreement. Civil Code of the Philippines where the possibility of
compromise is shown.
The court may, however, issue an order directing the
inclusion in arbitration of those parties who are bound
Rule 18.5. Submission of settlement agreement. - Either n. Adjourning or deferring a ruling on a petition to set
party may submit to the court, before which the case is aside, recognize and/or enforce an international
pending, any settlement agreement following a neutral commercial arbitral award;
or an early neutral evaluation, mini-trial or mediation-
o. Recognizing and/or enforcing a foreign arbitral
award, or refusing recognition and/or enforcement of
PART VI the same; and
p. Granting or dismissing a petition to enforce a
deposited mediated settlement agreement.
No motion for reconsideration shall be allowed from the
following rulings of the Regional Trial Court:
a. A prima facie determination upholding the existence,
Rule 19.1. Motion for reconsideration, when allowed. - validity or enforceability of an arbitration agreement
A party may ask the Regional Trial to reconsider its pursuant to Rule 3.1 (A);
ruling on the following:
b. An order referring the dispute to arbitration;
a. That the arbitration agreement is inexistent, invalid
c. An order appointing an arbitrator;
or unenforceable pursuant to Rule 3.10 (B);
d. Any ruling on the challenge to the appointment of an
b. Upholding or reversing the arbitral tribunal’s
jurisdiction pursuant to Rule 3.19;
e. Any order resolving the issue of the termination of
c. Denying a request to refer the parties to arbitration;
the mandate of an arbitrator; and
d. Granting or denying a party an interim measure of
f. An order granting assistance in taking evidence.
Rule 19.2. When to move for reconsideration. - A
e. Denying a petition for the appointment of an
motion for reconsideration may be filed with the
Regional Trial Court within a non-extendible period of
f. Refusing to grant assistance in taking evidence; fifteen (15) days from receipt of the questioned ruling
or order.
g. Enjoining or refusing to enjoin a person from
divulging confidential information; Rule 19.3. Contents and notice. - The motion shall be
made in writing stating the ground or grounds therefor
h. Confirming, vacating or correcting a domestic arbitral
and shall be filed with the court and served upon the
other party or parties.
i. Suspending the proceedings to set aside an
Rule 19.4. Opposition or comment. - Upon receipt of the
international commercial arbitral award and referring
motion for reconsideration, the other party or parties
the case back to the arbitral tribunal;
shall have a non-extendible period of fifteen (15) days
j. Setting aside an international commercial arbitral to file his opposition or comment.
Rule 19.5. Resolution of motion. - A motion for
k. Dismissing the petition to set aside an international reconsideration shall be resolved within thirty (30) days
commercial arbitral award, even if the court does not from receipt of the opposition or comment or upon the
recognize and/or enforce the same; expiration of the period to file such opposition or
l. Recognizing and/or enforcing, or dismissing a petition
to recognize and/or enforce an international Rule 19.6. No second motion for reconsideration. - No
commercial arbitral award; party shall be allowed a second motion for
m. Declining a request for assistance in taking evidence;
B. GENERAL PROVISIONS ON APPEAL AND CERTIORARI Convention, but shall have no power to vacate or set
aside a foreign arbitral award.
Rule 19.7. No appeal or certiorari on the merits of an
arbitral award. - An agreement to refer a dispute to C. APPEALS TO THE COURT OF APPEALS
arbitration shall mean that the arbitral award shall be
Rule 19.12. Appeal to the Court of Appeals. - An appeal
final and binding. Consequently, a party to an
to the Court of Appeals through a petition for review
arbitration is precluded from filing an appeal or a
under this Special Rule shall only be allowed from the
petition for certiorari questioning the merits of an
following final orders of the Regional Trial Court:
arbitral award.
a. Granting or denying an interim measure of
Rule 19.8. Subject matter and governing rules. - The
remedy of an appeal through a petition for review or
the remedy of a special civil action of certiorari from a b. Denying a petition for appointment of an arbitrator;
decision of the Regional Trial Court made under the
Special ADR Rules shall be allowed in the instances, and c. Denying a petition for assistance in taking evidence;
instituted only in the manner, provided under this Rule. d. Enjoining or refusing to enjoin a person from
Rule 19.9. Prohibited alternative remedies. - Where the divulging confidential information;
remedies of appeal and certiorari are specifically made e. Confirming, vacating or correcting/modifying a
available to a party under the Special ADR Rules, domestic arbitral award;
recourse to one remedy shall preclude recourse to the
other. f. Setting aside an international commercial arbitration
Rule 19.10. Rule on judicial review on arbitration in the
Philippines. - As a general rule, the court can only vacate g. Dismissing the petition to set aside an international
or set aside the decision of an arbitral tribunal upon a commercial arbitration award even if the court does not
clear showing that the award suffers from any of the decide to recognize or enforce such award;
infirmities or grounds for vacating an arbitral award h. Recognizing and/or enforcing an international
under Section 24 of Republic Act No. 876 or under Rule commercial arbitration award;
34 of the Model Law in a domestic arbitration, or for
setting aside an award in an international arbitration i. Dismissing a petition to enforce an international
under Article 34 of the Model Law, or for such other commercial arbitration award;
grounds provided under these Special Rules.
j. Recognizing and/or enforcing a foreign arbitral award;
If the Regional Trial Court is asked to set aside an
k. Refusing recognition and/or enforcement of a foreign
arbitral award in a domestic or international arbitration
arbitral award;
on any ground other than those provided in the Special
ADR Rules, the court shall entertain such ground for the l. Granting or dismissing a petition to enforce a
setting aside or non-recognition of the arbitral award deposited mediated settlement agreement; and
only if the same amounts to a violation of public policy.
m. Reversing the ruling of the arbitral tribunal
The court shall not set aside or vacate the award of the upholding its jurisdiction.
arbitral tribunal merely on the ground that the arbitral
Rule 19.13. Where to appeal. - An appeal under this
tribunal committed errors of fact, or of law, or of fact
Rule shall be taken to the Court of Appeals within the
and law, as the court cannot substitute its judgment for
period and in the manner herein provided.
that of the arbitral tribunal.
Rule 19.14. When to appeal. - The petition for review
Rule 19.11. Rule on judicial review of foreign arbitral
shall be filed within fifteen (15) days from notice of the
award. - The court can deny recognition and
decision of the Regional Trial Court or the denial of the
enforcement of a foreign arbitral award only upon the
petitioner’s motion for reconsideration.
grounds provided in Article V of the New York
Rule 19.15. How appeal taken. - Appeal shall be taken submitted by the parties, that the petition does not
by filing a verified petition for review in seven (7) legible appear to be prima facie meritorious.
copies with the Court of Appeals, with proof of service
Rule 19.19. Contents of Comment. - The comment shall
of a copy thereof on the adverse party and on the
be filed within ten (10) days from notice in seven (7)
Regional Trial Court. The original copy of the petition
legible copies and accompanied by clearly legible
intended for the Court of Appeals shall be marked
certified true copies of such material portions of the
original by the petitioner.
record referred to therein together with other
Upon the filing of the petition and unless otherwise supporting papers. The comment shall (a) point out
prescribed by the Court of Appeals, the petitioner shall insufficiencies or inaccuracies in petitioner’s statement
pay to the clerk of court of the Court of Appeals of facts and issues, and (b) state the reasons why the
docketing fees and other lawful fees of P3,500.00 and petition should be denied or dismissed. A copy thereof
deposit the sum of P500.00 for costs. shall be served on the petitioner, and proof of such
service shall be filed with the Court of Appeals.
Exemption from payment of docket and other lawful
fees and the deposit for costs may be granted by the Rule 19.20. Due course. - If upon the filing of a comment
Court of Appeals upon a verified motion setting forth or such other pleading or documents as may be
valid grounds therefor. If the Court of Appeals denies required or allowed by the Court of Appeals or upon the
the motion, the petitioner shall pay the docketing and expiration of the period for the filing thereof, and on
other lawful fees and deposit for costs within fifteen the basis of the petition or the records, the Court of
days from the notice of the denial. Appeals finds prima facie that the Regional Trial Court
has committed an error that would warrant reversal or
Rule 19.16. Contents of the Petition. - The petition for
modification of the judgment, final order, or resolution
review shall (a) state the full names of the parties to the
sought to be reviewed, it may give due course to the
case, without impleading the court or agencies either as
petition; otherwise, it shall dismiss the same.
petitioners or respondent, (b) contain a concise
statement of the facts and issues involved and the Rule 19.21. Transmittal of records. - Within fifteen (15)
grounds relied upon for the review, (c) be accompanied days from notice that the petition has been given due
by a clearly legible duplicate original or a certified true course, the Court of Appeals may require the court or
copy of the decision or resolution of the Regional Trial agency concerned to transmit the original or a legible
Court appealed from, together with certified true copies certified true copy of the entire record of the
of such material portions of the record referred to proceeding under review. The record to be transmitted
therein and other supporting papers, and (d) contain a may be abridged by agreement of all parties to the
sworn certification against forum shopping as provided proceeding. The Court of Appeals may require or permit
in the Rules of Court. The petition shall state the specific subsequent correction of or addition to the record.
material dates showing that it was filed within the
Rule 19.22. Effect of appeal. - The appeal shall not stay
period fixed herein.
the award, judgment, final order or resolution sought to
Rule 19.17. Effect of failure to comply with be reviewed unless the Court of Appeals directs
requirements. - The court shall dismiss the petition if it otherwise upon such terms as it may deem just.
fails to comply with the foregoing requirements
Rule 19.23. Submission for decision. - If the petition is
regarding the payment of the docket and other lawful
given due course, the Court of Appeals may set the case
fees, the deposit for costs, proof of service of the
for oral argument or require the parties to submit
petition, the contents and the documents, which should
memoranda within a period of fifteen (15) days from
accompany the petition.
notice. The case shall be deemed submitted for decision
Rule 19.18. Action on the petition. - The Court of upon the filing of the last pleading or memorandum
Appeals may require the respondent to file a comment required by the Court of Appeals.
on the petition, not a motion to dismiss, within ten (10)
The Court of Appeals shall render judgment within sixty
days from notice, or dismiss the petition if it finds, upon
(60) days from the time the case is submitted for
consideration of the grounds alleged and the legal briefs
Rule 19.24. Subject of appeal restricted in certain e. Denying a petition for the appointment of an
instance. - If the decision of the Regional Trial Court arbitrator;
refusing to recognize and/or enforce, vacating and/or
f. Confirming, vacating or correcting a domestic arbitral
setting aside an arbitral award is premised on a finding
of fact, the Court of Appeals may inquire only into such
fact to determine the existence or non-existence of the g. Suspending the proceedings to set aside an
specific ground under the arbitration laws of the international commercial arbitral award and referring
Philippines relied upon by the Regional Trial Court to the case back to the arbitral tribunal;
refuse to recognize and/or enforce, vacate and/or set
aside an award. Any such inquiry into a question of fact h. Allowing a party to enforce an international
shall not be resorted to for the purpose of substituting commercial arbitral award pending appeal;
the court’s judgment for that of the arbitral tribunal as i. Adjourning or deferring a ruling on whether to set
regards the latter’s ruling on the merits of the aside, recognize and or enforce an international
controversy. commercial arbitral award;
Rule 19.25. Party appealing decision of court confirming j. Allowing a party to enforce a foreign arbitral award
arbitral award required to post bond. - The Court of pending appeal; and
Appeals shall within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the
petition require the party appealing from the decision k. Denying a petition for assistance in taking evidence.
or a final order of the Regional Trial Court, either Rule 19.27. Form. - The petition shall be accompanied
confirming or enforcing an arbitral award, or denying a by a certified true copy of the questioned judgment,
petition to set aside or vacate the arbitral award to post order or resolution of the Regional Trial Court, copies of
a bond executed in favor of the prevailing party equal to all pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent
the amount of the award. thereto, and a sworn certification of non-forum
Failure of the petitioner to post such bond shall be a shopping as provided in the Rules of Court.
ground for the Court of Appeals to dismiss the petition. Upon the filing of the petition and unless otherwise
D. SPECIAL CIVIL ACTION FOR CERTIORARI prescribed by the Court of Appeals, the petitioner shall
pay to the clerk of court of the Court of Appeals
Rule 19.26. Certiorari to the Court of Appeals. - When docketing fees and other lawful fees of P3,500.00 and
the Regional Trial Court, in making a ruling under the deposit the sum of P500.00 for costs. Exemption from
Special ADR Rules, has acted without or in excess of its payment of docket and other lawful fees and the
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion deposit for costs may be granted by the Court of
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, and there is Appeals upon a verified motion setting forth valid
no appeal or any plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in grounds therefor. If the Court of Appeals denies the
the ordinary course of law, a party may file a special civil motion, the petitioner shall pay the docketing and other
action for certiorari to annul or set aside a ruling of the lawful fees and deposit for costs within fifteen days
Regional Trial Court. from the notice of the denial.
A special civil action for certiorari may be filed against Rule 19.28. When to file petition. - The petition must be
the following orders of the court. filed with the Court of Appeals within fifteen (15) days
a. Holding that the arbitration agreement is inexistent, from notice of the judgment, order or resolution sought
invalid or unenforceable; to be annulled or set aside. No extension of time to file
the petition shall be allowed.
b. Reversing the arbitral tribunal’s preliminary
determination upholding its jurisdiction; Rule 19.29. Arbitral tribunal a nominal party in the
petition. - The arbitral tribunal shall only be a nominal
c. Denying the request to refer the dispute to party in the petition for certiorari. As nominal party, the
arbitration; arbitral tribunal shall not be required to submit any
pleadings or written submissions to the court. The
d. Granting or refusing an interim relief;
arbitral tribunal or an arbitrator may, however, submit
such pleadings or written submissions if the same serves manner as the Court of Appeals may direct, and
the interest of justice. disobedience thereto shall be punished as contempt.

In petitions relating to the recognition and enforcement E. APPEAL BY CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT
of a foreign arbitral award, the arbitral tribunal shall not
Rule 19.36. Review discretionary. - A review by the
be included even as a nominal party. However, the
Supreme Court is not a matter of right, but of sound
tribunal may be notified of the proceedings and
judicial discretion, which will be granted only for serious
furnished with court processes.
and compelling reasons resulting in grave prejudice to
Rule 19.30. Court to dismiss petition. - The court shall the aggrieved party. The following, while neither
dismiss the petition if it fails to comply with Rules 19.27 controlling nor fully measuring the court's discretion,
and 19.28 above, or upon consideration of the ground indicate the serious and compelling, and necessarily,
alleged and the legal briefs submitted by the parties, the restrictive nature of the grounds that will warrant the
petition does not appear to be prima facie meritorious. exercise of the Supreme Court’s discretionary powers,
when the Court of Appeals:
Rule 19.31. Order to comment. - If the petition is
sufficient in form and substance to justify such process, a. Failed to apply the applicable standard or test for
the Court of Appeals shall immediately issue an order judicial review prescribed in these Special ADR Rules in
requiring the respondent or respondents to comment arriving at its decision resulting in substantial prejudice
on the petition within a non-extendible period of fifteen to the aggrieved party;
(15) days from receipt of a copy thereof. Such order
b. Erred in upholding a final order or decision despite
shall be served on the respondents in such manner as
the lack of jurisdiction of the court that rendered such
the court may direct, together with a copy of the
final order or decision;
petition and any annexes thereto.
c. Failed to apply any provision, principle, policy or rule
Rule 19.32. Arbitration may continue despite petition
contained in these Special ADR Rules resulting in
for certiorari. - A petition for certiorari to the court from
substantial prejudice to the aggrieved party; and
the action of the appointing authority or the arbitral
tribunal allowed under this Rule shall not prevent the d. Committed an error so egregious and harmful to a
arbitral tribunal from continuing the proceedings and party as to amount to an undeniable excess of
rendering its award. Should the arbitral tribunal jurisdiction.
continue with the proceedings, the arbitral proceedings
and any award rendered therein will be subject to the The mere fact that the petitioner disagrees with the
final outcome of the pending petition for certiorari. Court of Appeals’ determination of questions of fact, of
law or both questions of fact and law, shall not warrant
Rule 19.33. Prohibition against injunctions. - The Court the exercise of the Supreme Court’s discretionary
of Appeals shall not, during the pendency of the power. The error imputed to the Court of Appeals must
proceedings before it, prohibit or enjoin the be grounded upon any of the above prescribed grounds
commencement of arbitration, the constitution of the for review or be closely analogous thereto.
arbitral tribunal, or the continuation of arbitration.
A mere general allegation that the Court of Appeals has
Rule 19.34. Proceedings after comment is filed. - After committed serious and substantial error or that it has
the comment is filed, or the time for the filing thereof acted with grave abuse of discretion resulting in
has expired, the court shall render judgment granting substantial prejudice to the petitioner without
the relief prayed for or to which the petitioner is indicating with specificity the nature of such error or
entitled, or denying the same, within a non-extendible abuse of discretion and the serious prejudice suffered
period of fifteen (15) days. by the petitioner on account thereof, shall constitute
sufficient ground for the Supreme Court to dismiss
Rule 19.35. Service and enforcement of order or
outright the petition.
judgment. - A certified copy of the judgment rendered
in accordance with the last preceding section shall be Rule 19.37. Filing of petition with Supreme Court. - A
served upon the Regional Trial Court concerned in such party desiring to appeal by certiorari from a judgment
or final order or resolution of the Court of Appeals would support the petition; and (e) contain a sworn
issued pursuant to these Special ADR Rules may file with certification against forum shopping.
the Supreme Court a verified petition for review on
Rule 19.41. Dismissal or denial of petition. - The failure
certiorari. The petition shall raise only questions of law,
of the petitioner to comply with any of the foregoing
which must be distinctly set forth.
requirements regarding the payment of the docket and
Rule 19.38. Time for filing; extension. - The petition shall other lawful fees, deposit for costs, proof of service of
be filed within fifteen (15) days from notice of the the petition, and the contents of and the documents
judgment or final order or resolution appealed from, or which should accompany the petition shall be sufficient
of the denial of the petitioner's motion for new trial or ground for the dismissal thereof.
reconsideration filed in due time after notice of the
The Supreme Court may on its own initiative deny the
petition on the ground that the appeal is without merit,
On motion duly filed and served, with full payment of or is prosecuted manifestly for delay, or that the
the docket and other lawful fees and the deposit for questions raised therein are too insubstantial to require
costs before the expiration of the reglementary period, consideration.
the Supreme Court may for justifiable reasons grant an
Rule 19.42. Due course; elevation of records. - If the
extension of thirty (30) days only within which to file
petition is given due course, the Supreme Court may
the petition.
require the elevation of the complete record of the case
Rule 19.39. Docket and other lawful fees; proof of or specified parts thereof within fifteen (15) days from
service of petition. - Unless he has theretofore done so notice.
or unless the Supreme Court orders otherwise, the
petitioner shall pay docket and other lawful fees to the
clerk of court of the Supreme Court of P3,500.00 and
deposit the amount of P500.00 for costs at the time of
the filing of the petition. Proof of service of a copy
thereof on the lower court concerned and on the
adverse party shall be submitted together with the

Rule 19.40. Contents of petition. - The petition shall be

filed in eighteen (18) copies, with the original copy
intended for the court being indicated as such by the
petitioner, and shall (a) state the full name of the
appealing party as the petitioner and the adverse party
as respondent, without impleading the lower courts or
judges thereof either as petitioners or respondents; (b)
indicate the material dates showing when notice of the
judgment or final order or resolution subject thereof
was received, when a motion for new trial or
reconsideration, if any, was filed and when notice of the
denial thereof was received; (c) set forth concisely a
statement of the matters involved, and the reasons or
arguments relied on for the allowance of the petition;
(d) be accompanied by a clearly legible duplicate
original, or a certified true copy of the judgment or final
order or resolution certified by the clerk of court of the
court a quo and the requisite number of plain copies
thereof, and such material portions of the record as

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