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IGCSE English Language - Paper 1: Non-Fiction

Section A: Seen + Unseen Text

Q2 In your own words … [4]

Q3 + Adj + Brief quotes [5]

Q4 2 Languages + 2 Structures (+ Cross reference)

Q5 Comparisons [40-35 min]

1st - Forms / Perspective / Purpose

2nd - Idea / Theme

3rd - Tone

4th - Identity / Attitude / Relationship / Opening / Ending

Section B: Transactional Writing

Types: Speech, letter, article, guide, leaflet, review, travel writing

first and foremost Tackle the conundrum

safe and sound Ubiquitous

indispensable and influential Facilitate

breathtaking and brilliant I am deeply dismayed and disillusioned

effective excellent extraordinary exceptional

extensive and enormous …

devastating and detrimental

profound and paramount practical productive Don’t you think it is…?

prevalent and pervasive How do you think?

simple and straightforward How could you argue that?

boost and bolster Why not..

vigorous an vibrant Let us…

mesmerizing and magnificent Can you imagine …

demanding and difficult

survive and thrive

hustle and bustle

constructive and conducive

fruitful and favorable

impressive and inspiring

remarkable and rare

exquisite and elegant

impeccable and incomparable

scintillating and splendid

interesting and incredible

I am enraged and exasperated by

‘Nowadays there should be no differences in the ways that boys and girls are educated’

“One is not born a woman, one becomes one” Simone de Beauvoir encapsulates the gender
stereotypes imposed on girls but it also applies to boys. Growing up, we have been taught and educated
to play our expected gender roles according to the societal expectations. But we need to ask ourselves:
must boys be taught to be masculine, authoritative and puissant? Must girls be taught to be tender,
obedient and gentle?

Firstly, the difference in educating boys and girls will only perpetuate the gender inequality, prejudice and
stereotypes. If young boys are taught to be strong while young girls are taught to be weak (according to
our traditional Chinese culture where 90% of people believes man are superior than woman) then the
gap between girls and boys would widen endlessly. Is this the ideal future you want to provide for
your kids or your students? When education starts to shape their social values at a fairly young age,
then when they grow up to adulthood, the staggering statistics from National Family Organization has
precisely shown that more than 80.5% of both girls and boys who are influenced by their family’s
expectation are less likely to become who they truly are! And I surprisingly perceived that once they
start to the wear the mask of masculinity and femininity at a young age, they would further naturally
forget the fact that they are actually wearing those masks. And this creates a vicious cycle for the next
generation as people imperceptibly inculcate and indoctrinate those expectations to the next generation.

Furthermore, have you ever consider that girls are less confident than boys in certain subject ares?
It is a sad reality that girls are considered as less competent for studying STEM (Science, technology,
engineering and mathematics) while boys are regarded as less sensitive and less capable in studying
humanities and arts. Although some girls in reality successfully prove themselves to be excellent in
mastering the science subjects, they fail to choose as they are ordered to study humanities since
parents and teachers believe that they are more ‘suitable’ for girls and boys are also facing the same
hard and harsh circumstances. But an accurate survey from the National Education Organization,
concludes that around 70.6% of girls succeed in the science subject area whereas boys also surprisingly
accomplished great works in the humanities areas. This is immensely significant. And this undoubtedly
reveals that gender has no direct connection with how well an individual will excel in a certain subject
area. Therefore, I stand here to adamantly advocate that all boys and girls are more than capable of
mastering their subjects as long as they strive for the best.

Lastly, some may say that boys and girls already have a large biological differences both in strength and
ability. But one of the most famous figure skater called Sasha Trusova who is seventeen years old, the
first woman in history to land five quadruple jumps recently in Beijing Olympics 2022 once said ‘if man
can do the quadruple jumps, then so do I.’ It is one of the hardest techniques within figure skating in
history typically for girls. But she succeed at last despite of the voices that questioned her that only man
can do the quadruple jumps. Sasha’s deep-rooted determination and deep devotion towards breaking
the limits for girls in figure skating inspired so many young people and convey us that gender is not the
obstacle that stops you from being successful.

At last, ladies and gentleman, it is imperative and incumbent on each and every one of us to shatter
gender stereotypes and inequality by educating boys and girls with no bias or prejudice. Each one of
us has hopes. Each one of us has hopes and passions as well as aspirations. Don’t let the
differences in education stop us from being who we truly are. Only when we break free from the
shackles of gender stereotypes, have confidence in making difference, have determination in
fulfilling gender equality can we give them an equal opportunity to grow in education and have the
opportunity to be equal in the foreseeable future. Just like what Simone de Beauvoir said “One is not
born a woman, one becomes one.”

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