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 Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)
 Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)


LO3. Appraise the legal aspect of the institutional agencies in the

Philippine Correctional System.

LO4. Identify the structures, management, programs, and services of

the correctional facility in Bureau of Correction, Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology.

1. The student will be able to outline the Structure of the correctional
agencies in Philippines.
2. The student will be able to discuss the Function of deferent officers in
the correctional institution.
3. The Learner will able to compare and contrast the Bureau of
Corrections and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

Course Direct Instruction:

Corrections have become a challenging and daunting task simply
because it has been placed in a difficult bind. When we say daunting it
means troublesome or a frightful task. Why challenging and daunting?
Simply because the court and the law enforcement pillars have assign the
corrections pillars the job of rehabilitating inmates. Not only corrections
has been tasked to keep the public safe from criminals, it has also been
mandated to provide programs and activities which would help the
inmates absorb and conform to the norms of the society.
Corrections are a great balancing act. It has to satisfy a wide range
of clientele- the law enforcers, who want to see the criminals behind bars;
the victim, whose cries of retribution and restitution must be heard; the
human rights community, who will raise howls and clench fists to high
heavens the moment it perceives that the inmates are being punished
more than they deserve; the public who demands that every single
centavo of their taxes is spent wisely and effectively; that media people,
who are always on the lookout for news that will increase circulation; and
the religious people, who are looking after the spiritual needs of the
The correctional process has already undergone important changes
over the years. These changes have been due to rapid growth in prison
populations, concerns for public safety and the need to reduce the
incarceration costs. Despite the luck of trust in the rehabilitation ideal,
correctional facilities continue to flourish, although in the forms that are
very different from the past.

It has a twofold mission: first, is

BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS maximizing the assets value of the BuCor to
effectively pursue its responsibility in safely
The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor)
was formerly known as “Bureau of Prisons”. securing and transforming national
Bureau of Prison was established on prisoners through responsive rehabilitation
November 1, 1905 under the Department of programs managed by professional
Public Instruction through Reorganization correctional officers, and second, mandating
Act 1407 of the Philippine Commission until the principal task of rehabilitating national
it was transferred to the Department of prisoners.
Justice (DOJ). Corrections focus on the
Under the Administrative Code of rehabilitation and regards person deprived
1987, Proclamation No. 495, the President of of liberty as patients who need treatment
the Philippines changes the name of the and guidance in order to become productive
Bureau of Prison to Bureau of Correction. and responsible members of society upon
BuCor is an agency under the Department of their release.
Justice, headed by Director of Prisons that is It is a mandate to the Bureau of
charge with the custody and rehabilitation Correction, the safekeeping and instituting
of the national prisoners, or those sentenced reformation programs to national inmates
to serve a term of imprisonment of more sentenced to more than three years (Section
than three years. 4, R. A. 10575).

2 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

a. Safekeeping of national inmates and Safekeeping (DSS), supported by

shall include decent provision of Directorate for Intelligence and
quarters, food, water and clothing in Investigation (DII), and Directorate for Plans
compliance with established United and Program (DPP).
Nations standards. The security of
the inmates shall be undertaken by c. Reformation of national inmates.
the Custodial Force consisting of The circumferential reformation
Corrections Officers. programs which will be
b. Security of national inmates The institutionalized by BuCor for the
complementary component of inmates shall be comprised of the
safekeeping in custodial function is following: shall be undertaken by
security which ensures that inmates the professional reformation
are completely incapacitated from personnel consisting of corrections
further committing criminal acts, technical officers.
and have been totally cut off from  Moral and spiritual
their criminal networks (or contacts program
in the free society) while serving  Education and training
sentence inside the premises of the program
national penitentiary. Security also  Work and livelihood
includes protection against illegal program
organized armed groups which  Sports and recreation
have the capacity of launching an program
attack on any prison camp of the  Health and welfare
national penitentiary to rescue their program
convicted comrade or to forcibly  Behavior modification
amass firearms issued to corrections program
officers. The security of the inmates .
shall be undertaken by the The reformation programs shall be
Custodial Force consisting of undertaken by Professional Reformation
Corrections Officers with a ranking Personnel who are duly assisted by
system and salary grades similar to personnel on other professional lines of
its counterpart in the BJMP. The expertise consisting of Corrections Technical
circumferential security activities to Officers with ranking system and salary
be undertaken are: grades similar to Corrections Officers.
 Proper custody;
 Implementation of prison laws Seven (7) Correctional Institutions
and regulations, to include At present, there are seven (7)
prevention of prison violence prison facilities in the Philippines
and crimes; and supervised and controlled by the Bureau of
 Efficient Recovery of fugitives. Corrections and each correctional facility is
headed by a Superintendent.
The core security objectives of such
All prison institutions have their
activities are a) to completely incapacitate
own Diagnostic and Reception Center
inmates from further committing criminal
(RDC) which receives, studies and classifies
acts, and b) have them totally cut-off from
inmates committed to BuCor, Classification
their criminal networks (or contacts in the
Board, Rehabilitation and Vocational
free society) while serving sentence at
Training Programmers, Inmates Complaints,
BuCor, to ultimately protect the society
Information and Assistance Center (ICAIC),
against crime as provided for in Rule 58 of
Inmate council and Board Discipline.
New Bilibid Prison (Muntinlupa City)
The conduct of these activities shall be
The first known penal facility was Old
undertaken by the Directorate for Security
Bilibid Prison before the New Bilibid Prison.

3 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

It was then known as Carcel y Presidio dedicated to women offenders. It is one of

Correctional (Correctional Jail and Military the 7 operating units under the Bureau of
Prison) occupied a rectangular piece of the Correction. It was founded on November 27,
land in the heart of Manila. The old prison 1929 by virtue of Act No. 3579 as the first
was established by the Spanish colonial and only prison for women in the
government on June 25, 1865 via royal Philippines.
decree. It was divided into two sections; the It is located in Mandaluyong, Metro
carcel (jail) which accommodate female Manila. The prison first opened on a 18-
inmates; and presidio (prison) which hold hectare property on February 14, 1931.
male prisoners. Previously women were held at the Old
The increasing numbers of committals Bilibid Prison. When the Philippines had
to the Old Bilibid Prison, the growing death penalty, female inmates condemned
urbanization of Manila and the constant to death were held at CIW.
lobbying by conservative groups prompted The Correctional Institution for
the government to plan and develop a new Women has three different camps namely
site for the national penitentiary which was the Maximum Security Compound which
to be on the outskirts of the urban center. consists of the Old and New Building, the
Accordingly, Commonwealth Act No. 67 Medium Security Camp and Minimum
was enacted, appropriating one (1) million Security Camp.
pesos for the construction of a new national
prison in the southern suburb of
Muntinlupa, Rizal in 1935.
The old prison was transformed into a
receiving center and a storage facility for Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
farm produce from the colonies and later Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
became the Manila City Jail. located in Puerto Prinsesa City, Palawan is
On November 15, 1940, all inmates of one of the most popular prison in the
the Old Bilibid Prison were transferred to Philippines and is one of the world’s largest
the new site with its capacity of 3000 open-air jails. Instead of concrete walls, the
prisoners and it was officially named the prison is surrounded by a wire fence. A
New Bilibid Prison (NBP) on January 22, single guard at the entrance gate greets
1941. tourists and criminals’ relatives without
The New Bilibid Prison is the main inspecting them. It is known throughout the
insular penitentiary designed to house the country as “prison without walls”.
prison population of the Philippines. The Unlike most prisons and other penal
camp houses not only death convicts and institutions, Iwahig’s minimum security
inmates sentenced to life term, but also prisoners are not locked up behind bars.
those with numerous pending cases, Only those classified as either medium or
multiple convictions, and sentences of more maximum security prisoners are subjected
than 20 years. to tight monitoring.
The NBP expanded with the Iwahig’s minimum security
construction of new security facilities. These prisoners engage in agricultural work and
were the Medium Security Camp known as live in dormitories. If permitted by the
“Camp Sampaguita”, which was used as a Bureau of Corrections, some of the inmates
military stockade during the martial law are allowed to live with their families and
and the Minimum Security Camp, whose can also work at Iwahig’s vast land.
first site was christened as “Bukang This facility was established during
Liwayway”. the American occupation. It was however,
during the Spanish regime that Puerto
Correctional Institute for Women (CIW) Princesa was designated as a place where
(Mandaluyong City) offenders sentenced to banishment were
Correctional Institute for Women is exiled. A specific area of Puerto Princesa
the country’s first and penal institution was selected as the site for a correctional

4 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

facility. The American military carved out a divided into two groups: the settlers and
prison facility in the rain forest of Puerto colonists. The settlers are those engaged in
Princesa. The institution had for its first farming for their own benefit; they are the
Superintendent Lt. George Wolfe, a ones whose applications for land to cultivate
member of the U.S. expeditionary force, who have been approved. The government
later became the first prisons director. furnishes the land and initial requirements
Governor Luke Wright authorized the for tools, dwellings and beast of burden.
establishment of a penal colony in the They are required to reimburse expenditures
province of Palawan on November 16, 1904. incurred for their maintenance and that of
This penal settlement, which originally their families out of the products of their
comprised an area of 22 acres, originally farms. Upon their release from the colony,
served as a depository for prisoners who they receive whatever amount of money
could not be accommodated at the Bilibid they have credited in their favor, after
Prison in Manila. In 1906, however, the deducting the obligations they have.
Department of Commerce and Police (which
later became the Department of Public Davao Penal Colony
Instruction) moved to turn the institution The Davao Penal Colony is the first
into the center of a penal colony and one of the oldest and most recognized
supervised in accordance with trends at the penal colonies in the Philippines, located in
time. Through the department’s efforts, the Santo Tomas, Davao del Norte, the penal
Philippine Commission of the United States colony is sprawled at the vast Tadeco
government passed Act No. 1723 in 1907 Banana Plantation.
classifying the settlement as a penal The settlement, which originally
institution. had an area of approximately 30,000
The settlement was at first beset by hectares in the districts of Panabo and
attempted escapes. But under the Tagum, Davao del Norte, was formally
supervision of Col. John R. White of the established on January 21, 1932 by virtue of
Philippine Constabulary, who would Act No. 3732. This Act authorized the
become superintendent of Iwahig in 1906, Governor-General to lease or sell the lands,
the colony became a successful settlement. buildings and improvements in San Ramon
A merit system was devised for the Prison and Iwahig Penal Colony. It also
prisoners and vocational activities were granted authority to the Secretary of Justice
offered. These included farming, fishing, to establish a new prison and penal colony
forestry, carpentry, and hospital in a suitable public land. A budget of P500,
paramedical work. Prisoners could choose 000 was allocated. Several committees were
the vocational activities they wanted. created to pick a suitable site for the enal
In 1955, Administrative Order No. 20 settlement. In accordance with the
was promulgated by the President and recommendation of these committees,
implemented by the Secretary of Justice and Governor Dwight Davis signed
the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Proclamation No. 414 on October 7, 1931,
Resources. This order allowed the which reserved a site for the penal colony in
distribution of colony lands Davao province in Mindandao. The site
for cultivation by deserving colonists. The offered ideal conditions for agricultural
order also contained a list of qualifications activities.
for colonists who wished to apply for a lot to During World War II, the colony
cultivate, the conditions for the settler’s stay was converted into a concentration camp
in his land, loan requirements and where more than 1,000 Japanese internees
marketing of the settlers’ produce. Lots were committed by the Philippine-American
granted did not exceed six hectares. Armed Forces. The Japanese were treated in
On August 16, 1959, a committee accordance with the orders of the American
was created by President Carlos P. Garcia to commanding officer.
study the state of national prisons. On December 20, 1941, the Japanese
Accordingly, prisoners in Iwahig were Imperial Forces attacked Davao and the

5 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

colony was among the establishments taken 1940 made by San Ramon as the oldest
over by the invading army. The entire existing penitentiary today.
settlement was thrown into confusion and a According to historical accounts, the
great number of prisoners escaped. Normal San Ramon Prison was established in
operations were inevitably disturbed. southern Zamboanga on August 21,1870
November 8, 1942, a representative of the through a royal decree promulgated in
Director of Prisons transferred the colony 1869. Established during the tenure of
and its properties to the Japanese Governor General Ramon Blanco (whose
authorities. The remaining colony patron saint the prison was named after),
employees, their families and the inmates the facility was originally established for
evacuated to Iwahig where they organized persons convicted of political crimes.
the Davao Penal Colony at Inagawan sub Considered the oldest penal facility in the
colony (Palawan). The organization of the country, prisoners in San Ramon were
colony in exile was authorized by virtue of required to do agricultural work.
Memorandum Order No. 60 dated June 28, During the Spanish-American War
1943 and signed by the Director of Prisons. in 1898, the prisoners in San Ramon were
After the liberation of the Philippines, hastily released and the buildings
the colony-in-exile in Palawan returned to destroyed. In 1907, the American
its old site in Davao. A great deal of administration re-established the prison
rebuilding and repair had to be done farm. In 1912, Gen. John Pershing, chief
because the war had almost completely executive of the Department of Mindanao
destroyed the colony. and Sulu, classified the institution as a
prison and penal colony and therein
Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm confined people sentenced by the courts
Nearer to Manila than other penal under his jurisdiction. Under Pershing’s
colonies, the Sablayan Penal Colony is supervision, several buildings with a
located in Occidental Mindoro and capacity for 600 prisoners were constructed.
relatively new. Established on September After several years, the colony became
26, 1954 by virtue of Presidential practically self-supporting, with 75,000
Proclamation No. 72, the penal colony has a coconut trees, which were planted at
total land area of approximately 16,190 the beginning of Pershing’s administration,
hectares. Prison records show that the first contributing to the colony’s self-sufficiency.
colonists and employees arrived in Sablayan Aside from coconuts, rice, corn, papaya and
on January 15, 1955. other crops were also cultivated.
Three sub-colonies were later
organized. One is a reservation which this Leyte Regional Prison
day remains part of a protected rainforest. The Leyte Regional Prison, situated
Another is in a coastal area. The third was in Abuyog, Leyte, was established a year
used by the national government as a after the declaration of martial law in 1972
relocation site for refugees from the eruption by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 28.
of Mt. Pinatubo eruption in 1991. While its plantilla and institutional plan
Sablayan prison is a facility where were almost ideal, lack of funds made the
prisoners from NBP are brought for prison unable to realize its full potential and
decongestion purposes. It follows the same its facilities are often below par compared
colony standards as other penal farms. with those of other established penal farms.
The LRP has an inmate capacity of
San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm 500. It follows the same agricultural format
San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm as the main correctional program in addition
previously known San Ramon Penal Colony to some rehabilitation activities. The prison
is considered by the correctional experts as admits convicted offenders from Region VI
the second oldest penitentiary in the country and from the national penitentiary in
but the closure of the Old Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa.

6 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

Organizations and Key Positions of the NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER

Bureau of Corrections (Section 9, R.A.
The BuCor shall be headed by a
Director who shall be assisted by three (3)
Deputy Directors; one (1) for
administration, one (1) for security and
operations and one (1) for reformation, all of
whom shall be appointed by the President
upon the recommendation of the Secretary
of DOJ.
a) The Head of the BuCor, with the
rank of Undersecretary, shall have
the position and title of Director
General of Corrections.
b) The second officers in command of
the BuCor with the rank of Assistant
Secretary shall have the position In the increase of personnel-inmate
and title of Deputy Directors of ratio and manpower, the BuCor shall
Corrections. maintain the custodial personnel-to -inmate
c) The third officer in command of the ratio of 1:7 and reformation personnel-to-
BuCor with the rank of Chief inmate ratio of 1:24. Thus, it is authorize to
Superintendent shall have the increase its manpower to meet such ratio
position and title of Corrections and may continue to increase personnel per
Chief Superintendent. percentage rate increase of committed
d) The fourth officer in command of inmates annually or as the need arises.
the BuCor with the rank of Senior
Superintendent shall have the Appointment of Personnel to the
position and title of Corrections Bureau of Corrections
Senior Superintendent.
The appointment of the BuCor shall
e) The fifth officer in command of the
be effected in the following manner;
BuCor with the rank of
a) Corrections Officer I to Corrections
Superintendent shall have the
Chief Superintendent – appointed
position and title of Corrections
by the Director General of
Corrections, and attested by the
Rank Insignias and Unit Patches Civil Service Commission (CSC);
b) Director General of Corrections to
COMMISSIONED OFFICER Deputy Director of Corrections –
appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Secretary of
the DOJ, with the proper
endorsement by the Chairman of
the Civil Service Commission.
Qualification Standards in the
Appointment of the Bureau of Correction
Personnel (Section 11 (a), R.A. 10575)
a) A citizen of the Republic of the
b) A person of good moral character
c) Must have passed
psychiatric/psychological, drug and
physical test for the purpose of

7 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

determining his/her physical and Lateral Entry may be appointed as

mental health; Corrections Inspector/Corrections
d) Must possess a baccalaureate degree Technical Inspector or Corrections
from a recognized learning Senior Inspector/Corrections
institution; Technical Senior Inspector, as the
e) Must possess the appropriate civil case may be.
service eligibility; b. Lateral Entry from Within –
f) Must not have been dishonorably - Lateral Entry for Custodial
discharged or dismissed for cause Officers – Any qualified Non-
from previous employment; Commissioned Officers (NCO)
g) Must not have been convicted by of BuCor who is a graduate of
final judgement of an offense or Corrections Officers Candidate
crime involving moral turpitude; School, Bachelor of Science in
and Corrections Service,
h) For Males - must be at least one Criminology, and related
meter and sixty-two meters (1.62 m) professional courses, needed by
in height the institution for Lateral Entry
For Females - must be at least one may be appointed as
meter and fifty-seven meters (1.57 Corrections Inspector or Senior
m) in height. Inspector, as the case may be.
- Lateral Entry for Technical
Provided, that a waiver for height Officers - Any qualified Non-
and age requirement/s may be granted to Commissioned Officers (NCO)
applicants belonging to the cultural of BuCor who is graduate of
communities. Provided, further, that the Corrections Officers Candidate
new applicant must not be less than twenty- School, or who possesses highly
one (21) or more than forty (40) years of age. specialized and technical
qualifications needed by the
Lateral Entry of Officer into the Bureau of institution for Lateral Entry may
Corrections (Section 13, R.A. 10575) be appointed as Corrections
In general, all appointments of Technical Inspector or
officers in the Bureau of Corrections shall Corrections Technical Senior
commence with the rank of Corrections Inspector, as the case may be.
Inspector wherein applicants for lateral - Use of SLL for Promotion –
entry into the BuCor shall include all those BuCor shall formulate the
with highly specialized and technical Seniority Lineal List for each of
qualifications such as, but not limited to, professional line of expertise
civil engineers, electrical engineers, chemical (Custodial, Reformation,
engineers, chemists, architects, Engineering, and Admin)
criminologists, certified public accountant, according to certain criteria, to
nurses, physical therapists, dentists, social be used during the lateral entry.
workers, psychologists, sociologists, Diagnostics Personnel of DRD
guidance counsellors and teachers. Doctors and ERD shall fall within the
of Medicine. Members of the Philippine Bar reformation SLL. Any organic
and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank personnel who aspire to avail of
of Corrections Senior Inspector in their lateral entry to different
particular technical service. professional line of expertise
shall be assigned the lowest
Modes of Lateral Entry position in the Seniority Lineal
a. Lateral Entry from the Outside – List.
any qualified individual who
possesses highly specialized and Attrition System for the Personnel of the
technical qualification standards for BuCor (Section 16, R.A. 10575)

8 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

There shall be an established system CSOIV/

of sttri8tion for the personnel of the BuCor CTSOIV
within five (5) years from the effectivity of – until
this Act to be submitted by the said Bureau retirement
to the DOJ for approval. c. Attrition of Relief – any
a. Attrition by Demotion in personnel of BuCor who has
Position or Rank - any been relieved for just a cause
personnel of the BuCor who is and not have been given an
relieved and assigned to a assignment within two (2) years
position lower than what is after such relief shall be retired
established for the grade in the or separated.
respective staffing pattern of the d. Attrition by Attainment of
BuCor, and who shall not be Maximum Tenure in Positions
assigned to a position - the maximum tenure of
commensurate to one’s grade BuCor personnel holding key
within two (2) years after such positions is hereby prescribed as
demotion in position shall be follows;
separated or retired from the Division Chief
service. - 5 years
b. Attrition by Non-Promotion - Director (of Directorate)
any personnel of BuCor who - 6 years
has not been promoted for the Colony Superintendent below
period of ten (10) years shall be 5,000 inmates - 6
separated or retired from the years
service, except for those who are Colony Superintendent above
occupying a third level position. 5,000 inmates -
The Maximum Tenure in Rank until retirement
shall be observed for promotion Regional Superintendent below
and attrition; 5,000 inmates - 6 years
Regional Superintendent above
5,000 inmates - until

– 3 3 years
e. Attrition by other means – any
years CSI/CTSI
personnel of the BuCor with at
least five (5) years of
4 years
accumulated active service shall
be separated from the service
years –
based on any of the following
1. Inefficiency based on poor
- 5 – 6
performance during last
years years
two (2) successive semestral
rating periods.
– 7
2. Inefficiency based on poor
- 6 years
performance during last
years CCS
three (3) cumulative
semestral rating periods.
3. Physical and/or mental
– 7 CDD/
incapacity to perform one’s
years CTCS –
duties and functions or;
CSOIII/ until
4. Failure to complete the
CTSOIII retirement
required career courses
– 8
and/or appropriate civil

9 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

service eligibility for attained minimum

his/her position except for qualifications for a rank which
justifiable cause or reasons. shall include education,
5. Low potentiality, doubtful experience, training and civil
integrity and/or acts service eligibility to include
inconsistent with the best physical characteristics and
interest of the service. personality traits required in the
performance of job, shall be
Promotion System for the Personnel of the eligible for promotion to a
Bureau of Corrections (Section 17, R.A. higher rank. He should
10575) successfully pass the
a. Rationalized Promotion System – corresponding promotional
the rationalized promotion shall be examination, and the required
based on merit, seniority and on the psychiatric /psychological drug
availability of the vacant ranks in tests.
the BuCor Staffing pattern. Such 2. Special Promotion - any
system shall be gender-fair so as to personnel of the BuCor, who
ensure the women personnel of the has exhibited act of conspicuous
BuCor shall enjoy equal opportunity courage and gallantry at the risk
for promotion as to men. Promotion of his /her life above and
shall be patterned after the beyond the call of duty, shall be
uniformed service promotion promoted to the next higher
system wich enforces the maximum rank. Those selected as such in
tenure in rank. nationwide search conducted by
b. Requirements for Promotion – any any civic organization duly
personnel of the BuCor shall not be accredited by DOJ and the CSC
eligible for promotion to a higher shall be promoted to the next
rank unless one has merit the higher rank.
minimum qualification standards or e. One (1) year to Retirement – No
the appropriate civil service BuCor unformed personnel who has
eligibility set by the CSC, and has less than one year of service before
satisfactorily passed the required reaching the compulsory retirement
psychiatric/psychological, drug and age shall be promoted to a higher
physical test. Requirement for rank or appointed to any other
promotion shall likewise be position.
patterned after the uniformed
Standardization of Salaries and Benefits
service promotion requirements
(Rule XVII, R.A. 10575)
such as mandatory training and
a. Pay Schedule – the base pay,
mandatory assignments among
allowances and other benefits of the
abovementioned personnel shall be in
c. Use of SLL for Promotion – BuCor
accordance with existing compensation and
shall formulate the Seniority Lineal
position classification laws and regulations.
List (SLL) for each professional line
The BuCor personnel’s base pay
of expertise (Custodial,
corresponding for each salary grade shall be
Reformation, Engineering and
equal to the base pay of the corresponding
Admin) according to certain criteria,
rank of counterparts in BJMP, PNP, and
to be used during regular
promotion. Diagnostics personnel of
For this purpose, the following
DRD and ERD shall fall within the
ranks of the BuCor uniformed personnel
Reformation SLL.
shall have a salary schedule of the following
d. Modes of Promotion
in accordance with Section 12 of R.A. 9263
1. Regular Promotion – any
upon the effectivity of this Act;
personnel of BuCor who has

10 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections


NS Y NS Chief
RANKS Corrections 26 Corrections
Senior Technical
Superintende Senior
nt Superintende
Corrections 25 Corrections
Superintende Technical
nt Superintende
Corrections 24 Corrections
Chief Technical
Inspector Chief
Corrections 23 Corrections
Senior Technical
Inspector Senior
Corrections 22 Corrections
Inspector Technical
Corrections 19 Corrections
Senior Officer Technical
IV Senior Officer
Corrections 18 Corrections
Senior Officer Technical
III Senior Officer
Corrections 17 Corrections
Senior Officer Technical
II Senior Officer
Corrections 16 Corrections
Senior Officer Technical
I Senior Officer
Corrections 14 Corrections
Officer III Technical
Officer III
Corrections 12 Corrections
Officer II Technical
Officer II
Corrections 10 Corrections
Officer I Technical
Officer I

Bureau of Corrections personnel are also

entitled to;
11 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections
Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

 Salary Increase recommendation of ESB, subject to the

 Incentives and Awards approval of Director General.
 benefit from a Health and Welfare

Longevity Pay
Allowances (subsistence allowance, BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT
quarter’s allowance, clothing AND PENOLOGY
allowance, cost of living allowance,
hazard pay, laundry allowance, an The Bureau of Jail Management and
all other allowances) Penology, was created pursuant to Section
 Retention of Existing Benefits 60 of R.A. 6975, and initially consisting of
 Collateral Entitlements (e.g. Magna uniformed officers and members of the Jail
Carta, Hazardous Duty Pay, Management and Penology Service as
Radiation Hazard Pay, Combat Pay, constituted under P.D. 765. It was created to
Specialist’s Pay). address the growing concern of jail
 Benefits and Privileges management and penology problems. Its
(Commutation of leave, educational clients are detainees accused before a court
benefits, disability benefits, and who are temporarily confined in such jails
other benefits provided by law) while undergoing investigation, waiting for
 Special Privileges ( benefits of final judgment, and those who are serving
awardees, internment privileges, sentence promulgated by the court 3 years
officer commissionship, BuCor and below
personnel of the year and Under the provisions of Republic
acknowledgements) Act No. 6975, the Jail Bureau shall exercise
the supervision and control over all district,
Retirement and other Benefits (Section 20, city, municipal jails to ensure a “secured,
R. A. 10575) clean, sanitary and adequately equipped jail
Upon compulsory retirement, any for the custody and safekeeping of city and
Custodial Officer and Technical Officer from municipal prisoners, any fugitive from
the rank of Corrections Chief justice or persons detained awaiting
Superintendent and below shall be entitled investigation or trial and/or transfer to the
to retirement benefits computed on the basis National Penitentiary, and any violent,
of one grade higher than the position last mentally-ill person who endangers himself
held. Provided, that the retirement shall be or the safety of others.
subject to adjustments based on the The jail Bureau endeavours to
prevailing scale of base pay of the formulate, develop each administrational
uniformed personnel in the active service. operations; formulate and implement,
conduct researches develop and implement
Separation Pay (Section 20 (f), R.A. 10575) policies for the programs of correction,
Personnel who have accumulated rehabilitation and treatment of offenders.
less than twenty (20) years of active service
and who voluntarily resign or otherwise fail The Bureau has four major areas of
to comply with the standards of competence rehabilitation; all aimed at eliminating the
and proficiency of BuCor, low potentiality, offenders’ pattern of criminal behaviour,
doubtful integrity and/or acts inconsistent and reforming them into becoming law-
with the best interest of the service, shall be abiding and productive citizens after
separated from the service through BuCor serving their prison term. These programs
Efficiency and Separation Board (ESB). He are; Livelihood projects; Educational and
shall be entitled to a separation pay Vocational Training; Recreation and Sports;
equivalent to one (1) month base and and, Religious/Spiritual activities.
longevity pay of the permanent grade he
holds every year of active service, upon the

12 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

Organization and Key Positions of the Professionalization and Upgrading of

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Qualification Standards in the
(Section 3, R.A. 9263) Appointment of Uniformed Personnel in
The BJMP shall be headed by a BJMP (Section 4, R.A. 9263)
Chief who shall be assisted by two (2) No person shall be appointed as
Deputy Chiefs, one (1) for administration uniformed personnel of the BJMP unless
and one (1) for operations, all of whom shall he/she possesses the following minimum
be appointed by the President upon qualifications;
recommendation of the Secretary of DILG a. A citizen of the Republic of the
from among qualified officers with at least Philippines
the rank of senior superintendent in the b. A person of good moral character
service. c. Must have passed
psychiatric/psychological, drug and
Types of Jails in General physical test for the purpose of
a. Lock – up – security facility for the determining his/her physical and
temporary detention of persons held mental health;
for investigation or waiting d. Must possess a baccalaureate degree
preliminary hearing. In conformity from a recognized learning
with the law, the maximum period institution;
of detention for light, less grave and e. Must possess the appropriate civil
grave offenses are 12, 18, 36 hours, service eligibility;
respectively. f. Must not have been dishonourably
b. Ordinary jail – houses both discharged or dismissed for cause
offenders awaiting court action and from previous employment;
those serving short sentences g. Must not have been convicted by
usually up to three (3) years of final judgement of an offense or
imprisonment. crime involving moral turpitude;
c. Work houses – jail farm or camp- and
houses minimum custody offenders h. For Males - must be at least one
serving short sentences with meter and sixty-two meters (1.62 m)
constructive work programs. in height
For Females - must be at least one
Types of Jails meter and fifty-seven meters (1.57
a. Type A jail has a population of 100 m) in height.
offenders or more. i. Must weigh more or less than five
b. Type B jail has a population of 21 – kilograms (5kgs.) from the standard
99 offenders. weight corresponding to his/her
c. Type C jail has a population of 20 or height, age and sex;
less offenders.
Provided, that a new applicant must
not less than twenty-one (21) nor more than
Administrative Organization of BJMP
thirty (30) years of age: except for this
a. Regional Office – Headed by
particular provision, the above-enumerated
Regional Director
qualifications shall be continuing in
b. Provincial Jail – Headed by a Jail
character and absence of any one of them at
Provincial Administrator
any, given time shall be a ground for
c. District Jail – Headed by District
separation or retirement from the service:
Jail Warden
Provided, further that the uniformed
d. Municipal Jail – Headed by
personnel who are already in the service
Municipal Jail Warden
upon the affectivity of this Act shall be given
e. City Jail – Headed by City Jail
five (5) years to obtain the minimum
educational qualification and one (1) year to
satisfy the weight requirement.

13 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

After the lapse of the time period for In general, all original appointments
the satisfaction of a specific requirement, of officers in the Jail Bureau shall commence
current uniformed personnel of the BJMP with the rank of Jail Inspector wherein
who will fail to satisfy any of the applicants for lateral entry into the BJMP
requirements enumerated under this section shall include all those highly specialized and
shall be separated from the service if they technical qualifications such as, but not
are below fifty (50) years of age and have limited to, social workers, psychologists,
served in the government for less than criminologists, teachers, nurses, dentists and
twenty (20) years, or retired if they are from engineers. Doctors of medicine, members of
age fifty (50) and above and have served in the Philippine Bar and chaplains shall be
the government for at least twenty (20) years appointed to the rank of fire/jail senior
without prejudice in either case to the inspector in their particular technical
payment of benefits they may be entitled to service. Graduates of the Philippine
under existing laws. National Police Academy (PNPA) shall be
automatically appointed to the initial rank
Lateral Entry of Officers into the BJMP of jail inspector.
(Section 6, R.A. 9263)

Jail Positions and Corresponding Ranks (Section 7, R.A. 9263)

POSITION Rank (under 6975) RANK (under RA 9263)
Municipal Jail Warden Senior Jail Inspector Senior Jail Inspector
City Jail Warden Senior Jail Inspector Chief Jail Inspector
District Jail Warden Chief Jail Inspector Jail Superintendent
Provincial Jail Administrator Jail Superintendent Jail Superintendent
Asst. Regional Director for Jail Superintendent
Asst. Regional Director for Operation Jail Superintendent
Regional Chief of Directorial Staff Jail Superintendent
Regional Director of JMP Jail Senior
Director of the Directorate of National Jail Senior
Headquarters Office Superintendent
Deputy Chief for Administration of the Chief Jail
Jail Bureau Superintendent
Deputy Chief for Operation of the Jail Chief Jail
Bureau Superintendent
Chief of Directorial Staff Chief Jail
Chief of the Jail Bureau Jail Director

Attrition System for Uniformed Personnel a. Attrition by Demotion in Position

in BJMP (Section 9, R.A. 9263) or Rank – any uniformed personnel
There shall be established system of of the BJMP who is relieved and
attrition for the uniformed personnel of assigned to a position lower than
BJMP within one (1) year from the effectivity what is establish for his/her grade
of this Act to be submitted by said bureaus in the respective staffing pattern of
to the DILG for approval. Such attrition the Jail Bureau, and who shall not be
system shall include, but is not limited to, assigned to a position
provisions of the following principles: commensurate to his/her grade
within two (2) years after such

14 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

demotion in position shall be shall be gender-fair so as to

separated or retired from the ensure that women personnel of
service. the Jail Bureau shall enjoy equal
b. Attrition by Non-Promotion – any opportunity for promotion as of
uniformed personnel of the BJMP men.
who has not been promoted for a b. Requirements for Promotion
continuous period of ten (10) years o Any personnel of the BJMP
shall be separated or retired from shall not be eligible for
the service, except for those who are promotion to a higher rank
occupying a third-level position. unless he/she has met the
c. Attrition by Other Means – any minimum qualifications
uniformed of BJMP with at least five standards or the
(5) years of accumulated active appropriate civil service
service shall be separated from the eligibility set by the CSC,
service based on any of the and has satisfactorily
following factors. passed the required
o Inefficiency based on poor psychiatric/psychological,
performance during the last drug and physical tests.
two (2) successive semestral o Any personnel of the BJMP
rating periods. who has exhibited sets of
o Inefficiency based on poor conspicuous courage and
performance for three (3) gallantry at the risk of
cumulative semestral rating his/her life above and
periods. beyond the call of duty, or
o Physical and/or mental selected as such in a
incapacity to perform nationwide search
his/her duties and conducted by any
functions; or accredited civic
o Failure to complete the organization, shall be
required career courses promoted to the next higher
and/or appropriate civil rank:
service eligibility for
his/her position except for
justifiable reasons. Standardization of the Base Pay,
d. Separation or Retirement from Jail Retirement and other Benefits of the
Bureau – any personnel who is Uniformed Personnel of BJMP (Section 12,
dismissed from the BJMP pursuant R. A. 9263)
to the above-enumerated principles The rate of base pay of the
in this Section shall be separated if uniformed personnel of the BJMP shall be
he/she has rendered less than adjusted in accordance with the following
twenty (20) years of service, and be salary grade schedule:
retired if he/she has rendered at RANK SALARY
least twenty (20) years of service GRADE
unless the concerned personnel is Jail Director 28
disqualified by law to receive such Jail Chief Superintendent 27
benefits. Jail Senior Superintendent 26
Promotion System (Section 10, R.A. 9263) Jail Superintendent 25
a. Rationalized Promotion Jail Chief Inspector 24
System – the system of Jail Senior Inspector 23
promotion shall be based on Jail Inspector 22
merits and on the availability of Senior Jail Officer IV 19
vacant ranks in the BJMP Senior Jail Officer III 18
staffing pattern. Such system Senior Jail Officer II 17

15 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

Senior Jail Officer I 16 Provided, that all benefits currently received

Jail Officer III 14 by the uniformed personnel of the BJMP
Jail Officer II 12 under other existing laws shall continue to
Jail Officer I 10 be received by them. Provided, further, that
the retirement pay shall be subject to the
adjustments based on the prevailing scale of
base pay of the uniformed personnel in the
active service.

Bureau of Corrections Custodial and Technical Rank Table with

Corresponding Rank Equivalent in the BJMP
Corrections Custodial Officer Corrections Technical Officer BJMP Officer Ranks
Corrections Chief Jail Chief Superintendent
Corrections Senior Corrections Technical Senior Jail Senior
Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent
Corrections Superintendent Corrections Technical Jail Superintendent
Corrections Chief Inspector Corrections Technical Chief Jail Chief Inspector
Corrections Senior Inspector Corrections Technical Senior Jail Senior Inspector
Corrections Inspector Corrections Technical Inspector Jail Inspector
Corrections Senior Officer IV Corrections Technical Senior Senior Jail Officer IV
Officer IV
Corrections Senior Officer III Corrections Technical Senior Senior Jail Officer III
Officer III
Corrections Senior Officer II Corrections Technical Senior Senior Jail Officer II
Officer II
Corrections Senior Officer I Corrections Technical Senior Senior Jail Officer I
Officer I
Corrections Officer III Corrections Technical Officer III Jail Officer III
Corrections Officer II Corrections Technical Officer II Jail Officer II
Corrections Officer I Corrections Technical Officer I Jail Officer I

16 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

Experiential Learning
Activity 1: Knowledge Assessment.
Direction: Read the following statements and choose the correct option. Write the letter only.
1. Which Executive Department does not supervise and control the numerous correctional
institutions nationwide?
a. DOJ
b. DND
2. The Head of the Bureau of Corrections is known as the ______ of the Bureau of
a. Chief
b. Director
c. Superintendent
d. Secretary
3. What are the types of jails that are not run and managed under the DILG?
a. City Jails
b. District Jails
c. Provincial Jails
d. None of the above
4. Provincial jails were first established during the American regime. At present, who acts
as head of these jails?
a. Warden
b. Director
c. Provincial Governor
d. Provincial Director
5. The designation for the key position as Chief, BJMP needs a rank of at least ______.
a. Director General
b. Director
c. Chief Superintendent
d. Senior Superintendent
6. The head of a District Jail who is responsible in its direction, supervision and control is
referred to as _____.
a. District Superintendent
b. Municipal Jail Warden
c. City Jail Warden
d. None of these

17 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

7. The oldest penal colony in the Philippines can be one of the choices below whereas, the
youngest is ______.
a. Leyte Regional Prison
b. San Ramon Penal Colony
c. Iwahig Penal Colony
d. New Bilibid Prison
8. Which among the following is not under the umbrella of DILG?
a. District Jails
b. Provincial Jails
c. City Jails
d. None of these
9. The Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm, a national penitentiary in the Philippines is under
the Bureau of Corrections is located in _____.
a. Occidental Mindoro
b. Palawan
c. Davao
d. Zamboanga
10. What is the legal basis of changing the Bureau of Prisons to Bureau of Corrections?
a. R.A. 9263
b. E.O. 292
c. Proclamation no. 945
d. B and C
11. Which among the following is NOT a major source of guidelines or sanctions in all the
aspects of operation and administration of jails or prisons in the Philippines?
a. BJMP and BUCOR manuals
b. UN Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
c. Revised Penal Code
d. The PNP Manual
12. Which among the following is considered as prison without walls?
a. New Bilibid
b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm
d. Leyte Regional Prison
13. Carcel means _____ prison while presidio means _____ prison.
a. Female, male
b. Short period, long period
c. Minor, adult
d. Jail, prison
14. What is known as an Act Strengthening the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) and Providing
Funds Therefor?
a. R.A. 9263
b. R.A. 10575
c. R.A. 6975
d. R.A. 7659
15. In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntilupa property with the Bureau of Prisons
originally intended as a site for boys’ training school. What is the Spanish name of Old
Bilibid Prison which is now being used as the Manila City Jail?
a. May Halique Estate
b. Carcel y Presidio Correccional
c. Tandang Sora State
d. Oroquieta Street Penitentiary
16. It is considered as the youngest penal farm under Bureau of Corrections.
a. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm

18 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

b. Correctional Institute for Women

c. Leyte Regional Prison
d. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
17. Davao Prison and Penal Farm has partnerships with the Tagum Agricultural
Development Co. (Tadeco) where there are more or less 800 prisoners working for the
latter’s _____.
a. Fishery
b. Lumber production
c. Rice plantation and production
d. Banana plantation
18. The law creating the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology.
a. R. A. 8551
b. R. A. 9165
c. R. A. 6975
d. R. A. 4890
19. A penal facility known as the second oldest penitentiary in the country.
a. New Bilibid
b. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm
c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
d. Leyte Regional Prison
20. What agency of the government is mandated by law to develop, administer and
implement comprehensive social welfare programs designed to uplift the living
conditions and empower the disadvantaged children, youth, women, older persons?
a. DOJ c. DILG
b. DSWD d. A and B
Activity 2: Interpretive Theory
Modified TRUE or FALSE: Read the statement below and identify if it is True or False. Write the
word TRUE if the underlined word is correct and write the correct answer of the underlined
word if it is FALSE.
1. Nympha, a woman, was convicted of a crime punishable by not more than two years.
Since she is a woman, she will be imprisoned under the jurisdiction of CIW.
2. Juan was held for investigation; therefore he must be detained in a Lock – up.
3. A person awaiting or undergoing trial is not a classification of BJMP detainees?
4. The Bureau of Correction which is under the Department of Justice is headed by a Chief
5. All original appointments of officers in the BuCor shall commence with the rank of Jail
6. Control model puts emphasis on security and housekeeping activities are viewed as key
to rehabilitation efforts.
7. San Ramon Prison was established in southern Davao del Norte on August 21, 1870
through a royal decree promulgated in 1869.
8. Provincial Jails was first established in 1910 under American regime.
9. Jail is the place of confinement for persons awaiting trial or court action.
10. In the New Bilibid Prison, all medium security prisoners are confined at Camp Bukang

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Module 3 Different Agencies in Corrections

20 De La Cruz‖ Institutional Corrections

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