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 Was designed to set rules and guidelines to firm must enable themselves to ensure that

be followed to ensure balance among they provide sufficient information to their

individuals, firms and/ or citizens. customers.
 Also designed to reconcile conflicting interests.  Is a vital asset in financial markets.
 It defined regulation as a process whereby the  Is to set standards to regulate and ensure that
designated government authority provides and information provided in the market is ____,
establishes rules for firms in the industry. ______, and __________.
 Identified by law or by order to execute +++  Is a critical factor that firms should achieve in
 Sets regulatory measures to address certain the long run. Given that market behavior is
risks and social factors. dependent on a lot of factors, the risk is very
 What are those certain risks and social high.
factors.  Must be able to protect the interest of the
 Is a factor that is considered to ensure the clients as well as the companies to enable
dynamism and agility of the policy to adopt in their corporate sustainability.
a fast-changing environment.  Is a threat that arises where a segment or
 Is the probability of a firm to fail its objectives firms is not able to meet its commitment
that may result in ripple effect to the economy. because of failure to address the risks of the
 Is a factor that requires established policies to market.
consider the effect on the consumer welfare  Have been referred to activities that deal with
 Policies should take into consideration the funding certain transactions or expenditures .
alignment to the objectives of the society.  Are focused on the trading of securities and
 Is a type of regulation whereby rules and financial instruments.
standards are set to oversee the ability of the  Setting rules to set standards, control and
companies to establish and maintain order on the financial activities, regardless of
appropriate levels of capital to sustain ts the source.
operations.  Key financial regulators in the Philippine
 Includes setting controls over the market Financial Systems.
factors that will affect the financial  Is an interrelated financial process which is
sustainability of the firms and players in the fueled by money.
industry.  Is the availability of financial resources for
 Reason why some players or firms failed to deployment in the financial system. It is
survive. making the money available for use or for
 What are the market drivers? trade or investment.
 Governments are duty bound to regulate  Money supply balanced with the
competition in the financial sector.  This balance is managed by:
 Has an important role in shaping the overall  For the case of the Philippines, it is the
economy of a country hence it is a must that  Money will take the form of the following:
this must be regulated.  Is expected to be regulated somehow to enable
 The following activities are regulated in the the sovereign to have control of its economy.
financial sector.  Is an essential factor in the financial system.
 The main determinant of competition  For a monetary policy to be appropriate or
 Firms in the financial market must be able to effective, the BSP must ensure the following
understand how to respond and maximize are present:
their leverage in the industry and compete.  Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is authorized by
 Investors explore for investments which can the republic under
offer  What is its sole authority?
 To prevent connivance in the market  Violators will be facing what?
 The behavior of the firms in the industry can  According to ________________ amending the
also be regulated. consolidated rules and regulations on
 The behavior in the market can be currency notes and coins issued in the Phil.
demonstrated through:  The bank must observe the following for the
 will come into plan by setting parameters to deposit of their notes.
ensure that firms will comply with certain  For the deposit of their coins, the following are
standards to ensure integrity of the firms and observed:
level the playing field.  Personnel in charge for setting up the controls
 The government normally sets: for financial institution.
 Is considered as an important principle in the  As of 2020 what are the countries using peso
business. as currency?
 Is normally demonstrated by firms through
their information disclosure and policies. The
 As described by the bsp in its circulars, a  It enables the settlement to be made through
currency note shall be considered unfit for ______________________
circulation when?  The ___________ with the other feature allows
 A currency coin shall be considered unfit to ___________ and __________--
circulation when?  This shows that the payment system that
 Unfit currencies are no longer allowed to be works within an infrastructure providing
used for circulation but may be presented for efficient solution and real time processing of
 BSP may not accept the currencies if: payment may
 Is practically based on the customer price  Given that the exchange is a contract between
index. the parties, it is essential that they also agree
 Is the weighted average value of the basket of on the manner on
prices of all commodities representing the  Although the payment made through cheques
market. is not that warranted, except if it is manager
 The commodity groups in the consumer price cheque, some people still prefer this type.
index are  What is important in a payment system is that
 The degree of movement of the CPI from a  All transactions for purposes of controls are
period to another is called charged to accounts payable account.
 Inflation is derived in  Now, the settlement of these transactions
 Inflation is an indication of the varies depending on the manner on how it is
 In finance, inflation is agreed for settlement.
 Is one of the credible agencies that sets target  The normal means of settlement
for the country’s inflation  Another key requirement for an effective
 Is the body that determines the current payment system is the
inflation based on the current movement of  Like any contract these information or
the commodities set as index in the market guidelines must be
 Two types of inflation  These agreements are normally provided by
 Captures the changes of the cost of the cost of the payment system facility to provide
living based on the movement of the basket of guidelines and protection for both parties in
commodities as a whole case breach as well protection of the system
 Is used for most of economic commodities that the transactions are cleared from the
since it excludes In the equation the settling party.
movement of commodities or incidents with  These agreements are provided as a template
very volatile movement of outliers to all clients or users of the system.
 The business is not a business if without any  This provides a
 In _____________ there are different ways to  These policies sent by the banks or financial
settle an obligation after the delivery of intitutions are regulated by
products or render of service.  Is an essential facility to enable the complete
 One of the modes of settlement is through course of transaction.
payment of the products or services through a  Based on the ______ and _______ of payment
 Is a set of interrelated processes of settlement system, BSP identified the following
of goods or services rendered in exchange of a importance of the system among others
set of instrument that will undergo either  The payment systems are designed to
____________. safeguard the identity and transaction as a
 There is no ideal or best methodology to whole especially on
administer a  Are deemed safe given that the characteristics
 Is dependent on the best amenable, are __________________
convenient and acceptable solution for both  It is debited to the account of the payor real-
parties i.e ______________ time
 Will work on a certain network or subsystems  Most of the system require _____________
that will link the parties grounded by certain before it is credited to the account of the payee
rules and procedures.  The payor should not worry about the
 According to BSP a payment system normally potential interest due to missed payment as
requires the following: long as it is clear that the reference should be
 The literal arm’s length exchange of  Is required as part of the clearing process, but
transactions whereby the seller or obligor most of the time, it is credited real time
deliver the goods or services while other party especially for fund transfers.
deliver in the instance.  The ____________ adopts the use of the
 This becomes a challenge because  This allows individual and corporate tax
 Already provides different ways to settle payers to file and pay their tax due.
obligations or make payments.
 This payment system is a hybrid that is  In the emergence of the e banking system as a
primarily designed to encourage compliance in platform of payment system, but also widely
tax filing and facilitates the payment to used to facilitates the efficient settlement of
provide convenience to the taxpayers. the financial market transaction
 Since the payment system facility involve well  Is used to make future analysis or projections
defined parties and rules. Have verification of the investors. Can also be used to validate
process to allow the users validate the the credit rating of certain instruments before
transaction before completing the authority to completing the trade.
make payment. One advantage for established  Certain platforms are integrated with online
payment is the ___________________, everything brokerage companie to
can be made __________________, this
minimizes the _______, _________, _____
 Although it is an _____________, there are still
risks that need to be recognized upon using
payment systems.
 These risks are:
 System downtime and system “bugs” may
 ability to calculate currently maturing
 ability of the payor to meet the full value of its
obligation due to unforeseen charges
 changes in rules and regulations
 risk that payment will be made on time
 is very important factor to consider that may
drives the business up or down.
 Relates to volatility of patterns in the
 Risks that are inherent in every financing
 Arise in the inability to make payment
 Is to allow the business to self- liquidate or
 This type of risk may be quantified by
determining the probability of the borrower to
default in their payments in the duration of
the loan.
 Ensuring the business to be capable of
meeting all its currently maturing obligation.
Focusing on the entire liquidity of the
company or its ability to service its portion of
their debt as it comes due.
 This risk is quantified by determining the
__________ of the lender on the period within
which the borrower were able to recoup
 Is the impact of the market drivers to the
ability of the borrowers to settle the obligation.
 Is classified as a systematic risk because it
arises from the ________ or ________________
 Is the most difficult to quantify. The experts
and analyst can just only set certain
parameters to measure it.
 is dependent on covenants set and agreed in
between the lenders and the borrowers. Will
arise only on the ability of any of the parties to
comply with the covenants of the contract.
 The burden is to ________ to comply given that
the party to payback is them.
 The common defaults in the covenants are as
 It is not actual money or cash is being traded  help maintain a liquidity of the money market
but instead the financial instruments are the since they make sure that sellers can easily
one being exchange. sell their securities when the needs arises.
 These instruments are _________ and  Companies raise money market instruments
_________________  Lend funds to individual borrowers
 In the money market, The securities have 3  invest on money market to maintain liquidity
fundamental characteristics: level in case of unexpected demands most
 Most money market instruments mature in especially for property and casualty _______
___________  Maintain funds in money market as
 Transactions in the money market are not preparation for long-term investing in stocks
confined to ___________ and bonds market. Huge money market
 The traders organize the purchasing snd investment is not necessary (Future obligation
selling of the securities among participants are expected)
and close the __________---  permits small investor to invest in the money
 Money market securities have an market by accumulating funds from numerous
________________- small investors to buy large denomination
 Enables the parties to trade money market money market securities.
instruments to cater to short-term financial  According to _____________________, _________
needs. is a resource controlled by the entity as a
 In accounting perspective, most money market result of past events and from future economic
instruments are considered as _______________ benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
due to the fact hat the mature ______________  Assets can be classified in terms of physicality:
 Most transactions in the money market are  Are assets that have physical properties and
very large, hence, they are considered as can be easily seen, touch and perceived
______________________-  Are identifiable asset that do not have physical
 Dealers and brokers execute transactions in substance and usually represent a legal claim
the trading rooms of brokerage house and to some future economic benefit.
large banks to  Financial instruments is also called
 Despite the limitations, individual investors  Basically intangible as future economic benefit
nowadays can invest in the money market by taked the form of a claim to cash that will be
 Allows the money market to be the preferred received in the future
place for firms to temporarily store excess  Main vehicle used for transaction in the
fiinds up until such time they are needed financial market
again by org.  It may be presented under
 Investors look at the money market as  Two parties involved in a financial instrument:
 Any idle cash becomes an ______________ to  A party that issues the financial instrument
investors by means of the interest income not and agrees to make future cash payment to
earned by holding the cash. the investor.
 To reduce opportunity cost, ________ become a  The issuing party usually needs funds to
viable option to temporarily invest idle funds.  Is the party that receives and owns the
 Also use money market instruments to attain financial instrument and bears the right to
investment requirements or deposit outflows. receive the payment by issuer
 On the other hand, money markets offer a  Usually have surplus funds that are not
least expensive alternative for fund demanders earning anything and are
such as the  .Financial instrument have 2 main economic
 sells government securities to raise funds purposes:
 allows the government to obtain cash until tax  Money market instruments take the form of
revenues are collected.  Are governed by Philippine regulations and are
 primary issuer of negotiable certificates of influenced by market movements.
deposits, banker’s acceptances, and  In cases that certain financial instruments
repurchase agreements. were acquired more that 12 months before
 They issues treasury securities; sell maturity it will be reported under
certificates of deposit and extends loans; offer _____________ except that the investor intended
individual investors accounts that can be used to have it traded with the immediate reporting
to invest in money markets cycle
 Made investment through money market  Government securities issued by the Bureau of
mutual funds. Treasury which mature in less than a year
 buy and sell money market securities to  Three tenors:
manage their cash  TS are quoted either by
 trade securities on behalf of their clients  mature in less than 91 days
 Being government securities, these are no  Interest earned on TS bills are among the
longer ____________ same with the other __________
countries such as  Investors may find that earning from TS bills
 Banks that compose of the majority of the may
__________ bid for the bills in the weekly  TS Bills are mostly meant as an
auctions held by the ______________-  Is a contract where a party which is a seller or
 The banks then resell the _______ to the buyer of an instrument will agree to the buyer
 In _____, Phil. Government issued a ________ or lender that the instrument will be
until 3rd quarter of the year ___________________
 TS have _________________ since the  It enables short term funds to be transferred
government can always print more money that between ______ or ________, usually ranging
they can use to redeem these security at from _____________
maturity  Some can also range from
 Is also lower since the maturity term is  And these are called ___________ which do not
shorter. have an indicative date of repurchase.
 Market for TS is both  Are a key component of the debt securities
 Means that the market has numerous different market that produces short term cash or
buyers and sellers. liquidity critical to ___________________
 Means that securities can be quickly traded at  They commonly use repos to manage liquidity
lower transaction cost. and take advantage of expected changes in
 Are the safest investment instrument in the interest rates.
market  sell their ____ to a bank with an accompanying
 They are ______- repo agreement promising to buy the
 They can be traded easily in the ____ anytime securities back at a specified future date
the market is open  Repos are
 Is not explicitly stated in TS  In the Philippines, the government also uses
 TS are issued at a __ rep to
 The return realized by the investors comes  The BSP purchases government securities
from the from a bank with a commitment to
 Treasury bills can be sold in two ways  A repo transaction expands the level of money
 The BOT announces the quantity and type of supply as it
securities that they will sell. Interested parties  Under a ___________, the BSP acts as the
give a bid offering and the treasury accepts the ______ of _____________, thus, the __________
highest bids reduces it reserve account resulting in a
 The treasury accepts bids in ____ ___________
 Each accepted bid is awarded at the _______  For both repos, the BSP can only affect the
 Bidders only give the amount of securities that __________________, given that the parties
they want to buy. The Treasury accepts all involved commit to __________
________________.  At present, BSP enters into repo agreement for
 The price for all the securities under a minimum of _________ for both repos and a
noncompetitive bids isa set at the maximum of _______ and __________ for repo
 The main difference between the two methods and reverse repo agreement.
is that  Since repos are collateralized by the
 When analyzing investments, investors often _________________, these are usually treated as
try to compare ____________________.
 Most investors look at the percentages to be  While it is considered a ___________, still, a
 From the POV of investors, ___________+ risk may be inherent in the sense that there is
indicates how much return a __________________
 The equation for annualized discount rate  Are securities issues by banks which recorded
 Another variation of the annualized discount a deposit made. This certificate indicates
rate is what we call the _________ and the __________ of the deposit.
 It addresses two weaknesses of discount rate  Since maturity date is stated in the certificate,
_______________ are treated as a ___________
 It portrays a more accurate representation of
with a ________________.
how much an investor will earn from the
security since it uses the_____________ and  It cannot be easily withdrawn by the _________
________ since it is different from a ____________
wherein money can be withdrawn upon the
 Formula for Annualized Investment Rate
_____________ of depositor.
 Are also know to be very near to the definition
 It essentially restricts holders form
of ___________-
withdrawing funds on ____________
 The concept behind the _________ is that  Commercial paper may either have a
______ are willing to accept a ________________  In the Phil., commercial papers are not
in exchange for having ______________ required to register with SEC if they meet the
 It is also classified as a __________________ ff requirements:
 Whoever person or entity which possesses the  Otherwise, they need to
instrument upon maturity will receive the  Refers to an order to pay a specified amount of
__________ and _______. This feature allows money to the bearer on a specified date.
negotiable CDs to be _______ and ______  Are often used to finance _______________ that
between investor. have not yet been transferred for __ to the ____
 ______________ of CDs are based on the  It is usually offered to ____ and _______
outcome of the negotiation between the  When is Banker’s acceptance is formed?
__________ and the __________  The BC of the draft translates to a
 The interest rates of CDs are usually at the  The client then gives the ______ to the _______
same level with other money market securities to finance the purchase.
since it carries a ____________  This are usually payable to the __
 Investors can _____ and _______ certificate of  But it can be subsequently _________ and ___
deposits up until the ______ until it matures.
 It may have a maturity period between ______  They are usually sold at _____ similar to ______
to _________. Upon the maturity, the bank  They also facilitate the trading of BAs by
shall pay the ________________ __________________
 It allows and regulates the issuance of long  ___________ von BAs is usually ______ since
term NCDs. ______ is very minimal.
 Refers to interest bearing NCDs with a  Money market securities may be evaluated
minimum maturity of ____________ based on _____________ and _____________
 It offers a higher return compared to ________  Are very relevant in deciding which money
because of the long term period that market securities to invest since this dictates
depositors will be unable to withdraw money. the _______ They tend to be relativlely _ as a
 In this case, _____ will be reported as ________ result of
or the investor since the maturity is _____ ______
 Unsecured promissory notes. It may be _______  Money market securities have a very
or _____________ ___________ thus, they are _____________
 Means evidence of indebtedness of any person  If a particular security may have interest rate
with a maturity of ______________ that deviates from the ______. ________ and
 Is evidence of indebtedness of any person with ____ forces in the market would ultimately
maturity of ______________ correct it and force it back to the _________
 Since it is unsecured, only ______________ can  Refers to how quick, efficient and cheap it is to
issue this security. convert security into cash.
 Will not accept commercial papers from  It is more liquid than ________ since they do
___________ since they are going to assume the not have secondary market.
___________ since this security is not secured.  Tend to hold the security until it matures.
 Are issued directly to the _____ and usually,  They may charge a higher fee for investors that
there is no ___________ for this. would want to liquidate its ______ since more0
 They may redeem commercial paper if the effort shall be made to look for potential
bearer needs_____, but this seldom happens. buyers compared to ________ that have buyers
 They usually issue Commercial papers and willing to purchase at short notice.
use the proceeds to fud loans that they extend  They are often preferred by the investors who
to their clients. desire _______ because. It provides ___ where it
 Usually issue CP did not previously exist.
 They often maintain a ____________with banks  It is important determine at what amount an
to serve as ____________ investor is willing to pay in exchange for a
 This is primarily for the benefit of the _______ security.
of the _________  Money market securities can be valued using
 They will lend funds to the issuer to enable the _________________--
them to pay for the ______  The interest rate used in the valuation shall
 The availability of the ______ reduces the reflect the
__________ associated with ______ and this  Investors may also use the ____________ in the
reduces the _______________ market for the type of security being
 The issuer pays the __________ in exchange for purchased.
the __________  The valuation formula which is practically the
 Why did they agree to pay this? present value formula.
 As a general rule, as the _______ rises, the (___________), ___________, and ___________ and
_______ becomes lower. This means that ___________.
_______________  Debt securities also include _________ such as
_____________, ___________, ___________ and
 Basic terms of a debt security
 Is largely determined by ____________;
 It is also known as ____________, most debt
securities are traded ____________.
 The total peso value of debt security trades
 Is a type of financial market where the debt conducted daily is ____________ than
instrument or securities are transacted by ____________. This are held by many large
suppliers and demanders of finds. institutional investors as well as ____________
 and ____________.
 Debt can be _________ or _________ on the  Are interchangeably used, however these two
maturity. are technically different. Not all ____________
 This is the reason why: are ____________.
 Is a paper or electronic obligation that enables  Is fungible, negotiable financial instruments
the issuing party to raise funds with the that holds some type of ____________.
promise to return it to the lender in  It may represent an ____________ (___________),
accordance with the terms of contract. ___________ (____________), or ____________.
 Type of debt instrument:  Some ____________ can be called ____________
 These instruments provide a way for: since ____________ carry value on them.
 A DI is _________ of a financial debt and the  When they are exchanged in the market, the
promise of _________, plus _________ realization will be in the form of ____________
 The importance of DI is twofold: and a ____________.
 Without DI acting as means of to facilitate  Can be called security since they are backed
trading, _________ up by ____________ or ____________.
 When a debt instrument is used as trading  Debt securities therefore are ____________ and
means, _________ can be moved form ____________ which carry value on them.
_________  ____________ and ____________ are debt
 Types of Debt Instrument instrument but are not ____________.
 It come in the form of _________, _________,  Government bonds can be called ____________
_________, that have repayment terms of and ____________ since they carry value that is
_________ ____________ in the financial market and that
 Is the agreement that outlines the obligated ____________.
payment term between _________  Debt insecurities include ____________ and
 It allows a person to enter into a debt ____________ such as
agreement with a financing institution based  Are debt securities with maturity of less that
on the amount approved. one year.
 In corporate finance, _________ usually comes  Money market securities of most interested
in the form of revolving lines of _________, individual investors are ____________ and
_________ that cover _________ needs and ____________
_________.  Are debt securities with maturities of longer
 In personal finance, _________ are usually than one year. Examples ____________
_________, _________ or _________ like housing  ____________ have a ____________ because they
loans. ensure that the principal amount is returned
 In _________, _________ normally take form of to the lender at ____________.
_________ or _________  They are typically classified by ____________,
 The _________ serve as proof of claim normally ____________, and ____________.
for a _________.  The riskier the bond, the ____________
 The intent of issuing the instrument is  ____________, issued by government, have
_________. ____________ than ___________.
 The recovery must suffice the cost to finance  Are both rated by agencies such as
the ________________ ____________ and ____________.
 Refers to a _________, such as _________,  ____________ have lower yields that
_________, _________, or ___________ that can ____________.
be brought or sold between ___________ and
has basic terms defines as ___________
 Is a financial market which the participants  Is a debt instrument that provide =s a steady
are provided with the issuance3 and trading of income stream to the investor in the form of
debt securities. coupon payments.
 It primarily includes ____________ and  At maturity date, the full face value of the
____________, facilitating transfer of capital bonds is repaid to the ____________
from savers to the ____________ or ____________  The characteristics of a regular bond include:
requiring capital for ____________, ____________,  Some bonds have interest rate also called
and ____________. ____________ which paid to bondholders based
 Participants can issue new debt in the market on the agreement.
called ____________  Is the fixed return that an investor earns
 Trade debt securities in the market called periodically until it matures.
____________.’  It is multiplied to the principal to arrive at the
 These products are typically in the form of interest to be paid.
____________, but they may also come in the  All bonds have ____________
form of ____________ and ____________.  When the bond matures, the ____________
 The goal of bond market is to provide repays the investment the full face value of the
____________ bonds.
 The participants of the bond market are nearly  For corporate bonds, the face value is
the same as the ____________  For government bonds, the face value is
 The participants in bond market : ____________
 Participants include:  The ____________ is not necessarily the
 These project may be in the form of ____________ or ____________ of the bond.
____________, ____________ and ____________  Depending on the ____________, the investor
 Types of Bond Markets may purchase a bond at at par, below par or
 Provide ____________ to raise money for above par. The ____________ depends on the
different reasons such as ____________ or level of interest rate in the market.
____________.  To determine the appropriate interest rate or
 Is usually used for long term debt instrument rate, the following factors should be
that provide maturity of at least one year. considered assuming the cash flows already
 They issue ____________ and entice buyers by established:
providing the face value on the agreed  In finance, ____________ can be determined by
maturity date with ____________. ____________ and ____________ on the difference
 The characteristics of GB makes it attractive between ____________ and the ____________
for ____________  The formula for interest.
 It is what the local government and their  Is a rate that assumes zero default in the
agencies, states, cities, special- purpose market which is more or less equivalent to the
districts, public utility districts and other rates offered be the ____________.
government-owned entities issue  The normal basis of the ____________ is the
 ____________ on real estate properties provide ____________
____________.  In the ____________, this can be found through
 These are locked in by pledge of particular the ____________
assets. They pay ____________, ____________, or  Is an organized market that was formed out of
____________ interest. the financial distress in ____________.
 Is a financial security collaterized by a pool of  This group provides full financial services from
assets such as ___________, ____________, ____________, ____________ and ____________.
____________, ____________ or ____________  The group is composed of four corporation:
 For ____________, these are an alternative to  Their trading service arm
investing in ____________.  For the securities services
 It is similar to a ____________, except that the  For their payments and transfer services.
____________ are not ____________  As their training center.
 Are used to finance or fund environmental or  Main supplier of the bank reserves, it cannot
social initiatives and programs, or projects or set the real interest rates because ___________.
both.  The risk free rate should be calculated as :
 This type of bonds starts to gain popularity in  Another way to calculate the interest rate on
the ____________ is ____________. debt securities.
 According to the ____________, the bonds  The interest rate is dependent on the -
should not be comingled with the other ____________¸ ____________, and ____________.
projects and should conform with the core  The movement of the yield may be _________,
components of the bond such as ____________, ____________,
 4 components of the bonds
 Most theories expect that interest rate  Is the same regardless of when a cashflow is
increasing as maturity lengthens. received.
 May change or move differently as expected  Also called ____________.
especially when the inflation is ____________, or  The spot rate used to discount the cash flow of
the purchasing is ____________. a non-treasury security is the ____________
 Is the interest rate or yield available or plus a constant ____________.
applicable for a particular time. Are already  The drawback of this approach.
atucal rates and are not hedge.  Dealer firms typically construct a ____________
 When the agreement is ____________, the for a particular rating based on the
applicable interest rate is based on the ____________.
____________ at the particular time.  Is the relationship[ between the interest rates
 Wiill be used to ____________ by referring to and bond yields and different terms or
historical yield ____________ the forces that maturities.
occur in those times.  When graphed, ____________ is also known as
 Is a way on how to mitigate the impact to the ____________ and it plays a central role in ____.
lender or funds return and the borrowers cash  The term structure reflects expectations of
flows to service the debt or loans on the market participants about ____________ and
should the interest increased beyond their ____________
expectation.  It increases with maturity
 Normally contracted rates that fix the rates  The lower the rating , the ____________
and follow another party to assume such risk  The resulting term structure is uses to value
on the difference between the ____________ and bonds issuers of the same credit quality. This
____________. term structure is referred to as ____________.
 Is a contract rate where a fixed exchange for a  Another driver of interest rate or risk
certain market rate at a certain maturity. consideration are the ____________
 Usually one used as reference is ____________  It affects the confidence level of the investors
 For ____________, it is normally the to countries or companies.
____________ of a currency ____________  This are determined by ____________ that are
 Is a technique for determining the theoretical recognized globally that objectively assigns or
fair value of particular bond. evaluates countries and companies based on
 It includes calculating the present value of the the ____________
bonds future interest payments also known as  The ____________ is primarily driven by their
____________, and the bond’s value upon ability to ____________ and ____________
maturity also known as ____________  The higher the grade, the ____________
 Because a ____________ and ____________ are  # major rating companies:
fixed, an investor uses ____________ to  The credit ratings provided by these
determine ____________ is required for a bond companies are just ____________ and will serve
investment worthwhile. as ____________ and is not an ____________ to
 Formula that describe on how to value bond. the companies
 Since bonds are essential part of ____________,  Is an American financial services corporation
____________ and ____________ seek to was founded in ____________ by ____________ in
understand how the ____________ interact in ____________
order to determine the ____________.  This company uses data gathered from
 An integral step in bond investing ____________ using more that ____________ to
 Is calculating the ____________ of a bonds assess ____________ to the industry.
expected ____________  The credit rating provided by ____________
 The theoretical fair value of a bond is were categorized to ____________ and
calculated by ____________ ____________ and scaled from ____________ to
 Is the rate of return that an investor will get if ____________
they reinvested every coupon payment from  Is the credit rating company particularly on
the bond at a ____________ until the bond debt securities established in ____________ in
matures. ____________. They gather information from
 It consider the ____________, ____________, ____________ countries more than ____________
____________, and ____________ nonfinancial corporate issues and more than
 Makes no annual or semi-annual coupon ____________. The company employs more than
payments for the duration ofb the bond. ____________ across the world.
 It is sold at a ____________ to par when issued.  3rd credit rating agency that was found in
 The difference between the ____________ and ____________ in ____________ owned by
____________ is the ____________ of the bond. ____________
 To calculate the value of zero-coupon, we only  Is global information and services company.
need to find ____________
 Provides credit opinions based on the credit
expectations based on the ____________ certain
____________ and ____________ that drive a
 They conduct assessment more than
____________ around the globe with
____________ different countries.
 In ____________, Philipines was assed by
____________ at ____________ with a
____________ while ____________ last evaluation
was in ____________ at ____________ also
____________. ____________ rated the country in
____________ a ____________ with ____________
 US were rated as ____________ by ____________
in ____________ with ___________. ____________
is ____________ with ____________ in
____________, while ____________ latest ratin in
____________ with ____________ at ____________.
 The other credit rating are ____________ and
 Was established on ____________ in
____________. The 4th largest ratings agency.
 Observe almost ____________ worldwide. It also
has offices in ____________, ____________,
____________ and ____________. The rating
follows from ____________ to ___________.
 Started its operation in ____________ based in
____________. It is based in ____________ with
partners in ____________ =, ____________,
____________, and ____________Other than
____________ they also have about ____________
regional officers that aims to provide
information to investors to serve as guide as
they enter into the new investment. They use
____________ to ____________ as least.
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