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1. What was Marie’s occupation?

A. A doctor

B. An artist

C. A chef

D. A teacher

Answer: B. An artist

2. How did Marie spend her evenings?

A. Watching TV

B. Creating beautiful paintings

C. Going out with friends

D. Reading books

Answer: B. Creating beautiful paintings

3. What did the letter invite Marie to participate in?

A. A cooking competition

B. A music concert

C. A prestigious art exhibition

D. A movie audition

Answer: C. A prestigious art exhibition

4. How did Marie feel when she received the invitation?

A. Overwhelmed with excitement and doubt

B. Sad and disappointed

C. Indifferent

D. Angry

No. 5-8

The Great Wall of China holds the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site and stands
as one of the most renowned architectural marvels globally.

It spans more than 13,000 miles (21,196 kilometers) across the northern regions of China.
Constructed over numerous dynasties, its primary purpose was to act as a protective
barrier against invading forces

5. Why is the Great Wall of China considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

A. Because it is made of gold

B. Because it is located in Europe

C. Because it is a historic and cultural treasure

D. Because it is a natural wonder

Answer: C. Because it is a historic and cultural treasure

6. What was the primary purpose of the Great Wall of China?

A. To serve as a tourist attraction

B. To be a transportation system

C. To act as a defense against invasions

D. To generate electricity

Answer: C. To act as a defense against invasions

7. Which dynasties contributed to the construction of the Great Wall?

A. Just one dynasty

B. Several dynasties over time

C. None, it was built by aliens

D. The Ming Dynasty only

Answer: B. Several dynasties over time

8. She ____ a talented musician.

A. is

B. am

C. are
D. be

Answer: A. is

Soal No. 9-12

9. They _____ going to the beach tomorrow.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

Answer: C. are

10. He _____ in the garden right now.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

Answer: A. is
11. I ____ reading a book when the phone rang.

A. is

B. am

C. are

D. be

Answer: B. am

John had always been a curious boy with an insatiable appetite for adventure. One
summer, his family decided to take a camping trip deep into the wilderness.They set up
their campsite near a serene lake surrounded by towering pine trees.As the sun set, they
gathered around the campfire, and John’s father began to tell stories of legendary
creatures that supposedly roamed these woods.

One story, in particular, caught John’s attention. It was about the elusive “Forest
Guardian,” a mythical being said to protect the forest’s secrets. The legend went that
anyone who found the Guardian would be granted one wish.The thought of making a
wish piqued John’s curiosity, and he decided that he would set out the next morning to
search for the Forest Guardian.

12. Why did John’s family go camping?

A. To tell stories about legendary creatures

B. To search for the Forest Guardian

C. To enjoy the wilderness

D. To swim in the lake

Answer: C. To enjoy the wilderness

Soal No. 13-16

13. What did John’s father talk about around the campfire?

A. The Forest Guardian

B. John’s insatiable appetite

C. The lake

D. John’s curiosity

Answer: A. The Forest Guardian

14. What did the legend say about the Forest Guardian?

A. It would steal wishes

B. It protected the forest’s secrets

C. It was a dangerous creature

D. It was easy to find

Answer: B. It protected the forest’s secrets

15. Why did John want to find the Forest Guardian?

A. To tell it a story

B. To protect the forest

C. To make a wish

D. To find his family

Answer: C. To make a wish

The Grand Canyon located in Arizona, USA, stretches for 277 miles (446 kilometers) and
reaches depths of over a mile (1.6 kilometers). The Colorado River has carved this
immense chasm over millions of years, creating colorful and awe-inspiring rock
formations. Visitors to the Grand Canyon are often left in awe of its sheer size and
beauty. The canyon’s layers of red and orange rock tell a geological history that spans
millions of years.Hiking trails and lookout points provide stunning views of the canyon,
and some daring adventurers even raft down the Colorado River.

16. Where is the Grand Canyon located?

A. In California, USA

B. In Arizona, USA

C. In Colorado, USA

D. In Nevada, USA

Answer: B. In Arizona, USA

Soal No. 17-20

17. How long is the Grand Canyon?

A. 277 kilometers

B. 446 miles

C. 1.6 kilometers

D. 1 mile
Answer: B. 446 miles

18. What has carved the Grand Canyon over millions of years?

A. Wind erosion

B. Volcanic eruptions

C. The Colorado River

D. Glacial activity

Answer: C. The Colorado River

19. What do visitors to the Grand Canyon often find most impressive?

A. The colorful rock layers

B. The size of the gift shop

C. The man-made structures

D. The fast food restaurants

Answer: A. The colorful rock layers

20. What do some adventurous individuals do at the Grand Canyon?

A. They go fishing in the Colorado River.

B. They hike on the moon.

C. They raft down the Colorado River.

D. They climb to the top of the canyon.

Answer: C. They raft down the Colorado River.

Soal No. 21-24

21. I usually _____ breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning.

A. ate

B. eat

C. eaten

D. eating

Answer: B. eat

22. She _____ the newspaper when the phone rang.

A. reading

B. read

C. reads

D. is reading

Answer: D. is reading
23. By this time next year, they _____ their exams.

A. will finish

B. finished

C. finish

D. have finished

Answer: A. will finish

24. He _____ a new bicycle last week.

A. bought

B. buy

C. buys

D. will buy

Answer: A. bought

Soal No. 24-28

25. We _____ our homework when the power went out.

A. doing

B. did
C. do

D. have done

Answer: B. did

The Smith family decided to go on a vacation to the beach. They packed their bags and
drove to the coast early in the morning.

They spent the day swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, and collecting seashells.

In the evening, they enjoyed a seafood dinner at a local restaurant before returning to
their beachfront cottage.

26. Where did the Smith family go on vacation?

A. To the mountains

B. To the desert

C. To the beach

D. To the city

Answer: C. To the beach

27. What activities did the Smith family do at the beach?

A. Skiing and snowboarding

B. Building snowmen
C. Swimming, building sandcastles, and collecting seashells

D. Hiking in the forest

Answer: C. Swimming, building sandcastles, and collecting seashells

28. When did the Smith family return to their beachfront cottage?

A. In the morning

B. In the afternoon

C. In the evening

D. At midnight

Answer: C. In the evening

Soal No. 29-32

29. What type of dinner did they have?

A. Italian

B. Mexican

C. Seafood

D. Fast food

Answer: C. Seafood
30. Why did they pack their bags?

A. To go to school

B. To go to work

C. For a vacation

D. To visit a friend

Answer: C. For a vacation

31. If I _____ the lottery, I would buy a new car.

A. win

B. won

C. wins

D. winning

Answer: B. won

32. What will you do if it _____ tomorrow?

A. will rain

B. raining

C. rains
D. rained

Answer: C. rains

Soal No. 33-34

33. If she _____ to the party, she would have met John.

A. will go

B. goes

C. went

D. would go

Answer: C. went

34. If they _____ on time, they wouldn’t have missed the bus.

A. were

B. is

C. are

D. will be

Answer: A. were

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