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Coursework Completed

ENG-105 Composition I 3 Credits

ENG-106 Composition II 2 Credits
SPC-101 Fundamentals of Oral 3 Credits
REL-101 Survey of World Religions 3 Credits
HIS-121 Ancient Mediterranean World 3 Credits
HUM-105 Working in America 3 Credits
LIT-206 Forms of Lit: Fiction 3 Credits
HUM-142 Popular Culture 3 Credits
SOC-120 Marriage and Family 3 Credits
SOC-110 Intro to Sociology 3 Credits
CRJ-100 Intro to Criminal Justice 3 Credits
MAT-115 Mathematics and Society 3 Credits
BIO-154 Human Biology 3 Credits
ENV-115 Environmental Science 3 Credits
HIS-254 American Indian History 3 Credits
SDV-109 College 101 1 Credit
MAT-102 Intermediate Algebra 4 Credits
HUM-190 Culture and Technology 3 Credits
MUS-100 Music Appreciation 3 Credits
ADM-105 Into to Keyboarding 1 Credit
GEO-162 Geography of Iowa 3 Credits
PTA-101 Intro to PTA 2 Credits
BIO-151 Nutrition 3 Credits
PSY-111 Intro to Psychology 3 Credits
BCA-189 Microcomputer Literacy 1 Credit
HSC-107 Professionals in Health 2 Credits
CHM-110 Intro to Chemistry 3 Credits
CHM-111 Intro to Chemistry Lab 1 Credit
BIO-168 Human Anatomy and 4 Credits
Physiology I
BIO-173 Human Anatomy and 4 Credits
Physiology II
CHM-132 Intro to Organic and 4 Credits
BIO-186 Microbiology 4 Credits
DEN-120 Dental Anatomy 3 Credits
DEN-130 Head and Neck Anatomy 1.5 Credits
DEN-220 Dental Nutrition 1 Credits
DHY-173 Dental Hygiene I 4 Credits
DEN-100 Fundamentals of Dentistry 3.5 Credits
DEN-200 Preventive Dentistry 2 Credits
DHY-140 General and Oral Pathology 2 Credits
DHY-186 Dental Hygiene II 4 Credits
DEN-300 Dental Radiography 3 Credits
DHY-220 Dental Materials 1 Credit
DHY-285 Dental Hygiene III 3 Credits
DHY-274 Local Anesthesia 1.5 Credits
DHY-211 Periodontology 2 Credits
DHY-296 Dental Hygiene IV 5 Credits
DHY-250 Community Dental Health 1.5 Credits
DHY-134 Therapeutics and Pain 2 Credits
DHY-306 Dental Hygiene V 5 Credits

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