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Dear Scholarship Committee,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere interest in applying for the
financial assistance scholarship offered by your esteemed organization. As a dedicated student
pursuing my passion for “Electrical Engineering” at California State University Los Angeles,
I have reached a point where I am seeking support to alleviate the financial burden that
accompanies my educational journey.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am MEHEDI HASAN PRITOM, a passionate student currently
enrolled in the Master of Electrical Engineering program at California State University, Los
Angeles. My CIN is 402705508. Securing admission in spring 2024 reflects my commitment to
academic excellence and my relentless pursuit of knowledge in the field of electrical engineering.
Education is not just a privilege but a fundamental right of every individual. Growing up in
Bangladesh, I witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by many in accessing quality education due
to economic constraints and the persistent problem of load shedding. Bangladesh, with its
population of 180 million, facing its worst electricity crisis since 2013, impacting the lives of
millions and hindering socio-economic development. Witnessing the effects of this energy crisis
firsthand, I recognized the pivotal role of electrical development in driving progress and prosperity.
This realization fueled my ambition to pursue a career in electrical engineering, driven by a desire
to contribute to the sustainable development of my nation and beyond. The necessity for a
sufficient and constant supply of electricity for economic development resonates deeply with me.
This realization, coupled with my innate curiosity and passion for innovation, inspired my decision
to pursue electrical engineering. I am drawn to the field’s potential to address pressing societal
challenges, such as energy disparities, and to drive positive change on both local and global scales.
From a young age, I excelled academically, consistently ranking first in my classes at both the
primary and secondary levels. Despite financial hardships, my perfect attendance and dedication
to my studies earned me praise from neighbors and teachers alike.
My academic journey commenced at China Three Gorges University, China, where I pursued a
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering and Automation, supported by a Prestigious full
scholarship. This formative period Building a robust foundation, I was honored to secure
admission to the Master's program at the same university, bolstered by a Provincial Government
Scholarship. Even I studied 1.5 years However, upon receiving admission to California State
University, I relocated to the USA. Presently, I am encountering challenges in sustaining my
studies due to financial constraints.

As the first person in my family to graduate, I carry the weight of hope and aspiration for future
generations. My elder brother, who had to halt his own education due to financial difficulties. It's
not just about my own academic journey; it's about breaking barriers and setting a precedent for
educational advancement in my family. A scholarship would not only ease the financial burden but
also ensure that I can continue my studies, fulfilling a dream not just for myself, but for my entire
family. Despite my academic achievements, my family’s financial situation has been challenging
since my father’s passing in 2021. This loss has placed a significant financial burden on my family,
making it difficult to afford the expenses associated with continuing my education, especially
studying abroad in the USA.
My dream takes me to the United States, thousands of miles away from my country. I made the
tough choice to leave my master’s program in China behind to pursue my dreams here. Leaving
my family behind, I envision using my engineering degree to serve my country by focusing on
infrastructure development and renewable energy initiatives. My ultimate aim is to contribute to
the progress and prosperity of my nation, positively impacting the lives of its people. However,
the path to achieving this dream has been fraught with unexpected challenges. The recent passing
of my father has added emotional and financial strain to an already difficult situation. The global
economic downturn has further exacerbated my financial concerns, making it increasingly difficult
to sustain my studies in a city as expensive as Los Angeles. Covering the costs of accommodation,
meals, and tuition fees in Los Angeles will deplete my finances well before the completion of my
two-year program. In the face of these obstacles, I find myself grappling with uncertainty and
feeling mentally overwhelmed as I struggle to determine the best course of action. With each
passing day, the reality of my financial limitations becomes more daunting. In this moment of
uncertainty, I am compelled to reach out for support, recognizing that your assistance may be the
lifeline I need to continue pursuing my education and realizing my aspirations of contributing to
the betterment of nation.
By granting me the financial assistance scholarship, you would not only be enabling me to pursue
my education but also investing in the betterment of the communities I aspire to serve. The
scholarship funds would greatly relieve the financial burden I currently face, allowing me to fully
immerse myself in my studies, participate in enriching learning experiences, and contribute to
meaningful research endeavors. I respectfully urge you to consider my application for your
financial assistance scholarship. With confidence in my academic accomplishments, commitment,
and genuine enthusiasm for special education, I believe I am a deserving candidate. I assure you
that any support provided will be utilized responsibly and purposefully, fostering my academic and
professional development.
I am grateful for the time you've taken to review my request. The commitment of your organization
to empowering students and ensuring educational accessibility for all is truly commendable. I
remain hopeful that your generous support will enable me to continue my studies with enthusiasm
and dedication. I firmly believe that my education will equip me to contribute meaningfully to the
progress of my country.



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