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TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024

Kelas / Semester : Lima/V

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ……………………….
Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 8 Maret 2024 Nomor absen: …………………
Waktu : 09.30 – 11.00

1. Tulislah Nama dan nomor absenmu di sudut kanan atas!
2. Tulisan harus jelas, rapi, dan bersih!
3. Periksalah dahulu pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada bapak/ibu guru.

I. In this section, please choose one of the best answers of the questions!
1. He uses his . . . to eat noodle
A. nose
B. eyes
C. foot
D. mouth

2. He uses his right . . . to kick the ball

A. hand
B. leg
C. mouth
D. shoulder

3. He uses his nose to . . . the food

A. eat
B. take
C. smell
D. listen

4. She uses her . . . to take a glass of orange juice

A. hand
B. eyes
C. stomach
D. nose

5. She uses her . . . to look at the bag

A. hair
B. nose
C. eyes
D. shoulder
6. The elephant is big, but the mouse is . . .
A. tall
B. short
C. slow
D. small

7. Grandmother is old, but Ayu is . . . .

A. young
B. tall
C. small
D. short

8. The giraffe is . . . , but the dog is short

A. small
B. tall
C. big
D. Young

9. The tiger is fast, the snail is . . .

A. tall
B. old
C. slow
D. small

10. Is the red ruler long?

A. yes, it is
B. yes, it are
C. no, it is not
D. no, it are not

11. X : I think TV program is … than radio.

Y : i agree with you. TV has audio and visual system.
A. less interesting
B. more interesting
C. worse
D. the worst

12. Tania : I like the “Galaxy radio” very much. The programs are very interesting.
Vira : I know, it is good, but the “Family Radio” is …
A. good
B. worse
C. better
D. bad
13. Andi : We are in hurry. How should we go, Dul?
Dullah : I think motorcycle will be better, because it is … than bike.
A. fast
B. faster
C. slow
D. slower

14. My watch is … than yours.

A. good
B. better
C. best
D. the same

15. He speaks … as his father.

A. more clearly
B. clearer
C. as clear
D. as clearly

II. In this section, Fill the blanks with correct answer!

16. The dog is … (big, bigger, biggest) than a rat.
17. This book … (important, more important, most important) than that one.
18. Your clothes are … (dirty, dirtier, dirtiest) than mine.
19. I can hear the sound with my…(telinga)
20. I have ten…(jari tangan)
21. How many eyes do you have?
22. Doni is watching television with his…
23. If John is 150 cm tall and his sister is 160 cm tall, who is taller?
24. The red shoes are . . . .(baru) but the blue shoes are old
25. My pencil is long, his pencil is….(pendek)
III. In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!
26. saya memiliki satu hidung.
The English sentences is…
27. “Parts of body” in Indonesian is…
28. Arrange this words into the meaning sentence!
Is – faster – than - the horse – the cat
29. The pedicap is slow but the aeroplane is…
30. The tea is …but the juice is cold

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