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The Research of Path Loss Model Based on WiMAX Wireless Channel
Liu Yarong,Yang Xiaofei, Shen Zhuojun,Lu Qiu
College of Information Science and Engineering
Guilin University of Technology
Guilin, China
Ahstruct-Atpresent in the wireless access network, the most
spectacular and the most controversial technology is the
WiMAX, As a broadband wireless access technology,
although WiMAX system has some advantages such as the
convenient of networking, fexible user access, covering a
wide range, high transfer rate and reliable, but it always has
the specifc shortcomings of wireless channel. This article
analyzed the insufciencies of the commonly used outside
path of transporting loss model according to WiMAX
wireless network physical layer characteristic as well as the
WiMAX application model. Has established the suitable loss
modeling of each kind of terrain (city as well as suburb),
then has carried on the simulation, and has specially
analyzed the simulation result. This article has the certain
reference value in the actual establishing WiMAX networks.
KeyworJ- wire/esschunne/, ruinu0enuution, /oseof puth
As the continuing demad for broadband networks,
access network has made geat progress afer may years
of building in bandwidth ad speed, the most spectacular
technology is the WiMAX, as part of te access network,
the chaacteristics of WiMA wireless channel directly
impact the overall network performance. Terefore, we
must ca out an accurate estimate of the WiMA
wireless channels, in paricular, its path loss model.
A. WiM Technolog Features
WiMAX (World interoperability Microwave Access,
Global Microwave Access Interoperabilit) technology
based on IEEE802.16 protocol is a wireless metropolitan
area network technology, the fequency Section is in 2
GHz -66 GHz, which can be divided into non-line of sight
and line of sight transmission; And the maimum transfer
rate ca reach 75 Mbitls provided; chanel wide is in
1.25Mz-20Mz in te context. lMAX uses macro cell
mode, which ca provide wireless broadband access
services witin a 50 k radius .essentially to cover the
suburbs, WiMAX can also provide moving equipment the
same access to services in 5-15 k range. In addition,
WiMA adopts Of OFDM, TIR diversit, adaptive
modulation ad other advanced technologies for efcient
spectrum utilization, not only to overcome the maimum
wireless commuications, multipar propagation caused by
the decline of the problem more efectively improve the
performance of wireless transmission cities [1].
978-1-4244-7477-6/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE
D. WiM Application Mode
WiMA technology in its application mode is of
diversit, fom the perspective of evolution of
technology ,supported user mobilit and coverage of the
whole network, WiMAX networking is a evolutionary
process, fom te added te network to individual network
and to te [mal fll-coverage network which has four main
stages of development: fxed access, nomadic, portable ad
fll mobilit. These fou application mode can be applied
on different occasions to meet te access needs of diferent
users and ca be fexibly ad quickly to network
A. Path Loss Model of Wi M Wireless Channel
The general spread of the signal in te outdoor
macrocell model to describe with some common model
includes te macrocell Longley-Rice model, Durkin model,
Okumura model, Hata model (including the Okumura
Hata model COST31 Walfsh-Ikegai model), LEE
models, different models ae obtained in different
environments, and for the WiMA wireless chanel model
used is mainly based on Okuura-Hata model [2].
However, Oa-Hata model is applicable to the
fequency rage is 150Mz to 1500Mz, is not entirely
suitable for WiMAX wireless channel, it must be the
fequency of its amendment, addition, for WiMA
wireless access system, its working fequency of 2GHz-
2 GHz-lOGHz bad, due to their lower fequency, rain
attenuation is not their impact, while the lOGHz-66GHz
operating fequency of a major decline due to rain
attenuation. Rain attenuation value estimate is a ver
complicated task. The calculation of the curent
interationally accepted metod of rain attenuation is the
lTU-R recommendations. P% or an average time of the
year may reach the amount of rain attenuation [3] [4]:
In which S is as the waves through the oblique
distance, ]
is as the rain attenuation coeffcient,
the distace factor shorten.
In te Okumura-Hata model, based on the fequency to
revise and then adding te impact of rain attenuation have
been uder different circumstaces, WiMAX wireless
channel path loss model.
D. Suburban Path Loss Model
For a given reference distance dO, the path loss can be
expressed by the following fonula [5]:
L=A+lOrlgC dldo)+s, d>do (2)
A = 20 19( 4mo 1 A), hb is as base stations in which the
height value is 10-S0m;
r is te path loss factor and r = a - bhb + C1 hb '
do is as a reference distance, a, b, c is a constat
dependent on the terain, its value as shown in Table 1. S
said that the shadow fading, obey nonal distribution. S,
standard deviation is typically in the S.2-1O.6dB between
the specifc value depends on the type of terrain ad tree
A type of terain is mountainous terrain, moderate to
dense tree densit, the largest of this tpe of path loss. For
fat terain tpe C
Tazania terrain, tee densit is ver small, the smallest
of te type of path loss.
Model Terrain Terrain Terrain Type
Paraeters Type A Type B C
a 4.6 4 3.6
b 0.0075 0.0065 0.005
c 12.6 17.1 20
The above path loss model lS applIcable to fequencies
of about 20Hz, and in order to make the model applicable
to other fequencies, as well as the receiving atenna
height between 2-1 Om, requiring revision of the model [5]:
L + MLf + MLh
In which
M L f (dB)
the fequency corection
MLf = 61g(f 12000)
,in which
f U
MLh (dB).
equency, mts lS z. lS eceiver antenna
height corection ten:
MLh = -1O.81g(hI2),
ty A d B pe an ,
MLh = -20 19(h 1 2),
type C,
Where h is receiving antenna height values for the 2-
Therefore, the 20Hz-100Hz radio channel, in the rural
environment, under the tasmission path loss as follows:
For the 100Hz-660Hz fequency bands, due to higher
fequencies, we must take into accout the impact of rain
attenuation, the band received path loss model is as
L+ Lf +
+ A
= 20lg(41o 1 A) + 1 Oa - b + C1 hb) 19Cd 1 do) (5)
C The Path Loss Model of Urban Areas
In a urba environment, the general base-station
antennas ae set up in the top of tall buildings, while the
fxed teninal or mobile teninal relative to the
transmitting antenna, the location is relatively low, and
because urba areas in the building block, so that it is
diffcult to achieve-te-horizon radio waves
Commuication. Work for the 100Hz-660Hz fequency
bad, as well as wet aeas (such as the South some wetter
areas) to consider the impact of rain attenuation, this time
right COST231 Walfsh-Ikegami (WI) model be revised,
that is, the fequency to revise and add the amout of
generated rain attenuation losses.
End up right COST23IWalfsh-Iegai (WI) model of
the revised pat loss model:
20Hz-100Hz fequency bands for small ad medium
cities path loss fonula is: (non-line of sight)
= 49.186 + 381gd +
(25.3 +
0.7 f
)lgf + 6lg(f 1 2000)
100Hz-660Hz band for te medium and small cities as
well as the fat areas of the path loss fonula is: (line of
sight tansmission)
= 42.6+ 26Ig(d) + 20Ig(f)
+ 6lg(f 12000) + Ap
A. About OPNET Simulation Software
OPNET (Optimal Network Engenering Tools) is a ver
wide rage of applications of a network simulation
development ad application platfon. It is the OPNET
compay's products. OPNET uses of object-oriented
modeling approach to refect the actual structue of
networks and network components. Te actual system can
be intuitively mapped to the model. OPNET network
modeling can be divided into three levels, namely: network
layer, layer and process layer nodes. This three-tier model
maes the model a more structued mechanism to greatly
accelerate the pace of reseach and development. [7]
D. WiM Wireless Channel Path Loss Modeling
In OPNET, the wireless channel modeling is trough
the wireless transceiver to model to get. For each emission
chanel and receive chanel, the entire wireless
transmission between them a series of fnctions can be
used on a single combination of the sub-trasfer phase in
detail. OPNET simulation modeling of wireless lin
transmission pipeline fom 13 to describe the ultimate
objective of tese pipeline stages is to calculate the eror
rate ad to detenine wheter the packet loss. [7]
WiM wireless channel using OPNET sofware to
model. One pat loss model ca be used by modifing the
wireless receiver to receive power, C++ code to implement.
Chanel multipart propagation phenomena can be directly
set up a wireless transmitter and wireless receiver, set te
chanel between them for the radio channel, accompaied
by the simulation can be based on topography, concrete
steps are as follows:
1) The wireless transmitter and receiver node
model:Wireless transmitter nodes and receiver nodes to
refect te properties of te wireless transceiver, since the
simulation only te downlink is simulated, so the
transmitter ca only trasmit signals to establish, ca not
receive the signal, the coresponding receiver ca only
receive sigals ca not transmit signals. Concrete model
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure l. Wireless Transmitter Node Model

Figure 2. Wireless receiver nodes
Figure 1 tx _gen generator module for the package,
packet generator per second to produce 12Mbitls packets.
For the wireless tasmission module to provide
continuous steam of data, radio _ tx for the wireless
transmitter module, responsible for sending data, ant_tx to
send the antena module, in the simulation process using
omni-directional atennas. Figure 2 _sink for the
processor module, radio _ for the wireless receiver
module, at_ to receive antenna module, -point to
point processor module.
2) WiM radio channel simulation scenarios: The
wireless tasmitter and receiver nodes in the model
package, you ca build WiMAX network simple model,
shown in Figue 3:
Figure 3. WiMA radio channel emulation scene
Figure 3 WiMA _ BS for WiMA base stations, in te
scene coordinates of (6, 3), WiMA_SS for WiMA
fed receiver, represents a fed user, te location
coordinates (10, 3.5), WiMA_SS (mobil) for WiMAX
mobile receiver, on behalf of mobile users, te location of
(2.5, 4.5). One location coordinates unit's k. The fgure
that the green line mobile user tajector, te trajectories
can be abita.
As te Pael recommends the use of WiMAX
regulations 2.5GHz, 3.5GHz, 5.SGHz, taking into account
the chaacteristics of WiMA, NOS ad te use of
IEEES02.16e wireless broadband services, it is used in
selecting WiMAX fequency, the more focused on the
2GHz-6GHz bad. Therefore, tis aticle only caried out
for the band channel modeling ad simulation, ad
analysis of simulation results, for te 6-66GHz band
wireless channel with the 2GHz-6GHz-band radio channel
simulation the sae, but different pat loss forula.
Specifc simulation paaeter settings ae as follows:
Data packets generated 12 MbitS data, downlin
transmission rate of 10Mbits, the lowest fequency of
3.5GHz, bandwidth B = 20Mz, modulation mode: Qpsk,
which tracks mobile users of mobile shown in Figure 3, it
100kmlh the speed along (2.5,4.5) to (11,4.5) and linea
3) Simulation results :The above model simulation,
collecting the diferent path loss model for bit eror rate,
signal to noise ratio and network troughput, the results is
as follows:
Mountainous terrain, moderate to dense tree densit of
A-class terain of the simulation results of Figure 4. Flat
terain, tree density, a small C-class terain simulation
results in Figure 5, Figure 6 for urban environment
simulation results.
:: :: I
. .C|

Q,Q ________
: ' ;'0 |Cceivei naloise .
Um Zm 4m bm
Figure 4. A type of terrain simulation results


0.000 ======
r _|ece!r uqu| cke
0 0 ..
40'' reirsiqnel/noise

~ 3m 6m
Figure 5. C type terrain simulaion results
Figure 4: bit error rate at 8.33E-08 fuctuated between;
throughput at 0 seconds for the 0.2 ad 0.264583
Fluctuated between; signal/noise ratio of 0 to 5.019686
seconds later is 6.958586.
Figure 5: bit eror rate of 3.6 seconds for the .009491,
basically for the rest of the time 0; throughput at 0 seconds
and ten gradually rose to 0.733332 when 0.830894;
signal/noise ratio of 0 to 24.48988 seconds later bot
Figure 6: bit error rate essential for 0,3.6 seconds when
0.012354; throughput at 0 seconds to 0.733332, ten
gradually increased to 0.830894; signal/noise ratio at 0
seconds for 7.548422,4.2 are 10.1967 seconds.
radio receiver. bit error rate
. "" I
'd_0 :eceive,. 'h,oughp"t (paCket

,a"o teceivet. ,ignal/noi,e ,at

Um Zm 4m bm
Figure 6. Simulation results under the urban environment
Through the above we ca see the results under
different circumstaces, in the mountainous terrain,
moderate to dense tee density of A-class terain, the user
receives the signal bit eror rate which is high, the
throughput is small, and ratio of signal/noise is also small,
which is due to terain conditions, the peas in A categor
of the signals likely to cause a shadow fading, diffaction
loss ad so on, the trees also caused te transmission of
signals a greater impact. Such as absorption loss, scattering
loss and so on. The C type terain in case of the relative
quality of the received signal in case of A type terain
signifcantly better reception. Tis is consistent wit the
actual situation.
The same distance in the same fequency ad
circumstances, the uban environment through user
simulation, statistical data ca be seen fom the urban
environment, path loss than the A class terain of the path
loss even greater, precisely because in te city , the high
rise buildings are more spread of the phenomenon of
multipa signals more obvious, while the multi-pat
transmission is an important factor affecting the
performance of wireless chanel, the signal will have a
greater wea ad tear.
Studied in this paper Vm path loss model based
solely on theor, while the actual spread of the channel
environment is ver complex and specifc network
construction must be tested under the actual circumstances,
to fmd te best pat loss model in order to achieve a better
The work is supported by the Natural Science project
of Guangxi Zhuang Minorit Autonomous Region of
China under Grat Nos. 200808l 195.
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