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Presentation of the delegations
• The delegations and participants must have their cameras
on all the time.
• A medium or medium short shot should be seen.

• The delegations must have to use the official name of their

• They will use the flag of their country as a background.
Use of the word
• For motions, list of speakers and points (except for personal
privilege), the zoom hand icon will be used (after speaking,
do not forget to lower your hand), and the secretaries will
take them into account.
• To use the personal privilege point, private messages were
sent to the payers/fact checkers so that they could
communicate to the presidency or another delegation
Etiquette and clothing
• The delegations must have to be dressed correctly.

• Tie up or comb your hair so it will not cover your face.

• Take into account the posture and gestures.

• Dress with pastel colors such as gray, light blue, white, pink, etc. Avoiding black, fuchsia, red, orange, etc.

• It is permitted to wear something representative of the delegation (nothing offensive).

• If is opted to wear make up, it should look natural.

• In the case of ladies, a sober and pastel nail color is recommended, not using bright colors such as red, orange or fuchsia. Or

failing that, clean and cut nails.

• In jewelry it is recommended to use small earrings, as for necklaces and rings, nothing extreme. An example of the above

would be pearl earrings, a simple chain and no more than one ring (to avoid distractions).

• The use of inappropriate clothing is totally prohibited: caps, glasses, T-shirts, etc.

• If a delegate does not follow these regulations, he or she will receive a reprimand and sanction from the presidential board.
Etiquette and clothing
• The delegations must have to be dressed correctly.

• Take into account the posture and gestures.

• Comb your hair so it will not cover your face.

• Wear neutral colors such as blue, gray, white, etc. Avoiding black.

• Very clean and cut nails

• It is permitted to wear something representative of the delegation (nothing offensive).

• The use of inappropriate clothing is totally prohibited: caps, glasses, T-shirts, etc.

• If a delegate does not follow these regulations, he or she will receive a reprimand and sanction from the

presidential board.
• Opt for a quiet and orderly space.
• Print extremely important documents and have necessary information at hand.
• Use the Google Docs platform to work on resolutions as a team.
• If for reason A or B any inconvenience arises, notify the presidency and general
• To take the votes, roll call.

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