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Systemic Consequences of Pulmonary
Hypertension and Right-Sided Heart

ABSTRACT: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a feature of a variety of Stephan Rosenkranz, MD

diseases and continues to harbor high morbidity and mortality. The main Luke S. Howard, MD
consequence of PH is right-sided heart failure which causes a complex Mardi Gomberg-Maitland,
clinical syndrome affecting multiple organ systems including left heart, MD
brain, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, skeletal muscle, as well as Marius M. Hoeper, MD
the endocrine, immune, and autonomic systems. Interorgan crosstalk
and interdependent mechanisms include hemodynamic consequences
such as reduced organ perfusion and congestion as well as maladaptive
neurohormonal activation, oxidative stress, hormonal imbalance, and
abnormal immune cell signaling. These mechanisms, which may occur in
acute, chronic, or acute-on-chronic settings, are common and precipitate
adverse functional and structural changes in multiple organs which
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contribute to increased morbidity and mortality. While the systemic

character of PH and right-sided heart failure is often neglected or
underestimated, such consequences place additional burden on patients
and may represent treatable traits in addition to targeted therapy of
PH and underlying causes. Here, we highlight the current state-of-the-
art understanding of the systemic consequences of PH and right-sided
heart failure on multiple organ systems, focusing on self-perpetuating
pathophysiological mechanisms, aspects of increased susceptibility of
organ damage, and their reciprocal impact on the course of the disease.

ulmonary hypertension (PH) in its various forms affects ≈1% of the global
population, and up to 10% of individuals >65 years of age.1 PH is defined
by a mean pulmonary artery pressure ≥25 mm Hg at rest, although a lower
threshold (>20 mm Hg) was recently proposed during the 6th World Symposium
on PH.2 Based on left-sided filling pressure, measured as pulmonary arterial
wedge pressure (PAWP) or left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, PH is subclas-
sified into pre- (pulmonary arterial wedge pressure/ left ventricular end-diastolic
pressure ≤15 mm Hg) and postcapillary PH (pulmonary arterial wedge pressure/ Key Words: cognitive function
left ventricular end-diastolic pressure >15 mm Hg).2,3 PH occurs as a common ◼ immune system ◼ kidney dysfunction
◼ liver dysfunction ◼ pulmonary
consequence of multiple underlying diseases including pulmonary vascular dis- hypertension ◼ right-sided heart failure
ease and thromboembolic disease, but is most commonly associated with left- ◼ sleep
sided heart disease and chronic lung disease, particularly in elderly individuals.1–3 Sources of Funding, see page 690
The clinical classification of PH distinguishes 5 groups: (1) Pulmonary arterial hy-
© 2020 American Heart Association, Inc.
pertension (PAH); (2) PH caused by left heart disease (LHD); (3) PH caused by lung
disease or hypoxia; (4) Chronic thromboembolic PH (CTEPH); and (5) PH with

678 February 25, 2020 Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

unclear or multifactorial mechanisms.2 Although these LEFT VENTRICLE

entities are distinct from a pathogenetic perspective,


Eccentric remodeling and contractile dysfunction of
they may all cause severe PH, representing an in-
the right heart in patients with PH or pulmonary arte-
creased right ventricular (RV) afterload and, as a com-
mon final path, eventually lead to right-sided heart rial hypertension (PAH) have an important impact on
failure (HF), which aggravates symptoms and results the LV, as they may result in impairment of LV geom-
in a high mortality risk.3 Strikingly, deterioration in RV etry, structure, and function (Figure 3). Given the in-
structure and function greatly exceeded correspond- terdependency of the left and right sides of the heart,
ing changes in the left ventricle (LV) during long-term which is determined by shared myocardium (septum),
follow-up in patients with left-sided HF with preserved pericardial restraint and the serial nature of the circu-
ejection fraction.4 In addition, PH and RV dysfunction latory system, right ventricular strain directly affects
are often accompanied by hypoxemia, which can have the left ventricle. Increases in RV size and pressure
multiple, often co-existing causes, and affect multiple cause mechanical septal leftward shift leading to LV
organ systems (Figure 1). Interorgan crosstalk involves compression,5 which is visualized by paradoxical sep-
circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines that act locally, tal movement, a “D-shaped” left ventricle, and an in-
but may also affect other organ systems distant from creased LV eccentricity index. A low stroke volume and
their origin (Figure 2). While the systemic character of cardiac output from RV dysfunction may contribute
PH and right-sided HF is often neglected or underes- to underfilling of the LV, particularly during exercise.6
timated, such consequences place additional burden Diastolic ventricular interaction is also important in PH/
to patients and may represent treatable traits in addi- RV failure, because right heart overload and pericar-
tion to targeted therapy of PH and underlying causes. dial restraint may cause elevation in left heart filling
Here, we highlight the systemic consequences of PH pressures even when LV preload is reduced and the LV
and right-sided HF in multiple organ systems. is underfilled.7,8
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Figure 1. Systemic consequences of pulmonary hypertension and right heart failure in multiple organ systems.

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Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF
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Figure 2. Systemic consequences of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right-sided heart failure: Interdependent mechanisms, systemic inflamma-
tion, and interorgan cross-talk.
In PH or pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), elevated pulmonary artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)—representing an increased right
ventricle (RV) afterload—lead to right heart strain and failure, which in turn also affects left heart function. Both impaired perfusion caused by systemic low
output and systemic congestion caused by impaired RV function cause insult to numerous organ systems. This leads to local liberation of soluble proinflammatory
mediators, and thus initiation of inflammatory cascades. This scenario is associated with systemic inflammation, where locally liberated circulating proinflamma-
tory cytokines act in a paracrine fashion, but also affect other targets.28,35 CVP indicates central venous pressure; GI, gastrointestinal; LMCS, left main compression
syndrome; PA, pulmonary artery; and RAP, right atrial pressure.

Because the heart muscle constantly adapts to its de- latter indicates an increase in the [Ca2+] sensitivity of
mands, reduced work load and chronic underutilization force generation and may be viewed as a compensatory
of the LV lead to deconditioning and atrophic remodel- mechanism for the reduced force-generating capacity,11
ing in PAH, characterized by reductions of LV end-dia- but may also provide an explanation for impaired LV
stolic volume and LV mass by ≈10–20% and 5–15%, diastolic function in PAH.8
respectively, and reductions in LV systolic strain, stroke The importance of an atrophic and malfunctioning
volume and ejection fraction.8–10 LV becomes particularly evident in the context of lung
At the cellular and molecular level, the LV myocardi- transplantation in end-stage PAH, where increased
um of patients with end-stage PAH displays cardiomyo- postoperative filling and the inability to handle a nor-
cyte atrophy and contractile dysfunction, as indicated malized preload may lead to LV failure.12 This temporary
by substantial reductions in the cross-sectional area phenomenon may effectively be bridged by veno-arte-
and the maximal force-generating capacity of cardiac rial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation after lung
myocytes by ≈30% and ≈25%, respectively, as well as transplantation to allow the LV to adapt to normalized
lower cellular content of the contractile protein myo- hemodynamics.12
sin, impaired phosphorylation of sarcomeric proteins In addition to its consequences on LV myocardium,
(cardiac troponin I, myosin-binding protein C), reduced severe PH may also affect coronary perfusion. Because
number of available myosin-based cross-bridges, and of the topographical proximity, pulmonary artery dila-
a leftward shift in the force [Ca2+] relationship.11 The tion may occasionally cause compression of the left

680 February 25, 2020 Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF


Figure 3. Impact of pulmonary hyperten-
sion and right heart failure on the left
Right ventricle (RV)–left ventricle (LV) interaction
is markedly influenced by volume management,
where IV fluid in the setting of marked LV com-
pression leads to increased RV wall tension and
further deterioration, whereas volume reduction
under careful monitoring decompresses the
RV, leads to improved RV function, and allows
better filling of the LV, improved coronary perfu-
sion, and increased cardiac output.

main coronary artery (left main compression syndrome), atrial dilatation, and right ventricular dilatation (Fig-
and may trigger myocardial ischemia and arrhythmias.13 ure 4A, left).17 The authors concluded that hepatic
Indeed, a significant number of PAH patients die from fibrosis correlated with the degree of right-sided HF,
sudden death, and a pulmonary artery diameter ≥48 irrespective of the cause. Consistently, in patients with
mm was associated with a 7.5-fold increased risk for precapillary PH, elevated levels of liver fibrosis marker,
sudden unexplained death in patients with severe PAH P4NP 7S (7S domain of collagen type IV), were associ-
or CTEPH.14 As improved treatment options have led to ated with higher central venous pressure, right-sided
prolonged survival in PAH, physicians should be alert for volume overload, and mortality.20
such emerging risk factors in long-term survivors. Patients who develop congestive hepatopathy are
typically those with severe and prolonged right-sided
HF. Presenting features include signs of systemic ve-
LIVER nous congestion such as enlarged and pulsating jugu-
The liver of patients with PH and RV failure may be ex- lar veins and edema, as well as jaundice and ascites.
posed to decreased arterial perfusion, hypoxemia, and Larger amounts of ascites in the absence of edema
venous congestion.15 Relatively little research has been may indicate cardiac cirrhosis. Laboratory findings in-
done on liver dysfunction in patients with PAH, while clude elevated levels of yGT (y-glutamyl-transpepti-
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there is abundant literature on the effects of HF on liver dase), ALP (alkaline phosphatase) and bilirubin, and
function in patients with underlying LHD. In the aggre- normal or mildly elevated serum aminotransferases.15,19
gate, there is a strong body of evidence suggesting that Impaired synthetic liver function with reduced serum
liver dysfunction in these patients is closely related to albumin may be encountered in advanced cases,21
right-sided HF rather than to LV dysfunction. and hepatic drug metabolism may also be impaired.15
Acute right- or left-sided HF with shock and hepatic Characteristic changes in hepatic blood flow patterns
hypoperfusion may result in ischemic hepatitis (Fig- may be observed with ultrasound. Taniguchi et al re-
ure 4A, right). Its histological hallmark is centri-lobular cently demonstrated that liver stiffness, as assessed by
necrosis.15 Characteristic laboratory findings are rapid elastography using a Fibroscan device correlated with
increases in serum amino-transferases (>20 times the variables indicating right-sided HF, was associated to
upper level of normal) and lactate dehydrogenase. Se- the clinical severity of HF, and predicted clinical out-
rum bilirubin is only mildly elevated, except for cases comes.22 Elevated serum bilirubin levels are associated
that progress to liver failure or secondary ischemic with an increased mortality risk in patients with PAH, at
cholangiopathy. The majority of cases are reversible if least in univariate analyses.23,24
the underlying cause is resolved, although progressive
liver dysfunction and acute liver failure have been re-
ported. Pre-existing hepatic venous congestion caused KIDNEYS
by right-sided HF seems to increase the risk of acute Elevated serum creatinine concentrations and/or a
ischemic hepatitis.16 low estimated glomerular filtration rate are present in
Chronic congestive hepatopathy has commonly 12% to 29% of PAH patients and are associated with
been described in patients with underlying LHD, but poor outcome.25,26 In the REVEAL registry (Registry to
its degree is not related to LV dysfunction but to the Evaluate the Early and Long-term Pulmonary Arterial
presence of PH and elevated right-sided filling pres- Hypertension Disease Management), a large US based
sures.17,18 Chronic hepatic congestion may result in registry of PAH patients, an association between renal
liver fibrosis or, occasionally, in cardiac cirrhosis.19 In insufficiency and death was found in both univariate
patients with congestive HF, the extent of hepatic fi- and multivariate analyses.24 Even slight abnormalities
brosis was associated with right atrial pressure, right are clinically significant,25 with both the absolute value

Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362 February 25, 2020 681

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

Figure 4. The liver and kidney in pulmonary

hypertension and right heart failure.
A, Acute ischemic hepatitis and congestive
hepatopathy. Right inset, Centrilobular necrosis
in ischemic hepatitis (from reference 15). Left in-
set, Chronic hepatic congestion with sinusoidal
dilatation and portal fibrosis (from reference 17).
B, Congestive nephropathy. Right inset, Low
perfusion kidney injury caused by hypoperfu-
sion and ischemia, demonstrating fibosis (*),
necrotic cells (arrowhead), and intraluminal
debris (from reference 30). Left inset, Conges-
tive nephropathy, characterized by interstitial
edema, swollen tubule cells, and tubular com-
pression (from reference 33). ALAT indicates ala-
nine transaminase; AP, arterial pressure; ASAT,
aspartate aminotransferase; CVP, central venous
pressure; LDH, lactic acid dehydrogenase; and
yGT, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.
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and a ≥10% decline in estimated glomerular filtration determinants of worsening renal function in both PAH
rate from baseline over ≥1 year associated with an in- and HF.26,32 In PAH patients, both decreased cardiac in-
creased risk of death in the REVEAL registry.27 dex and increased right atrial pressure were indepen-
In PH, the heart aims to accommodate increased dent determinants of reduced estimated glomerular
PVR by balancing pre- and afterload, which may be filtration rate over time.26
accomplished by neurohormonal activation (eg, argi- Renal congestion results from backward transmission
nine, vasopressin, endothelin-1). This however leads to of elevated central venous pressure as a consequence
water and salt retention, venous congestion, and re- of right-sided HF and is characterized by renal edema,
duced cardiac output. In states of diminished cardiac increased interstitial pressure, tubular compression, and
output or impaired contractile reserve, renal dysfunc- intracapsular tamponade, which may further aggravate
tion is traditionally thought to occur secondary to renal back pressure and thus decrease renal perfusion pres-
hypoperfusion (Figure 4B, right).28,29 Accordingly, mark- sure and glomerular filtration rate (Figure 4B, left). A
ers of low cardiac output or tissue hypoxia, including recent Doppler ultrasonography study in HF patients re-
uric acid, correlate with disease severity and mortality vealed that intrarenal venous flow patterns, rather than
in PAH.31 However, chronic venous congestion resulting arterial resistance index, related to central venous pres-
from right-sided HF also appears to play a central role in sure and strongly correlated with clinical outcomes.34
distant organ malfunction including acute and chronic Furthermore, activation of venous endothelium acts as
kidney injury, and central venous pressure has been a stimulus for release of inflammatory mediators, which
found to be one of the most important hemodynamic in turn may act locally (causing structural glomerular

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Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

and interstitial damage, sclerosis/fibrosis as well as HF. Mechanistically, bacterial translocation occurs when
functional abnormalities such as diminished tubular re- the edematous or ischemic gut mucosa loses its bar-


absorption, proteinuria, and retention of salt and wa- rier function. Bacteria and toxins penetrate through the
ter)28,29 or affect distant organ systems (Figure 2), in- intestinal epithelium and are carried by lymphatic drain-
cluding the lung.35 age to mesenteric lymph nodes from where they reach
During the course of PH progression, it is likely that other organs and the blood stream.42
repetitive episodes of subclinical acute kidney injury oc- Niebauer and coworkers have shown that in patients
cur, which depict a slow progressive degenerative pro- with congestive HF and edema, elevated endotoxin lev-
cess and predispose to the development of subsequent els could be normalized with diuretic treatment,43 sug-
chronic kidney disease.36 Sensitive markers of early gesting that venous congestion of the bowel wall was
kidney injury include L-FABP (L-type fatty acid-binding the main cause of a leaky bowel. Bacterial translocation
protein), NGAL (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipo- from the bowel may also explain, at least partly, why
calin, and KIM-1 (kidney injury molecule-1).37,38 Even nonpneumogenic sepsis and sepsis-like illness without
mild proteinuria indicates endothelial dysfunction, and documented bacteremia were relatively frequent causes
tubulo-interstitial fibrosis best correlates with the devel- (15%) of intensive care unit admissions in patients with
opment of chronic kidney disease. PAH.44 Furthermore, C-reactive protein levels were el-
In the setting of decompensated PH, RV failure, evated in the vast majority of PAH patients admitted to
and acute kidney injury, deterioration of either organ the intensive care unit, in particular in patients who did
function may result in a vicious circle leading to refrac- not survive.44 Although speculative, it is possible that a
tory congestive right-sided HF. Patients with acute-on- leaky bowel may have been a main source of inflamma-
chronic renal injury have a narrow window for fluid tion in these patients.
management of venous congestion and are at high risk Recently, Ranchoux et al proposed a gut-lung con-
of worsening cardiorenal function and death. However, nection in PAH where intestinal leakiness and endo-
in the setting of acute decompensated HF with worsen- toxinemia, potentially occurring as a consequence of
ing renal function, it is important to note that although right-sided HF and intestinal congestion, may promote
intensive volume removal initially resulted in worsen- exacerbated inflammation and pulmonary vascular re-
ing of creatinine and a rise in tubular injury biomarkers modeling,45 thus contributing to a self-perpetuating
(NAG, KIM-1, NGAL), renal function recovery over time process. Specifically, they showed that lipopolysac-
was superior, suggesting that the benefits of deconges-
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charide translocation from gut lumen to bloodstream

tion may outweigh any modest or transient increases in activated pulmonary and systemic TLR4 (Toll-like recep-
serum creatinine or tubular injury markers.39 tor 4), the main receptor for lipopolysaccharide, which
Notably, there is crosstalk between the pulmonary was associated with increased levels of soluble CD14
vasculature, the (right) heart, and the kidney.28 While (cluster of differentiation 14 lipopolysaccharide-binding
the kidney is dependent on blood flow and perfusion protein), a marker of macrophage activation. The blood
pressure generated by the heart, the heart is directly levels of lipopolysaccharide, TLR4 and soluble CD14
dependent on the regulation of fluid homeostasis and were markedly elevated in patients with idiopathic PAH
the body´s salt and water content by the kidney. Fur- (IPAH) or heritable PAH, supporting that both bacte-
thermore, renal dysfunction itself may aggravate PH, rial translocation and macrophage activation occur in
because circulatory factors have been implicated in the PAH.45 Furthermore, lipopolysaccharide serum levels
pathogenesis of pulmonary inflammation after renal in- were substantially lower in treated versus untreated
jury, which may aggravate pathomechanisms of PH.28 PAH patients, and TLR4 deficiency completely protected
Few data are available on the impact of targeted PAH against experimental PH. Interference with gut micro-
therapies on renal function. In a post hoc analysis of biota or TLR4 may thus be effective in disrupting this
the SUPER-1 study (Sildenafil Use in Pulmonary Arterial vicious circle.
Hypertension-1), treatment with the phosphodiesterase Bowel dysfunction in patients with HF has been
type 5 inhibitor sildenafil was associated with improved linked to the development of cachexia, which again
kidney function.40 The impact of other targeted PAH seems to be closely associated with the presence of RV
therapies on renal function merits further investigation. rather than LV dysfunction.46 In a recent study among
patients with left-sided HF, the presence of cachexia
was related to bowel wall thickness, elevated right
GUT AND BOWEL atrial pressures and RV dysfunction, but not LV ejection
Altered gut permeability resulting in bacterial transloca- fraction.47 Bowel wall thickness, in turn, correlated with
tion and endotoxinemia was described in patients with C-reactive protein levels, suggesting a link between el-
congestive HF and has been linked to impaired arterial evated right-sided filling pressures, bowel congestion,
perfusion and venous congestion.41 Similar mechanisms and systemic inflammation. In patients with intestinal
are to be expected in patients with PH and right-sided congestion and cachexia, gut microbiota may also

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Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

contribute to progression of the HF syndrome and mor- of HIF2α, which prevents expression of erythropoietin.53
tality.48 While data on cachexia have been generated In addition to direct effects on the pulmonary vascula-

primarily from patients with PH-LHD, similar mecha- ture, ID is associated with reduced myoglobin, impaired
nisms likely apply to other forms of PH. mitochondrial oxidative capacity, and anemia, limiting
the aerobic capacity of muscle tissue, and may also af-
fect myocardial metabolic substrate use through mito-
IRON HOMEOSTASIS chondrial dysfunction.54
Iron deficiency (ID) is common in patients with idiopath- Two open-label studies of intravenous iron replace-
ic PAH, with prevalence ranging from 30% to 63%,49,50 ment in patients with ID and PAH have demonstrated
and occurring independently of anticoagulation status. improved exercise capacity and delayed time to the an-
In a study where the prevalence of ID was 30%, pa- aerobic threshold.55,56 No changes were seen in right
tients with mutations in BMPR2 (bone morphogenetic ventricular function, yet skeletal muscle biopsy samples
protein receptor type 2) appeared to have the highest showed improved oxygen handling through increased
point prevalence of ID at 60%.50 In the same study, myoglobin and mitochondrial oxidative capacity, sug-
patients with CTEPH had lower point prevalence of ID gesting that the benefits of iron repletion may not be
than idiopathic PAH despite higher rates of anticoagu- acting only through changes in central cardiopulmo-
lation and being older.50 While not entirely consistent nary hemodynamics.56
across studies, ID appears to be associated with worse
World Health Organization Functional Class, lower ex-
ercise capacity, worse hemodynamics, and higher se- SKELETAL MUSCLES AND DIAPHRAGM
rum NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic pep- Reduced cardiac function with impaired oxygen deliv-
tide) levels in idiopathic PAH.49,50 In addition, ID (defined ery to skeletal muscles during exercise is the predomi-
as soluble transferrin receptor levels >28.1 nmol/l or by nant mechanism by which exercise is impaired in PH.
the soluble transferrin receptor index) was associated Yet, skeletal muscle function, including that of respi-
with increased mortality.49 ratory muscles,57 may be affected in PAH independent
Enteric iron absorption is negatively regulated by of cardiac output. Maximal volitional and nonvolitional
hepcidin, which is released from the liver in the pres- strength of the skeletal muscle is not dependent upon
ence of iron loading. Hepcidin levels were inappropri- blood flow and is therefore an independent indicator of
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ately elevated in patients with IPAH, which may contrib- muscle function. In PAH, both the quadriceps and inspi-
ute to ID49 and explain the poor response to oral iron ratory muscles have impaired strength which correlates
replacement, through presumed decreased gut absorp- with exercise capacity.
tion.51 The inappropriate elevation of hepcidin in idio- Studies investigating the mechanisms involved have
pathic PAH appears to be independent of IL-6.49 When yielded inconsistent findings, although overall, there is
BMPR-2 is knocked down in HepG2 cells (hepatoma a tendency towards decreased maximal tension, but
cell line G2), BMP-6–mediated hepcidin expression is with variable findings of muscle fiber size, fiber subtype,
further increased,49 possibly providing a connection be- and capillary density.57 Diaphragm samples obtained
tween altered BMP signaling in PAH and ID. at the time of pulmonary endarterectomy in patients
It has not yet been established whether ID is sim- with CTEPH showed that slow twitch fibers displayed
ply a bystander (risk marker) or disease-modifying risk decreased maximal force generation, which correlated
factor in PAH. In humans, there are fairly compelling with maximal inspiratory pressure.58 No difference was
data that iron is a significant regulator of pulmonary seen in fiber cross-sectional area between patients and
vascular tone. Otherwise healthy individuals with ID controls undergoing elective surgery, but calcium sensi-
have exaggerated hypoxic vasoconstrictive response tivity of force generation was reduced in fast twitch fi-
which can be corrected with intravenous iron replace- bers, which could be restored with troponin activation.
ment.52 In addition to its effects on pulmonary vas- Mechanisms leading to muscle dysfunction are not
cular tone, ID may also affect vascular remodeling, fully understood but may be both systemic and local in
although this is less clear. origin. Circulatory pro-inflammatory cytokines are pos-
ID may thus be mimicking a pseudohypoxic stimulus tulated to lead to muscle fiber atrophy and impaired
to the pulmonary vasculature. Iron is a cofactor in the contractile function through proteolysis.59 More specifi-
prolyl hydroxylation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) 1α cally, increased circulating GDF-15 (growth differentia-
and 2α, which targets it for ubiquitination and degra- tion factor-15) correlates with muscle fiber diameter and
dation. Thus, ID leads to stabilization of HIFs and in- strength, which may be mediated through phosphory-
creased HIF-dependent transcription. Conversely, in the lation of TAK1 (TGFβ-activated kinase 1) and reversed
presence of ID, depletion of iron-sulphur clusters allows by TAK1 inhibition.60 Reduced physical activity in PH but
iron-regulatory protein-1 to bind to cis-regulatory iron increased ventilatory demand may be expected to lead
response elements, leading to translational repression to relative protection of respiratory muscle function

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Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

compared with peripheral muscles, but in turn, this may Possible mechanisms include enhanced catecholamine
make them more vulnerable because of increased pro- sensitivity, increased metabolism of intrinsic pulmonary


tein turnover and thus susceptible to systemic factors.57 vasodilators, and decreased metabolism of vasocon-
Deconditioning of peripheral muscles is associated with strictors. In patients with hyperthyroidism, Grave’s dis-
reductions in capillary density, and systemic factors such ease antibody levels directly correlated with pulmonary
as iron deficiency and reduced cardiac output/oxygen artery pressure.
delivery further contribute to impaired aerobic capacity
of muscle tissue.
Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM The metabolic syndrome is highly associated with PH-
LHD.66 Loss of myocardial compliance because of meta-
Thyroid Disease
bolic derangements of cardiac muscle and increased LV
Patients with PAH have a high prevalence of thyroid mass lead to increased afterload and resultant postcap-
disease of ≈20%,61 and thyroid disease is a predictor illary PH. Patients with PAH and metabolic syndrome
of poor prognosis in PH. A recent registry analysis of associated comorbidities did worse in the REVEAL reg-
1756 patients with various forms of PH determined istry, including reduced exercise capacity (hypertension,
that untreated hypo- or hyperthyroidism measured by diabetes mellitus, obesity), higher functional class (obe-
thyroid stimulating hormone levels predicted mortality sity), and higher mortality (diabetes mellitus).66
in IPAH patients.62 Patients with treated thyroid disease Registry data indicate a higher than expected preva-
had a better survival and reduced free triiodothyroine lence of diabetes mellitus in PAH patients.67 Older pa-
levels predicted death in PAH and CTEPH patients with tients are more likely to have diabetes mellitus, and the
untreated thyroid disease.62 Even subclinical hyper- or combination of diabetes mellitus and PAH is associated
hypothyroidism are associated with an increased risk of with a higher mortality.67 While epidemiologic data in-
incident atrial fibrillation,63 which is detrimental in PH. dicate an association, they cannot show that diabetes
mellitus itself leads to PAH or accelerates the disease, or
vice versa. Research however indicates that the effects
of hyperglycemia and insulin resistance on pulmonary
The prevalence of hypothyroidism in IPAH is 10% to
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microcirculation, and perhaps the RV, may modify the

24%.64 Despite data on its association beginning over course of PH.68
2 decades ago, information about the direct relation- Insulin resistance is linked to deficiency of the nu-
ship of hypothyroidism and the pulmonary circulation clear receptor PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated
remains limited. One observational study of 63 patients receptor gamma), which is also reduced in human PAH
with PAH found that ≈50% had concomitant autoim- and is involved in growth and apoptosis regulation of
mune thyroid disease.61 Notably, patients with PAH endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells.69 Accord-
have an increased prevalence of both antithyroglobulin ingly, targeted deletion of PPARγ in smooth muscle
and antithyroperoxidase antibodies.61 cells led to development of PH in animal models, and
treatment with PPARγ activators halted the progression
of experimental PH,70 and prevented right HF via fatty
acid oxidation.71 Furthermore, hyperglycemia inhibits
The development of hyperthyroidism itself can lead to endothelial NO synthase and promotes the liberation of
arrhythmias and worsening right-sided HF and is mag- reactive oxygen species and activation of protein kinase
nified in PH patients. Thyroid hormone directly affects C, leading to vasoconstriction and inflammation.68
the heart, and the peripheral and pulmonary vascular In addition to its impact on the pulmonary vascula-
systems. Besides increasing myocardial inotropy and ture, the role of diabetes mellitus in RV fibrosis and isch-
heart rate, a low peripheral vascular resistance may emia also likely influences disease course and prognosis
be the direct result of thyroid hormone on arteriolar of PAH patients. As in the microcirculation, local hyper-
smooth muscle tone, as it enhances the signaling path- glycemia in the RV stimulates the expression of growth
way related to PI3K/akt (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/ factors such as endothelin-1, platelet-derived growth
protein kinase B) thus increasing 3 nitric oxide synthase factor and TGF-β, resulting in fibrosis and inflamma-
isoforms in endothelial and muscular cells.65 A high car- tion.68 Likewise, insulin resistance in the heart upreg-
diac output state in the setting of hyperthyroidism may ulates the diabetic marker microRNA miR-29 family,
aggravate PH and exacerbate RV dysfunction, which causing cardiac fibroblasts to increase collagen produc-
may result in cardiac decompensation. In addition, hy- tion and myocardial fibrosis.72 Although not specifically
perthyroidism may also exert direct remodeling or func- shown for the RV, the impact of diabetes mellitus on
tional effects on the pulmonary vasculature and heart.65 microvessels promoting ischemia in numerous vascular

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beds is well established. Given the impact of diabetes commonly detected in the small pulmonary arteries in
mellitus on RV fibrosis and the microvasculature, the IPAH.79 While anticoagulation was previously recom-

diabetic milieu in the right heart likely deteriorates the mended in all patients with idiopathic, heritable, and
adaptation of the RV to an increased afterload, and anorexigen associated PAH, the overall level of evidence
thus RV/pulmonary artery coupling in PAH. to support this is weak, and current guidelines now rec-
ommend that this decision be made on a case by case
basis for the above subgroups, and recommend against
INFLAMMATION AND IMMUNE routine anticoagulation for other PAH subgroups.80 In
SYSTEM, COAGULATION DISORDERS, contrast, lifelong anticoagulation is strongly recom-
mended for CTEPH.
Inflammation and Immune System
Inflammation is involved in PAH pathobiology and may
occur as a consequence of PAH in the lungs and various Thrombocytopenia (ie, platelet count <150 × 109/L) has
other organ systems. There is systemic interaction be- been reported in up to 20% of patients with idiopath-
tween lungs, heart, and kidney, where soluble inflam- ic PAH and seems to be related to disease severity.81
matory mediators and regulators of innate and adaptive Thrombocytopenia is also commonly found in patients
immunity are secreted in response to PH-associated RV with portopulmonary hypertension as a result of hyper-
hypertrophy/dilation and kidney injury, which may act splenism. The mechanisms causing thrombocytopenia
locally or affect distant organs.28 Consequently, patients in IPAH are enigmatic. However, the observation that
it is almost exclusively found in patients with severe
with PAH have elevated circulating levels of inflamma-
disease may suggest a pulmonary thrombotic microan-
tory mediators in the blood and lungs, which are predic-
giopathy in these patients. There is no evidence that
tive for survival.73 Classic severe PAH lesions contain pul-
other forms of PH are also associated with thrombocy-
monary perivascular inflammatory infiltrates composed
topenia, except for some hematological conditions and
of T and B lymphocytes, mast cells, dendritic cells, and
PAH patients with Eisenmenger syndrome who have a
macrophages.74 The pulmonary vasculature responds
higher platelet size, mean platelet volume, thrombo-
to circulating inflammatory stimuli by increased prolif-
cytopenia, and platelet dysfunction, all of which may
eration or migration and apoptotic-resistant phenotype
contribute to the higher risk of thrombosis and bleed-
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producing smooth muscle cell hyperplasia, adventitial

ing seen in these patients.82 Chronic platelet activation
remodeling, and endothelial dysfunction.74 Both B cells
as evidenced by higher plasma P-selectin, β-thrombo-
and T cells contribute to the pro-inflammatory environ-
globulin, and platelet factor-4 may play a role in Eisen-
ment. The increased production of interleukin-1 and in-
menger patients with erythrocytosis.83
terleukin-6 promotes activation, proliferation, and dif-
ferentiation of B lymphocytes.73 Regulatory T-cells are
dysfunctional in various forms of PAH, which occurs in
a leptin-dependent manner in idiopathic and connec-
tive tissue disease-associated PAH, but irrespective to AND ANXIETY
leptin levels in heritable PAH.75 Circulating autoantibod- As is the case in many chronic disorders, anxiety and
ies against endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, depression are common in PH and are associated with
which alter different components of the vascular wall disease severity;84 however, impairment of cognitive
in various tissues, have been described in patients with function has also been noted in PH.85 One study of 46
IPAH and scleroderma-associated PAH.74,76 Whether patients with PAH demonstrated cognitive sequelae in
immune dysregulation may represent the cause or the 58% of patients. Moderate-to-severe depression and
effect of PAH is not entirely known, but the systemic anxiety were also present in 26% and 19% of patients,
character of circulating inflammatory mediators and or- respectively.86 A lower quality of life was not seen in
gan interaction should be recognized.28,74 patients with worse cognitive function, although qual-
ity of life was associated with working memory. There
were no clear differences in disease severity between
Coagulation System those with and without cognitive impairment.
Increased plasma concentrations or plasma activities, It has been suggested that cognitive impairment
respectively, of procoagulatory factors such as fibrino- may relate to impaired cerebral tissue oxygenation. In
gen, von Willebrand factor, and plasminogen-activator an interventional study examining the impact of PAH
inhibitor-1 have been described in patients with PAH therapies on cognitive function, baseline cerebral tissue
and CTEPH.77 Some patients with high pulmonary shear oxygenation as measured by near-infrared spectros-
stress conditions may develop an acquired von Wil- copy and 6-minute walk distance were the two inde-
lebrand syndrome.78 On the other hand, thrombi are pendent predictors of cognitive function and cerebral

686 February 25, 2020 Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

tissue oxygenation on multiple regression analysis.86 poor long-term response of the failing RV to inotro-
After the introduction of PAH therapies there was a pes;90 (2) Impairment of autonomous control reduces


significant improvement in cognitive function on an ar- heart rate variability in right HF, which correlates with
ray of tests, but no change in cerebral tissue oxygen- pulmonary artery pressure in patients with IPAH and has
ation, and indeed there was no correlation between prognostic significance in various cardiac diseases;91 (3)
change in cerebral tissue oxygenation and improve- Lower adrenergic baroreflex sensitivity in PAH patients
ment in cognitive function. is associated with a greater susceptibility to systemic
Pulmonary endarterectomy in CTEPH patients in- (orthostatic) hypotension, cerebral hypoperfusion, and
volves deep hypothermic circulatory arrest and there syncope, which is also indicative of poor outcome;92 (4)
have been concerns that this may result in cognitive It was recently shown in animal models that sympathet-
impairment. A randomized trial was conducted to com- ic overactivity and electrophysiological cellular remodel-
pare deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with ante- ing in experimental PH were linked to an increased vul-
grade cerebral perfusion, which showed no difference nerability to atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter,93 which
between the two techniques in terms of impact on cog- are associated with poor outcome in human PAH;94 (5)
nitive function.87 Rather, there was an improvement in There is also a link between immune dysregulation, au-
both groups by 12 weeks after surgery, possibly linking tonomic dysfunction, and endothelial dysfunction in
cardiovascular with cognitive function. PAH.74 Several studies have shown that patients with
PAH display impaired peripheral endothelial function as
assessed by measurement of brachial artery flow-medi-
EYES ated dilation or the peripheral arterial tone ratio.95
Ocular involvement in patients with PH has not been Although several recent studies have investigated
systematically studied. Several case reports have de- a potential role of pharmacological (β-adrenoceptor
scribed open-angle glaucoma, retinal detachment, blockade [95]) or interventional approaches (pulmonary
venous stasis retinopathy, ciliary detachment, and cen- artery denervation, renal denervation)96 to modify auto-
tral retinal vein occlusion in patients with PAH, most nomic function in PAH, such approaches may be detri-
of whom presented with elevated right-sided cardiac mental and are yet to be properly assessed.
filling pressures.88,89 It is conceivable that not PH itself,
but systemic venous congestion affects the eyes, in par- SLEEP AND HYPOXEMIA
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ticular by causing choroidal and retinal venous stasis.

However, the frequency and clinical relevance of such Patients with PH frequently report poor sleep quality
findings are unknown. which associates with worse functional status, exercise
capacity, quality of life, and psychological disorders.97,98
Sleep-disordered breathing is common in patients with
AUTONOMIC FUNCTION AND various forms of PH. Wide variations in the rates of
central and obstructive sleep apnea have been report-
PERIPHERAL ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION ed,97,98 with rates of obstructive sleep apnea varying
While PAH is primarily recognized as a pulmonary vas- from 10% to 50%. Furthermore, because of the un-
cular disease imposing hemodynamic stress on the RV, derlying gas exchange disturbances in PH, hypoxemia
the course of the disease may be subject to variation by may occur or worsen at night, and daytime measure-
circulating neurohormonal mediators (eg, sympathetic ments may underestimate nocturnal oxygen desatura-
nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system) tions.99 In a cohort of 46 patients with PAH and CTEPH,
and autonomic dysfunction which may act as disease nocturnal hypoxemia was observed in 83% of patients,
modifiers.90 In PAH, as well as in other forms of PH, with the major mechanisms being ventilation-perfusion
there is compelling evidence for both sympathetic and mismatch in 76%, obstructive sleep apnea in 66%, and
parasympathetic abnormalities that are not restricted to overlap in 45%.97 The degree of nocturnal hypoxemia
advanced stages of RV failure but also occur in early correlated with worse daytime PaO2 and distal airways
stages. For instance, elevated circulating levels of nor- narrowing (FEV25-75). No significant differences were
epinephrine are found in IPAH and associated forms of found between patients desaturating and those not
PAH, which act systemically and represent an indepen- desaturating in terms of PH severity, however, numbers
dent predictor of clinical deterioration.90 were small, and multivariate logistic regression showed
Altered autonomic function in PH thus has several that a higher pulmonary artery pressure and lower
important consequences: (1) Adrenoceptor (α1, β1, FEV25-75 predicted overnight hypoxemia.
D1-5) downregulation and desensitization, caused by There are insufficient data to evaluate whether
adrenergic overspill and mediated through GRK2 (G- sleep-disordered breathing or nocturnal hypoxemia
protein-coupled receptor kinase-2), represent hallmarks adversely affects long-term outcomes. However,
of maladaptive RV remodeling and may explain the nocturnal oxygen therapy over 1 week improved

Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362 February 25, 2020 687

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

6-minute walking distance, nocturnal heart rate, and of oxygen saturation during both the day and night.
corrected QT interval in patients with precapillary PH Treatment should include correction of hypoxemia if

and isolated nocturnal hypoxemia or >10 oxygen dips present, use of diuretics in patients with fluid reten-
per hour.100 tion from right heart failure, and supervised exercise
training in patients with deconditioning.80 Other inter-
ventions may be considered on a case by case basis, as
Recognizing PH as a disease with various systemic
implications leads to the identification of treatable
traits in individual patients and to a personalized Although a large body of evidence indicates that sys-
treatment approach. Assessments and interventions temic consequences of PH and right-sided HF place ad-
most strongly recommended in current PH guidelines ditional burden on patients and contribute to adverse
include routine measurement of renal function, ane- outcome, this is often underestimated. Regardless of
mia, and thyroid function, and periodic assessment the underlying cause of PH, the common final path is
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Figure 5. Treatable traits in pulmonary hypertension (PH) or pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH).
Frequent consequences and factors contributing to disease progression and clinical deterioration. In addition to targeted therapies, the disease course may be
influenced by pharmacological/interventional approaches or supportive care.

688 February 25, 2020 Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

Table. Consequences of Right-Sided HF and PH in Various Organ Systems


Organ System Consequence of Right-Sided HF Type of PH/HF in Which Gaps in Knowledge and
Affected and PH Evidence was Obtained Needs for Further Study Refs.
Left heart LV compression or underfilling; PAH Relevance of secondary LV dysfunction for 5-11
cardiomyocyte atrophy outcome
Interdependence between RV and Mainly HFpEF, (PAH) Further studies needed for better pathophysiological 5-8
LV; (RA and LA) understanding (rest and exercise)
Disparity between RV hypertrophy PAH, PH-LHD, HFpEF Incompletely understood; data are not entirely 9-11
and LV atrophy consistent; needs further study
Left main compression syndrome PAH Prevalence and impact on outcome? 13
Liver Ischemic hepatitis Acute/chronic HF (with shock) Relevance of preexisting RV dysfunction/ 15,16
congestion for low-perfusion liver injury?
Congestive hepatopathy Chronic LHD/HF; closely Prevalence of liver dysfunction in PAH, and impact 17-21
related to RV (rather than LV) on outcome
Kidneys Low perfusion renal injury Congestive HF (HFrEF) Impact of systemic flow/perfusion vs. venous 28,29,31
congestion on renal function in PAH
Chronic congestive nephropathy Chronic LHD/HF; closely Precise diagnostic evaluation of renal congestion 28,29
related to RV (rather than LV) in P(A)H and HF 27,32
dysfunction (PAH) 34-40
Correlation between RV (vs. LV) dysfunction and
kidney function
Prediction on need for renal replacement therapy
in PAH or PH-LHD
Impact of renal dysfunction on outcome in PAH or
other PH groups
Impact of PAH therapies on kidney function
Interorgan cross-talk and pathogenic role
of kidney-derived, circulatory inflammatory
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Gut/Bowel “leaky bowel syndrome”; bacterial Congestive HF, venous Impact of “leaky bowel” and bacterial 42,43
translocation congestion translocation in PAH and other PH groups
Gut microbiota, endotoxinemia, PAH Further mechanistic insights 44,45
inflammation (LPS/TLR4)
Cachexia HF (HFrEF); related to RV Mechanisms and impact of cachexia in PAH and 46-48
dysfunction other forms of PH
Iron homeostasis Iron deficiency HF (HFrEF), preliminary Impact of iron supplementation on exercise 49-56
evidence in PAH capacity and morbidity/mortality in PAH; RCT
Altered hepcidin levels; connection PAH Further mechanistic studies needed for better 49,52,53
to BMPR2 mutations and hypoxia under-standing; role of congestion?
Skeletal muscle Muscle dysfunction/weakness/ PAH, CTEPH Further mechanistic insights needed 57-60
deconditioning (fiber size/atrophy,
Establish interventions to maintain/improve
contractile dysfunction, calcium
skeletal muscle function
Endocrine system Thyroid disease (hypo-/ PAH, CTEPH (PH-LHD, PH-CLD) Precise mechanisms and prognostic relevance not 61-65
hyperthyroidism) entirely clear; needs further study
Metabolic syndrome PH-LHD, PH-CLD (COPD) Relation between P(A)H and MS/DM needs to 66
be further established (cause/consequence of
pulmonary vascular disease, RV dysfunction)
Diabetes mellitus PAH, PH-LHD 67-72
Inflammation and Increased circulating inflammatory PAH, PH-LHD Further characterization of inflammatory 28,73-75
immunity mediators; inter-organ cross-talk mechanisms
Perivascular inflammatory infiltrates PAH, PH-LHD Assessment of anti-inflammatory therapies 74
Coagulation system Hypercoagulatory state PAH, CTEPH Not clear whether cause or consequence of PH; 77-79
(Fibrinogen, vWF, PAI-1) Role of anticoagulation not established (except
for CTEPH)
Thrombocytopenia Severe IPAH Mechanism(s) enigmatic 81-83
(Continued )

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Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

Table. Continued

Organ System Consequence of Right-Sided HF Type of PH/HF in Which Gaps in Knowledge and
Affected and PH Evidence was Obtained Needs for Further Study Refs.
Central nervous Impaired cognitive function HF, PH No clear correlation with disease severity of PH 85-87
Depression/anxiety HF, PH 84

Eyes Several ocular disorders PAH, systemic venous Clinical relevance and frequency need to be 88,89
(open-angle glaucoma, retinal congestion systematically studied
detachment, venous stasis
retinopathy, ciliary detachment,
central retinal vein occlusion)
Skin Prurigo simplex (severe PH, advanced right Author´s experience, evidence and mechanisms —
heart failure) need to be established
Autonomic function Sympathetic/parasympa-thetic PAH, other forms of PH Not a target of current therapies 90-95
Reduced heart rate variability PAH; right heart failure Potential assessment of PA denervation; renal 91,92
Lowered adrenergic baroreflex denervation; RCTs needed
Increased susceptibility of atrial Experimental PH; Association Impact of rhythm control/interventional therapy 93,94
flutter/fibrillation with poor outcome in PAH on hemodynamics, RV function and outcome in
PAH and PH-LHD; RCTs needed
Enhanced postganglionic PAH Impact of targeted therapies and/or exercise 90
peripheral muscle sympathetic
nerve activity
Endothelial dysfunction HF, PAH 95
Sleep/Hypoxia Sleep disturbances, poor sleep Several PH groups including Impact on QoL and outcome 97,98
quality PAH and PH-LHD
Sleep-disordered breathing PAH, CTEPH, HF Insufficient data on impact on long-term 97-100
(central/obstructive sleep apnea), outcomes
nocturnal hypoxemia
Daytime hypoxemia IPAH/HPAH Prognostic impact unclear 100
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CLD indicates chronic lung disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CTEPH, chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension; DM, diabetes
mellitus; HF, heart failure; HFpEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; HPAH, heritable PAH; IPAH,
idiopathic PAH; LA, left arterial; LHD, left heart disease; LV, left ventricle; MS, metabolic syndrome; PA, pulmonary artery; PAH, pulmonary arterial hypertension; P(A)
H, PH or PAH; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; PH, pulmonary hypertension; RA, right arterial; RV, right ventricle; and vWF, von Willebrand factor.

right-sided HF. As a consequence, both systemic ve-

nous congestion caused by RV dysfunction and im-
paired peripheral perfusion caused by right-left heart Correspondence
interaction and diminished systemic output contribute Stephan Rosenkranz, MD, Klinik III für Innere Medizin, Center for Molecular
Medicine Cologne (CMMC) and Cologne Cardiovascular Research Center
to insult to multiple organ systems and interorgan (CCRC), Herzzentrum der Universität zu Köln, Kerpener Str. 62, 50937 Köln,
crosstalk, which may result in a systemic inflammatory Germany. Email
state that needs to be further characterized. It should
be pointed out that many of the available evidence on Affiliations
secondary organ damage (particularly on liver and kid- Clinic III for Internal Medicine (Cardiology) and Cologne Cardiovascular Re-
ney impairment) is primarily related to left HF, whereas search Center (CCRC), Heart Center at the University of Cologne, Germany
(S.R.). Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC), University of Cologne,
the consequences of isolated right-sided HF caused by Germany (S.R.). National Pulmonary Hypertension Service, Imperial College
PAH or other forms of precapillary PH are far less well Healthcare NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom (L.S.H.). Department of Medi-
cine, George Washington University, Washington, DC (M.G.M.). Department of
studied and require further research (Table). However,
Respiratory Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Germany (M.M.H.). German
when summarizing the available evidence, it becomes Center for Lung Research (DZL), Hannover, Germany (M.M.H.).
clear that even in patients with LHD, right-sided rath-
er than left-sided HF is the main driver of secondary Sources of Funding
organ dysfunction. The important role of the right This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
heart in this context is frequently underestimated in (GRK-2407 to Dr Rosenkranz).

clinical practice and needs to be further studied. This

knowledge is key to the understanding and treating Disclosures
of secondary organ dysfunction in patients with left Dr Rosenkranz has received remunerations for lectures or consultancy from Ab-
bot, Actelion, Arena, Bayer, Gilead, GSK, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, and United
heart disease as well as other forms of PH leading to Therapeutics. His institution has received research grants from Actelion, Bayer,
right-sided HF. Novartis, Pfizer, and United Therapeutics. Dr Howard has received fees for

690 February 25, 2020 Circulation. 2020;141:678–693. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022362

Rosenkranz et al Systemic Consequences of PH and Right-Sided HF

lectures or consultancy from Actelion, Bayer, GSK, and Merck. His institution in chronic arterial or thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Chest.
has received research grants from Bayer. Dr Gomberg-Maitland served as a 2012;142:1406–1416. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-2794


consultant and as a member of steering committees and DSMB/event commit- 15. Samsky MD, Patel CB, DeWald TA, Smith AD, Felker GM, Rogers JG,
tees for Actelion, Bayer, Gilead, Medtronic, UCB, Bellerophon (formerly known Hernandez AF. Cardiohepatic interactions in heart failure: an overview
as Ikaria), and United Therapeutics. She has received honoraria for CME from and clinical implications. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013;61:2397–2405. doi:
Medscape and ABComm. Actelion, Bayer, Gilead, Medtronic, Lung Biotechnol- 10.1016/j.jacc.2013.03.042
ogy, and Reata have provided funding to the University of Chicago during the 16. Fuhrmann V, Kneidinger N, Herkner H, Heinz G, Nikfardjam M,
last year to support her conduct of clinical trials. She is a member of the PCORI Bojic A, Schellongowski P, Angermayr B, Kitzberger R, Warszawska J, et
Advisory Panel on Rare Diseases and a Special Government Employee for the al. Hypoxic hepatitis: underlying conditions and risk factors for mortal-
FDA Cardio-Renal division. Dr Hoeper has received fees for lectures or consul- ity in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med. 2009;35:1397–1405. doi:
tancy from Actelion, Bayer, Gilead, GSK, Merck, and Pfizer. 10.1007/s00134-009-1508-2
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