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Module 6 (SB 4.


Section I
1. What are the 6 elements of a manvantara?

2. Write a brief note on: (i) Brähmaëas in Kali-yuga (26P), (ii) Çiva’s

tolerance (33P). [4.2.20-35]

3. Summarize the instruction of Lord Viñëu to Dakña and give important

comments by Çréla Prabhupäda.

4. How did mother Sunéti pacify Dhruva?

5. Why did the Lord fulfil the material desires of Dhruva?

6. How to respond to the blasphemy of Vaiñëavas?

7. How does one get the ability to offer prayers to the Lord?

8. Write a brief note on the ‘vision of a maha-bhagavata’. [4.12.11P]

9. Write a brief note on the devotees’ concern for the peoples’ welfare.

10. WBN on Dhruva’s austerities and its effects.

11. What is the importance of following the instructions of the guru.

Section II

1. How did Dakña insult and curse Lord Çiva? How are his

blasphemous words an indirect praise to Lord Çiva? [4.2.4-19]

2. What were the various arguments given by Saté to Lord Çiva to

convince him to go to Dakña’s sacrifice? [4.3.5-14]

3. Write the arguments given by Lord Çiva to convince Saté that she

shouldn’t go for Dakña’s sacrifice. [4.3.15-25]

4. How did Saté glorify Lord Çiva in front of Dakña? Give important

comments by Çréla Prabhupäda.

5. Why is it difficult to understand the Lord through mental

speculation? Explain by giving an analogy (4.11.23P).

6. How did Lord Brahmä convince Lord Çiva?

7. How did Närada Muni test and guide Dhruva?

8. Why did Dhruva lament even after receiving boons form the Lord?
9. How did the sages instruct Vena?

10. Give lessons from the way Påthu Mahäräja forbade the bards from
glorifying him.

Section III

1. What lessons does Çréla Prabhupäda give from the character and

activities of (i) Çiva, (ii) Dakña, (iii) Saté.

2. Give a summary of the prayers of Dhruva Mahäräja. [4.9.6-17]

3. Summarize the instructions of Manu to Dhruva along with salient

points from Çréla Prabhupäda’s purports.

4. Write a brief note on the characters of Vena and Anga.

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