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The charts detail the proportion of Australian secondary school graduates who were unemployed,
employed or further education in 1980, 1990, and 2000.

The given pie charts detail the proportion of Australian secondary school graduates who were
unemployed, employed or pursuing further education, in 1980, 1990, and 2000.

Overall, from 1980 to 2000, the proportion of Australian students who were employed grew,
while there was a decline in both the proportion of those pursuing higher levels of education and
those who were unemployed.

In 1980, half of the Australian secondary school leavers chose to continue their education. After
a 10-year period, this number dropped to only 38% and remained almost unchanged in 2000.
Meanwhile, the figures for those who were unemployment were the smallest, at only 10% in
1980, 12% in 1990, and finally dropping back down to 8% in 2000.

On the other hand, over the years Australia saw an increase in the percentage of students who
received a job after graduation from secondary school, from 40% in 1980 to 55% in 2000, which
was the largest figure among all examined categories.

2. Bài tập ứng dụng :

VD: 42% đường được tiêu thụ trong bữa phụ. 21% chất béo được tiêu thụ trong bữa phụ.
 42% of added sugar contains in snacks, compared to just 21% of saturated fat.
 42% of added sugar contains in snacks, which doubles the amount in saturated fat.
 The amount of added sugar in snacks is more than that in saturated fat, 42% compared to
Bao nhiêu % của X tham gia vào việc gì, so với Y


42% of added sugar contains in snacks, compared to just 21% of saturated fat. However, the
amount of sugar at dinner is lower than that in saturated fat, 23% compared to 37%. The amount
of two substances consumed in breakfast are 16%.

43 percent of sodium contains in dinner. This amount is higher than that of saturated fat (37%).
However, 21% of fat is consumed in snacks, which almost doubles the amount of sodium. There
is 29% of sodium in lunch, which is 3% higher than the amount recorded in saturated fat. For
breakfast, the amount of two substances are nearly the same (14%).
The pie charts compare patterns of sodium, saturated fats and added sugars in typical meals
consumed in the USA.
Overall, it is clear that intakes of sodium and saturated fat are most common for lunch and
dinner, although there is a slight decrease. Additionally, added sugar is consumed most in snacks
First, sodium is consumed in lunch by 29 percent (nên đổi lại là “29 percent of sodium is
consumed in lunch”) and dinner has a lot of 43 percent
=> 29 percent of sodium is consumed at lunch, which is lower than the amount consumed at
dinner (43%). Meanwhile, the amount for breakfats and snacks are only 14 percent. Meanwhile,
saturated fat consumed in lunch and dinner decreases by 26 percent and by 37 per cent, while
breakfats and snacks increased slightly by 16 percent and 26 percent.
In contrast, the amount of added sugar consumed in snacks increased by 42% to three-quarters
the amount of sugar consumed in saturated fat, while breakfast remained the same at 16%. The
amount of added sugar consumed during lunch and dinner was 19 percent and 23%, respectively.

3. Dạng line graph có chứa thì tương lai:

The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over
between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.

The graph illustrates the percentage of people aged 65 and over from 1940 to 2040 in
Japan, Sweden and USA.
It can be seen that life expectancy of old people increased in all three countries. The
most noticeable trend is of Japan, where this expectancy is predicted to rise
considerably in the future.
According to the chart, in 1940, the percentage of aged 65 or over people was just
under 10 in USA as compared to Sweden (7% ), while less number of old people lived
in that year in Japan ( about 5% ). The figures for Life expectancy of older citizens in
1990 was the same for USA and Sweden, at about 14 percent, and decreased even
further in Japan, around 3.5 percent.
The life expectancy is predicted to rise in every country, which will be 23% and 25
percent in 1940 in Sweden and USA respectively. Most astonishing figure is for Japan,
where more old people will live long in the future ( 27 percent in 1940 ) as compared to
other 2 countries.
4. Bài tập ứng dụng

The graph below shows the average number of UK commuters travelling each
day by car, bus or train between 1970 and 2030.
The line graph illustrates the number of commuters using three different transportations from
1970 to 2030, 10-year intervals.
Overall, it is clear that car was the most popular mode of transport and increased through the
years. Moreover, travelling by train an increase growth while bus transportation a decrease
witness decline.

In 1970, 5 million people used cars while the number is was 4 million by bus and 2.7 million by
train. Moreover, in 2000 the commuters by car and train gradully grew by a round 1 million,
the figure for riding by bus slightly decrease. However, In 2010 commuters travelling by car and
train remained stable as in 2000, but the number of people going/travelling by bus continued to

In 2030, the number of people travelling by car will are predicted to increase to its peak high-
point at 9 million people and trains is likely will increase to 4 million people. In contrast,
commuters travelling by bus are to drop three million.

VD: Toà nhà này có 10 tầng.

 This building has 10 floors.
 It is a 10-floor building.
VD: She will go to school tomorrow.
 She is likely to go to school tomorrow.

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