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Definition of Terms

Conceptual Definition:

The conceptual definition of our quantitative research study titled "The impact of mobile games
on students" refers to the overall understanding and interpretation of the key concepts and
variables involved in the study. In this context, the term "mobile games" refers to digital games
that are played on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The term "impact" refers to
the influence or effect that mobile games have on students' academic performance, cognitive
abilities, social interactions, and overall well-being.

Operational Definition:

The operational definition of our quantitative research study titled "The impact of mobile games
on students" specifies how we will measure and assess the key concepts and variables in a
tangible and measurable manner. In this study, the operational definition of "mobile games" will
include specific genres or types of games, such as puzzle games, strategy games, or multiplayer
online games, that are commonly played on mobile devices. The operational definition of
"impact" will involve quantitative measures such as academic grades, standardized test scores,
self-reported well-being scales, and social interaction assessments to evaluate the effects of
mobile games on students.

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