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Journal of International Marketing

2023, Vol. 31(3) 19-40
The Global/Local Product Attribute: © The Author(s) 2023

Decomposition, Trivialization, and Price Article reuse guidelines:
Trade-Offs in Emerging and Developed Markets DOI: 10.1177/1069031X221143095

Vasileios Davvetas , Christina Sichtmann,

Charalampos (Babis) Saridakis, and Adamantios Diamantopoulos

Accelerating antiglobalization challenges previously undisputed assumptions about the importance of a product’s globalness/local-
ness in purchase decisions. Putting these assumptions to test, this article conceptualizes globalness/localness as a distinct product
attribute and decomposes its utility into weight and preference components. Subsequently, it offers an equity-theory-based pre-
diction of the attribute’s declining relevance/trivialization and quantifies its trade-offs with other attributes by calculating global/
local price premiums. Conjoint experiments in two countries (Austria and India) reveal that (1) emerging- (developed-) market
consumers exhibit relative preference for global (local) products, (2) emerging-market consumers perceive higher preference
inequity between global and local products than developed-market consumers, and (3) the corresponding inequity triggers con-
sumers’ cognitive inequity regulation (manifested through attribute trivialization in developed markets) and behavioral inequity
regulation (manifested through asymmetrical willingness to pay for global/local products across developed/emerging markets).
In addition, attribute trivialization and price premium tolerance are moderated by consumers’ spatial identities and price segment.
The findings contribute to the theoretical debate on the relevance of product globalness/localness in deglobalizing times and
inform competitive strategies; segmentation, targeting, and positioning; and international pricing decisions.

global/local products, attribute trade-offs, conjoint analysis, emerging/developed markets
Online supplement:

Marketplace globalization has created new competition for globalization, advance debates around the phenomenon of
global and local products, which has attracted substantial inter- “deglobalization,” and initiate discussions about the future of
est among international business researchers (Chabowski, competition between global and local products (Cleveland
Samiee, and Hult 2013; Liu et al. 2020). Early investigations and McCutcheon 2022; Delios, Perchthold, and Capri 2021;
of this phenomenon revealed a favorable position for global Witt 2019).
products that, beyond supply-side advantages, enjoyed strong These ongoing discussions are far from reaching consensus.
consumer preference and ability to charge higher prices On the one hand, some globalization scholars argue that stalling
through their association with quality, prestige, and the allure globalization is not an existential threat to global brands, predic-
of a global consumer culture (Batra et al. 2000; Holt, Quelch, tions about the end of globalization are premature, and global
and Taylor 2004; Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden 2003). products will continue to dominate international markets and
However, an increasing number of studies have since reported
a resurgence in the preference for local products (Ӧzsomer
Vasileios Davvetas is Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing Department,
2012; Steenkamp and De Jong 2010; Xie, Batra, and Peng Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK (email: v.davvetas@
2015). Recently, the decrease in global trade figures, the rejec- Christina Sichtmann is Associate Professor, Bern University of
tion of global integration initiatives (e.g., Trans-Pacific Applied Sciences, Switzerland (email:
Partnership Agreement), rising antiglobal sentiment, shifts in Charalampos (Babis) Saridakis is Associate Professor of Marketing, Marketing
the global sociopolitical landscape (e.g., Brexit, Eurozone Department, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK
(email: Adamantios Diamantopoulos is Chaired
crisis, U.S.–China trade war), appearance of reshoring activi- Professor of International Marketing, Department of Marketing and
ties, and the COVID-19 pandemic—all regarded as signs of International Business, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics,
globalization’s fragility—question the inevitability of University of Vienna, Austria (email:
20 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

legitimize their price premiums through strategic adaptations to—other product attributes, and especially to price.
(Samiee 2019; Steenkamp 2019a, b). On the other hand, evi- Consequently, knowledge about the attributes that consumers
dence from emerging markets—a key battleground for global are willing to trade off when they purchase global or local prod-
brands—suggests that localization tendencies and the emer- ucts remains limited. This is despite the fact that, in actual pur-
gence of strong local players reduce the perceptual and chase decision making, consumers assess multiple attributes,
high-end price advantages global products once enjoyed engage in complex multiattribute trade-offs, and sacrifice
(Santos and Williamson 2015; Sichtmann, Davvetas, and some attributes to acquire others (Bettman, Capon, and Lutz
Diamantopoulos 2019). Recent research suggests that brand 1975).
globalness continues to build brand credibility in globalizing To address these issues, we (1) employ the neglected con-
developed markets, while localness represents a stronger cred- ceptualization of globalness/localness as a distinct product attri-
ibility signal for consumers in already globalized developed bute (Dimofte, Johansson, and Ronkainen 2008), (2) use a
markets (Mandler, Bartsch, and Han 2020). In addition, there conjoint approach to decompose the attribute’s utility into a
is palpable growth in the number of consumers who are indif- weight/importance component (i.e., how much does the
ferent to a product’s global or local character and who appear global/local attribute matter to the consumer relative to other
uninterested in both globally and locally induced consumption product attributes?) and a preference component (i.e., does a
(Steenkamp and De Jong 2010) and are thus less willing to tol- consumer prefer a product more when it is designated as local
erate the price premiums that global brands used to command. or global?), and (3) draw from equity theory (Adams 1965) to
In summary, looking at the extant literature, one cannot reach develop theoretical predictions regarding how consumers
definitive conclusions regarding whether, to what extent, for react to perceived inequity between global and local products
whom, at what cost, and under which conditions a product’s in their country markets through cognitive and behavioral ineq-
globalness/localness still matters for consumers. uity adjustments. To this end, we conduct two conjoint studies:
Against this background, this article investigates the follow- one in a mature market (Austria) and one in an emerging market
ing research questions: (1) Is a global/local product attribute (India) using a total sample of 668 consumers. The results of a
still relevant for consumers, or has it been trivialized to the random-parameters ordered probit model demonstrate (1) evi-
benefit of other attributes? (2) If it remains relevant, what dence of trivialization of the global/local attribute in developed
price trade-offs are consumers willing to make to acquire but not in emerging markets, (2) preference for local products in
global or local products? (3) How do the corresponding price developed markets that is nonetheless weaker than the prefer-
premiums that global and local products charge vary across ence for global products in emerging markets, and (3) signifi-
countries, consumers, and market segments? cant moderation of consumers’ inequity regulation strategies
To answer these questions, the role a product’s global or by country market (emerging vs. developed), consumer identity
local nature plays must be approached in a more complex (global vs. local), and price segment (upper vs. lower).
way than previously assumed. Prior research has mostly con- Our findings contribute to the ongoing theoretical debate on
ceptualized a product’s globalness and localness as cues that the relevance/trivialization of product globalness/localness in
operate through a halo effect (Dimofte, Johansson, and an era of deglobalization by employing a neglected theoretical
Ronkainen 2008); that is, by favorably biasing other product lens to explain how consumers across markets adjust their attri-
attributes such as quality or prestige (Özsomer 2012; bute weights and willingness to pay (WTP) to restore equity
Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden 2003). According to this perspec- between global and local products. Furthermore, our findings
tive, consumers carry positive and negative beliefs about glob- assist global brand managers in quantifying consumers’ reli-
alness and localness that determine whether their product ance on a product’s global/local nature in contrast to other attri-
choices will lean toward the global or the local side (Dimofte, butes by calculating the WTP estimates for global/local
Johansson, and Ronkainen 2008). Despite its conceptual products across categories and countries. Our findings also
appeal, this approach makes two questionable assumptions. offer insights regarding whether, when, and how to incorporate
The first is that all consumers ascribe equal weight (i.e., impor- the global/local attribute in decisions regarding international
tance) to the globalness/localness of a product when making segmentation, targeting, positioning pricing, and competitive
purchase decisions; this is a contentious assumption in light strategy.
of evidence suggesting that many consumers simply do not
care about the globalness or localness of the products they pur-
chase, or they perceive global and local products as equally Conceptual Development and Research
attractive and directly substitutable alternatives (Steenkamp Hypotheses
and De Jong 2010). The second is that preferences for either
global or local products are uniform across market segments Global and Local Products
and price points, implying that such preferences will always Global products refer to products that are tailored for interna-
translate into actual purchases for both low-priced and tional markets and are branded for and distributed across mul-
premium-priced product segments. These assumptions have tiple countries around the world. Local products refer to
hindered the study of a product’s globalness/localness in con- products that are marketed specifically toward the consumers’
junction with—and, more importantly, in direct juxtaposition home market (Strizhakova, Coulter, and Price 2008).
Davvetas et al. 21

Following Steenkamp and De Jong (2010), we use the term globalness/localness as a distinct product attribute to which
“product” to describe every entity subject to consumption, consumers assign discrete weight. Under this approach, con-
including tangible products, services, and brands. Although sumers exhibit preferences for specific products because of
branded products represent only a subset of what the generic the globalness/localness of these products; that is, beyond asso-
terms global and local products capture, our definitions parallel ciations of increased quality or prestige (Steenkamp 2014).
those that branding literature has proposed for global/local Preference for globalness reflects a willingness to participate
brands. Global products include brands “that have global in the myth associated with global consumption, whereas pref-
awareness, availability, acceptance and desirability, and are erence for localness reflects support for a local cause, expres-
often found under the same name with consistent positioning, sion of one’s antiglobalization attitude, or belonging to a
image, personality, look, and feel in major markets enabled particular identity group (Holt, Quelch and Taylor 2004;
by standardized and centrally coordinated marketing strategies Steenkamp and De Jong 2010).
and programs” (Özsomer et al. 2012, p. 2). Similarly, local These alternative conceptualizations represent comple-
products account for brands “only available in a specific geo- mentary theoretical accounts of how consumers process
graphical region” (Dimofte, Johansson, and Ronkainen 2008, information about a product’s globalness or localness.
p. 118) or as products “associated with the local culture and While the halo conceptualization answers why consumers
symbolic of the local country” (Xie, Batra, and Peng 2015, prefer global/local products, the distinct attribute conceptu-
p. 53). There are examples of hybrid “glocal” brands that alization aims to discover the extent of this preference and
combine global and local elements in terms of both their the trade-offs consumers are willing to make to acquire
supply-side strategies (e.g., local sourcing or manufacturing) their preferred product options. Although much is known
and their intended demand-side positioning (e.g., country- about why consumers prefer global/local products, little is
specific product editions) (Schmidt-Devlin, Özsomer, and known about whether these reasons still matter when other
Newmeyer 2022). However, consumers (1) generally “recog- attributes (e.g., price) force consumers to contrast global-
nize [a global brand] when they see it” (Steenkamp 2019a, ness/localness against other desirable attribute levels (e.g.,
p. 553), (2) classify individual products under the global or low cost).
the local category (Davvetas and Halkias 2019), and (3)
respond to them on the basis of their categorization to the
respective product collective (Kolbl et al. 2020). Given that Globalness/Localness as a Product Attribute:
our research centers on globalness/localness as a general attri-
bute factored into consumer decision making rather than as a Decomposing Weight and Preference
perception tied to a particular brand (i.e., perceived brand glob- The term “attribute” refers to any feature consumers find rele-
alness; Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden 2003), we focus on global vant when forming attitudes about products; for instance, in
or local products as generic product classes. We intentionally the category of soft drinks, typical attributes include “sweet-
distance our definitions from the country-of-origin tradition ness,” “calories,” “carbonation,” and “price” (Srinivasan
because of its inability to account for products whose origins 1979). Product attributes typically have several levels; that is,
cannot be accurately recognized by consumers due to the prolif- different values that create differentiation among the options
eration of outsourced operations, multicountry sourcing/manu- offered in the marketplace. Demand for different attribute
facturing, and blurred or intentionally concealed origins levels is heterogenous (e.g., some consumers prefer sweeter
(Samiee 2011). soft drinks); thus, brand managers must differentiate their prod-
ucts based on the attribute level that matters most, so that their
consumers will maximize product demand. Research on multi-
Product Globalness/Localness: Halo or Attribute? attribute attitude models (Bettman, Capon, and Lutz 1975) sug-
Dimofte, Johansson, and Ronkainen (2008) propose two alter- gests that when consumers make purchase decisions, they
native theoretical approaches regarding how consumers assess the desirability of the attribute levels of the offered alter-
respond to global/local products. Drawing on psychological natives and engage in attribute trade-offs. For instance, consum-
theories of impression formation (Nisbett and Wilson 1977), ers may forgo a product with a desirable level in one attribute
the first approach suggests that a product’s global designation (e.g., low price) to buy a product with a more desirable level
operates as a halo that leads to positive biasing of product attri- in another (e.g., high horsepower).
butes. Most relevant research has embraced this approach and If conceptualized as a distinct product attribute with discrete
revealed the effects of a product’s globalness by investigating levels (global/local), a product’s globalness/localness carries
its associations with attributes such as quality and prestige utility that can be decomposed into two components: weight/
(Davvetas, Diamantopoulos, and Liu 2020; Özsomer 2012; importance and preference. The latter describes how desirable
Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden 2003), value perceptions the consumer perceives each attribute level to be (i.e.,
(Swoboda, Pennemann, and Taube 2012), and identity expres- whether the consumer prefers global or local products) while
sion (Strizhakova and Coulter 2015; Xie, Batra, and Peng the former refers to how high the consumer evaluates the
2015). The second approach draws from multiattribute attitude level of a specific attribute. The greater the difference in prefer-
models (Bettman, Capon, and Lutz 1975) and conceptualizes ence between attribute levels, the higher the weight the
22 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

consumer puts on an attribute and, thus, the higher the trade-off (Adams 1965). According to the theory, when engaged in some
to acquire a product with the preferred attribute level. sort of exchange (e.g., product purchase), individuals (e.g., A
Theorizing about these two components based on extant lit- and B) assess the fairness of the exchange by comparing the
erature leads to inconclusive predictions. Regarding attribute output-input ratios (OIAA , OIBB ) of the parties involved in the trans-
preference, both global and local products are associated with action (where OA, OB represent the outputs for the two parties
positive and negative consumer beliefs. Globally branded prod- and IA, IB represent their corresponding inputs). Individuals
ucts are associated with higher perceptions of quality, status, perceive inequity in the exchange when either of the two
and prestige (Özsomer 2012; Steenkamp, Batra, and Alden parties enjoys a bigger output-input ratio (OIAA > OIBB or
IA < IB ). Otherwise, the deal is perceived to be equitable
2003); increased brand credibility and decreased purchase risk OA OB

(Davvetas and Diamantopoulos 2018; Mandler, Bartsch, and (OIAA = OIBB ). According to the principle of distributive justice
Han 2020); higher functional and psychological values (Homans 1961), inequity is an undesirable state, so individuals
(Swoboda, Pennemann, and Taube 2012); and enhanced are motivated to adjust their behavior in ways that restore the
ability to express consumers’ identity (Xie, Batra, and Peng balance between the two parties to an equity equilibrium.
2015). However, they are also viewed as hated symbols of glob- This can be achieved by altering one’s inputs to the exchange,
alization and are accused of promoting cultural uniformity, altering one’s outputs, changing the level of comparison, or
harming local economies, and lacking authenticity (Heinberg, leaving the exchange without committing to a deal (Huppertz,
Ozkaya, and Taube 2016; Steenkamp and De Jong 2010). In Arenson, and Evans 1978).
contrast, local products are usually perceived as tailored to Although original applications of equity theory involved
local tastes and needs (Ӧzsomer 2012), cultural representatives comparisons between two parties, the same principles apply
of local communities, nostalgic tokens of past consumption when individuals compare two or more referents with which
experiences (Heinberg, Ozkaya, and Taube 2016), and protec- they are in a potential exchange relationship. Applying this
tors of local economies from globalization pressures principle, we argue that consumers evaluate global and local
(Steenkamp and De Jong 2010). However, they are also products as alternative referent groups with different ability to
regarded as low-quality products that lack modernity and aspi- offer outputs in response to consumer inputs. The outputs
ration (Dimofte, Johansson, and Ronkainen 2008) and lag (i.e., utility) can be expressed as a difference between the ben-
behind in technological edge, innovation, and symbolism efits received from purchasing a global or local product (e.g.,
(Balabanis and Diamantopoulos 2016). perceived quality) and the downsides associated with the prod-
No universal predictions can be made for attribute weight, uct’s ownership (e.g., unfavorable identity), while the inputs
either. Attribute weight depends on the purchase context, the represent the financial resources the consumer must sacrifice
product category, and the consumer (Batra, Homer, and Kahle to acquire these products (i.e., price). Essentially, when com-
2001). For example, when consumers make purchase decisions paring global and local products, consumers engage in mental
in visible contexts, they weigh more heavily the attributes that calculations and comparisons of the following ratios:
allow for identity construction and signaling (Bearden and
Etzel 1982). Regarding the product category, consumers rely Benefitsglobal − Costsglobal Benefitslocal − Costslocal
more on functional product attributes when they evaluate prod- and .
Priceglobal Pricelocal
ucts from utilitarian categories and more on sensory attributes
when they evaluate products from hedonic categories (Batra If consumers assess the two ratios as being equal, they are
and Ahtola 1991), explaining why consumers pay differential expected to be indifferent between global and local products
attention to product globalness in hedonic versus functional cat- and subsequently minimize the importance (i.e., weight) of
egories (Davvetas and Diamantopoulos 2016). Similar condition- the global/local attribute in their choice, thus turning to other
ing of attribute weight happens across consumer traits such as attributes. However, if the ratios are unequal, consumers aim
consumer expertise, which increases reliance on intrinsic to restore the inequity. Equity theory identifies two ways
versus extrinsic product cues such as globalness (Rao and through which people restore inequity: (1) by altering one
Monroe 1988). Finally, research has revealed the existence of side’s perceived outputs (referred to as cognitive inequity regu-
alienated consumer segments who exhibit simultaneous negative lation) or (2) by altering the level of inputs a consumer is willing
attitudes toward both global and local products (Steenkamp and to make to acquire the corresponding output (referred to as
De Jong 2010). Considering such contingencies, one cannot behavioral inequity regulation). In the first case, given the psy-
predict a fixed weight that all consumers assign to a product’s chological nature of many benefits and costs associated with the
globalness/localness. purchase of global/local products, alterations are subject to per-
ceptual mechanisms and achieved through cognitive distortions
(Huppertz, Arenson, and Evans 1978). In the second case, con-
sumers restore inequity by adjusting their WTP for global/local
Equity Theory: Explaining Variability in Global/Local
products and by developing price tolerance zones within which
Attribute Weight and Preference the two ratios are rendered equal. In summary, equity theory
Equity theory explains how individuals form equity judgments predicts that consumers should adjust the weight they place
and respond to perceived inequity in social exchange situations on the global/local attribute or the WTP for global/local
Davvetas et al. 23

products, or they can do both as a means to restore perceived important industries (e.g., China’s efforts to overtake the
inequity between global and local product offerings. mobile technology industry).
Finally, due to the scarcity of specific well-known global
products in emerging markets in the past and/or the increased
Market Development as a Determinant of Global Versus cost of acquiring them, emerging-market consumers still asso-
ciate global products with increased status in collective
Local Product Inequity memory and exhibit preference for them for identity-signaling
Prior research has established that consumers in emerging reasons (Laforet and Chen 2012; Wong and Ahuvia 1998).
markets respond differently to global and local products than The opposite trend is observed in developed markets. Global
consumers in developed markets (Guo 2013; Sharma 2011). products no longer have the allure they once did. Phenomena
This differentiation is grounded on three arguments. The first like “buy local” campaigns, global brand boycotts, anticorpor-
argument suggests that as a country’s economic development atist attitudes, and emphasis on sustainable development that
rises, domestic firms develop products that match the quality favors local supply chains (Thompson and Arsel 2004) have
of global brands (Guo 2013; Moon et al. 2016). As a national also limited the potential of global products to assume the
economy develops, local firms internationalize by developing role of consumers’ identity tokens. Corroborating studies
products that compete effectively in the global marketplace show that consumers push many developed-market firms to
through matching the offerings of their global counterparts. return operations to their home countries (Grappi, Romani,
This leads developed-market consumers to eschew global prod- and Bagozzi 2015, 2018).
ucts and turn to local products that—apart from similar perfor- Thus, in terms of equity ratios, the benefit–cost output (i.e.,
mance—are also better tailored to local tastes (Özsomer 2012). the numerator of the equity ratios) should favor global (local)
In contrast, emerging-market consumers opt for global products products in emerging (developed) markets.
to fill the void of local-market alternatives and access quality
offerings that domestic firms cannot offer (Batra et al. 2000). H1: Emerging-market consumers exhibit preference for
Xenocentric tendencies in certain emerging markets further the global attribute level, whereas developed-market con-
exacerbate the situation for local products, which are then sumers exhibit preference for the local attribute level.
unable to break through the inferiority beliefs of local consum-
ers (Balabanis and Diamantopoulos 2016).
The second argument revolves around consumer attitudes
Cognitive Inequity Regulation: Global/Local Attribute
toward globalization. Consumers are displaying increasingly
negative attitudes toward globalization (Hu and Spence 2017; Weight Inflation
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Whether emerging- or developed-market consumers prefer
[OECD] 2017). National identities have reemerged as the global or local products, however, says little about the second
primary triggers of consumers’ purchase decisions. As globally component of global/local attribute utility: the attribute
branded products represent symbols of a flat world, they often weight. Approached as the difference between the strength of
constitute targets of nationalistic consumer tendencies. Such preference between the two attribute levels, the global/local
tendencies are not uniformly distributed across emerging and attribute weight captures how much the global or local designa-
developed countries, because of the imbalance of the tion of a product matters to a consumer and thus how easily it
globalization-driven benefits and costs that emerging and devel- can be substituted by favorable levels of other attributes (e.g.,
oped markets experience (Stiglitz 2003). Global attitude low price). In this sense, a consumer with a high global or
surveys find that while 55% of consumers in developed coun- local attribute weight exhibits significant preference for one
tries view globalization as a force for good, this figure is attribute level (be it global or local). Meanwhile, a consumer
around 75% for emerging countries (YouGov 2016). with a low attribute weight exhibits a small difference in pref-
Developed markets have traditionally been more engaged in erence; in extreme cases, a consumer may be indifferent to
the global, economic, and cultural arenas and thus are beyond both attributes. We expect that developed-market consumers
the positive influences of globalization. Developed markets exhibit both lower global and local attribute weights than
have also been exposed to the downsides of cultural and con- emerging-market consumers; that is, the former care less
sumption homogenization through the proliferation of global about products being global or local.
products (Steenkamp and De Jong 2010). Recent political Preference for global or local products is predominantly
developments (e.g., Brexit, European Union anti-immigration formed through two functions: the quality-signaling function
forces) reflect a rise in Western populism that is strongly and the identity-signaling function (Strizhakova, Coulter, and
linked with antiglobal attitudes. Populist publics see globaliza- Price 2011; Zhou, Yang, and Hui 2010). The stronger these
tion in general—and by extension global products—as a more functions are, the more important the global/local distinction
negative influence on national economies than do nonpopulist is in consumer decisions. However, substantial differences
cohorts (YouGov 2019). In contrast, emerging markets such exist in the strength of these two functions in emerging and
as China and India have started to reap the benefits of globali- developed markets. According to signaling theory, product
zation as a result of opening their economies and dominating attributes provide economic information signals to consumers
24 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

and help them form product quality judgments (Erdem and A global identity refers to a consumer’s identification with
Swait 1998). Product globalness acts as one of those signals, people around the world, while a local identity refers to a con-
but not with the same intensity across markets. In markets sumer’s identification with their local community (Zhang and
undergoing deep, globalization-induced changes (e.g., emerg- Khare 2009). Consumers with strong global identities typically
ing markets), brand globalness has been found to operate as a exhibit feelings of belongingness to the global community, per-
stronger brand credibility signal than in already heavily global- ceive more similarities than differences in people around the
ized countries (Mandler, Bartsch, and Han 2020). In addition, a world, follow a more international lifestyle, and prefer global
country’s economic development minimizes the importance of products. In contrast, consumers with a pronounced local iden-
the global/local quality function both for consumers oriented to tity are strongly attached to their local community, respect local
local consumption and for those exhibiting strong global con- traditions and customs, follow a local way of life, and appreci-
nectedness (Strizhakova and Coulter 2015). ate local products (Diamantopoulos et al. 2019; Zhang and
We expect a similar pattern regarding the identity-signaling Khare 2009).
function. Postmaterialism theory (Inglehart 1971) suggests that As previously discussed in the context of H1, consumers in
consumers in Western postindustrial societies that became emerging markets prefer global (as compared with local) prod-
affluent after World War II have progressively displayed a sig- ucts, whereas consumers in developed markets prefer local
nificant value shift away from material values (e.g., security, (compared with global) products, ceteris paribus. Thus, in an
food, shelter) and material goals (e.g., status consumption) emerging market, a consumer with a pronounced global iden-
toward nonmaterial values (e.g., environmentalism, protection tity exhibits a product preference that aligns with the general
of human rights) and needs (e.g., self-actualization). In contrast, preference of their social (national) group, while a consumer
emerging-market societies that have not experienced the afflu- with a pronounced local identity will deviate from it.
ence of the postmaterialist West tend to be more appreciative Similarly, in a developed market where local product prefer-
of material values and more motivated by material goals ence is normatively desirable, locally identified consumers
(Belk 1999; Sharma 2011). In emerging markets, material pos- exhibit norm-consistent product preferences, while globally
sessions are more likely to be treated as “identity currency” and identified consumers exhibit norm-deviating purchase
effective communicators of consumers’ identities (Strizhakova, behavior.
Coulter, and Price 2011). The presence of stronger materialistic Conflicts between social identity and self-identity trigger
goals in emerging markets inflates the importance that consum- categorization threats (e.g., fears of not legitimately belonging
ers place on product attributes, allowing for the projection of a to the social group) or prototypical threats (e.g., fears of margin-
materialistic identity to their peers. alization due to divergence from group norms) (Branscombe
Both quality and identity functions are stronger in emerging et al. 1999). Identity threats represent negative states that indi-
than developed markets; thus, emerging-market consumers per- viduals try to minimize, so cognitive inequity regulation must
ceive higher differences in utility between global and local also be self-protecting from an identity perspective. Thus, con-
products. In equity theory terms, this implies that the global/ sumers should regulate global/local product inequity by
local output comparisons are more unjust in emerging than increasing the importance of the global/local attribute only
developed markets, triggering the need for inequity regulation. when doing so does not threaten self-identity (e.g., when
One mechanism through which consumers restore inequity is social and individual identities are congruent). Conversely, con-
by adjusting their attribute weights to inflate the importance sumers are likely to avoid inflating the global/local attribute
of the attribute for which the output comparison is unjust when their attribute-level preference conflicts with the prefer-
(i.e., cognitive inequity regulation). We hypothesize: ence dictated by their social identity. Thus,

H2: Consumers from emerging markets place more H3a: In emerging markets, consumers with a strong (vs.
importance on the global/local product attribute than con- weak) global identity place more weight on the global/
sumers from developed markets. local attribute.
H3b: In developed markets, consumers with a strong (vs.
weak) local identity place more weight on the global/local
Consumer Identity as a Moderator of Cognitive Inequity attribute.
Equity theory suggests that strategies to regulate inequity must
be identity-consistent; that is, when consumers adjust their Behavioral Inequity Regulation: Price Premium Tolerance
behavior to reinstate equity, they are more resistant to cognitive
alternations (e.g., attribute weight adjustments) that threaten Adjustment
their identity (Adams 1965). In the context of global/local Another way to restore global/local product inequity is by
product comparisons, a consumer’s global or local identity adjusting the behavior of the input of the equity ratios (e.g., res-
should thus be highly relevant in the process of cognitive ervation prices for global/local products). These adjustments
equity adjustments. are reflected in the trade-offs that consumers make between
Davvetas et al. 25

the global/local attribute and price, ultimately determining con- disposable income. Competition within product categories is
sumers’ WTP for global/local products.1 usually structured around consumers’ price elasticities,
Unlike adjustments for cognitive inequity, which focus on leading to low, medium, or high prices (Gupta and
the importance of the attribute, regulations for behavioral ineq- Chintagunta 1994). Cost leaders typically dominate lower-
uity—through acceptable price premium adjustments—consist market segments and often position their offerings around
of two elements: the direction of the premium and the size of lower prices, while differentiators dominate upper-market seg-
the premium. Direction relates to whether consumers are ments and position themselves around superior quality matched
willing to pay more for global or local products. Size relates with premium pricing. Although higher-price premiums are
to how large the premium can be, regardless of whether the con- generally observed in upper-market segments, products posi-
sumer would pay more for global or local products. The direc- tioned in lower-market segments can also differ in terms of
tion of the premium is a function of the relative preference for the prices they charge within their (micro)segment.
global or local products. As H1 predicts, consumers in emerging Emerging-market consumers generally face greater resource
markets should be willing to pay a premium for global products, constraints than consumers in developed markets. This trans-
whereas consumers in developed markets should be willing to lates to a comparatively limited ability to afford the price premi-
pay a premium for local ones. However, for an attribute level, ums commanded by either global or local players in
the size of the premium is not a function of nominal preference upper-market segments. As a result, such consumers will
but of the discrepancy between the perceived output of global more likely turn to lower-market segments and try to access
and local products. According to equity theory, severe output desirable global products that are still affordable. These prod-
inequity should trigger larger behavioral regulation; that is, ucts, often referred to as “value brands” (e.g., affordable fast-
the higher the perceived difference in benefits and costs fashion retailers, low-cost flanker brands, global discount retail-
between global and local products, the higher the price adjust- ers), are global products whose competitive advantage relies on
ment needed to make the two equity ratios similar. As output attractive price–quality combinations achieved through econo-
differences are more pronounced in emerging markets, the mies of scale by international production and global value
respective premiums that consumers accept for global products chain synergies (Steenkamp 2014). Such products represent
should be larger than the corresponding premiums of attractive options for emerging-market consumers because
developed-market consumers.2 Thus, they combine affordability with the ability to signal participa-
tion in the global consumer culture (Strizhakova, Coulter, and
H4: The price premiums that emerging-market consumers Price 2008) and are thus better poised to command price premi-
are willing to pay for global products are larger than the ums. In contrast, consumers in developed markets have, on
price premiums developed-market consumers are average, higher purchasing power and, thus, products in the
willing to pay for local products. high-price segments (e.g., products with expensively sourced
local ingredients) fall within their price tolerance. Given
developed-market consumers’ increased preference for local
Price Segment as a Moderator of Behavioral Inequity offerings, local products positioned as premium in these upper-
market segments can charge higher prices. Consumers can use
Regulation their WTP as a means to restore inequity ratios. Consumer dif-
Regulations to balance out inequities are subject to constraints. ferences in ability to pay are more observable in the lower-price
Unlike cognitive adjustments of attribute weights, which are markets in emerging countries and in the higher-price markets
less affected by objective restrictions, behavioral adjustments in developed countries. Thus,
related to price acceptability are constrained by consumers’
H5a: Emerging-market consumers are more willing to
Prior research examining globalness/localness price trade-offs is limited. Winit
pay price premiums to acquire global brands in low-price
et al. (2014) report price ranges within which switching from foreign-owned to
domestic-owned global brands is more likely, and they discuss how such ranges (compared with high-price) market segments.
change as a function of consumer ethnocentrism and product category. Related H5b: Developed-market consumers are more willing to
findings are provided by Davvetas, Sichtmann, and Diamantopoulos (2015), pay price premiums to acquire local brands in high-price
who report that, ceteris paribus, consumers are willing to pay more for brands (compared with low-price) market segments.
they perceive as globally available, with the corresponding price premiums
varying by product category but not by consumer characteristics. Although
these studies imply some interesting price trade-offs in globalness/localness,
they rely on psychometric measurement or experimental manipulation of Methodology
product globalness/localness and do not explicitly account for variation in
other (e.g., nonprice) product attributes. To test our hypotheses, we used full-profile conjoint analysis,
These comparisons do not refer to absolute- (or nominal-) level comparisons, which is close to a real purchase situation in which a buyer
as the latter are directly affected by other factors, including differences in cur-
has to decide between levels of product attributes (Green and
rency exchange rates, disposable income disparities, discrepancies in stages
of the economic cycle, and so on. Instead, they refer to percentile (relative) com- Srinivasan 1978). More specifically, respondents had to rank
parisons with reference to average market prices that capture the baseline prices several product profiles representing multiple combinations of
observed in the market. product attributes.
26 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

Selection of Research Settings and attribute levels needed for the successful implementation
of a conjoint design (Orme 2014). We aimed for product cate-
Emerging markets are economies that typically experience
gories that vary in terms of product involvement and hedonism/
rapid economic development and growth in their annual gross
utilitarianism to enhance generalizability. We also aimed for
domestic product while their economic institutions concurrently
categories in which the choice between global and local prod-
undergo adaptation to free-market ideologies. In contrast,
ucts is seen as realistic. Regarding attributes and their levels,
developed markets are typically highly industrialized econo-
conjoint analysis requires that stimuli include attributes that
mies with high per capita incomes, built-out infrastructures,
are substantial/important for consumers’ purchase decisions,
and large service sectors (Arnold and Quelch 1998;
actionable (i.e., able to be put into practice), and independent
Hoskisson et al. 2000). Following previous studies that draw
(Orme 2014).
conclusions about emerging and developed markets based on
Drawing on prior studies (e.g., Ӧzsomer 2012; Steenkamp,
samples from two prototypical countries (e.g., Chacar and
Batra, and Alden 2003), we tested nine product categories:
Vissa 2005; Heinberg et al. 2020), we collected data from a
tea, coffee, beer, yogurt, toothpaste, laundry detergents, refrig-
developed economy (Austria) and an emerging economy
erators, washing machines, and TVs. First, we asked respon-
(India) that fall on opposite extremes in terms of the develop-
dents (N = 41; mean age 26.3 years; 51.2% female, 48.8%
ment of the countries’ institutional environment.
male; 51.2% employed) to indicate their involvement with the
India and Austria are significantly heterogeneous in terms of
product category (“I have a strong interest in [product cate-
institutional-type characteristics, such as political institutions,
gory]”; seven-point agreement Likert scale) based on Mittal
legal institutions, and product- and factor-market institutions.
(1989). Second, we asked respondents for their perception of
At the same time, the two countries are homogeneous when
the hedonic/utilitarian character of the product category
respectively compared with established emerging (e.g., Brazil,
(“Please evaluate whether you perceive [product category] as
South Africa, Philippines) and developed (e.g., United States,
rather utilitarian or hedonic”; seven-point semantic differential
United Kingdom, Japan) economies, as evidenced by relevant
scale with “utilitarian” and “hedonic” as anchors); the terms
group means. Our choice of countries can be reasonably used
utilitarian and hedonic were explicitly defined in the question-
as representative of emerging and developed economies: they
naire using the definitions of Dhar and Wertenbroch (2000).
capture the levels of market development, while their institu-
Finally, for each product category, we asked whether respon-
tional characteristics do not deviate from realized group
dents perceived the relevant brands as local or global (“If I
norms. Further details on country selection are provided in
think about brands in the [product category], then these
the Web Appendix (Figure W1).
brands are rather local/global”; seven-point scale semantic dif-
India has been widely used as a prototypical emerging-market
ferential with “local” and “global” as anchors).
country in prior research conducted in the areas of international
To identify attributes that were relevant for respondents, we
marketing (e.g., Guo 2013), strategic management (e.g.,
asked an open question: “Imagine you want to buy [product cat-
Chacar and Vissa 2005; Khanna and Rivkin 2001), international
egory], what are important purchase decision criteria for you?”
business (e.g., Elango and Pattnaik 2007; Sharma 2011), and
Then we presented a list of criteria for each product category
finance (e.g., Khanna and Palepu 2000), among others.
(e.g., for coffee, the list included flavor, form, fair trade, and
Similarly, Austria has been used in prior empirical research as
package size) that we had identified as relevant based on adver-
a prototypical developed country in the areas of international
tisements, product descriptions, online reviews, and our own
marketing (e.g., Davvetas and Halkias 2019; Halkias,
experiences. Respondents selected their three most relevant cri-
Davvetas, and Diamantopoulos 2016; Makri, Papadas, and
teria from the list.
Schlegelmilch 2019), business and management (e.g., Kolbl,
Based on the pretest results, we selected six product catego-
Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, and Diamantopoulos 2019), and finance
ries for the main study: tea, washing machines, refrigerators,
(e.g., Paramati, Alam, and Apergis 2017). Moreover, we chose
laundry detergents, coffee, and either beer (for Austria) or
Austria because it (1) has been widely used in global branding
TVs (for India).3 We selected four attributes for each product
research (e.g., Davvetas and Diamantopoulos 2016; Sichtmann
category, two of which were the same for all product categories:
and Diamantopoulos 2013) and shares a similar demographic
nature of the product (global or local) and price (with three attri-
composition with other countries that are typically used in this
bute levels). Beyond price and nature of product, we chose two
research stream (e.g., Denmark, the Netherlands), (2) has a
additional product attributes according to respondents’ most
good balance between imported and domestic goods, (3) offers
important purchase criteria (see Web Appendix Figure W2
a variety of local and global brands in most product categories,
for attributes/attribute levels used per category).
and (4) holds seventh place on the 2021 KOF Index of
Globalization (ETH, 2021).
The detailed results of all three pretests are available upon request from the
authors. TV was substituted for beer because the average Indian population is
Pretests not familiar with this beverage category. With two categories being nonconsis-
tent across the country samples, all analyses reported here were repeated after
Pretest study 1. The goal of our first pretest was to identify the their exclusion for robustness purposes. The results remain qualitatively
appropriate product categories and relevant product attributes similar and are also available upon request.
Davvetas et al. 27

Pretest study 2. Our second pretest involved an extensive offline this was particularly important for our research design
and online search, for example for a range of local supermarkets because conjoint analysis requires that respondents clearly dis-
and electrical good stores. We did an internet search for price tinguish between stimuli according to their preferences. We
ranges of products in Austria to set realistic price levels in the tried to address the disadvantages associated with the use of
conjoint design. We took the minimum and maximum price MTurk following the recommendations of Goodman and
levels revealed by this search and selected a price in between Paolacci (2017). All participants were paid a fair fee; had to for-
to cover the price range in each product category. mally enroll in the study, thus they could not see the survey
beforehand; and had to have a rating above 95%. We expect
that nonnaivete plays a minor role in our study due to the indi-
Pretest study 3. With this study, we aimed to identify relevant
rect conjoint measurement approach whereby respondents
price levels in India because these were expected to differ
could not make assumptions about “appropriate” answering
from prices in Austria.4 More specifically, we did an extensive
online search of shopping platforms and conducted an online
A total of 439 respondents from India took the online survey,
survey (N = 136) via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) to
with 77 excluded from the data set for the same reasons men-
identify minimum and maximum prices of brands in the
tioned in Pretest Study 3, leaving a final sample of 362 respon-
selected product categories. We excluded 42 respondents
dents (32.3% female; Mage = 30.1 years [SDage = 8.0]). Of these
from the data set because they filled out the questionnaire in
respondents, 74.6% lived in an urban area, 82.0% were cur-
less than four minutes and excluded one additional respondent
rently employed, 9.1% were students, 1.5% were retired,
who indicated a postal code that did not match to India (i.e., we
2.8% had an elementary education, 1.4% completed apprentice-
could not ensure that this person lives in India). We used the
ship/technical school; 4.1% graduated high school, and 89.8%
remaining 93 questionnaires (mean age: 30.3 years; 48.4%
completed university education. Our sample is a bit older,5
female, 51.6% male; average monthly income 20,901.4
more male, and more urban than the overall Indian population
rupees [SD = 33,092.3]) to merge the results of the online
but comparable to other consumer research studies conducted
survey with the price levels that we found based on our
in India (e.g., Javalgi and Grossman 2016). As expected, the
online search and set the price levels in the Indian conjoint
Indian sample faced much higher resource constraints than
their Austrian counterparts. In terms of monthly net income,
41.2% of Indian respondents reported income of less than
Main Study: Research Design, Samples, Procedures, and 15,000 rupees (180 euros), 42% reported between 15,000 and
Measures 30,000 rupees, and 16.9% reported more than 30,000 rupees.
Considering the scope of our study, our sample demographics
To reduce the number of comparisons for respondents, we used reflect the new middle class in India, which is the main target
a balanced orthogonal design (Steckel, DeSarbo, and Mahajan group in product categories where global and local products
1991) to create the stimuli, resulting in nine product profiles compete.
per product category (see Web Appendix, Figure W3). More In Austria, data were collected through a professional market
specifically, each attribute level was matched exactly once research agency via an online survey; 306 adult respondents
with every other level of the other attributes. took part in the survey (49.6% female; Mage = 41.2 years,
The final questionnaire had two parts. In the first part, SDage = 12.9 years), and the sample was broadly representative
respondents were randomly assigned to one of the six product of the national population (50.9% of the Austrian population are
categories and asked to rank the nine stimuli (i.e., product pro- women and mean age is 42.4 years; Austrian Office for National
files) according to their preference. After completing the con- Statistics 2018). In terms of monthly net income, 25.8% of
joint task, as holdout stimuli, respondents saw three Austrian respondents reported income of less than 1,000
additional product profiles that did not match any of the nine euros, 57.8% reported between 1,000 and 2,500 euros, and
profiles used in the conjoint task. They were asked to select 16.3% reported more than 2,500 euros per month. In other
the one they preferred most. We asked this question to evaluate demographics, 8.1% had an elementary education, 64.8% com-
the goodness-of-fit of the conjoint analysis (Green and pleted apprenticeship/technical school, 15.5% graduated high
Srinivasan 1990). The second part of the questionnaire con- school, 10.6% completed university education, 65.1% were
tained questions relating to their global/local identity (Zhang currently employed, 7.4% were students, and 14.8% were
and Khare 2009) and demographic data. retired.
We used MTurk to collect data from Indian consumers
because MTurk respondents have been identified as paying
close attention to instructions (Hauser and Schwarz 2016); Model Development
OECD price-level indices—the ratio of purchasing power parities to market
Our dependent variable is discrete and represents a preference
exchange rates—indicate that with an index of 29, price levels in India are ordering of alternative (nine in all) product profiles. The
much lower than those in Austria, where the corresponding index is 101. The
OECD average is indexed at 100 ( More than a third of Indian’s population is younger than age 18 (http://
indices.htm). but that age group was not part of our sampling frame.
28 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

conventional ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator treats the where Φ is the cumulative density function of ɛi. The parame-
dependent variable as continuous, which fails to restrict any ters β and the mj cutoff points were obtained using a modified
predictions within a predetermined interval (Judge et al. maximum likelihood procedure (Cameron and Trivedi 2005).
1985). Although this type of discrete data could be handled Each respondent evaluated nine profile descriptions and
by an unordered multinomial model (Cameron and Trivedi ranked them in order of preference. Our two data sets were
2005), such a model would fail to account for the ordinal treated as balanced panels, in which we observe several panel-
nature of the variable. Ordered probit analysis is thus the econo- ists (NIndia = 362; NAustria = 306) responding to the same
metrically preferred way to capture the ordinal ranking of our number of stimuli (T = 9) of the fractional factorial design.
dependent variable (McKelvey and Zavoina 1975). We thus Since our data set includes multiple observations for the same
estimated the part-worth utilities of our conjoint experiment respondent (i.e., there are distinct groups of nonindependent
through ordered probit models in an NLOGIT6 environment. observations), we used an estimation procedure that accounts
The basic idea of the ordered model is that a latent continu- for this within-group dependence and individual heterogeneity.
ous variable y∗i affects the outcome of the observable variable Specifically, individual attribute coefficients were estimated by
yi. Although the latent y∗i is not observed, the ordinal the application of a random parameters (RP) model, which
outcome yi is observed and reflects the magnitude of the allows for variation in parameters across respondents and
latent response. Next, we explain the procedure we followed permits heterogeneity of individual preferences (Beck and
to estimate the continuous (latent) dependent variable y∗i , Katz 2007; Western 1998). The RP can be considered outcomes
which, in our case, reflects the unobserved preferences for the of a common mean plus an error term representing a mean devi-
alternative product profile descriptions. First, we estimate the ation for each individual n (Hsiao 1995). We estimated the fol-
following model: lowing model:

y∗i = x′i β + εi , (1) y∗(n)
t = (α + δ(n) ) + (β + γ(n) )x′i + ε(n)
t , (4)

where the vector xi contains the values of the explanatory var- where y∗(n)
t is the continuous (latent) dependent variable reflect-
iables for observation i (i.e., dummy variables representing ing the unobserved preference for product profile t by individual
attribute levels) and ɛi is a normally distributed error term. n, α is a common mean intercept, β is a common mean attribute-
The sign of the parameters β can be interpreted as determining level coefficient, and δ(n) and γ(n) are individual deviations from
whether the latent variable y∗i increases with the regressor. The the mean intercept α and mean preference parameter β, respec-
tively. Both δ(n) and γ(n) are random variables. Thus, the RP
model also estimates the cutoff points mj, which define the
model estimates a unique set of parameters (slope and intercept)
range of values of y∗i corresponding to a specific category of
the observed ordinal variable, yi. These cutoffs subdivide the for each individual n. Finally, ε(n)
t is the group-wise heteroske-
latent continuous variable y∗i into m ordered and mutually dastic error term, allowing a different variance for each individ-
exclusive intervals, corresponding to the m ordered and mutu- ual, var(ε(n)
t ) = σn .

ally exclusive categories of yi.

yi =1 if y∗i <m1 Results

yi =2 if m1 ≤ y∗i < m2
(2) Estimated Part-Worth Utilities
yi =3 if m2 ≤ y∗i < m3 . . .
We estimate our model separately for the Austrian and Indian
yi =9 if y∗i ≥ m8 ,
samples at both the aggregate (pooled) and product category
levels. Results are presented in Tables 1 and 2 and suggest
where yi represents the observed (ordinal) dependent variable.6
that the parameters of interest are highly significant and intui-
For instance, the probability of a product profile to be ranked
tively signed (i.e., in the expected direction). Part-worth
third in order of preference, was defined as
values are shown graphically in Figure 1.
The coefficient for product type (local vs. global) is positive
P(yi = 3)
and statistically significant (β = .29, p = .00) for the pooled
= P(m2 ≤ y∗i < m3 ) Austrian sample, while its sign is negative and significant
= P(m2 ≤ x′i β + εi <m3 ) (3) (β = −.33, p = .00) for the Indian pooled sample (see
= P(m2 − x′i β ≤ εi <m3 − x′i β) Models 1 and 8 in Tables 1 and 2, respectively). We observe
a similar pattern across most product categories in both
= Φ(m3 − x′i β) − Φ(m2 − x′i β),
markets, with the exception of laundry detergent and coffee
(Austrian sample) and tea (Indian sample), for which the esti-
mated coefficients were again intuitively signed but nonsignif-
To facilitate interpretation of the estimated coefficients, our ordinal dependent icant. Marginal effects for all our ordered probit models were
variable was recoded so that higher values (rank scores) represent higher also estimated to infer the effect size of each variable on the
preference. probability of yi taking each of the m = 9 ordered and mutually
Davvetas et al. 29

Table 1. Estimates of the RP Order Probit Model for the Austrian Sample.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7

Austria Pooled Data Tea Washing Machine Laundry Detergent Refrigerator Coffee Beer

Constant 2.15 2.06 3.29 2.09 2.95 1.73 2.85

(.14) (.32) (.32) (.31) (.45) (.42) (.30)
[.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00]
Product .29 .49 .23 .22 .32 .16 .52
type (.05) (.14) (.13) (.14) (.12) (.15) (.14)
(Local) [.00] [.00] [.08] [.12] [.01] [.29] [.00]
Medium −.37 −.29 −.32 −.64 −.60 −.24 −.38
price (.07) (.18) (.17) (.23) (.15) (.16) (.17)
[.00] [.10] [.06] [.01] [.00] [.13] [.02]
High price −.93 −.69 −1.41 −1.44 −1.28 −.69 −.87
(.06) (.13) (.15) (.15) (.17) (.13) (.13)
[.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00]
Attribute 1 Herbal Flavor A+ Energy Color Effect A+ Energy Full-Bodied Pilsner
(Level 2) .13 .49 −.87 .70 .44 .09 −.19
(.05) (.12) (.23) (.12) (.17) (.15) (.18)
[.01] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.01] [.55] [.28]
Attribute 1 Fruit Flavor B Energy Mild Effect B Energy Mild Flavor Weizenbier
(Level 3) −.18 .15 −1.98 −.03 (.11) .70 .20 (.13) −.55
(.04) (.11) (.18) [.76] (.16) [.12] (.15)
[.00] [.20] [.00] [.00] [.00]
Attribute 2 Loose Form 6 kg Loading Liquid Form 250 L Powder Plastic
(Level 2) Capacity Capacity Form Bottle
−.43 −.46 .28 −.40 −.90 −.53 −.79
(.05) (.11) (.19) (.13) (.20) (.14) (.17)
[.00] [.00] [.15] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00]
Attribute 2 Capsule Form 8 kg Loading Capsule Form 400 L Capsule Can
(Level 3) Capacity Capacity Form
−.64 −.94 .16 .06 −1.97 .11 −1.43
(.05) (.14) (.14) (.16) (.26) (.12) (.20)
[.00] [.00] [.25] [.70] [.00] [.36] [.00]

Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses, p-values are in brackets. Reference attribute levels are global for product type, low price for price, and Level 1 for
Attributes 1 and 2, respectively.

exclusive discrete values. The estimated effects were intuitively 3.60%). In addition, the validation analysis produced qualita-
sized and signed and are available upon request. Overall, our tively similar conclusions across all holdout stimuli and
results provide strong evidence in support of H1, that emerging- within all product categories, suggesting that our model has
market consumers generally exhibit stronger preference for strong satisfactory predictive ability (Srinivasan and Park
global (over local) products, while developed-market consum- 1997).
ers exhibit stronger preference for local (over global) products.
To assess the validity of the estimated individual part-worth
values, we used holdout stimuli that were rated by the subjects
but not used to estimate part-worth values or build the prefer-
Estimated Attribute Importance
ence model. Instead, they served as a check on the validity of We measured the relative importance of each attribute by the
the model (Green and Srinivasan 1990). Accordingly, we proportionate range between maximum- and minimum-level
used the estimated coefficients to calculate individual-level utilities within each attribute (Wind 1976) and computed this
overall utilities per holdout stimulus and, in turn, relevant in percentage terms to reflect weighted importance.
choice predictions and choice shares. Finally, we compared pre- Specifically, we used the following formula to estimate attribute
dicted choice shares with actual choice shares based on the importance (Gustafsson, Herrmann, and Huber 2003):
individual-level choice data collected via holdout profiles.
max(βrj ) − min(βrk )
Overall, predicted and actual choice shares were highly consis- wr = , (5)
tent, with minor discrepancies in size (ranging from 1.25% to Σ[max(βrj ) − min(βrk )]
30 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

Table 2. Estimates of the RP Order Probit Model for the Indian Sample.

Model 8 Model 9 Model 10 Model 11 Model 12 Model 13 14
India Pooled Data Tea Washing Machine Laundry Detergent Refrigerator Coffee TV

Constant 1.66 1.51 2.10 2.05 2.38 1.45 1.50

(.20) (.51) (.28) (.29) (.31) (.45) (.36)
[.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00]
Product −.33 .08 −.31 −.85 −.45 −.27 −.40
type (.04) (.08) (.09) (.11) (.12) (.09) (.09)
(Local) [.00] [.35] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.00]
Medium −.03 −.24 −.04 .10 −.05 .05 .04
price (.05) (.14) (.12) (.13) (.15) (.13) (.13)
[.63] [.08] [.77] [.42] [.71] [.71] [.76]
High price −.20 −.32 −.37 −.07 −.29 .05 −.28
(.04) (.10) (.09) (.09) (.09) (.09) (.09)
[.00] [.00] [.00] [.43] [.00] [.57] [.00]
Attribute 1 Herbal Flavor A+ Energy Color Effect A+ Energy Full-Bodied Plasma
(Level 2) −.16 .37 −.48 −.16 −.75 .10 −.20
(.05) (.13) (.15) (.12) (.19) (.11) (.10)
[.00] [.00] [.00] [.16] [.00] [.38] [.05]
Attribute 1 Fruit Flavor B Energy Mild Effect B Energy Mild Flavor LCD
(Level 3) −.42 .27 −.98 −.34 −1.37 −.09 (.12) −.35
(.05) (.11) (.13) (.12) (.18) [.45] (.14)
[.00] [.02] [.00] [.00] [.00] [.01]
Attribute 2 Loose Form 6 kg Loading Liquid Form 250 L Powder 36-Inch
(Level 2) Capacity Capacity Form Screen
−.05 −.43 .09 −.17 .06 −.14 .22
(.05) (.13) (.12) (.13) (.18) (.11) (.11)
[.26] [.00] [.44] [.17] [.72] [.21] [.05]
Attribute 2 Capsule 8 kg Loading Capsule Form 400 L Capsule 47-Inch
(Level 3) Form Capacity Capacity Form Screen
.14 −.25 .31 .00 .23 −.04 .62
(.05) (.14) (.13) (.14) (.13) (.12) (.12)
[.00] [.07] [.02] [.98] [.07] [.72] [.00]

Notes: Standard errors are in parentheses; p-values are in brackets. Reference attribute levels are global for product type, low price for price, and Level 1 for Attributes
1 and 2, respectively.

where wr is the relative importance of attribute r, max(βrj) is the .00), laundry detergents (t(109) = −13.28, p = .00), refrigerators
maximum estimated part-worth utility of level j in attribute r, (t(111) = −20.05, p = .00), and coffee (t(105) = −9.19, p = .00).
and min(βrk) is the minimum estimated part-worth utility of The only observed difference that was not statistically significant
level k in attribute r. was for tea (t(110) = .47, p = .64). We also estimated effect sizes
Attribute importance (weights) are presented in Table 3 and using the Cohen’s d index. Following Cohen’s (1988) definition
illustrated in Figure 2. Except for the tea category, for which rel- of effect sizes as small (d = .20), medium (d = .50), and large (d =
evant attribute-level part-worth utilities were found statistically .80), all our effect sizes are large (d index is much higher than
insignificant, the global/local product attribute is a significantly .80), except for the tea category. Thus, our results strongly
more important choice determinant for the Indian sample than support H2 by showing that emerging-market consumers place
for the Austrian one. For Austrian consumers, the global/local more importance on the global/local product attribute than con-
attribute is consistently the least important choice determinant sumers in developed markets.
across all product categories (fourth out of four attributes)
while, for Indian consumers, the global/local attribute is the
first or second most important attribute in most categories. Global and Local Identity
Similarly, the relative importance of the global/local attribute is To test H3, we estimated two regression models incorporating rel-
significantly higher for Indians than for Austrians for the evant interaction terms between country and global or local iden-
pooled samples (t(666) = −20.84, p = .00) as well as for the tity, respectively (see Web Appendix, Table W4). We find a
product categories of washing machines (t(103) = −5.91, p = significant negative interaction (β = −.03, p = .00) between
Davvetas et al. 31

where WTPjr over kr is the maximum amount of money the con-

sumer is willing to pay for an improvement from attribute level k
to attribute level j of attribute r, βjr is the estimated part-worth
utility of level j in attribute r, βkr is the estimated part-worth
utility of level k in attribute r, maxp is the maximum level in the
price attribute p, minp is the minimum level in the price attribute
p, max(βp) is the maximum estimated part-worth utility in the
price attribute p, and min(βp) is the minimum estimated part-worth
utility in the price attribute p. We estimated WTP within product
categories of each country separately because it is measured in
monetary terms. Results are presented in Table 4.
Except for tea, the estimated price premiums7 for global over
local products in the Indian sample are significantly higher than
the estimated price premiums for local over global products in
the Austrian sample. More specifically, Indian consumers are
willing to pay two or three times as much for a global
product over a local one with similar characteristics, while
Austrian consumers are willing to pay from 9% to 87% more
(depending on the product category) for a local product over
a global one with similar characteristics. A t-test shows that
the observed price premium differences between the two coun-
tries are statistically significant for the product categories of
washing machines (t(103) = −3.45, p = .00), laundry detergents
(t(109) = −6.06, p = .00), refrigerators (t(111) = −8.46, p =
.00), and coffee (t(105) = −3.96, p = .00). The only observed
difference in the opposite direction than expected and statisti-
cally significant was for tea (t(110) = 4.11, p = .00). This unex-
pected finding suggests that, within the tea product category,
Figure 1. Part-Worth Utilities: Global/Local Attribute.
Indian consumers are willing to pay a price premium for a
local over a global product that is lower than the price
country and global identity (reference category: India); the interac- premium Austrian consumers are willing to pay. Effect sizes
tion between country and local identity was positive, as expected, were again estimated using Cohen’s d index, and all were
but noninsignificant (β = .00, p = .41). As Figure 3 shows, the pos- very large (d = .74 or higher). Overall, our results offer strong
itive effect of global brand identity on the importance of the global/ support to H4.
local product attribute found in India is reversed in Austria.
Although a strong local identity in Austria slightly increases the
importance of the global/local attribute, the relevant effect is not Interaction Effects Between Price and Product Preference
statistically significant. Thus, our results support H3a but not H3b.
We conducted a two-way factorial analysis of variance to inves-
tigate how price levels interact with global/local product prefer-
ences and to identify the specific price segments in which
Willingness to Pay for Global and Local Brands consumers are willing to pay price premiums for one type of
WTP expresses the value a consumer puts on a good or service product over another. We find a significant interaction (p =
(Wertenbroch and Skiera 2002). The results of conjoint analyses .00) in both countries between price levels (1: low, 2:
have been widely used in the literature to estimate WTP, and medium, 3: high) and global/local product preference (Web
researchers typically assess consumers’ WTP for certain product Appendix, Table W5).
configurations and/or attribute levels (Kohli and Mahajan 1991; Consistent with H5a, Indian consumers have a stronger pref-
Miller et al. 2011). WTP for a certain attribute level over another erence for global over local products and are more willing to
is defined as the maximum monetary amount the customer pay higher price premiums in low-price market segments. In
would pay for an improved change in attribute level. We used contrast, and in support of H5b, Austrian consumers have a
the following formula to estimate Indian consumers’ WTP for stronger preference for local over global products and are
the change from a local to a global product and Austrian consum- more willing to pay higher price premiums in high-price
ers’ WTP for the change from a global to a local product: 7
WTP estimates are not directly comparable across countries because they are
WTPjr over kr = (βjr − βkr )[(maxp − minp )/max(βp ) − min(βp )], estimated in monetary terms. Therefore, for comparability, we also estimated
price premiums as a percentage of the average price within each product
(6) category.
32 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

Table 3. Relative Attribute Importance.

Importance Rank of Product Type Product Type Price Attribute 1 Attribute 2

Pooled Sample
Austria 4th .13 .42 .14 .30
India 2nd .28 .19 .37 .17
Tea Flavor Form
Austria 4th .17 .25 .20 .38
India 4th .16 .27 .26 .30
Washing Machine Energy Efficiency Loading Capacity
Austria 4th .06 .35 .51 .08
India 3rd .20 .20 .45 .15
Laundry Detergent Effect Form
Austria 4th .07 .50 .27 .16
India 1st .42 .26 .22 .10
Refrigerator Energy Efficiency Size
Austria 4th .07 .30 .16 .46
India 2nd .19 .13 .57 .10
Coffee Flavor Form
Austria 4th .09 .38 .12 .41
India 1st .33 .27 .22 .18
Beer Flavor Form
Austria 4th .16 .26 .17 .42
TV Technology Size
India 2nd .23 .22 .20 .36

Notes: Cohen’s d effect size is in parenthesis; p-value of the observed product type importance difference between groups is in brackets.

market segments (Figure 4). Taken together and drawing on matters or whether it has gradually become a trivial attribute
Steenkamp’s (2014) global brand typology, the findings with minimal impact for consumers and disregarded by
suggest that developed-market consumers prefer premium global/local managers (Carpenter, Glazer, and Nakamoto
local brands and emerging-market consumers are more attracted 1994). Against this background, our research answers some
to value global brands. pressing questions and offers guidance to global/local brand
Discussion and Implications
The recent debate on the consequences of deglobalization has Is Product Globalness/Localness Still Relevant for
put many assumptions of international business research in
question (Witt 2019). In the international marketing domain, Consumers?
one commonly held assumption has been the importance con- Our study is among the first to provide empirical and quantifi-
sumers ascribe to a product’s global or local character when able evidence of the relevance/trivialization of the globalness/
making purchase decisions (Kashif and Udunuwara 2020; Liu localness attribute. Our findings reveal a contrasting image
et al. 2020). However, recent developments (e.g., stalling eco- with both attribute relevance and trivialization co-occuring in
nomic integration, reshoring practices, local brand revival) different markets. In the investigated emerging market
cast doubt on whether a product’s globalness or localness still (India), whether a product was global or local was among the
Davvetas et al. 33

Figure 2. Relative Attribute Importance.

top two attributes considered by consumers, accounting for

roughly 27% of their decision-making weight to purchase a
product; in the developed market (Austria), consumers largely
ignored this attribute in the presence of price and other attri-
butes and ascribed only half the importance, or 13%, as
emerging-market consumers. Along with caring more about
the global/local attribute, emerging-market consumers gener-
ally preferred global products, while developed market consum-
ers showed a stronger preference for local alternatives. Thus,
despite being consistent with prior research showing that
emerging markets are more promising competitive spaces for
global brands (Guo 2013; Sharma 2011) and that localization
trends are stronger in developed markets (Sichtmann,
Davvetas, and Diamantopoulos 2019), our findings show that
the global/local attribute is at risk of losing relevance and that
global brands face threats from their local rivals in developed

What Explains the Relevance or Trivialization Contrast in Figure 3. Interaction Between Country and Global/Local Identity.
Emerging Developed Markets?
We offer a theoretical explanation of this contrast based on persist, making inequity between global and local products
equity theory (Adams 1965). We posit that preferences for high. This motivates consumers to decrease inequity by increas-
global and local products are shaped by consumers’ responses ing the importance of the attribute and/or increasing their price
to (in)equity ratios formed by the perceived benefits/costs asso- tolerance for the product type (global or local), thus experienc-
ciated with global/local product purchases and the correspond- ing higher “relative deprivation” (Adams 1965, p. 268). If dif-
ing inputs; that is, the monetary resources required for product ferences between the relative utility of global versus local
acquisition. Consumers compare these ratios and respond to products are minor, equity exists. Consumers decrease the
inequity either by cognitively adjusting the importance they importance of the global/local attribute and become less
place on the global/local attribute or by behaviorally altering willing to pay substantial price premiums for either product
their reservation prices for global/local products. Differences type. These cognitive adjustments are more noticeable for con-
between the relative utility of global versus local products sumers with location-based identities (global or local) that are
34 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

Table 4. WTP and Relevant Price Premiums per Product Category.

Price Premium
WTP for Local for Local over
over Global Average Global (Global
(Global over Price in over Local), as a
Product Local) in Euros Euros (in Percentage of
Category (in Rupees) Rupees) Average Price

Austria 1.24 2.75 .45
India (−33.99) (155) (−.22)
Cohen’s d .79
effect size
Washing Machine
Austria 138.16 575 .24
India (56,450.77) (23,000) (2.45)
Cohen’s d .74
effect size
Laundry Detergent
Austria .91 9.95 .09
India (324.11) (120) (2.70)
Cohen’s d 1.17
effect size
Austria 223.71 650 .34
India (69,492.17) (25,250) (2.75)
Cohen’s d 1.63
effect size
Austria .52 2.10 .25
India (573.28) (190) (3.02)
Cohen’s d .82
effect size
Austria 1.30 1.49 .87
India (129,539.20) (42,500) (3.05)
Figure 4. Interaction Between Price Level and Product Type.
Notes: The p-value of the observed price premium difference between groups is
in brackets.

could not (Davvetas, Sichtmann, and Diamantopoulos 2015).

congruent with generalized preferences in the country to mini- Local brands are now building on nostalgia, symbolism, and
mize consumers’ self-identity versus social identity conflicts. premium local sourcing to upgrade their standing relative to
This process effectively accounts for the differences between their global rivals (Sichtmann, Davvetas, and Diamantopoulos
emerging and developed markets in terms of both attribute 2019), thus minimizing the importance of the global/local attri-
weight and price premium variance. Interestingly, it is also in bute and suppressing the price premium discrepancies between
line with how preferences for global and local products have global and local brands in the market. Essentially, global/local
developed over time. In the early years of marketplace global- attribute weights and reservation prices act as equity restoration
ization, global brands represented distinctive products offering levers between global and local products in (what we speculate
premium quality, symbolism, and participation in an enticing to be) an ever-changing global/local cycle of consumer prefer-
consumer culture (Batra et al. 2000; Holt, Quelch, and Taylor ence that varies across markets (see Web Appendix, Figure W6
2004), making the global/local attribute highly relevant and for an illustration of how these cycles could plausibly look).
allowing global brands to charge premiums that local brands Although we did not empirically test global/local preference
Davvetas et al. 35

trajectories over time, our study offers a snapshot of how these local attribute elasticities are too high to be ignored in emerging
restoration levers currently stand in two prototypical markets— markets. Although these point estimates should be viewed with
one developed and one emerging—and offers a direction that caution, especially by well-known brands with established reser-
research in this area could follow. vation prices, they are relevant for new brands for which consum-
ers lack prior reference prices but are likely to develop them based
on brand categorization to the global/local product class
Should Brand Managers Keep Using the Global/Local (Davvetas and Halkias 2019).
Attribute in International Segmentation, Targeting, and Importantly, it would be misleading to conclude that all
Positioning Strategies? global and local products have equal potential to charge price
premiums, because consumers’ reservation prices are not uni-
While practitioners can still segment international markets formly distributed across price segments. Global products can
using the global/local attribute (Steenkamp and Ter Hofstede charge the highest premiums in low-priced segments in emerg-
2002), they should do so cautiously because the attribute’s ing markets, while local products can charge more in high-
importance varies by market type (emerging vs. developed) priced, premium segments in developed markets. Market
and by consumers’ location-based identities. Economic devel- price structure governs the ability of global and local products
opment indicators must be combined with metrics of target con- to charge premiums, but price increases might be ineffective
sumers’ local/global identity to maximize predictions of how if not targeted at the right market segment.
important acquiring a global or a local product is in a particular
country market. Consumers limit the importance they put on
acquiring an identity-consistent product (global vs. local) What Does Trivialization of the Global/Local Attribute
when their identity conflicts with normative purchase behavior
in their country. This implies a need for microsegmentation Mean for Competitive Strategy?
within developed and emerging markets and identification of Our findings have implications for the ability of global and local
consumer niches deviating from country purchase norms that products to pursue competitive strategies of cost leadership
require special strategic adaptations. versus differentiation. The favorable match between global prod-
Global brand managers in emerging markets should promote ucts and low-priced emerging-market segments and between local
their brand’s globalness using global consumer culture posi- products and premium developed-market segments suggests that
tioning strategies (Alden, Steenkamp, and Batra 1999) and strategic reconfigurations might be required for global multina-
should charge price premiums over their local competitors tionals and local small and medium-sized enterprises. The long-
when operating in lower-price segments. In developed standing advantages of big global brands as premium differentia-
markets, the strategy should flip by downplaying brand global- tors in many industries are increasingly threatened by local players
ness, localizing the brand through country adaptations, and (e.g., Lurkin Coffee in China) that reclaim their position and trim
avoiding overcharging unless it can be explicitly justified global brand price premiums and market shares (Santos and
based on other competitive advantages (e.g., superior quality). Williamson 2015). In parallel, many of the most successful
Local brands competing in emerging markets are viewed less global players now comprise “global value brands” (Steenkamp
favorably by consumers relative to their global counterparts; 2014), such as low-cost fast-fashion brands (e.g., H&M, Zara),
thus, reliance on localness might backfire unless the products fast-moving consumer goods cost leaders (e.g., Nescafé), super-
belong to an ethnic industry and can capitalize on their domestic market chains (e.g., Costco, Lidl) and experience retailers (e.g.,
origin (Usunier and Cestre 2007). Such brands should consider IKEA), that do not compete in premium market segments and
internationalizing and communicating their internationalization instead target value-sensitive consumers. Ceteris paribus, global
as a means of boosting their image domestically (Sichtmann, value brands seem to be in a better position to charge more than
Davvetas, and Diamantopoulos 2019). their local counterparts in emerging markets, whereas local
premium brands are better positioned to charge higher premiums
than their global rivals in developed markets. Local differentiators
How Does the Global/Local Trivialization Attribute Affect appear to take over from their global competitors in developed
International Pricing Strategies? markets while global cost leaders solidify the cost benefits
Developed-market consumers willingly pay price premiums to brought about global supply chain synergies by continuing to
dominate local value brands in emerging markets.
acquire local products, while emerging-market consumers do so
to acquire global products. These premiums are substantially dif- An overview of key guidelines to managers based on our
ferent in size. In a developed market, consumers appear willing to findings is shown in Figure 5.
pay an (average) premium that is roughly 30% above the average
category price, while the equivalent premium for emerging
market consumers is, on average, more than 200%. That is, con- Limitations and Future Research
sumers in emerging markets are willing to pay two or even three Our conjoint design was not tailored to break attribute utilities
times the average category price to acquire a global product, even down to specific components (e.g., functional value, symbolic
after weighing other relevant attributes. This implies that global/ benefits, ease of global product access due to digital presence)
36 Journal of International Marketing 31(3)

Figure 5. Overview of Managerial Implications.

and calculate their corresponding utility contributions. Although analysis, which allows for inclusion of more product attributes
such effects have been established in prior research using the (Green, Krieger, and Agarwal 1991).
halo conceptualization (Kashif and Udunuwara 2020; Liu et al. We took great care to make the data collection in Austria and
2020), identifying benefit–cost configurations and calculating India as comparable as possible, but common limitations of multi-
exact price trade-offs would be insightful. Our findings are country studies (such as the use of different languages and data
subject to typical limitations of conjoint experiments, including collection methods) may apply in our study. It is also reasonable
the use of hypothetical product profiles that may not fully corre- to expect some degree of heterogeneity within our chosen two
spond to actual product configurations in the marketplace countries not only from cultural factors but also from sample rep-
(Danaher 1997). Although isolating the effect of the global/ resentation biases. Although the novel analytical strategy
local product attribute would be impossible with the use of real employed in this study controls for this type of within-group het-
brand profiles due to preexisting brand image confounds erogeneity by allowing individual-level preference estimation,
(Dimofte, Johansson, and Ronkainen 2008), future research there is always the risk of conclusion generalization. Future
could employ longitudinal designs with secondary data of studies could provide a fuller picture of the proposed effects by
global/local brand performance over time. This would indepen- observing whether a similar pattern of results occurs across a
dently validate the proposed equity theory explanation of attribute broader variety of product categories and/or a greater number of
weight and price premium changes over time and reveal factors developed and emerging countries. Finally, while the emerging/
that extend or shrink the corresponding global/local cycles. developed divide offers conceptual parsimony and practical intu-
Our research design allowed for interdependence between itiveness, it does not capture nuances pertaining to countries in the
the global/local attribute and price, yet other potential interac- middle of the economic development continuum (e.g., Romania)
tions between attributes were not considered. We considered and disregards how cultural dimensions interact with economic
four product attributes using a full-profile design because this development in determining attribute utility. Replications in
design works well with six or fewer attributes (Green and other countries are thus needed to reveal culture’s role on the triv-
Srinivasan 1990). However, it is restrictive for more complex ialization of the global/local product attribute.
purchase decisions that involve more than attributes and inter-
attribute interactions (e.g., car purchases). Future research
could thus use incentive-aligned, choice-based conjoint analy- Associate Editor
sis (Ding, Grewal, and Liechty 2005), or adaptive conjoint Matthew Robson
Davvetas et al. 37

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