JSA - FOR - Equipment Foundation Pading Work

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PART-A : Date: JSA No.

: B AND R/IOCL/TEN/71140/JSA-24
Unit: Lu Pech , J18, WP 11 Area: North & Location: FCC- GHDS
South side of
WORK ORDER NO.: 28607463

Job Title: 603-C-05, 603-C-07, 603-C-08, 603-C-09 & 603-C-10 Equipment JSA done by: Sign. with Date
Erection by Crane. Name & Designation:

REF MS NO.: PMC DOC.NO.: 077154C-28607463-1825-CON-MOS-001 Kuntal Choudhuri (RCM)

JSA Reviewed By (HOD Name, Designation, sign , Date) Subrata Das (Lead Mechanical )
Sankar Mitra (Mechanical)

Asish Mall (HSE)

Jiten Malik (Mech. T.EN)
DGM (PJ) DGM (F&S) Suneel Pattnaik (T.EN)
Parvez Akhtar (HSEM , T.EN)
Job to be Executed By :

Department Contractor

Project Bridge & Roof Co (I) Ltd

SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based on observations and
for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø IOCL Valid Permit to work must be in Place.
Ø Activity shall be carried out under competent supervision.
Ø Area specific work supervisor shall be deployed.
Ø DTRA shall be done before starting the activity.
Ø Unauthorized access
Ø Project Orientation / Induction shall be conducted to all the workers.

Ø All the Workers & equipment's shall hold valid gate pass.

Ø All equipment's must be inspected by competent person before mobilization to the

Ø Make sure the equipmnet's are inspected/third-party certified and color coded
before taking to use.
Ø All the equipment's must be inspected by the user before commencing the job. If
found any fault, inform the concerned supervisor or equipment in charge.
Ø Defective equipment, Tools
Ø Defective lifting equipment shall be withdrawn immediately from service and
returned to store, for removal from the work site and marked/tagged as defectiv.
Ø Follow the manufacturer's safe opearting procedures & practices.
Ø Provide correct & quality tools, right selection and adequate number of hand tools
Ø Mobilization of Manpower, for the job.
1 Ø Vehicles with IOCL entry gate passes are only allowed inside the refinery
tools & Equipment
Ø All vehicles & equipment's must be fitted with spark arrestor system.

Ø Fire extinguisers must be available in all equipment's and vehicles for first aid
Ø Vehicles
Ø Project orientation/ Induction shall be conducted to all drivers & operators.

Ø Defensive driving training must be provided to all drivers.

Ø Follow IOCL traffic rules & speed restrictions (25 km/ Hr)
SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based on observations and
for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø All the personnel shall be undergo Site HSE&S Induction prior of deployment on
Ø Approved PPE shall be provided to all personnel on site.
Ø DTRA shall be conducted prior to start of activity daily/shift.
Ø Lack of awareness Ø Ensure the crew invloved in the activity are throughly brifed about the potential
hazard and dangers.
Ø The personnel's working inside the plant area are not authorized to enter or touch /
operate any equipment's related to refinery operations without permission from IOCL
responsible person's.
Ø First aid kit shall be available at work location.
Ø Adequate illumination as per contract to be provided for night work or extended
Ø DTRA shal be done before starting the work.
Ø Night / dark hours work permissibility matrix shall be followed
2 Work at night/ extended hours Ø Poor illumination Ø Take valid permit from IOCL for Work at night / extended hours
Ø Close supervision for extended hours / extended hours
Ø Good housekeeping practice to be maintained to prevent slip / trip.
Ø None lone worker, buddy system shall be ensured.
Ø Night travel approval will be ensured.
Ø Slippery floors and walk ways Ø Designated access & egress is provided.
Ø Materials obstruction in way of aisles, Ø Regular inspection of access ways to ensure no obstruction.
passageways and pedestrain ways.
3 Access the work place Ø Collision/ hit with mobile lifting Ø Site logistic plan is implemented
Ø Regular housekeeping is observed.
Ø In-house training and TBT conducted for all workers.
Ø Provide and ensure the usage of full body harness with double lanyard.
Ø Get the permit from the concern authority.
Ø Ensure that scaffolds provided with proper access to the working platform, mid,
Ø Fall of Person
top hand rails, working platform with hand rails, etc.
Ø Train all personnel’s regarding work at height hazards and controls.
Ø Observed 100 % anchoring off by wearing Full body harness.
Ø The scaffolders should carry the tools in the carry bags .
Ø Tie the hand tools one end with permanent structure and other end with tools.
Ø Fall of Materials
Ø Don’t allow any unauthorized person under the scaffolding erection area.
4 Work at Height
Ø Barricade the scaffolding erection and dismantling area.
Ø Only certified scaffolders should be employed for erection and dismantling of
Ø Follow the scaffolding erection and dismantling sequence.
Ø Collapse of scaffolds Ø Maintain the Scaffold tag system.
Ø Provide necessary ties, out rigger supports, adequate bracings, etc.
4 Work at Height


SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based
Ø Collapse on observations and
of scaffolds for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø Ensure that no scaffolding is erected near the floor opening edges or excavation
Ø Damage to underground or above ground Ø Ensure the isolation of particular are underground or above ground services.
live services Ø Get the work permit from all concerned.
Ø Ensure the work areas are free from any tripping hazards.
Ø Ensure the crew involved in the activity are throughly briefed about the potential
hazards and dangers.
Ø Slip/Trip and Fall Ø All rubbish generated while working must be cleaned up at regular intervals.
Ø Hoses & Cables shall be routed so as not to block access ways.
Ø All mandatory PPE's shall be use like as safety helmet, safety shoe /Gum boot,
Hand gloves, safety goggles, Dust mask etc.
Ø Survey should be ensure the personnel's working with him are not taking rest/
5 Area Survey and Marking sleeping near the accumulated / Abondoned materials and bushes.
Ø Poisonous insects (i.e snake, etc.) Ø All mandatory PPE's shall be use like as safety helmet, safety shoe /Gum boot,
Hand gloves, safety goggles, Dust mask etc. Tie up with nearby hospital to transfer
the injured or effected person.
Ø Drivers and opeartor's shall be in possession of valid certification and required
Ø Failure & non applying of hand break Ø Ensure hand break is applied by the driver. Wheel choke should be applied after
parking of vehicle.
Ø Defensive driving training for the drivers before mobilizing to the site.
Ø Fire / explosion / burn injury
Ø Take clerance for performing hot work in running plant prior to starting hot work.
Ø Electrocution Ø No flammable and conbustible materials shall be stored in peripheral hot work.
Ø Fire blanket shall be used to arrest spatters flying and falling.

Ø Water hose shall be in charge / running condition.

Ø Adequate number of fire extingusher/ sand bucket shall be aloocate. Deploy fire
Ø All equipment shall be inspected and in good condition.
6 Booth Preparation Ø No loose connection, cut /damage in insuualtion of power cable shall be used.
Ø Injury due to improper tools /wire high Ø Only authorized electrician shall be operate /inspect /repair electrical
wind force. appliance/equipment's & DB's
Ø All electrical machines shall be routed through ELCB and earthing.
Ø Use all mandatory PPE's
Ø Use proper for tying
Ø Use standard tools for fixing the clamp.
Ø Use fire proof blanket for booth (double layer)
Ø indentify hot surface at work place and stay away
Ø Use fully body safety harness (for height work), full body aprons and hand golves.

Ø During Gas Cutting double eye protection as well as mandatory PPE's must be
used by Gas Cutter. (IFR suit for all hot job gang)
Ø Flashback arrestor & NRV must be used with cutting torch & cylinder.

7 Performing gas cutting Work Ø Physical injury (Burns, Eye damage due
to UV rays & back fire) and Fire/explosion
SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based on observations and
for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø Cutting hose must be in sound condition & joint free.
7 Performing gas cutting Work Ø Physical injury (Burns, Eye damage due
to UV rays & back fire) and Fire/explosion Ø All connecting joints must be chexcked by soap solution.
Ø Fire extingusher should be kept with Gas cutting set.
Ø Surrounding area must be free from combustible material.
Ø Maintained good housekeeping at Work site.
Ø Fire watch has to be deployed for watching and close monitoring the hot work.
Fire hose must be in charge condtion in fire hazardous area.
Ø Breaking of grinding wheel while Ø Check and ensure proper RPM of grinding wheel shall be never exceed from the
assembling or working / falling of spatters on RPM of grinding machine.
various body parts while Grinding, eye
injury due to flying abrasive dust particle,
Skin burn / Metal / fume fever/ irritation in
eyes /Throat dryness due arising of fumes
while grinding, Noise induced hearing loss.

Ø Check and ensure Mfg. date of grinding wheel and physical condtion (crack, wet,
damaged etc.)
Ø Ensure guard shall be provided to all grinding machines.
8 Performing Grinding Work Ø Wheel shall be properly tightening over spindle.
Ø Wear leather hand golves & hand sleeves to protect hands.
Ø Wear leg guard to protect leg and feet.
Ø Appropriate grinding face shield and helmet with safety goggle shall be used by
grinder while grinding opeartion, Use mandatory PPE's leather hand golves and
double eye protection.
Ø Drink plenty of Water.
Ø Use appropriate mask, provide proper vetilation.
Ø Ear muff / ear plug shall be used by grinder while grinding opearation.
Ø During welding at height, work at height procedure must be followed.
Ø provide the fire extingusher near the hot work location. (IFR suit for all hot job
Ø Personnel Injury (Person fall from height), Ø Area should be baricaded with cautionary tape.
Fire / Burn injury due to falling of hot
spatters , personnel injury (person fall from
height) Fire / Burn injury due to falling of
hot spatters

Ø Welding area and Underneath area must be free from all types of inflammable
9 Hot Work at Height material.
Ø Fire extingusher must be placed near welding area
Ø Working platform must be enclosed to avoid falling of spatters from falling by
ensuring proper booth
Ø Personnel Injury (Person fall from height),
Fire / Burn injury due to falling of hot
spatters , personnel injury (person fall from
height) Fire / Burn injury due to falling of
hot spatters


9 Hot Work at Height
SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based on observations and
for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø Don’t throw waste griding wheel at working platform. Arrange to collect &
dispose waste wheel appropriately. Protect hot spatters from falling by ensuring
proper booth
Ø Fire watch to be deployed for watching and close monitoring the hot work.
Ø Personnel Injury Ø DTRA shall be conducted for all workforces about the hazard associated and
control measure prior to start the activity.
Ø Electrocution Ø Deploy competent eectrician
Ø All welding machine should be inspected, IOCL tahgged & calibrated
Ø During handling of weding machine, all related PPE's must be used.
Installation of welding M/c and
10 Ø All welding machine should be placed inside the cover shed.
Ø All power cables must be free from joints.
Ø All welding m/c must be equipped with separate ELCB.
Ø Job earth and body earth shall be ensuring and check the tightening.
Ø During any electrical maintanance, rubber hand gloves must be used by electrician.

Ø Improper material stacking Ø Designated access & egress is provided.

Ø Poor Housekeeping Ø Regular inspection of access way to ensure no obstruction
Ø Site logistic plan is implemented.
11 Blocked access/egress
Ø Sufficent lightings on access way is provided especially at night shift works
Ø Regular housekeeping is observed.
Ø In-house training and DTRA/TBT conducted for all workers.
Ø Poor maintenance Ø IOCL valid permit to work must be in place & area clerance to obtained from
relevent dept.
Ø Loose connetions Ø Safety induction and DTRA/TBT will be conducted
Using of electrical tools and Ø Electric Shock Ø The fusion machine and its electrical connection should be checked prior to start
Equipment's work.
Ø Incompatibility with voltage Ø Adequate PPE should be provided and used.
Ø Too many connections in a single outlet Ø Engage workers that are trained and experienced.
Ø Imcompetent User
Ø Lack of PPE Ø Temparature should be checked by using manufacturing recommended Temple
Sticks before work
Ø Poor housekeeping Ø Ensure permit to work system must be complied with clearance by PMC / IOCL

Ø Ensure all combustible materials to be removed from task area.

Ø Ensure welding to be carried in enclosed area and flash back arrestors must be
Ø Only authorized and competent opeartives will be permitted to work
13 Ø Periodic inspection and supervision shall be carried out to ensure for the safe
Ø Always fire extinguishers will be kept near the work place.
Ø Trained fire watch will be provided (by contraxctor)
Ø Fire extingushers, fire hose with water and fire blanket will kept near before
starting task and people should train for the fire marshal works.
Ø Safe access and egress will be maintained all the time at site.


SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based on observations and
for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø PPE must be worn (i.e heat resistant clothes, gloves, hard hat, safety goggles,
safety shoes.)
Ø Sharp edge/ pinch points Ø In-house training and authorization of operators are conducted
Ø Mushroom Head Ø Regular Inspection of hand tools before issuance at store.
Ø Instruction given to users to return all damage and defective tools.
Ø Proper storage and maintenance of hand tools is observed.
Ø Close work monitoring of attending Supervisor, foremen, and HSE
Ø Using the right tool for the right job.
Ø Damaged /subtitude hand tools should be returned to the store.
14 Using of hand tools
Ø Do not use makeshift hand tools for the task.
Ø Do not use the hand tools with oily or greasy hands.
Ø Never keep/carry the tools inside pockets.
Ø Do not left hand tools unattended in the work place.
Ø Store the tools in tool boxes after use.
Ø Train the operatives for proper selection, usage and storing of hand tools.
Ø PPE's like hand golves and goggles to be used.
Ø Poor illumination at work site Ø Illumination level should be checked on regular basis.
Ø Lone working Ø Adequate lightings provided.
Ø Electrical Hazards Ø Barriers provided on access roads and known site hazards.
Ø Fire Hazard Ø Emergency vehicle available.
Ø Moving Plant and equipments Ø First aider and first aid kit available
15 Night driving Ø Competent electrician for emergency repair avaialble.
Ø Pedestrain walkways in place.
Ø Fire extingushers avaialble.
Ø Emergency procedure in place and will be communicated to the team before start
of the work.
Ø Removing lights to be fixed in the pedestrain access.
Ø Fires surrounding areas. Ø In case a fire breaks out press fire alarm system and shout "fire"
Ø Improper storage of highly inflammable Ø Keep buckets full of sand and water /fire extingushing equipment's near hazardous
substances. location.
Ø Maintain good housekeeping and first aid boxes.
Ø Don’t obstruct access of fire extingushers.
Ø Ensure of usage of correct fire extingusher mean specified fire.
16 Fire Prevention and Protection Ø Do not attempt to extinguish Oil and electric fires with water.
Ø Use Foam cylinders/CO2/ sand.
Ø Smoking is not permitted inside the refinery.
Ø Earthing must be provided during refilling of equipments.
Ø Refill the fuel in engine off condition only.
Ø Fire extingusher should be available near the equipment for first aid fighting.
SL NO Separate the job into the main Describe all hazards identified for each
Describe fully all equipment, facility, and/or procedure controls applicable
tasks and record them in task based on observations and
for each hazard.
sequence. experience.
Ø Spillage Ø All workers should know about the importance of protecting environment.
Ø Construction waste and General waste Ø All refueling done with authorized person's and dip tray also placed underneath.

Ø Generation Dust Ø Bentonite soil to be disposed on authorized place only

17 Environment Ø Waste disposal done with authorized agency and record sheet to be maintained.
Ø Wear nose mask.
Ø Water sprinkling should be done with regular interval.
Ø Housekeeping should be done on regular basis.
Ø Medical Emergency Ø In case of an emergency stop all the activities and move to nearest assembly point.

Ø Work related Emergency Ø Workforce shall be trained for responding in emergency.

18 Emergency
Ø Inform to control room or activate nearest MCP
Ø Role and responsibility of workforce in case of emergency shall be made clear in
DTRA /Tool Box Tallks
Ø Incompetency/lack of Knowledge Ø Proper selection and deployment of trained and competent operatives for high risk
activities on sitre.
Ø Performance influencing factors. Ø Project specific HSE Induction is carried prior to work assessment
Human factors (Behaviors and
19 Ø Human failure Ø Re-induction and re-training of site personnel and opeartives
Ø Work in hurry Ø Inxcentive scheme and award system in place.
Ø Horseplay Ø Task observation: SOR is carried out
Ø Disciplinary actions issued to misbehaved workers.
House Keeping (Material Ø Debris and left-over equipment may cause Ø Ensure the equipment is removed after completion of job from the site and the
segregation, Storage and Removal slips, trips and falls area cleared.
of wastage) CLEAN OF
Ø Waste shall be disposed as per legal provision.
PART-B : Completion Audit by JSA Team Members while the job is being executed:
Sl No. Observations Compliance Status Checked By Name of Officer with Sign. Date & time
PART-B : Completion Audit by JSA Team Members while the job is being executed:
Sl No. Observations Compliance Status Checked By Name of Officer with Sign. Date & time
PART-A : Date: JSA No.: B AND R/IOCL/TEN/71140/JSA-27
Unit: Lu Pech , J18, WP 11 Area: Location: HCU FRACTIONATOR UNIT
WORK ORDER NO.: 28607463

Job Title: Equipment Foundation pading work, Welding, Cutting, Grinding, JSA done by: Sign. with Date
Scaffolding work at Fractionator Unit Name & Designation:

REF MS NO.: PMC DOC.NO.: 077154C-28607463-1825-CON-MOS-002 Subrata Das (Sr. Manager)

JSA Reviewed By (HOD Name, Designation, sign , Date) Sankar Mitra (Dy. Manager)
Sugata Mukherjee (HSE)

Surajit Banik (Mech. T.EN) HCU Unit

Jiten Malik (T.EN)
Suneel Pattnaik (T.EN)
DGM (PJ) DGM (PN) DGM (F&S) Parvez Akhtar (HSEM , T.EN)
Vikash Soni (IOCL)
Job to be Executed By : Dinesh Kumar (IOCL)

Department Contractor

Project Bridge & Roof Co (I) Ltd

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