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Making Plans with a Friend: A and B are friends planning to hang out over the
weekend. A suggests going to the movies, but B prefers to go hiking. They need to
negotiate and come to a decision together.

2. Apologizing to a Friend: A accidentally spills coffee on B's favorite shirt. A needs to

apologize sincerely, and B needs to accept the apology graciously.

3. Giving Advice to a Friend: A is worried about an upcoming exam and asks B for advice
on how to study effectively. B offers suggestions and encouragement.

4. Resolving a Misunderstanding: A and B have been friends for a long time, but recently
they had a misunderstanding that caused tension between them. They need to talk it
out and resolve the issue.

5. Comforting a Friend: A just went through a breakup and is feeling sad. B tries to
comfort A and offers support and encouragement.

6. Inviting a New Student to Join: A notices that a new student, B, is sitting alone at
lunch. A approaches B and invites them to join their group of friends.

7. Standing Up to Bullying: A witnesses B being bullied by another student. A intervenes

and stands up for B, offering support and solidarity.

8. Celebrating a Friend's Achievement: A finds out that B won first place in a school
competition. A congratulates B and suggests throwing a small celebration to
commemorate the achievement.

9. Giving and Receiving a Compliment: A admires B's artwork and gives a genuine
compliment. B graciously accepts the compliment and expresses gratitude.

10. Planning a Surprise for a Friend: A and B are planning a surprise birthday party for
their friend C. They need to coordinate the details without letting C find out.
My Friend [Friend's Name]

I have a friend named [Friend's Name]. They are [adjective describing their appearance],
with [adjective describing their personality]. One thing I really admire about [Friend's
Name] is their [positive quality or trait], which always [how this trait impacts your

[He/She] is always there for me when [mention a situation or time when your friend
supported you]. [He/She] has a great sense of humor and can always [share an example
of when your friend made you laugh].

I've known [Friend's Name] for [length of time] and we've shared so many [mention
shared experiences or memories]. Whether we're [activity you enjoy doing together],
[another activity], or just [third activity], we always have a great time together.

I'm really lucky to have [Friend's Name] as my friend because [mention why they are
special to you].

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