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2019, Vol. 2, No. 3, 246 – 251

Research Article

The Relationship of Principal Leadership and Organizational Climate on

Motivation and Performance of Teacher in Primary School

Rita Ferdiana *, Ahmad Suriansyah, Suhaimi

Master Program of Education Management, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin 70123


Article history: ABSTRACT

Submission January 2020
Revised June 2020 School is an institution where the educational process follows a complex and
Accepted June 2020 dynamic system. This study aimed to describe and analyze the effectiveness
of the headmaster's leadership and organizational climate on achievement
*Corresponding author: motivation and performance of teachers in the school setting. This research
E-mail: was correlational research using path analysis with 139 teachers as a sample
and the data obtained was analyzed through the use of multiple regression
methods. The results showed the effectiveness of the headmaster's leader-
ship; organizational climate and teacher achievement motivation were in-
cluded in the moderate category; while the teacher's performance was in a
good category.

Keywords: Leadership effectiveness, organizational climate, achievement moti-

vation, teacher performance

Introduction and in response to local needs (Suhaimi &

The Indonesia Law on the Management of Efendi, 2018). Moreover, it is possible to im-
Legal Products, as well as the National Educa- prove the quality of education through the in-
tion System Article 35 paragraph 1, explains terconnection of work habits, work culture, and
the elements of quality education to include organizational culture (Poernawawijaya et al.,
standard contents, competency of graduates, 2018). According to Suhaimi & Efendi (2018)
knowledgeable education personnel, infra- the most important factor in achieving quality
structure, funding and education assessment education in schools is through good leader-
which needs to be periodically planned and im- ship.
proved. This, therefore, makes the manage- The success of a school is entirely depend-
ment of schools important (Suriansyah, 2011). ent on the ability of the leader, the headmaster,
This is mostly founded on the management of to direct other employees towards the achieve-
human resources (HR) to produce quality grad- ment of the school’s goals (Normianti, 2019).
uates following the needs of the community The headmaster is responsible for the effective
(Aslamiah, 2015). administration of all the departments as well as
The system of education used in Indonesia to present formal reports to the school man-
gives broad autonomy to schools and commu- agement and informal report to the community
nity involvement within the framework of na- (Suhaimi & Khalik, 2018).
tional education policies (Suriansyah et al., In addition to the headmaster's leadership,
2014). This is to ensure schools are free to work motivation is an important part of school
manage and allocate resources such as funds activities without which limited success would
and learning materials according to priorities be recorded. According to Morgan, the concept

How to cite:
Ferdiana, R., Suriansyah, A., & Suhaimi. (2019). The relationship of principal and organizational climate on motivation
and performance of teachers in primary school. Journal of K6, Education, and Management, 2 (3), 246 – 251. doi:
R Ferdiana, A Suriansyah, Suhaimi , 2019 / The relationship of principal leadership and organization climate on motivation

is defined as the driving force or puller causing 2019, was involving 17 schools and 139 teach-
behavior towards a certain goal (Alamsyah et ers as samples (both civil and honorary civil
al., 2019). It, however, involves strategic organ- servants).
ization through the utilization of several avail- Data Collection
able resources, material, and human, to achieve The research instrument used was a closed-
the desired goals (Normianti, 2019). questions questionnaire and this involved the
In addition to the headmaster's leadership, provision of several answers for the respond-
work motivation is an important part of school ents to choose from. The variables used include
activities without which limited success would Headmaster Leadership Effectiveness (X1), Or-
be recorded. According to Morgan, the concept ganizational Climate (X2), Achievement Moti-
is defined as the driving force or puller causing vation (Y), and Teacher Performance (Z).
behavior towards a certain goal (Alamsyah et
al., 2019). It, however, involves strategic organ- Data Analysis
ization through the utilization of several avail- The data obtained were analyzed by using
able resources, material, and human, to achieve SPSS version 22. Analysis of the data used for
the desired goals (Normianti, 2019). each purpose was as follows: description of re-
The results of a preliminary study con- search data through descriptive statistical anal-
ducted by the researchers found that the organ- ysis (mean, maximum, minimum, range, vari-
izational climate in each of the SD Negeri Kota ance, standard deviation), testing require-
Kapuas as a whole was not very conducive, this ments of research analysis (normality test, lin-
was evidenced by the persistence of some earity test, homogeneity test), test hypotheses
teachers’ behaviors that were not compliant with path analysis.
with school regulations, some even had fatal
consequences which led to dismissal because Study Limitation
the teacher was absent for approximately 54 This research focused only on the relation-
days a year. ship of 4 (four) variables, namely the effective-
Being aware of the professional and aca- ness of school principal leadership, the organi-
demic backgrounds of the teachers, this study zational climate on achievement motivation
aimed to determine the relationship between and teacher performance, and was only carried
the effectiveness of school headmaster leader- out in the Strait of Kapuas District so that the
ship and organizational climate on achieve- results cannot be generalized.
ment motivation and performance of elemen-
tary school teachers in the Selat of Kapuas Re- Results and Discussion
gency. The aforementioned variables were de-
scribed in the form of scores with the highest
Material and Methods value being 5 and the lowest 1. The tabulated
This research was correlational research data from each of the research variables are
using path analysis. According to Arikunto presented as follows: distribution of scores for
(2014) this method involves determining if headmaster effectiveness variables, distribu-
there is a relationship or influence between tion of organizational climate variable scores,
two or more variables. Moreover, Gunawan distribution of achievement motivation varia-
(2016) stated that the path analysis model is ble scores, and distribution of performance
used to analyze the pattern of relationships be- variable scores. The average value obtained for
tween variables and to determine the direct or the teacher performance was 3.88 which was
indirect influence of a set of independent (ex- categorized as high with the learning assess-
ogenous) variables on the dependent variable ment sub-variable observed to have the highest
(endogenous) (Normianti et al., 2019). average value of 4.22 which is was also in the
This research was carried out in the Strait high category. This means the elementary
district of Kapuas Regency from May to July school teachers in the Selat district of Kapuas

JK6EM | Journal of K6, Education, and Management 247 Volume 2 | Number 3 | September | 2019
R Ferdiana, A Suriansyah, Suhaimi , 2019 / The relationship of principal leadership and organization climate on motivation

regency conducted learning assessments ac- plan of the school. The individual is also tasked
cording to the lesson plan and necessary modi- with the responsibilities of developing meth-
fications are made in the next draft. ods of teaching students, extracurricular, and
However, the learning planning sub-varia- always strives to improve and excite teachers'
ble had the lowest average value of 3.52 which work spirit.
is also in the high category. This means there
was no proper attention to the characteristics Data Normality Test Results
of students in the compilation of lesson plans This test was conducted to determine
and this reduce the effectiveness of strategies whether the dependent and independent vari-
used in the teaching and learning process. Fur- ables have normal distributions or not. This
thermore, the headmaster's effectiveness sub- study used of Kolmogorov-Smirnov one-sam-
variable was found to have the smallest aver- ple method with Asymp Sig 2-tailed such that if
age value of 3.43, but the value was still in- the significance is less than 0.05, the data is not
cluded in the high category. This means the av- normally distributed and vice versa. The re-
erage elementary school headmaster in the sults obtained are presented in the following
Selat district of Kapuas regency applied an ef- table.
fective leadership process by directly formulat-
ing goals, vision, mission as well as the annual

Table 1. Normality test results

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Effectiveness of Climate Or- Achievement Performance
Headmaster Lead- ganization Motivation (Y) (Z)
ership (X1) (X2))

N 139 139 139 139

Mean 129,3741 78,7266 71,9784 54,2518
Normal Parameters a,b 5,55379 5,10443 4,09572 2,25251
Std. Deviation
Absolute ,062 ,113 ,112 ,117
Most Extreme Differences Positive ,062 ,113 ,112 ,113
Negative -,056 -,094 -,079 -,117
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,731 1,338 1,325 1,384
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,659 ,558 ,597 ,543
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
Source: SPSS Output 22, 2019.

Table 1 shows the significance value of the path coefficient is shown in the following
(Asymp Sig 2-Tailed) of the effectiveness of picture:
headmaster leadership effectiveness (X1) was
0.659, organizational climate variables (X2)
was 0.558, achievement motivation variable
(Y) was 0.597, and teacher performance varia-
ble (Z) was 0.543. Since all the significant val-
ues are more than 0.05, the data in all the vari-
ables are normally distributed.
Furthermore, the regression analysis
showed the indirect influence of headmaster
leadership (X1) on teacher performance (Z) Figure 1. Trajectory Model of Relationships be-
through achievement motivation (Y). The value tween X1 and Z through Y

JK6EM | Journal of K6, Education, and Management 248 Volume 2 | Number 3 | September | 2019
R Ferdiana, A Suriansyah, Suhaimi , 2019 / The relationship of principal leadership and organization climate on motivation

Data Linearity Tesr Results this study to test for linearity at a significance
The linearity test was conducted to deter- level of 0.05. However, two variables are said to
mine whether there is a linear relationship be- linearly related if the significance value is
tween the research variables. SPSS was used in <0.05.

Table 2. Linearity test results of the relationship between the effectiveness of school headmaster leadership
(X1), organizational climate (X2), achievement motivation (Y) and teacher performance (Z)
No. Variable Linearity Information
1. X1 dan Y 0,000 Linear
2. X2 dan Y 0,000 Linear
3. X1 dan Z 0,000 Linear
4. X2 dan Z 0,008 Linear
5. Y dan Z 0,000 Linear
Source: Data processed from research results, 2019

Table 2 showed the significance value ob- effectiveness (X1), organizational climate (X2),
tained to be 0,000 <0.05 and this means the re- achievement motivation (Y) and teacher per-
lationship between the headmaster leadership formance (Z) variables was linear.

Table 3. Homogeneity Test Results

No. Variable P-value / sig Information
1. X1 dan Y 0,706 Homogenous
2. X2 dan Y 0,424 Homogenous
3. X1 dan Z 0,693 Homogenous
4. X2 dan Z 0,122 Homogenous
5. Y dan Z 0,914 Homogenous
Source: SPSS Output 22, 2018

Table 3 shows the total p-value > 0.05 and The analysis of the data provided is sum-
this means the data was obtained from a homo- marized in the following image.
geneous sample.

Figure 2. Analysis of the relationship between the effectiveness of headmaster leadership (X1),
organizational climate (X2), achievement motivation (Y) and teacher performance (Z)

JK6EM | Journal of K6, Education, and Management 249 Volume 2 | Number 3 | September | 2019
R Ferdiana, A Suriansyah, Suhaimi , 2019 / The relationship of principal leadership and organization climate on motivation

Testing means there is an indirect positive relationship

The hypothesis developed to determine the between the organizational climate variable
indirect relationship between organizational Teacher (X2) and the teacher performance var-
climate and performance through the achieve- iable (Z) through achievement motivation (Y)
ment motivation include: of 0.685.
H0 = there is no indirect relationship be- The mediation was tested by multiplying P2
tween organizational climate and teacher x P5 = 0.685, while the significance was calcu-
performance through achievement motiva- lated using the following equation:
tion. Calculate the standard error of the indirect
Ha = there is an indirect relationship be- coefficient (Se23)
tween organizational climate and teacher
performance through achievement motiva-
tion. Se25 = √𝑃52 . 𝑆𝑒22 + 𝑃22 . 𝑆𝑒52 + 𝑆𝑒35
. 𝑆𝑒22
The criterion for the acceptance or rejec-
tion of the hypothesis was that if the signifi- = √0,0011782331
cance value <0.05 or the calculated t value> t
table value for n = 139, then H0 was rejected = 0,035
and vice versa. From the Se23 results, the mediation rela-
The indirect relationship between organi- tionship was calculated as follows:
zational climate variables (X2) and teacher per-
formance (Z) through achievement motivation 𝑃25 0,685
(Y) was obtained by multiplying the path coef- 𝑡= = = 19,571
𝑆𝑒25 0,035
ficient of the direct relationship of variables X2
to Y (P2) with the path coefficient of the direct The value obtained is presented in the fol-
relationship of variable Y to Z (P5), which is lowing table.
mathematically 0.818 x 0.838 = 0.685. This

Table 4. Mediation Variable Relationship Test Results (X2 to Z through Y)

Variable Indirect Relations Sindirect effect T Information

X2 to Z through Y 0,685 0,035 19,571 Significant

Source: Calculation Results, 2019

Table 4 shows the overall organizational observation, increasing teachers’ professional-

climate variables have a t-count greater than ism and ability to develop curriculum. The third
the t-table, with a significance level of 0.05 and is the environmental input components includ-
this means H0 is rejected, therefore, there is an ing comfortable situations and conditions such
indirect relationship between organizational that teachers are not distressed while focusing
climate and performance through achievement on students' progress. The fourth involves the
motivation. process components which are planning and
Systematically, the factors correlating implementing learning, fostering relationships
teacher professional performance are grouped with students, conducting an assessment of re-
into 5 components. The first includes the lim- sults, implementing remedial, and conducting
ited raw components input including the ability enrichment while the last include the output
to understand as well as the skill to implement components.
the curriculum. The second is the instrumental
component input which involves the supervi- Conclusion and Recommendation
sion of school/madrasah headmasters through Organizational climate is positively and sig

JK6EM | Journal of K6, Education, and Management 250 Volume 2 | Number 3 | September | 2019
R Ferdiana, A Suriansyah, Suhaimi , 2019 / The relationship of principal leadership and organization climate on motivation

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who have helped so much that this research can SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan. Lentera:
be completed, especially to all respondents, the Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 13(1), 73-83.
elementary school teachers in the Selat District doi:
of Kapuas Regency. Suhaimi, & Khalik, A. (2018). Kepemimpinan transformasional
kepala sekolah pada SMP 4 Muhammadiyah. Jurnal
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JK6EM | Journal of K6, Education, and Management 251 Volume 2 | Number 3 | September | 2019

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