PTS B. Inggris KLS 7 Sem Genap

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Tahun Ajaran 2022 – 2023

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : 9 (Sembilan)/ Genap
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu :
Nama :

Choose and put the cross (X) on the letter A, B, C or D on the correct answer!

The boy say thanks to girl because…

A. She had answered his question
B. She had introduced her self to him
C. She had taken him to the principal's room
D. She had showed the direction to the principal's room
2. Apologizing is an expression of regret for having done something that has caused problems or
unhappiness for them. Below the sentences are used to express of regret is…
A. Believe me, i did not want what has happened
B. I’m really sorry for that incident
C. I did not want to hurt you
D. I’m very grateful
Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than one)
3. A timetable is a kind of schedule that sets out times at which specific events are intended to occur.
School timetable is a table for coordinating students, teacher, rooms and other resources. Look at
the timetable below!
9.00 - 9.30 9.30 - 10.30 11.00 - 1.00 1.30- 2.30
The correct statement based on the text above is…
A. The students study history at 11 p.m.
B. The students do sport for half an hour
C. The students begin studying Art at half past two
D. The student spend the most time to study computing
E. The students study science two times in a week

Choose and put the cross (X) on the correct answer!

4. Greeting card is a letter that are used to giving a greeting, saying congratulations, pray for someone
and so on. Sending card in the correct moments creates a good social relationship between the
sender and recipient.

Dear Zia
Happy Birthday
You are a wonderful person. I hope that your special day is the beginning of another amazing
Have a great birthday
Your buddy,


Based on the greeting card above, the writer’s purpose to send the card is…
A. To congratulate someone on an amazing birth
B. To wish someone to have a great birthday
C. To wonder someone on her birthday
D. To praise for being a wonderful person

5. Invitation card is a card that is written to invite someone to attend a special event, such as birthday
party, a wedding party, a farewell party, graduation party, etc. Look at the invitation card below!

You are invited to Alvaro Naufar’s

Virtual Graduation Party
June 11th, 2022 at 2 PM
by live IG
RSVP to Zahra

The purpose of the text above is …

A. To inform that Alvaro will hold a party to celebrate his graduation
B. To invite the receiver to prepare Alvaro’s graduation party
C. To tell the reader that the party will be at Varo’s house
D. To ask the receiver to join Varo’s party virtually

Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than one)
In our daily life, we often make comparison sentence about two or more objects. Objects we can
compare using degrees of comparison can range from inanimate to living objects then we describe
which one has more 'quality" than the others. Positive degree, comparative degree and superlative
degree are the comparison degree that we use to compare the objects.
6. Converse shoes is Rp 325.000
Aero street shoes is Rp 350.000
Dr. Kevin shoes is is Rp 275.000
Bata shoes is Rp. 118.000
From the text above, we know that…
A. Converse is expensiver than Bata
B. Bata is more expensive than Dr. Kevin
C. Converse is as expensive as Aero Street
D. Aero street is the most expensive shoes
E. Dr Kevin is cheaper than Converse
Read the text below and write the letter T if the statement below is true and F if the statement is
false in provided place
Do you want to make your hydrating more fun? Try cucumber water! You
may have seen it at spas or beautiful salons, and the botanical flavors feels
like relaxion poolside on a ship. But how do you make the tasty infused
water? Do you simply combine cucumber and water? Well, here’s what
you need to know about how to make this drink!
Basic steps:
Cucumber water requires just cucumber and water. To make it we need 1
hour for the flavors to infuse into the water
Here is what to do:
1. Slice 1/2 cucumber into thin rounds
2. Add 8 cups cold water
3. Refrigerator for 1 hour
Cheater tip: This infused water actually tastes pretty good after 10 minutes. So, you could serve
immediately. Just use very cold water
No Statements Answer
1 We know how to make a cucumber drink
2 We get information about the nutrition in cucumber
3 We understand the right way to consume cucumber
4 We know how long it takes to make cucumber water in refrigerator
5 The text above we can found in educational advertisement
6 We know the cheater tip to drink the cucumber drink

The following are the benefit that we get after reading the text above.

Answer the question below with short and correct answer!

Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together. There are three kind of
conjunctions namely: Coordinating conjunctions: but, and, or, nor, for, yet and so. Subordinating
conjunctions: after, although, even tough, as, as if, because, before, is, as soon as, so that, in order,
in case, since, so, till, until, etc. Correlative conjunction: both-and, either-or, neither - nor, not only
- but also, whether -or. Complete the sentence below using the correct conjunctions!
8. ….…………. i’m feeling happy…………….. sad. I try to keep positive attitude
9. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, …………………. she takes the bus everywhere
10. This radio is very good………………… it is very expensive

Answer the questions below with the correct description!

11. A procedure text is a text that tells the reader how to do or how to make something. A procedure
text often includes step or sequenced instructions. The structure of procedure text is includes goals,
materials, and steps. Look at the picture below!

Write down simple steps how to make blog (vlog)!


12. Present continuous tense is a way to convey any action or condition that is happening right now,
frequently and may be on going. It add energy and action to writing, and its effect helps readers
understand when the action is happening. The present continues formula is : to be + verb1 + -ing.
Write down 2 sentences using present continues form!……………………………………….…….
Choose and put the cross (X) on the letter A, B, C or D on the correct answer!
The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, describes ongoing actions in
the past. The past continuous tense shows a continuous action that began in the past. It is the past
tense version of the present continuous, which also describes ongoing actions. The present and past
continuous are very similar. The past continues formula is : was/were + verb1 + ing.
13. The correct sentence using past continues form is…
A. He were running yesterday morning
B. He was jogging yesterday morning at 6 o’clock
C. They was studying yesterday morning at 6 o’ clock
D. We were slept yesterday morning at 6 o’clock
14. When i saw you in the shop last night, you…… your new hat.
A. Don’t wear C. Haven’t been wearing
B. Weren’t wearing D. Haven’t worn
15. Riska : Edwin, i called you yesterday morning around 8 o ‘clock
Edwin : I …… (watch) TV, i did not hear the phone
The correct word to complete the dialog above is….
A. Was, watched C. Am, watch
B. Was, watching D. Am, watching
Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than one)!
16. Present perfect tense is use to show that an action is unfinished or to focus on what we have
completed in a period of time. There are two primary reason to use the present perfect tense. The
first is to talk about a completed action is finished, we don’t know, care or remember when it
happened. The second with the words “for” and “since” to talk about something that began in
the past and continues to now. The correct sentence using present perfect form is…
A. I have been sick since Tuesday
B. They has done their homework last night
C. She has washed the dishes after eating her breakfast
D. Last week he had got a package from me
E. They had lived in Makassar for 5 years before moving to Bandung

Read the text below and write the letter T if the statement below is true and F if the statement
is false in provided place!
17. Narrative text is an imaginative story that use to amuse or to entertain the reader or listener by
story told. Besides entertaining, stories can give us some reflection in our daily live. There many
kinds of narrative text such us short story, folk tales, fairy tale, fables, legends, myths, fantasy
and so on.
Once upon a time, in a dessert far away, there was a rose who was so proud of her beautiful
looks. Her only complaint was growing next to an ugly cactus.
Every day, the beautiful rose would insult and mock the cactus on is looks, all while the
cactus remained quiet. All other plants nearby tried to make the rose see sense, but she was too
swayed by her own looks.
One scorching summer, the dessert become dry, and there was no water left for the plants.
The rose quickly began to wilt. Her beautiful petals dried up, losing their lush colour.
Looking to the cactus, she saw a sparrow dip his beak into the cactus to drink some water.
Though ashamed, the rose asked the cactus if she could have some water. The kind cactus
readily agreed, helping them both through the tough summer, as friends
No Statements Answer
1 From the story we can learn that never judge someone by the way they look

2 The story tells us about how a person present himself shows his true
3 The cactus would grow better if the cactus refused to share its water with the
4 The rose would be withered and die if the cactus refused to share its water with
the rose
5 The kind of the text above is fable
6 The rose stay fresh and bloom when summer comes

Answer the question below with short and correct answer!

Read the text below to answer the questions number 18-20
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and
uncle because her parents were dead.
One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow
Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do that so she decided that it would be best
if she ran away. The next morning she ran away into the woods. She was very tired and
hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside
and fell asleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. There they found Snow
White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said, “What is your name?”
Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.”
Then, Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story.
The dwarfs said, “If you want, you may live here with us.”
Snow White answered, “Oh, could I? Thank you.”
Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after

18. The type of the text above is…………………………….………………………………………

19. The general structure of the text above is…………… .…………………………..………………
20. The text above is a story of………………………………….……………………………………

Answer the question below with the correct description!

21. The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action
rather than the person or object that performs the action. In other words, the most important
thing or person becomes the subject of the sentences. When we want to say who or what
performs action we add ‘by’ and we form the passive with the verb to -be and the past participle
(verb 3). Change these sentences into passive voice form!
A. From where will they buy the clothes?.
B. My brother has written two novels about his travelling to Papua and Maluku
C. Why did she write such a letter?

22. The culture of Indonesia is reflected in its culinary heritage. Some of traditional dishes of
Indonesian archipelago are popular around the world. Here is a list of favorite and popular food
and drinks in Indonesia. First, sate or satay is a popular traditional food in Indonesia. This dish is
made from meat slices or chunks. The meat is grilled over charcoal fire outdoors and is served
with spicy seasoning. Second is nasi goreng. Nasi goreng is considered the national dish the
country. This fried rice flavored with spices are served with fried egg and chili sauce. Third is
bakso. It is Indonesian meat balls made from beef. Fourth is bir phetok. This drink is made from
various unique ingredients such as ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, sugar, lemongrass and other
natural ingredients.
The text above tells us about………………………………………………………………

Choose and put the cross (X) on the letter A, B, C or D on the correct answer!

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) is a tall evergreen tree native to Australian and

Tasmania. The leaves and oil of the Eucalyptus plant are used for medicinal purposes.
Eucalyptus oil consist of volatile oil extracted from fresh leaves and branch tops of the
eucalyptus plant. Topical ointments which contain eucalyptus oil have been used in traditional
23. The purposes of the text above is…
A. To explain a general description of Eucalyptus
B. To describe a beautiful Eucalyptus
C. To deliver some information about Eucalyptus
D. To tell us about the benefits of Eucalyptus
24. The kind of Eucalyptus is used for medicine is…
A. Ornamental shrub C. Blue gum red fever
B. Giants tree D. Red fever
25. Paragraph 2 describe us about…
A. Kind of eucalyptus C. The eight of eucalyptus
B. The size of Eucalyptus D. how to take care of eucalyptus
Choose and put the check mark (√) on the correct answer! (The answer can be more than one)!

26. The text above mainly focused on …

A. Spicy minced chicken
B. Chicken meatballs
C. Teriyaki chicken
D. Ricebowls
E. Special prize
Read the lyric song in left column and match them with figurative language in right column!
Song is a short piece of music usually with words. It combines melody and vocal. Song are used to
express feeling and idea in an entertaining world. Song can be used to deliver social criticism. The
moral values are hidden in the lyric. A song has the language feature such us imagery, rhyme,word
play, point of view and figurative language
Lyric song

1. “Whisper words of wisdom, let it be”

2. “Gotta find another way to live of leisure”

3. “Your words cut deeper than a knife now i need
someone to breathe me back to life
4. “Your smile is like a sunshine in the morning”

5. “I have died every day waiting for you, I love

you for thousand years”
6. “ I need somebody who can love me at my worst

7. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where

to go
8. But I keep cruising
Can’t stop, won’t stop moving

Answer the question below with short and correct answer!

Always be Together
By: Little Mix
We are, friends for life
Hold that, deep inside
Let this, be a drive
To survive
And just stand, high and tall
Make sure you give your all
And if you ever fail
Know that I’m right here
We always be together, don’t you worry
I’ll always be by your side, don’t you worry
The circle will never end, just know that we’ll meet again
And we’ll always be together, forever, always Language feature

A. word play
The theme of the song above is……………………………..
B. alliteration
I have a dream, oh yeah
I have a dream (I have a dream) C. simile
A fantasy (fantasy)
To help me through (help me through) D. personification
Reality (reality)
And my destination (destination) E. metaphore
Makes it worth the while (worth the while)
F. rhyme
Pushing through the darkness (through the darkness)
Still another mile (another mile) G. point of view
29. The suitable title for the song above
H. hyperbole
30. The word “destination” in the lyric song above I. rhythm


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