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6 (6) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPEN SCHOOLING (An autonomous institution under Ministry Of Education, Govt. of India) Largest Open Schooling System in the world | ISO 9001:2008 Certified POU CDRS Wh) ENROLLMENT NO. : U233086 REFERENCE NO. :_Al0 2 3301U99 STUDENT'S NAME :5 Madhusudan Mishxq MOTHER'S NAME : Loar “Dev i FATHER'S NAME : 1 hy DATE OF BIRTH : Mipe ogee CLASS -_12'* STREAM__1_ BLock_& SUBJECT NAME WITH CODE rPhysies S12 ___ STUDY CENTER WITH CODE: Moat 4 Rec) carpet Schoo MOBILE NO. S2OtS “9 SSS ALTERNATE MOBILE NO. ADHAAR CARD NO. :6 S16 Figt ACE ADDRESS WITH PIN CODE :-4alpax, Near koko Rawehc Thork hen bd QBUdO | Physics aia) Tutor Marked Assignment Question | (b) Displacement of a simple harmonic oscillator is expressed by the following equation. Y¥ 210-2 Sin (SINE + n/M) Where all the quantities art taken is SI units. Find the following characteristics of its oscillations. (i) Amplitude, (i) Frequency, (i) Initial Phase, (iv) Amplitude of velocity. Answer: Equation of SHM: ¥= 10-2 sin (314t + 1/4) ~ i) General Equation of SHM:Y= Asin (wt+@) ~¢il) |. Amplitude: The maximum displacement or distance moved by a point cn a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position, From equation (i (i) ‘Amplitude (A) = 10-2 m 2. Frequency: the number of oscillations that a particle performs per unit time. The $.L. unit of Frequency is hertz. Comparing equation (i) & (i) Angular Momentum (w) = 314 rads 1 Where, w = 2xf Inf = 314 2xB.Ixt = 314 Ps Frequency (f)= 100 Hz. 3. Initial Phase: the phase of a vibrating particle corresponding to time t20 is called the initial phase Atts0, Y= 10-2 Sin (31M¢ + n/4) Initial Phase (6) = IM rad. 4, Amplitude of Velocity: the amplitude of velocity (vax) can be obtained by taking the derivative of the displacement equation with respect to time (t). the velocity (V) is given by: v= d¥/dt = didt (IO-2sin (3I4t + n/4)) V=10-2 x 3Icos (314t + n/4) The maximum value of the absolute value of cosine is |. Therefore, the amplitude of velocity is: Vmax = 10-2 x 314 Vmax = 314x102 m/s Vmax = 3.14 m/s $0, the characteristics of the oscillations of the given simple harmonic oscillator are: () Amplitude: 10-2 m (i Frequency: Approximately 100 Hz (il Initial Phase: r/4 radians (iv) Amplitude of Velocity: Approximately 3.4 m/s. Question 2. (b) The distance of the image formed by anequi-convex lens, in ar, from its second focus, x2=30 em, while the distance of the object from the first focus is, xl= 10 cm. calculate the focal length of the lens, Answer: To calculate the focal length of the equi-convex lens, we can use the lens formula, which relates the object distance (x!), the image distance (x2), and the focal length (f) of the lens: Given: xl =10 em (distance of the object from the first focus) x2 = 30 em (distance of the image from the second focus) Let's substitute these values into the lens formula and solve for the focal length (f): Now, find the commen denominator: Now, take the reciprocal of both sides: 30 fe, So, the focal length of the equi-convex lens is 7.5 cm, Question 3, (b) The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope is 100. In its normal adjustment the distance between the centers of the objective and eye piece of the telescope is 8.08 m. calculate the values of focal lengths of the objective and eye piece of the telescope. Answer: The magnifying power of an astronomical telescope is 100 em. The distance between the centers of the objective and eye piece of the telescope is 8.08 m. fo+fe= 8.08 cm~ @ Magnifying Power (m) = fo=100fe From equation (i (i) l0Ofe + fe = 8.08 lolfe = 8.08 fe fe = 0.08 cm focal lengths of the eye piece of the telescope 0.08 em. Value of fe putting in equation (i). fo #0.08= 8.08 fo= 08 - 0.08 fo= Bem focal lengths of the objective of the telescope & cm. Question 4. (0) Why do we have to modulate signals for effective wireless telecommunication? Give any three reasons. What do we do in the process of modulation? For Communication in the following devices which radio frequency bands do we use? 0) SONAR, b) Radar FM, Radio d) Satellite Communication Answer: We have to modulate signals for effective wireless telecommunication for several reasons: |. Efficient Use of Spectrum: Modulation allows us to transmit information over a limited range of frequencies, By modulating the original signal onto a higher- frequency carrier wave, we can efficiently use the available frequency spectrum, allowing multiple signals to be transmitted simultaneously without interference. 2. LongrDistance Transmission: Modulating signals enables long-distance transmission of information. High-frequency carrier waves can travel long distances with minimal attenuation, allowing wireless communication over vast areas. 3. Noise Reduction: Modulation techniques help in reducing the impact of noise and interference during signal transmission. By using specific modulation schemes, the receiver can distinguish the signal from ‘the background noise and recover the original information more accurately. Modulation Process: In the process of modulation, we combine a low-frequency information signal (also known as the baseband signal) with a high-frequeney carrier signal to create a modulated signal suitable for efficient transmission over a communication channel. The radio frequency bands used for communication in the following devices are as follows: 4) SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging: SONAR uses sound waves for underwater communication and detection. Since sound waves are acoustic signals, they operate in the ultrasonic frequency range, typically above 20 kHz. the specific Frequency bands used in SONAR can vary depending on the application and the type of underwater environment. b} Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging): fadar uses radio waves to detect the presence, distance, and velocity of objects. The radio frequency bands used in radar systems can vary widely depending on the application. Different radar systems operate in various frequency bands to achieve specific objectives. Some commen radar frequency bands include X-band (8-12 GH2), S-band (2-4 GH2), C-band (4-8 GH2), and Kuband (12-18 GH2). ©) FAM, Radio (Frequency Modulation Radio): FM radio broadcasts use frequency modulation to carry audio signals. the FM radio frequency band varies from one region to another. In many countries, the FM radio frequency range lies between 88 MHz and 108 MHz d) satellite communication: Satellite communication utilizes various frequency bands for uplink (from the ground station to the satellite) and downlink (from the satellite to the ground station) communications. Different frequency bands are used for different types of satellite communication services, such as television broadcasting, broadband internet, mobile communication, etc. Some common frequency bands for satellite communication include C-band (4-8 GH2), Ku-band (12-18 GHz), Ka-band (26.5-40 GHz), and L- band (I-2 GH2). Question 5. (a)You are provided with two identical looking spheres A and 6 having equal masses and radii made of different materials, Actually one of them is a solid ephere and the other is a spherical shell. suggest an experiment to find out which of the two is hollow from within. Give reason in support of your answer. Answer: To determine which of the two spheres, A and 6, is hollow from within, you can conduct a simple experiment based on the principle of moment of inertia. Experiment: * Set up a stable and rigid support for the spheres so that they can rotate freely around a vertical axis, + Attach a thin rod or axle through the center of each sphere, allowing them te rotate like a pendulum, + Hold both spheres at the same height and release them from rest, allowing them to swing freely as pendulums. Observation and Reasoning: The sphere that is hollow from within (spherical shell) will have a different moment of inertia. compared to the solid sphere, resulting in different rotational characteristics. Here's what you'll observe: || 1 solid sphere (Ai: The colid ephare has its mass distributed uniformly throughout its volume. when it swings as a pendulum, it behaves like a simple pendulum with all the mass concentrated at the center. The period of oscillation (time taken for one full swing) will be the same for both spheres A and 8 if they have the same mass and radius. 2. Hollow Sphere (6): The hollow sphere (spherical shell) has its mass concentrated at the outer surface, and there is no mass in the interior. when it swings as a pendulum, it behaves like a compound pendulum with its moment of inertia affected by the distribution of mass. A hollow sphere will havea larger moment of inertia than a solid sphere with the same mass and radius. since the two spheres have equal masses and radii but different moments of inertia, they will have different periods of oscillation, The sphere with the longer period of oscillation ic the hollow sphere (spherical shell, while the one with the shorter period is the solid sphere. By comparing the periods of oscillation of the two spheres, you can identify which one is hollow from within and which one is a solid sphere. Question 6. (b) Kinetic Theory of gases provides us the equation p=I/3 mne? using this equation derives the following laws: 1. Boyle's Law 2. Chari's Law 3. Gay-Lussac’s Law 4. Avogadro's Law 5. Daltons Law of partial pressures &, Graham's Law of diffusion ‘Answer: The equation provided, p=I/3 mne2, is not the standard equation of the kinetic theory of gases. The correct equation for the pressure (p) in the kinetic theory of gases is given by: pal/3 mne2 where: nis the number of gas molecules (or moles), mis the mass of a gas molecule, is the mean square of the spead of the gas molecules. Using the correct equation, let's derive the laws you mentioned: |. Boyle's Law: It states that the volume of a gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to its pressure, Mathematically, pV = Constant (for a given amount of gas at constant temperature). From the kinetic theory of gases, we can write: p-l/3 mnec2> Now, suppose we have two states of the gas with subscripts land 2 denoting the initial and final states, respectively: IMI = pl/3 mn (initial state) p2V2 = p=I/3 mn (final state) since the number of gas molecules (n) and the mass of each molecule (m) remain constant during the process, we can write: pivi= p2v2 this is the mathematical expression of Boyle's Low. 1. charle's Law: It states that the volume of a gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. Mathematically, = constant (for a given amount of gas at constant pressure). From the kinetic theory of gases, we have the equation: 12> 1m , Now, if we consider two states of the gas with subscripts | and 2 denoting the initial and final states, respectively, we have: nm 2 (final state) Dividing these two equations, we get: This is the mathematical expression of Charles's Law. 3. Gay-Lussac's Law: It states that the pressure of a gas at constant volume is directly propertional tolits absolute temperature. Mathematically, constant (for a given amount of gas at constant volume). From the kinetie theory of gases, we have the equation: Pe Using the ideal gas law, pV=nAT, we can write: nm <2 Since the number of gas molecules (n) and the mass of each molecule (m) remain constant during the process, we can write: This is the mathematical expression of Gay-Lussac's Law. 4. Avogadro's Law: 1t states that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain an equal number of molecules. Mathematically, vec n (for a given amount of gas at constant temperature and pressure), From the kinetic theory of gases, we can write: 12> Penm If we have a mixture of gases with different numbers of molecules (nl, n2, .., nn) and different masses (nl, m2, .., mn), then the total pressure exerted by the mixture will be the sum of the pressures of each gas: ptotal> + .. + nnmn ) ptotal +... ¢ nn) m Since the total number of molecules in the mixture is ntotal = nl +n? +... +n, we can write: Ptotal ntotal m This is the mathematical expression of Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures. Graham's Law of Diffusion: It states that the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely preportional to the square root of its molar mass, Mathematically, Rate of Diffusion From the kinetic theory of gases, we can write: 12> p=nmec 3 The root mean square speed of gas molecules (c)is given by ¢ = where A is the universal gas constant and Tis the absolute temperature. PP The volume (V) and temperature (T) are kept constant during diffusion, co nl=n2. Since the volume and temperature are constant, the pressure is proportional to the square of the average speed: poed This is the expression for Graham's Law of diffusion, which shows that the rate of diffusion of two gases is inversely proportional to the square root of their molar masses.

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