FW The Verb

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Function of Words

Function of Words:
Materials The farm
Blank slips of paper, pencil, pencil holder, underlay
Box of grammar symbols

For independent work:

Box or envelope with a verb symbol and marked “1” which contains
prepared slips with 10 one word commands

Box or envelope with a verb symbol and marked “2” which contains
prepared slips with 10 commands which include an object, such as
“Open the door.”

Purposes  To help child become aware of function of verb as an action word

 To impress the idea of verb as energy, in contrast to noun as matter
 To give the impression that verbs have an effect on matter.
 To stimulate, interest, and engage whole child in reading
 To help the child appreciate the sentiment or feeling in literature

Age 5 and up
Function of Words

Preparation Oral game for the verb

Listen and Do, from Enrichment of Vocabulary Part 1
The Preposition

Presentation 1. Invite 2-3 children to set up the farm.

2. Bring the writing tray, recycling basket and the symbols box.
3. Write a slip for each object – just the noun (i.e. pig, sheep, horse).
4. Have the children take turns bringing these objects.
5. Write an intransitive verb such as clap, hop or hum.
6. Ask the child to read and bring the object. They may look confused.
7. “I can’t bring it.”
8. “Ok, can you do it?”
9. Child performs the action, until guide says, “stop.” If the child stops
beforehand, ask child to keep going until the command, “Stop,”
10. Write another intransitive verb for the other children.
11. Ask children to read and bring. If they can’t bring it, can they do it?
12. “Give me the horse.” or “Take the horse back.” to return the items.
13. Mix in commands to return the intransitive verbs.
14. “I can’t bring back hop.” “Well, where did it go?”
15. Eventually, talk difference between action words and object names.
16. Introduce symbol for action words. Place it above word on a slip.
17. Introduce prepared labels for the child to read, do and symbolize.

Control of Error None

Following Following Exercises:

1. Invite the child to make their own list of verbs using movable
alphabet or pencil/paper
Note: Before continuing with following exercises 2-7, you must
present the Adverb and the Logical Adverb.

2. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs

Gather a group of 3 students. For 2 of the students, write a
phrase, such as “dust a box” or “roll a rug”. You can have the
slips already prepared. The other is just a verb, such as sing,
march, walk, jump, etc. (the intransitive verb has no object)
Ask the children do what their slip says. The child who has the
single verb is encouraged to keep doing it. The other two will
act out their phrase and stop. You need to tell the other child
when to stop. Make a point of showing that one of the actions
had no ending, and the others did. Repeat the activity a few
more times using new phrases. Finally, symbolize all slips,
symbolizing only the verb using the question: “Which word
told you what to do?
Note: There is no independent work for this exercise.
Function of Words

3. Present, Past and Present Progressive

This can be presented the next day. Invite a few children.
Write a verb phrase for each child. Let the first child read their
slip. Ask them to do what it says. “Ring a bell” While they are
ringing, ask them what they are doing? Ringing a bell. (present
progressive) When they return, ask them: What did you do?
Rang a bell. (Past) Repeat with the other child. Do a few
more. Finally symbolize only the verb. Ring is present, ringing
is present progressive and rang is past. If child makes mistakes,
such as “ringed”, just repeat the verb back correctly.

4. Internal Actions
Invite several children. Give each a slip, have them read it and
then place it face down on the rug. Ask both children to do
what their slip says. One phrase will be obvious by action, the
other will be one you cannot see, such as think a thought, or
make a wish. Repeat several times. Have the children
symbolize. Examples of internal action verbs: Think, wish,
dream, imagine, relax a muscle, listen to a sound, etc.

5. The verb changes

This is best done with one child. Give or write the child a slip.
“Tidy a shelf.” “Cut a flower.” “Mark a book.” When child
has read and acted out each phrase, symbolize this time
symbolizing all of the words this time. When all are
symbolized, take one phrase and cut apart. Transpose several
times to see if you can change it to make sense: “Book a
mark”, “a book mark”. Cut a paper – a paper cut. If you find a
combination that makes sense, then re-symbolize the phrase.
Notice that the verb symbol disappeared. Repeat process with
the other two phrases: “A cut flower” and “a tidy shelf” Ask
the questions as you re-symbolize. With the last one, invite the
child to cut and explore. Examples of phrases: shut the door,
cut a flower, wash a basin, wet a sponge, color the paper.

6. Independent work with verb box II:

If child wants to, they can copy onto paper, cut and explore like
in step 6.
Box should have some that will transpose and some that won’t.

7. The child can write their own verb phrases.

Pedagogical 
Function of Words

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