2011 Year 2 Maths Reexam Results

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Making Math and Science Meaningful: Enriched Mathematics, Outreach Activities, and Weather Concepts Leslee Francis Pelton,

UVic Tim Pelton, UVic Karen Moore, UVic Todd Milford, UVic

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Integration of Laboratory Activities, Demonstrations, and Projects in Enriched Mathematics 9-12 Outreach workshops
Robotics Writing math and science comics Geotrekking

Weather Concepts Inventory

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Project #1: Integration of Laboratory Activities, Demonstrations, and Projects in Enriched Mathematics 9-12 Courses to Foster Science and Mathematics Literacy Leslee Francis Pelton, UVic Tim Pelton, UVic Karen Moore, UVic Michael Willers, SD #69

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007


Project began with enriched mathematics courses created by combining two or more courses to extend over a school year. The overlap or continuation of PLOs in combined courses created opportunities for instructional time to be allocated to alternate assignments and teaching strategies.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Enriched Mathematics 10/11

Combined Principles of Mathematics 10 (48 PLOs), Applications of Mathematics 11 (30 PLOs), and Principles of Mathematics 11(40 PLOs) 9 PLOs common to all 3 courses, 9 PLOs common to 2 courses 20 PLOs continue a strand from PM 10 to both AM 11 and PM 11
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Example (P Math 10 PLO)

Divide a polynomial by a binomial and express the result in the forms: R P =Q+ D D
P = DQ+R P(x) = D(x)Q(x) + R(x) (Mathematics 10 12 IRP, 2000, p.A-29)

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Continues to P Math 11 PLO

Use the remainder theorem to evaluate polynomial expressions, the Rational Zeros Theorem, and the Factor Theorem to determine factors of polynomials. (Mathematics 10 -12 IRP, 2000, p.A-34)
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

To promote scientific and mathematical literacy by integrating specifically designed laboratories, demonstrations, and projects into enriched Mathematics 9 12 courses. To research, develop, implement, evaluate, and disseminate laboratories, demonstrations, and projects designed for the enriched Mathematics 9 12 courses.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Research, development, and piloting of activities in Enriched Mathematics 10/11. All activities were designed to promote the NCTM Process Standards (problem solving, reasoning, communication, connections, and representation). Integrated projects and laboratories included:
Terminal Velocity Lab (Equations of Lines Unit) Pendulum Lab (Radicals Unit) Jailbreak Project (Radicals Unit) Exponential Decay (Exponential Growth/Decay Unit) Projectile Motion Lab (Quadratic Functions) Famous Mathematician Power-point Trinomial Multiplication Project
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Evaluation of the Pilot

Pretest/Posttest Control/Comparison research design used Changes in disposition measured by using five of the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scales (usefulness, anxiety, confidence, attitude
towards success, motivation)

Achievement measured using Mathematics 9 and Mathematics 10 Final Exams T-tests used to measure significance
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Pilot Results - Attitude

No significant differences (pre, post, difference)
Experimental: Enriched Math 10/11 Control: Principles 10

Although there were minor differences in attitude and change in attitude, it appears that the Enriched Mathematics 10/11 course had no impact, positively or negatively, on students attitudes towards mathematics.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Pilot Results - Achievement

Slight advantage to the students in the Enriched Mathematics 10/11 course, but not statistically significant.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Year 1
Enriched Mathematics 9/10 course created, combining Math 9 and Applications of Math 10 Students in the Enriched Mathematics 9/10 course scored 20% above the provincial average on the Applications of Math 10 provincial exam.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Year 2 Activities
Developed and piloted additional activities for the Enriched Mathematics 10/11 course. Additional projects and laboratories included:
Ohms Law (Linear Equations) Kirchoffs Law (Linear Systems) Boolean Algebra and Cellular Automata (Logic and Reasoning) Parabolic Motion Lab (Quadratic Functions, Quadratic Regression, Graphing) Robotics Project (Problem solving, Linear Equations, Proportional Reasoning)
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Examples of Labs
Terminal Velocity Lab
Linear Regression Analysis
Collect and analyse data that describes the time it takes for a piece of paper to drop from a constant height.

Parabolic Motion Lab

Quadratic Regression Analysis
Collect and analyse data that describes the motion of a toy car as it moves up and down a ramp.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Year 2 Data Collection

in class observations (videotaped) student products from the enriched activities scores on achievement tests questionnaires student interviews
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

24 students in course (7 Female, 17 Male) About two-thirds had taken Enriched Math 9/10 course. Small town, single high school - not an honours/gifted class, but students selfselected.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

6 open-ended questions Asked about reasons for taking course, experiences in the course, and future plans Looked for themes in responses to uncover attitudes towards mathematics and impact of course

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Why did you take the Enriched Math 10/11 course?

Enjoy math Liked math whole year 3 course credits in 2 course blocks Teacher reputation Advanced placement A challenge Useful for future Applications included Friend recommended
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

7 6 5 5 4 3 2 2 1

Sample Quotes
The teacher is amazing. Last year I had him, and I thought he was an amazing math teacher. Also, I wanted math to go all year for me, as it is my favourite subject. The extra credits and advanced learning. That we get more out of it than usual math class, its more focused and relaxed, instead of teachers pushing through the curriculum. Principles 9 was easier and I wanted a challenge. I got one.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Students Future Math Plans

Principles of Math 11 Principles of Math 12 Applications of Math 12 Calculus Enriched Math 12 Physics 11 Accounting Physics 12 Post Secondary Unsure None 2007-08 3 16 2 1 2 1 2008-09 3 1 10 2009-10

1 1 1 4 5 4

1 6 4 1

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Student recommendations to younger students

All 24 students recommended the course Many reasons echoed their own decision to take the course

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample Quotes
Because you get Math 11 over with and you get more out of it with the labs, etc. More credits and you get to do math all year. It is beneficial to have math all year. You will have it drilled into your head. Also enriched is more interesting than regular math (labs). It makes math a lot clearer and simpler to follow, and also gives you a challenge.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Advice to future students taking this course

21 students had at least one comment related to work ethic:
Do your homework Work hard Study/review Do not procrastinate

Other comments included:

Managing their learning (notes, ask questions, etc.) Enjoyment Attendance
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample Quotes
Make sure you take nice notes during class. You shouldnt have questions unanswered for the topic of that day. Dont take it if you dont like math, its for a long time. If you are going to miss a day, miss Friday! Try not to miss any.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Enrichment Activities
Most frequently cited:
Robotics Project (21) Terminal Velocity Lab (16) Pendulum Lab (9)

Common themes included:

Engagement Ease Usefulness
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample Quotes
I enjoyed the Robotics because it allowed us to get out of the classroom and play with the robots and the computers. We had to adjust the program as we encountered problems and the sheets we filled out using our data allowed us to learn how to apply linear equations, instead of learning from a textbook.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample Quotes (continued)

Robotics Project. It worked well because I learned that equipment is never the same. Terminal Velocity Lab. It was easy to visually see the time differences and how different things [a]ffected the falling paper.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample Quotes (continued)

Pendulum Lab. I thoroughly enjoyed this lab as we got to use our mathematical knowledge in a hands on way. Terminal Velocity. Was a very interesting lab. I learned you have a greater chance of living if you are free falling by making yourself bigger.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Student plans to continue in math, their reflections on the course and their advice to younger students all suggest that Enriched Mathematics 10/11 has a positive impact on the students. Enrichment activities appear to benefit all students - not just gifted.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Project #2: Using Science and Mathematics Outreach Activities to Foster Science and Mathematics Literacy
Tim Pelton, UVic Leslee Francis Pelton, UVic Karen Moore, UVic

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

A vision for encouraging effective and meaningful integration of new technologies in education Threshold and friction Plant a tree metaphor

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Resource to support learning Geotrekking.net Outreach workshops - PD Outreach workshops - pending

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Local schools were invited to participate in two different outreach activities in April - June (Robotics, Comics). Workshops conducted
Robotics: 13 Comics: 5

All 5 groups who participated in the comics workshops also did the robotics workshops
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Students used RoboLab software to program Lego Mindstorms robots to perform various challenges requiring proportional reasoning (e.g. Go exactly 1 m, Turn exactly 90)
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Students created short comics to explain a fraction concept.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Data Collection
Pre-assessments (fractions, proportional reasoning)

Pre- and post- assessments (fractions, proportional reasoning) Student products - story boards, final comic Open-ended student comments CRYSTAL National Conference

Analysis of pre- and post- assessments and student work is ongoing Trends so far indicate that more students offered explanations for their responses on the post-assessments than on the pre-assessments

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample Student Comics

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Student Comments
Students enjoyed both the Robotics and Comics workshops Students indicating a preference primarily chose the Comics workshop because they enjoyed the creative aspect and because the task was more open-ended.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample comments
I really liked both of the workshops because they are both different and exciting. But the one I like a little better was the cartoon one because there was less instruction and we could do what ever we wanted as a cartoon.

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample comments
Ive really enjoyed both of these workshops, but my favorite was the comics. The robotics one would have been more fun if you could try different things on your own. There was too much explaining. The comic one was fun because they were your own ideas.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Sample comments
I liked the workshops very much. I saw an interesting aspect of science and learned very much. I learned how to make robots do simple tasks and take pictures to make comics. Maybe I would like to continue cartooning and robotics in the future.
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Weather Concepts Inventory (WCI)

Tim Pelton tpelton@uvic.ca Todd Milford tmilford@uvic.ca Leslee Francis Pelton lfrancis@uvic.ca
CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Project #3: The Creation of a

What is the WCI?

A general-purpose instrument to support the assessment of mastery of weather related concepts in children, youth and adults Several WCI test forms - presented through an online service (Survey Monkey) - Phase 1 Teachers may request group IDs and will receive group reports showing overall achievement/mastery distributions and group specification-linked performance Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) - Phase 2

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Why are we building the WCI?

To support evaluation of educational interventions related to Weather To support teachers in BC schools and elsewhere - a free online assessment instrument To support individuals interested in evaluating their own weather related knowledge To explore the potential utility of a new development, calibration and validation process

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

How are we building the WCI?

Phase 1: (iterative refinement)

Test specification to cover weather related concepts (k-12), grade 4 focus Specification-linked item bank Expert review of items in item bank Pilot test forms available to individuals and teachers through SurveyMonkey Data analysis to support refinement

item analysis (CTT)


raw score teacher reports WCI info

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

How are we building the WCI?

Phase 2: (validation and conversion to CAT) An anonymous database

Overlapping vectors Partial vectors Repeated visits item analysis (CTT) - DIF calibration (IRT) - difficulty, discrimination item function relative difficulty construct association

Data analysis to support validation

Expert review of items wrt

Development and presentation of CAT Ongoing refinement of CAT

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007


CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

Contact Information
Leslee Francis Pelton (lfrancis@uvic.ca) Todd Milford (tmilford@uvic.ca) Karen Moore (kmm@uvic.ca) Timothy Pelton (tpelton@uvic.ca)

CRYSTAL National Conference 2007

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