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Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 4110–4118

27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering

27th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering
Systems (KES 2023)
Systems (KES 2023)
The range IT technologies used in the West Pomeranian
The range IT technologies used in the West Pomeranian
Joanna Dyczkowskaaa*, Marcin Olkiewiczaa, Norbert Chamier-Gliszczynskiaa, Tomasz
Joanna Dyczkowska *, Marcin Olkiewicz , Norbert
Królikowski b Chamier-Gliszczynski , Tomasz
Królikowski b
Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Koszalin 75-753, Poland,
b a
Universityof of
Technology, Faculty
Technology, of of
Faculty Mechanical
Economic Engineering, Koszalin
Sciences, Koszalin 75-453,
75-753, Poland
Koszalin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Koszalin 75-453, Poland

The article on the use of IT logistics systems by microenterprises. The purpose is to analyze and evaluate the functionality of
The article
logistics IT on the use
systems of by
used IT microenterprises
logistics systemsinbyMiddle
Pomerania. The purpose
methods isaretoaanalyze
systemsand evaluate
analysis and the functionality
a diagnostic of
logistics ITusing
conducted systems used bymethod.
the CAWI microenterprises
The resultin
is Middle Pomerania.
an analysis of the useThe
of methods are a in
such software systems analysis and
microenterprises asaERP
diagnostic survey
(54.55%) and
SAP using, or
(72.73%) theWMS
method. The
MESresult is an analysis
(34.36%) and TMS of(45.45%)
the use ofmodules
such software
and theirin microenterprises as 2.63-3.78
low evaluation of ERP (54.55%) and
and high
SAP (72.73%)
evaluation , orfunctionality
of EDI WMS (43.55%), MES
(4.09), (34.36%)
as well as the and TMS
use of (45.45%) modules and their low evaluation of 2.63-3.78 and high
evaluation of EDI functionality (4.09), as well as the use of 87.69%.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2023 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
© 2023is an open
The accessPublished
Authors. article under the CC BY-NC-ND
byofELSEVIER license (
Peer-review under responsibility the scientific of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge Based and
This is an under
open responsibility
access article of
under the scientific
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems committee
license International
Keywords: IT,under responsibility
mikroenterprises, WMS,of EDI,
the scientific
SAP; committee of KES International
Keywords: IT, mikroenterprises, WMS, EDI, SAP;

1. Introduce
1. Introduce
Logistics as a process of organizing the efficient flow of goods is subject to continuous optimization. In an era of
competition asthe
a process
flow of goods by
supremacy is subject to continuous
increasing the qualityoptimization. In anon
of their services erathe
competition side
distribution in the market,
while companies
reducing are Among
their cost. fightingthe
supremacy by increasing
approaches related tothe
search of
fortheir services
solutions on the
to support
corporate side while reducing
decision-making their cost. Among
[1], information systemsthe many
play approaches
a large related
role. This to the search
is primarily relatedfortosolutions
the need to support
process decision-making
and make available [1], information systems
to decision-makers play
reliable a large role.Providing
information. This is primarily related
customized, to the need
high-quality to collect,
products at a
process andprice
reasonable makeisavailable to manufacturing
crucial for decision-makerscompanies
reliable information. Providing customized,
to remain competitive high-qualityThe
in today's environment. products at a
two core
reasonable price is crucial for manufacturing companies to remain competitive in today's environment. The two core

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:author.
* Corresponding
E-mail address:
1877-0509 © 2023 The Authors. Published by ELSEVIER B.V.
This is an open
1877-0509 access
© 2023 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published by ELSEVIER license
Peer-review under
This is an open responsibility
access of the scientific
article under CC BY-NC-NDcommittee of KES
license International
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of KES International
1877-0509 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 27th International Conference on Knowledge Based and
Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
Joanna Dyczkowska et al. / Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 4110–4118 4111
Joanna Dyczkowska et al. / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2023) 000–000

capabilities that are required to meet customer needs are production flexibility and logistical efficiency [2, 3].
Manufacturers and trading companies that do not strategically build and leverage these capabilities may lose the
market they serve. This is especially true for small and micro enterprises that are in local and peripheral markets.
Information technology can have significant effects on logistics operations [4], facilitating collaboration among supply
chain partners, as well as allowing the automation of many routine logistics activities [5], thus enabling logistics
professionals to focus on more strategic [6] issues in logistics management [7-9]. Logistics departments of
manufacturing companies [10], trading companies and companies providing logistics services [11], which, depending
on the business profile, include units dealing with warehousing, transportation, planning and purchasing, have to deal
with a very large flow of information and data. Information about the products for which production plans are created,
as well as well as on raw materials and materials [12] for them and orders, must be processed and handled by the
companies' information systems. The delivery of cargo to the company [13-15], its delivery to production lines, and
later the storage and distribution of goods are business processes that are fundamental to the proper operation of the
company [16-18]. From a strategic point of view, it is essential for a company to implement integrated logistics
systems that optimize internal and external communication through a wide range of electronic tools [19-21]. The task
of these tools is to optimize the exchange of data between company departments, as well as between the company and
its contractors. [23-25]. Due to China's fast-growing economy and e-commerce market, IT systems [26, 27] in logistics
are particularly applicable there [28-32]. The construction of an integrated logistics information system for different
conditions of its operation is a multi-faceted, multi-stage and iterative process. This is primarily due to the complexity
of the organizational and competence-task structures of the logistics system, as well as to the changing conditions and
state of specificity of individual execution processes. Proprietary solutions that meet the requirements of
standardization but are adapted to the realities of the operation of a given logistics system are an important factor in
strengthening the potential of a given organization [33-37]. The management activities that need to be coordinated
within a supply chain vary significantly from firm to firm, depending obviously on particular organizational structure,
management's honest differences of opinion about what constitutes logistics, and the importance of individual
activities to the logistics operations.

CPFR collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment

CR continuous replenishment
CRM customer relationship management
ECR efficient consumer response
EDI electronic data interchange
ERP enterprise resource planning
ICT information and communication technologies
IT information technology
LM lean manufacturing
MES manufacturing execution system
QR quick response
SAP systems applications and products in data processing
SCM supply chain management
TMS transportation management system
WMS warehouse management system
VMI vendor-managed inventory

Practitioners, in their attempts to realize the stated benefits of supply chain management, have launched a number
of initiatives including:

• ECR (Efficient Consumer Response).

• VMI (Vendor-Managed Inventory).
• CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment).
4112 Joanna Dyczkowska et al. / Procedia Computer Science 225 (2023) 4110–4118
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Not all of the mentioned supply chain management initiatives gain benefits to organizations. In fact, many
organizations still carry large inventory of goods trapped in the supply chain due to intense competition. Quick
Response (QR) is a cooperative effort between retailers and suppliers to improve inventory velocity while providing
merchandise supply closely matched to consumer buying patterns. The distinguishing factor between CR and VMI is
who takes responsibility for setting target inventory levels and making restocking decisions.
For large enterprises and networks, there has been an increase in the use of ERP beyond enterprise boundaries to
have cross-organizational collaboration to support emerging business requirements. This is true for business
requirements like retail supply or within SCM [38]. In addition, the system (MES) brings a new perspective on the
role of IT in LM [39]. The scope of MES is also growing to include the delivery, design and business functions of the
manufacturing enterprise. In order to realize the potential of the next-generation MES tool (which is real-time
compliant) in the manufacturing ecosystem, it is essential to understand its relevance to Industry 4.0. Despite
microenterprise research, MES has been included in systems [40]. Computerization of transportation logistics
including TMS-type systems was inevitable and necessary for the development of this field [41, 42]. It has
significantly influenced the quality of transportation service, thereby contributing to the positive perception of
transportation companies. Maintaining a high level of satisfaction among employees is as important as the satisfaction
of market participants. The increasing complexity of logistics and the supply chain are forcing companies and logistics
service providers to implement and Warehouse Management System (WMS) to effectively meet the requirements on
the supplier and customer side, as well as control the warehouse. However, only a skillful implementation of a WMS
can help meet these requirements and provide the expected competitive advantage in the market. A WMS is primarily
designed to control the movement and storage of materials in a warehouse and process related transactions, including
shipping, receiving, putting away and picking. A WMS is a database-driven computer application used to improve
warehouse efficiency by directing outgoings and maintaining accurate inventory levels by recording warehouse
transactions [43-45]. The selection or implementation of IT in logistics operations is becoming necessary, and in some
cases mandatory, due to the opportunities or business needs that the market offers. A good example is the need to
integrate computer systems between organizations. One clear manifestation of this trend is the use of ECR, SCM,
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Logistics (CPFL), Business-to-business Commerce (B2B). In order to remain
competitive, companies are adhering to technological developments, without which they would tend to disappear [46,
47]. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is fundamental because it allows computers from different organizations to
automatically exchange information in an automated manner, a function that is essential to the integration of any
automated systems [48]. Electronic data interchange (EDI) plays an important role in improving organizational
communication within the industry's supply chain [49, 50]. When the dynamism of the market causes constant changes
in customer expectations, a customer-centric business strategy approach to business strategy is required, where the
value chain begins and ends with the customer [51, 52]. This approach to business can be achieved using technological
tools for business [53, 54], such as ERP enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management (CRM).
Among technological solutions for business management, CRM is essential for creating effective channels and
methods for managing customer information. Its main goal is to improve customer relationship management in order
to achieve better commercial results for companies, including the SME sector.[55] In customer relationship
management, electronic customer relations (e-CRM) has helped companies increase outreach during the COVID-19
pandemic, but especially globally in international transactions, as well as in collecting potential customer data [56,
In 2021, the number of micro-enterprises in Poland reached 2,355.6 thousand, increasing by 94.1 thousand units,
or 4.2%, compared to the previous year. On average, the population of enterprises with up to 9 employees increased
by 3.3% per year, with a decreasing growth in their number between 2016 and 2020 - 3.5% in 2017 and 2018, 3.2%
in 2019 and 2.1% in 2020 [58]. The Middle Pomerania region is the area of the former Koszalin (Koszalin sub-region)
and Slupsk (Slupsk sub-region) provinces, and includes 15 counties with 87 municipalities, including 12 urban
municipalities, 22 urban-rural municipalities, 51 urban municipalities and two municipalities with the status of a city,
which are cities with county rights [59]. The structure of Middle Pomerania's business entities by data size for 2018:
large 0.1% (81 companies), medium 0.6% (702 companies), small 2.8% (3196 companies) and micro 96.5% (109201
companies) [60].
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2. Methodology

Adopting changes in supply chain information systems can be particularly challenging in the context of
microenterprise operations. Many of the problems they face are related to the structural constraints that characterize
such companies, namely resource and knowledge shortages that make recognizing the benefits of market changes
complex, as does the integration of technology into logistics processes. This complexity can be particularly
exacerbated because the performance of microenterprises' IT and communications infrastructures often lags behind
other companies, as does the quality and complexity of their people management and operations management
practices. The research was conducted in enterprises located in Middle Pomerania. The sampling was random,
targeting microenterprises on a representative group of N=111 enterprises for the area. The aim of the survey was to
identify the phenomenon of supply chain interruption of the Central Pomeranian region in microenterprises. The
survey was distributed in the form of a link and conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) me-
method, in which the respondent is asked to complete the survey electronically. The structure of the surveyed
companies by legal form of business is: 54.5 percent are sole proprietorships, 27.3 percent civil partnerships and 18.2
percent limited liability companies. In terms of the type of business conducted, 54.5 percent are service companies
and 45.5 percent are trading companies. The main activities carried out by respondents are:

• 27.3 percent courier and freight forwarding,

• 18.2 percent automotive industry,
• 17.8 percent construction,
• 11.1 percent metallurgical,
• 9.1 percent food and beverage,
• 8.9 percent tourism and accommodation,
• 7.6 percent other.

The largest number of companies have been on the market 45.4% in the range of 3-8 years, 27.3% up to 3 years,
18.2% over 15 years and 9.1% from 9 to 15 years. In the case of micro-enterprises, as many as 72.72 percent do not
have a quality management system, 18.1 pro-cent are working with ISO 9001 and 9.18 percent with ISO 22301.

3. Results

The analysis covered applied IT technologies in Middle Pomerania's micro enterprises. The following systems and
their support were considered in the study. The survey used a Likert scale (5- best system, 1- least functional).
The system on warehouse management (WMS) is used by 43.55 percent of enterprises, mainly those in the tourism
industry, shipping industry and the automotive industry - mechanical workshops. The average rating for this system
is 2.87. The TMS was used by 45.45 percent of respondents in the courier and freight forwarding industry and in the
construction industry. The rating for this system was 2.63. The next MES system was used by 34.36 percent of
respondents, mainly in the metal and food industries. The rating for this system was 3.78. WMS, TMS and MES
systems were as supporting modules. Figure 1 shows the evaluation of these systems.
MES and its functionality was rated highest, WMS and TMS below average.
Due to their cooperation with large and large enterprises, as well as network deliveries, as many as 87.69 percent
use EDI for cooperation. The evaluation of this technology is shown in Figure 2. EDI makes it easier to integrate and
coordinate the activities of both sides of the supply chain participants, thereby expanding the advantage over other
companies in other parts of the country.
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Fig. 1. Average of WMS, TMS, and MES evaluations.

Fig. 2. Average ratings of EDI use by industry.

It was rated highest by the automotive industry and lowest by a company in the shipping industry. The arithmetic
mean of the ratings was 4.27, and the weighted average was 4.09.
The primary systems used in microenterprises are ERP, a version of SAP and access through collaboration to SCM.
An ERP system is used by 54.55 percent, 72.73 percent by SAP, and 65.91 percent work with SCM. The evaluation
of these systems is shown in Figure 3 by industry.
The arithmetic mean for ERP is 3.23, for SAP 4.09 and for SCM 3.52. On a weighted average, ERP as a system is
rated at 2.55, so very low, SAP at 3.87 and SCM 3.49. Only ERP is present in the metal and construction industry,
and SAP in the food industry. In the others, all these systems are present. ERP is rated highest in construction and
shipping, SAP in tourism and automotive. Both of these systems are only for users with the right training and skills.
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Fig. 3. Average ratings of ERP, SAP & SCM use by industry.

4. Conclusion and discussion

Microenterprises felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and some of these companies were forced to analyze
and update their IT systems. For microenterprises, it seemed that an analysis of IT systems would only show simple
solutions like WMS, or MES or TMS in the case of the transportation industry. Because of their cooperation with
large and mega enterprises in the supply chain, companies are using ERP, or SAP systems. Microenterprises make
extensive use of EDI (rated high in terms of functionality at 4.27) due to the large area of operation and cooperation,
as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. Analysis of the questionnaires made it possible to evaluate IT systems in
microenterprises. It seems that the WMS (average -2.87) and TMS (average – 2.63) modules, due to their low rating,
should be changed or employees should be trained. Problems experienced by microenterprises located in Middle
Pomerania contributed to the security of IT systems.
Microenterprises, despite their relatively low assessment of the functionality and software familiarity of logistics
IT systems, do not intend to make changes (Fig. 4).
Microenterprises, despite their relatively low assessment of the functionality and software familiarity of logistics
IT systems, do not intend to make changes (Fig. 4). Microenterprises only 28 percent want to change the IT systems
in place. This means that the market situation is forcing their use, but they should think about training employees in
their functions.

Fig. 4. Analyze future changes in software and IT systems.

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