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Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family

members when they become physically, mentally and financially unable to look after themselves. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the contemporary era,there being viral demands that young people should assume the responsibility
of supporting elderly individuals who are no longer physically, mentally, or financially capable of caring
for themselves. I totally agree with this outlook and firmly believe that legal obligations should be
imposed to ensure the well-being and support of older family members.

There are a host of reasons explaining why I advocate this statement.The foremost rationale for my view
is the practical advantages that younger family members possess. Younger individuals are often in better
physical and mental health, enabling them to provide the physical assistance and emotional support that
elderly relatives need. Additionally, younger family members are typically stable in finance sector.This
financial stability allows them to bear the financial burdens of healthcare, housing, and other essential
needs. On taking legal responsibilities,the burden of care will be distributed more fairly.

Another compelling reason for legal responsibility is that this law which forces the young to provide
support for older family members can contribute to the development of a harmonious society.By doing
so,national leaders tend to foster a society in which care and respect are encouraged and dignified .As a
result, citizens not only extend their attention to their family but also others in community.

In conclusion, I firmly support the notion that younger family members should be legally accountable
for providing assistance to their old relatives who are unable to take care of themselves.

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