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The given bar chart illustrates how males and females in an examined country share their household

duties. Additionally, the second chart gives information about the average time spent by both genders
on housework on a daily basis.

Overall, while women tend to join in culinary chores and cleaning, men, on the other hand, are likely to
do heavy tasks. In addition, women expend more time on a day than male counterparts in cooking and
cleaning, while the similarity in both sexes can be seen in the amount of time spent on pet care.

As can be seen that, the proportion of females doing household chores including cooking and tidyup
accounts for just over 80% and 60%, which is considerably higher than this figure for men at precisely
60% and 40%. In terms of heavy duties such as pet care and family repairs, the figures for males( at
about 21% and 19%) are gradually higher than those of female counterparts ( exactly 20% and 8%).

Looking at the next chart, it is obvious that women are more likely to expend most of their time on
cooking and cleaning, with the respective figures are roughly 83 minutes and nearly 70 minutes, which
overtake the figures for men in the same tasks at about 23 minutes and 25 minutes corespondingly. As
for pet care, the feature of men is the same with that of women at 20 minutes while the amount of time
spent on house repairs of males and females is nearly 20 minutes and 5 minutes.

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