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I. Conversation
A. Hey, what new did you learn in History today?
B. We talked about gender equality in our History class.
A. Gender equality? What's that?
B. Well, gender equality means to treat everyone fairly and equally without any discrimination and so it
deals with giving both genders the same opportunities and rights.
A. Oh! That sounds very important. What information did you learn about it in history class?
B. We learned about how in the past, people didn't always treat boys and girls the same way as girls often
did not get the same chances as boys, and that was not fair at all, was it?
A. No! That doesn't sound good. Did they teach you about how things got better?
B. Yes, they did! We talked about how many people worked really hard to change things. They fought for
girls to be able to go to school, get jobs, and do all the things that boys could do.
A. That's great! So, do you think things are equal now?
B. Well, they're better than before, but there's still work to do. People are still working to make sure that
everyone, no matter their gender, is treated equally and gets the same chances.
A. That's good to know. I hope things keep getting better.
B. Me too! It's important for everyone to have the same opportunities and be treated with fairness and
respect, no matter if they're a boy or a girl.

II. Interview
1. What do you understand by gender issues?
2. What are the responsibilities of a father/mother in a family?
3. What habits are deemed appropriate for men but inappropriate for women?
4. Do you think that women should be able to do the same sorts of jobs that men do?
5. What jobs do men/women do and women/men not do in your country?
6. Should more women be encouraged to work in male-dominated fields such as science and technology?
7. Are more doctors/ technology engineers female or male in your country?
8. Is it possible for women to join the army in your country?
9. Do men and women in your country access the same educational opportunities/the same incomes?
10. Do you think it is wrong to discriminate against students because of their gender?

III. Listening
Write ONE WORD for each answer

Name: Andrea Brown

Address: 24 (1) ……………….Road

Postcode: BH5 2OP
Phone: (mobile) 077 8664 3091
Heard about company from: (2) ……………….
Possible self-drive tours
Trip One:
. Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some (3) ……………….parks with her children
. Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a (4) ……………….
Trip Two:
. Customer wants to see the (5) ……………….on the way to Cambria
. At Santa Monica: not interested on shopping
. At San Diego: wants to spend time on the (6) ……………….

Write ONE WORD/ A NUMBER for each answer

Number of days Total distance Includes
(per person)
Trip One 12 days (7) ……………….km £525 .car
.one (8) ……………….
Trip Two 9 days 980km (9) £ ………………. .car
.(10) ……………….

IV. Grammar – Passive voice

Passive 1
*Lấy Tân ngữ làm chủ ngữ. Tân ngữ là sau động từ, lấy luôn OF
O + be + V3/ed….+ (by S) (place BY time)
(bỏ: I you we they he she it, someone, people)

be + V3/ed
- present simple: am/is/ are
- past simple: was/were
- present continuous: am/is/are being
- past continuous: was/were being
- present perfect: have/has been
- past perfect: had been
- modal: modal be
(modal: will, would, should, can, could, must, have to, used to, be going to)
*Nếu câu có 2 O, lấy Ong ra trước

Passive 2
A. Causative form (nhờ vả).

S + have + Ong + Vo + Ov  S + have + Ov + V3/ed

S + get + Ong + to Vo + Ov  S + get + Ov + V3/ed

B. Special
S + make + O + Vo O + be made + to Vo
S + let + O + Vo O + be allowed to Vo
S + see/ hear + O + Vo O + be seen/ heard + to Vo
S + see/ hear + O + Ving O + be seen/ heard + Ving

C. câu THAT S1 + V + that S2 + V (O)… (V: say, think, believe, report, expect….)
 It be V3/ed + that S2 + V…
 S2 be V3/ed + to Vo… -hành động hiện tại, tương lai
+ to have V3/ed… -hành động đã xảy ta (past simple + present perfect)
+ to be Ving… -hành động đang xảy ra
V. Drills
Choose the correct answer
1. I never see him without being...............of his grandfather
A. remember B. memory C. remained D. reminded
2. During the experiment, use calculators if necessary
A. were let B. were allowed C. were allowing D. let
3. I’m quite sure you will soon the new work environment
A. accustom B. accustoming C. accustomed D. to be accustomed
4. The United begin fund raising for the earthquake victim
A. are expect B. is expect C. are expected D. is expected
5. The instructions...............precisely
A. must follow B. must followed C. must to be followed D. must be followed
6. You had...............have your teeth checked at least once a year
A. should B. good C. better D. worse
7. ...............snow, the mountain looks fantastic
A. Covering B. To cover C. Covered with D. To have covered
8. Everybody...............with the results of the meeting
A. was satisfy B. satisfied C. was to satisfy D. was satisfied
9. Left alone, the baby...............into tears
A. cried B. burst C. poured D. sobbed
10. Why was the soccer game...............yesterday?
A. to cancel B. canceling C. cancel D. cancelled

11. Last week, award for his community service

A. gave B. was gave C. was given D. had been given
12. A second attempt was made to collect...............from the space probe
A. informations B. knowledges C. data D. fact
13. Once the files are ready, please have
A. send B. send to C. sent to D. sent into
14. The pictures, a professional photographer, are going to be on display
A. taken B. which taken C. were taken D. was taken
15. I can’ anymore. That website seems to have suddenly vanished
A. reaching B. log out C. access D. pass
16. Everything...............
A. are going to be forgotten B. is going to be forgotten
C. is going to be forgot D. were going to be forgotten
17. I...............
A. have not given the money B. have not been given the money
C. have not been give the money D. have not be given the money
18. Our horses ...............
A. are well feeded B. are well fed C. is well fed D. is well feeded
19. The battles ...............for liberation.
A. had be fought B. had been fighted C. had been fought D. has been fought
20. We can’t go along here because the road...............
A. is repairing B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs

21. Don’t touch the door, it ………….. just …………...

A. is / being painted B. has / been painted C. is / painted
D. will / be painted E. would / be painted
22. The fugitive …………..from prison to prison in Germany until he ………… prison in 1944.
A. transferred / killed B. was transferred / was killed C. is transferred / was killed
D. has been transferred / has been killed E. will be transferred / was killed
23. …………..about this film tomorrow.
A. It is an article B. He said C. I shall be asked
D. Bob liked to tell E. He couldn’t
24. We can’t get there in time. By the time we get there, the papers …………...
A. will be destroyed B. would be destroyed C. will have been destroyed
D. are destroyed E. have been destroyed
25. “I …………..the test yet today,” said Ann.
A. wasn’t given B. hadn’t been given C. am not given
D. haven’t been given E. have been given
26. Finally he decided to come back and live in the house of his parents which ………… his aunt.
A. kept B. was kept C. are kept
D. were kept E. keeps
27. The people next door disappeared 6 months ago. They …………..since then.
A. aren’t seen B. haven’t been seen C. weren’t seen
D. weren’t being seen E. aren’t being seen
28. The men …………..after the explosion.
A. are said to be arrested B. said to be arrested C. are said to being arrested
D. are said to have been arrested E. are said to arrest
29. A: “Did someone throw those letters away?” ---“Yes, but it was a mistake. They …………..away.”
A. mustn’t be thrown B. shouldn’t be thrown C. shouldn’t have been thrown
D. can’t be thrown E. need to be thrown
30. A.: Was there any trouble at the yesterday’s demonstration? ---B.: Yes, about twenty people …………...
A. had been arrested B. arrested C. were being arrested
D. were arrested E. are arrested
31. My sister …………..her laptop serviced last weekend.
A. did B. got C. made D. took
32. You should …………..a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.
A. have B. get C. make D. take
33. The dishwasher isn't working again, so my mother is thinking of having …………..
A. it repaired B. it repairing C. repaired it D. repairing it
34. We …………..while we were on holiday.
A. had our alarm system stolen B. had stolen our alarm system
C. got stolen our alarm system D. were stolen our alarm system
35. The A.I. expert wanted to have his assistant …………..the newly made robot.
A. activate B. activated C. activating D. to activate
36. I spoke to Victor last night and he said he …………..while he was on holiday.
A. got stolen his phone B. had his phone stolen C. had stolen his phone D. was got his phone stolen
37. Why don't you …………..when you install this new electric gadget?
A. get Aaron help B. have Aaron help C. have Aaron helped D. have got Aaron help
38. As soon as Dad ………….., we can leave.
A. got the car to start B. has got the car started C. got started the car D. was got starting the car
39. My teeth were little yellow, so I ………… the dentist.
A. had cleaned them B. had them cleaned C. have them cleaned D. was cleaned them
40. The car manufacturer …………..two automatic systems this morning.
A. has had a robotics company install B. had a robotic company installed
C. had a robotic company install D. got a robotic company installed

VI. Listening
A. You will hear a doctor talking about how people can lead a healthier life. For each question, put a
tick in the correct box.
1. To become healthier you should ……
A. dramatically change your life B. change some daily habits. C. eat hardly anything.
2. If you don't manage to exercise as much as you should ……
A. leave the gym. B. try not to be negative about it. C. be angry with yourself.
3. To improve your mood you should ……
A. drink more tea and coffee.
B. only eat vegetables.
C. increase the amount of vegetables you eat.
4. The survey ……
A. showed quite dramatic results. B. didn't have strong results. C. didn't give any useful information.
5. You should always ……
A. do important jobs first.
B. do everything as quickly as possible.
C. fry to finish what you start
6. The doctor says ……
A. you should never have a late night
B. lack of sleep causes brain disease.
C. it's okay to go to bed late sometimes.

B. You will hear a tour guide giving information about an old British house. For each question. fill in
the missing information in the numbered space.
- The house was built in the (7) ……………………..………..
- The Reynold family lived in the house until (8) ……………………..………..
- The servants had rooms in the (9) ……………………..………..
- The art collection is in the (10) ……………………..………..
- George Reynold was a (11) ……………………..………..
- George's son Michael died from (12) ……………………..………..
- Wife died while giving birth to their (13) ……………………..………..Emily.
- George's brother died in a (14) ……………………..………..riding accident.
- George died of a heart attack at the age of (15) ……………………..………..

VII. Rewrite the sentences

1.You should review the lessons before the test
2. Mum is going to prepare the food.
3. We will have to examine you again.
4. Nobody can beat Tiger Woods at golf.
5. They used to build a new school here 20 years ago

6. They don’t think that this camera costs that much.

→This camera...................................................................................................
7. No one expected that I would fail the final exam.
8. People believe that the robber has worked in the bank.
→The robber ....................................................................................................
9. It is reported that many passengers died in the crash.
→Many passengers ..........................................................................................
10. People say that four members have been dismissed from the class
→Four members ..............................................................................................

11. He let his dog eat his sandwich last night

→His dog..........................................................................................................
12. He made us complete the sales report by the lunchtime
13. Parents nowadays often let their children take what they want
14. We heard them break up last year due to the unfaithfulness
15. We heard him singing in the next room

VIII. Sentence building

1. Sally couldn’t sing or dance.
Besides/ be/ able/ sing, Sally/ can/ dance/ either.
2. We might not find it easy to book a seat at the last minute.
It/ can/ difficult/ us/ book/ a seat/ at/ minute.
3. You must show your student card as you enter the library.
You/ require/ show/ card/ as/ enter/ library.
4. I have an interview tomorrow, so I ought to leave soon.
I have an interview tomorrow, so/ better/ leave/ soon.
5. It was careless of you to leave without looking the door.
You/ ought/ / lock/ door.
6. It was wrong of you to borrow my jacket without asking.
You/ ought/ ask/ before/ borrow/ jacket.
7. It says here that we should reply to this invitation.
It says here that we/ suppose/ reply/ invitation.
8. I think taxes should be increased.
It/ time/ that/ taxes/ increase.
9. Sam knew that his sister had to leave by 5 o’clock.
Sam knew that it/ necessary/ sister/ leave/ o’clock.
10. I haven’t got my wallet. It must be at home.
I/ must/ leave/ wallet/ home.

IX. Listening
Choose TWO letters A-E. which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved?
A. the gym B. the tracks C. the indoor pool
D. the outdoor pool E. the sports training for children

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer


Personal assessment
.New members should describe any (13) ……………….
.The (14) ……………..…will be explained to you before you use the equipment
.You will be given a six-week (15) ……………….

Types of membership
.There is a compulsory £90 (16) ……………….fee for members
.Gold members are given (17) ……………….to all the LP clubs
.Premier members are given priority during (18) ……………….hours
.Premier members can bring some (19) ……………….every month
.Members should always take their (20) ……………….with them
X. Translation
1. Cơ hội giáo dục bình đẳng nên dành cho cả nam và nữ.
2. Thật sai lầm khi đối xử khác biệt với học sinh dựa trên giới tính của họ.
3. Nam giới và phụ nữ phải có cơ hội tiếp cận cơ hội nghề nghiệp như nhau.
4. Ngày nay, cả hai giới đều có cơ hội tiếp cận nhiều ngành nghề khác nhau.
5. Phụ nữ trong lịch sử đã bị hạn chế trong một số ngành nghề nhất định.

6. Some people believe that mothers shouldn’t work and should stay home to raise their children.
7. Others believe that both parents should be responsible for these duties.
8. Working women have the option of taking maternity leave both during and after pregnancy.
9. The price of childcare, cooking, and cleaning was equally divided.
10. Males should work outside the home, according to a common belief, while women should stay at home.

1. Nhiều học sinh thường gặp khó khăn khi tìm việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp
Dùng have difficulty V-ing

Dùng have problems V-ing


Dùng struggle to V

2. Có một vài lợi ích của các môn học nghệ thuật ở trường
Bắt đầu câu với THERE

3. Theo ý kiến của tôi, sẽ tốt hơn nếu trẻ em đi học tiểu học khi chúng được 5 tuổi.
Dùng It + (be) + adj + for smb + to V

4. Không dễ cho đa số các bạn trẻ khi tìm việc làm ở các thành phố lớn
Dùng It + (be) + adj + for smb + to V
Bắt đầu câu với V-ing

5. Nếu học sinh chăm chỉ, chúng sẽ có thể dễ dàng thành công hơn trong sự nghiệp
Dùng will be more likely to

6. Đối với sinh viên đã tốt nghiệp, không dễ để có một mức lương cao
Dùng FOR smb, it be adj to do smth
Dùng It has never been easy for smb to V

XI. Vocabulary 30-4

Exercise 1. Match the word with its definition
1. usual, typical, or expected institute
2. the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make investment
a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc. used to do this
3. constructive, optimistic, or confident / with no possibility of doubt item
4. to get something journal
5. something which is part of a list or group of things maintain
6. introduce or establish (a scheme, undertaking, or policy) / an organization normal
having a particular purpose
7. to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less obtain
8. to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something / see participate
9. a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or perceive
professional activity / a diary
10. to take part in or become involved in an activity positive

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with words in Exercise 1. May change their forms
1. The new director ……………………many changes after he took over the company. For example, he
introduced flexi-time and increased wages.
2. Despite being in opposing political parties, the two leaders have ……………………a good working
relationship over the years.
3. The teacher encouraged ……………………in his class by offering a reward every time a student
answered a question.
4. He sent his article to the ……………………of Alternative Medicine.
5. He does ……………………working hours, from 9am to 5pm. His wife's hours are more unusual because
she works shifts.
6. He was ……………………he would pass his exams. He was so sure because he had worked so hard.
7. It is difficult to ……………………cheap house insurance in this area because it floods regularly.
However, in a town nearby you can get it quite cheaply.
8. There's been a significant ……………………of time and energy in order to make the project a success.
9. People often ……………………the homeless in a very negative way. They hold these views because they
blame them for their own situation.
10. We are running out of time so we should move onto the last ……………………on the agenda.

Exercise 3. Match the word with its definition

1. more important than anything else; main potential
2. a set of similar things / the amount, number or type of something between previous
an upper and a lower limit
3. possible when the necessary conditions exist primary
4. connected with what is happening or being discussed purchase
5. a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority range
6. a useful or valuable possession or quality of a country, organization or person region
7. a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis regulation
8. existing or occurring before in time or order relevant
9. a particular area or part of the world, of the body, etc., or any of the large resident
official areas into which a country is divided
10. acquire (something) by paying for it; buy resources

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with words in Exercise 3. May change their forms
1. I …………………the painting for $10,000.
2. The school has a strict …………………that pupils must wear the school uniform at all times.
3. He buys a wide …………………of goods when he goes shopping.
4. You are going off topic. The point you are making is not really …………………to the current situation.
5. The …………………owner of the house built a shed in the garden. The new owner decided to remove it.
6. The …………………aim of schools is to make sure that students are well-educated. The next one is to
make sure they are well-behaved.
7. France has some of the largest wine-producing …………………in the world.
8. He has lived here longer than anyone else. In fact, he has been a …………………in the village for his
whole life.
9. If we keep extracting natural …………………from our earth, we will destroy the planet.
10. John will …………………do well at university because he is intelligent and hardworking.

Exercise 5. Match the word with its definition

1. fixed firmly so not likely to move or break / a place it is difficult to restrict
get out of or escape from
2. a detailed plan to achieve something secure
3. to limit someone or something seek
4. the written words in books or magazines etc. select
5. a place where something is, was, or will be built, or where something site
happened, is happening, or will happen
6. to try to find something / to ask for approval or permission strategy
7. a belief, principle or way of acting which people in a particular society or survey
group have continued to follow for a long time
8. to gather information by asking people questions text
9. to move someone or something from one place to another tradition
10. to choose carefully transfer

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with words in Exercise 5. May change their forms
1. When she goes to the market she always ………………..the fruit and vegetables that are fresh.
2. The company has a very good marketing ………………..for their new product so it should sell well.
3. The company are trying to find a suitable ……………… the town to build a supermarket.
4. The book is mainly ………………... There are very few pictures.
5. The students were told to conduct a ……………… find out why people visited the town at weekends.
6. She ………………..approval from her manager to have a holiday in June.
7. ………………..dances have started to disappear in many countries because young people are not
interested any more. They prefer modern styles of dance.
8. She made sure the child seat was fixed ………………..onto the back seat so her child would be safe.
9. He ………………..the money from his current account into his savings account.
10. The sale of alcohol was ……………… order to reduce the number of road accidents. People could
only buy it from 11am to 3pm.

XII. Listening

Name: Robert Goddard
Destination: Melbourne
Total number of visits: (1) …………………….
Best thing about the city: (2) …………………….
Favorite attraction: (3) …………………….
Best thing about the
destination’s dining options: (4) …………………….of food
Method of transport to destination: by (5) …………………….
Age group: (6) …………………….
Income level: (7) …………………….
Purpose of visit: . on business
. (8) …………………….
Occupation: . (9) …………………….
. writer for a travel magazine
Opinion of cost of accommodation: (10) …………………….

XIII. Practice
1. A. passed B. watched C. played D. washed
2. A. market B. depart C. card D. scare
3. A. problem B. love C. box D. hobby
4. A. establish B. butterfly C. orphanage D. national
5. A. violin B. serene C. express D. emotion
6. A. history B. horrible C. important D. hopefully

7. I wish I could join the tour to Korea. The tour is (afford) ……….……….……….to me. I need to save
more money for it.
8. Thanh bought two loaves of bread and took them home, but his mother (already, buy) ……….……………
9. More people (now, employ) ……….……….……….in service industries than in manufacturing
10. It's a (challenge) ……….……….……….job but I'm sure you'll prove equal to it.
11. Please (simple) ……….……….……….the instructions so that the children can understand them
12. When my mother came home from work, I (cook) ……….……….……….dinner.

13. I met a lot of interesting people while I was studying at Ho Chi Minh City.
14. The teacher is telling the pupils what to use the new equipment.

15. He’s really delighted with his new CD player. (S)

A. please B. angry C. entertained D. annoyed
16. Scotland met Wales in the final at Twickenham. (S)
A. at the end B. in the closing match C. in the last match D. in the decisive match

17. John was promoted last month for being such a committed worker. (A)
A. dishonest B. irresponsible C. unenthusiastic D. unreliable
18. With so many breakthroughs in robotic science and technology, much manual work will soon be taken
over by robots. (A)
A. intellectual work B. physical work C. monotonous work D. dull work

19. If I were a flower, I ………. a sunflower.

A. was B. were C. will be D. would be
20. Nobody went to the party, ……….?
A. does he B. do they C. didn’t they D. did they
21. Acid rain has caused severe ………. on the hillside.
A. erosion B. pollution C. destruction D. floods
22. Some tiny organisms are ………. along by the currents.
A. carried B. taken C. flowed D. beside
23. They have just bought some paint. They ………. their house this afternoon.
A. be going to paint B. will paint C. to painting D. are going to paint

24. The children felt ………. when their mother was coming back home.
A. excitement B. excitedly C. excited D. exciting
25. Our team was narrowly ………. in the final.
A. composed B. won C. competed D. defeated
26. 'Look outside. ………. sky is getting very dark.' `I hope there isn't going to be a storm.'
A. A B. The C. ø D. Some
27. 'I'm going out for a walk. Have you seen my shoes?' 'Yes, they're on………. floor in ………. kitchen.'
A. a/ the B. the/ the C. a / a D. the/ a
28. She thought the film far ………. to children.
A. violent enough to show B. so violent that not to show
C. too violent to show D. too violent not to show
29. If you ………. to my advice in the first place, you ………. in this mess right now.
A. listen/ won’t be B. listened/ wouldn’t have been
C. will listen/ wouldn’t be D. had listen/ wouldn’t be
30. The man………. because medical help was not summoned. A doctor ………. immediately.
A. was died/ should have been called B. died/ should have call
C. is died/ should been called D. died/ should be have been called
31. We are now facing the possible ………. of rare species.
A. danger B. variety C. existence D. disappearance
32. Both domestic and imported automobiles must ………. anti-pollution devices.
A. equip with B. be equipped with C. equip by D. be equipped
33. We haven’t had any ………. with him for several years.
A. communication B. expression C. excitement D. entertainment

34. "How much do you think it will cost?" he said to me.

→ He asked me ................................................................................................
35. Do you know the man who sat next to me at Nam’s birthday party last night?
→ You know ....................................................................................................
36. My mother used to make us clean the house.
→ We used ......................................................................................................
37. It’s two years since I last spoke to her.
→ I haven’t.......................................................................................................

38. They waited such a long time that baby Caroline started to cry.
A. They waited too long for baby Caroline not to cry.
B. They waited so long that baby Caroline started to cry.
C. They waited long enough for baby Caroline to start to cry.
D. They waited enough long for baby Caroline to start to cry.
39. "Go on, Mike! Apply for the job," the father said.
A. The father encouraged Mike to apply for the job. B. The father denied applying for the job.
C. The father invited Mike to apply for the job. D. The father forced Mike to apply for the job.
40. The secretary said, "Sorry, I will never work on Sunday.”
A. The secretary promised not to work on Sunday. B. The secretary refused not to work on Sunday.
C. The secretary refused to work on Sunday. D. The secretary reminded her boss to work on Sunday.
Sentence building
1. Besides being unable to sing, Sally can’t dance either.
2. It could be difficult for us to book a seat at the last minute.
3. You are required to show your student card as you enter the library.
4. I have an interview tomorrow, so I had better leave soon.
5. You ought to have locked the door.
6. You ought to have asked before you borrowed my jacket.
7. It says here that we are supposed to reply to this invitation.
8. It is time that taxes were increased.
9. Sam knew that it was necessary for his sister to leave by 5 o’clock.
10. I must have left my wallet at home.

1. Equal chances for education should be available to both men and women.
2. It is wrong to treat students differently based on their gender.
3. Men and women should have equal access to career opportunities.
4. Today, both sexes have access to a variety of professions.
5. Women have historically been restricted to certain occupations.

6. Một số người cho rằng các bà mẹ không nên đi làm và nên ở nhà nuôi con.
7. Những người khác tin rằng cả cha và mẹ đều phải chịu trách nhiệm về những nghĩa vụ này.
8. Phụ nữ đang đi làm có quyền lựa chọn nghỉ thai sản cả trong và sau khi mang thai.
9. Chi phí chăm sóc con cái, nấu nướng, dọn dẹp đều được chia đều.
10. Theo quan niệm chung, nam giới nên làm việc bên ngoài nhà, trong khi phụ nữ nên ở nhà.

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