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GEO100-1P Name: _____________________________

Section: _______


40 points

1. (10 pts) Explain the dangers to the house resulting from a) shale, b) sandstone, c)
limestone in this situation.

Fig. 8.2 from Blatt, H. (1998)

The house is awkwardly located on a steep elevation making it vulnerable

from various hazards. Also, there is a presence of sinkhole nearby making it much worse.
Shale is a sedimentary rock that is formed from mud/clay that is fragile and can be easily
divided thus making it prone to erosion since its layer is inclined. Sandstone absorbs more
water making it also prone to erosion. Limestones on the other hand are very susceptible
to dissolution by groundwater during the process of chemical weathering. Such dissolution
can result in sinkholes.

2. From Blatt, H. 1998. Laboratory Exercises in Environmental Geology

a. (5 pts) Describe the various ways in which water is involved in slope

Water slips into the soil or rock and replace the air in the pore space or
fractures. Since water is heavier than air, this increases the weight of the
soil. Weight is force, and force is stress divided by area, so the stress increases, and
this can lead to slope instability.

GEO100-1P Name: _____________________________
Section: _______
b. (5 pts) Discuss the various effects of rock characteristics and climate on
the occurrence of slope failures.

Relative position and shape of rock have significant effect on slope stability.
For the influence of distribution, large rocks at the foot of slope have the most
significant effect on slope stability while the effect is insignificant when the rocks are
on the slope surface. Whereas climate change impacts on slopes include an infiltration
increase causing loss of soil suction, a reduction in effective stress due to rising
groundwater levels.

3. (10 pts) Sketch an aerial view of a straight river from its head to its mouth. Where
in the diagram relative to the head of the river would smaller particles will be
found and where will larger particles be found? Explain why this happens.

GEO100-1P Name: _____________________________
Section: _______

As a stream flows faster, it can carry larger and larger particles. The larger the size
particle that can be carried by a stream, the greater the stream’s competence. If a stream
has a steep slope or gradient, it will have a faster velocity, which means it will be able
to carry larger materials in suspension.

4. From Blatt, H. 1998. Laboratory Exercises in Environmental Geology

a. (5 pts) Why is the volume of water in surface runoff always less than the
volume of precipitation?

The amount of rainfall that comes from the cloud is called the precipitation. But
from that precipitation not everything is going as surface runoff, that's why the sur-
face runoff is less than the volume of precipitation. From the precipitation some
rainfall got intercepted. For example, interception by plant leaves. So there some
amount of precipitation got reduced. Then some amount from them goes to re-
charge the groundwater. So there some amount of precipitation got reduced. The
rest of the precipitation goes like surface runoff.

Total precipitation= rainwater interception+ infiltration to recharge the ground-

water+ surface runoff

That's why the amount of surface runoff is always less than the amount of precipi-

b. (5 pts) How do both the presence and the type of rock or sediment at the
earth's surface affect the amount of runoff? Compare, for example, the
effects of granite versus gravel or sandstone versus shale.

The amount of runoff will vary base on what rocks or sediments are present at
the earth’s surface. The Porosity and Permeability of a particular rock will affect
the amount of runoff. Granite has the lowest porosity and permeability thus
providing less amount of runoff. Gravel is porous and permeable making it a good
aquifer material. Sandstone is also permeable and porous. Lasty, Shale has low
porosity and permeability making it a poor aquifer material.

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