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Accepted: 12 February 2017

DOI: 10.1111/maec.12432


Environmental factors influencing aggregation of manta rays

(Manta birostris) off the northeastern coast of the Yucatan

Ana Hacohen-Domené1 | Raúl O. Martínez-Rincón2 | Felipe Galván-Magaña1 |

Natalí Cárdenas-Palomo3 | Jorge Herrera-Silveira3

Instituto Polinécnico Nacional–Centro
Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas Abstract
(CICIMAR), La Paz, Mexico Manta rays inhabit tropical, subtropical and temperate waters. Aggregation sites of
CONACYT–Centro de Investigaciones
manta rays have been recognized worldwide, but the reasons for this behavior are still
Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR), La Paz,
Mexico poorly understood. This study describes environmental factors influencing aggrega-
Centro de Investigación y Estudios tion sites of the giant manta ray (Manta birostris) off the northeastern coast of the
Avanzados–IPN, Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico
Yucatan Peninsula. Observations of manta rays were obtained from scientific surveys
Correspondence conducted during 2006–2011. Environmental data were obtained from satellite im-
Raúl O. Martínez-Rincón, Centro de
agery. The maximum entropy (Maxent) method for habitat modeling was used to de-
Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste
(CIBNOR), La Paz, Mexico. termine the effects of environmental conditions on the species and predict suitable
habitat for manta rays in this region. Primary productivity and distance to the coast
Funding information were the most influential variables, suggesting that aggregation occurs in highly pro-
‘Programa de monitoreo del habitat del
ductive coastal waters. The distribution of manta rays predicted by the Maxent model
tiburón ballena’ (CINVESTAV/PRONATURA
Whale Shark Habitat Monitoring Program); showed that the most suitable habitat within the study area is located off the north-
Proyecto Fondo Mixto FOMIX-Yucatán;
eastern coast of the Yucatán Peninsula, more precisely, northeast of Isla Holbox and
Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del
PNUD; Nature Conservancy northwest of Isla Contoy. Seasonal patterns of distribution suggest that the most suit-
able conditions are present from July through September.

habitat suitability, maxent, primary productivity, satellite imagery

1 | INTRODUCTION a third Manta ray species, resident to the coastal waters of the Gulf of
Mexico. However, until formally accepted, and for the purpose of this
The genus Manta has two species: (i) Manta birostris, the most widely study, we list this manta ray as M. birostris.
distributed, inhabiting tropical, subtropical and temperate waters of Manta birostris aggregate in certain areas and remain resident or
the world; and (ii) Manta alfredi, a smaller species, inhabiting coastal, aggregate seasonally and make seasonal long-­
distance migrations
tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans (Marshall, Compagno, (Dewar et al., 2008; Graham et al., 2012; Girondot et al., 2015). This
& Bennett, 2009). Recent morphological and meristic evidence sup- species is common in areas with warm and highly productive waters.
ports the existence of a third species, currently called Manta sp. cf. Generally, they are passive filter feeders, feeding almost exclusively on
birostris (commonly called the Caribbean manta), which is found in the zooplankton, although they may also consume some fish and crusta-
Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and along the east coast of the USA ceans (Duffy & Abbott, 2003; Essumang, 2010; Graham et al., 2012).
(Marshall et al., 2009). Discussion of this potential third species has re- Manta ray populations, as well as other mobulid rays, are currently
cently increased as a result of a study conducted by Hinojosa-­Alvarez, declining (Dewar et al., 2008; Marshall, Dudgeon, & Bennett, 2011;
Walter, Diaz-­Jaimes, Galván-­Magaña, and Paig-­Tran (2016), in which Marshall, Bennett et al., 2011), largely due to the increasing demand
the authors presented genetic and morphometric evidence supporting for the brachial filter plates used in traditional Chinese medicines in

Marine Ecology. 2017;38:e12432. © 2017 Blackwell Verlag GmbH | 1 of 9
2 of 9 | HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al.

Asia (White, Giles, & Potter, 2006). This demand has led to fishermen by the effect of the upwelling system along the coast. Coastal up-
targeting mobulid rays and also retaining them when caught inciden- welling occurs throughout the year, but is more intense during spring
tally (White et al., 2006). and summer (Merino, 1997). Marine megafauna are typically abundant
Ecological data on manta rays, including distribution, habitat pref- in the upwelling area (Antochiw-­Alonzo, 2010; Cuevas, González,
erence and environmental factors affecting their distribution, are lim- Segovia, & Sosa, 2010; De la Parra-­Venegas et al., 2011; Graham
ited. Manta rays are listed as vulnerable in the International Union et al., 2012). The study site is within the marine protected area called
for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (Marshall, the Tiburón Ballena (Whale Shark) Biosphere Reserve (DOF 2009),
Bennett et al., 2011; Ward-­Paige, Davi, & Worm, 2013). The distribution adjacent to the Yum Balam Federal Protected Area and surrounding
of manta rays is assumed to coincide with areas of abundant prey and areas (Figure 1).
high primary productivity, making it relatively easy to locate and exploit
populations (Ward-­Paige et al., 2013; Jaine et al., 2014). Preliminary
2.2 | Manta ray data
photo-­identification of M. birostris along the northeast coast of the
Yucatan Peninsula (Martínez-­Urrea, 2012), and analysis of satellite data Manta ray (M. birostris) sightings were recorded during scientific
suggest strong site fidelity to this area (Graham et al., 2012). surveys conducted by the Proyecto Manta Caribe (MEX-­US CN-­
Observations of manta rays have become an objective of recre- 09-­360) in the study area from February 2006 through December
ational divers and ecotourists (O’Malley, Lee-­Brooks, & Medd, 2013). 2011. A second set of opportunistic manta ray sightings was
The northeastern part of the Yucatan Peninsula plays an important ­recorded during scientific surveys for whale sharks conducted by
role in the tourism industry. Services are provided to observe and the CINVESTAV/PRONATURA Whale Shark Habitat Monitoring
swim with whale sharks and manta rays, as both aggregate in large Program from April 2006 through September 2011. The data
numbers in the area (Graham et al., 2012). Most research in the area ­include date and location of sighting, recorded on boats using a
focuses on whale sharks (Cárdenas-­Palomo, Herrera-­Silveira, & Reyes, Global Positioning System receiver, of manta rays. A total of 528
2010; De la Parra-­Venegas et al., 2011; Hueter, Tyminski, & de la manta rays was observed in 146 sightings (Figure 1, Table 1).
Parra, 2013; Cárdenas-­Palomo, Herrera-­Silveira, Velázquez-­Abunader, Maxent models do not require data transformation (e.g. standardi-
Reyes, & Ordonez, 2015; Hacohen-­Domené et al., 2015), as this area zation); therefore, both data sets of manta ray sightings were used
is one of the largest whale shark aggregation sites in the world (De la without further data ­manipulation. Furthermore, although the ana-
Parra-­Venegas et al., 2011; Hueter et al., 2013). lysed manta ­occurrence ­records come from two different data sets,
Species distribution models are powerful tools for predicting hab- both were ­collected using a standardized method to locate mantas
itat suitability, using presence-­only data (sighting records) and relating and whale sharks in the study area.
environmental variables to occurrence at aggregation sites (Phillips,
Anderson, & Schapire, 2006; Elith & Leathwick, 2009). We used max-
imum entropy (Maxent) models (Phillips et al., 2006) because this

* Manta birostris
approach is appropriate when systematic biological survey data are
lacking and/or limited in coverage. The model does not require ab-
sence data for the species being modeled; instead, it uses background

environmental data for the entire study area.

Providing new evidence of M. birostris distribution and habitat
preferences, and identifying the areas of greatest ecological impor- Whale Shark Biosphere Reserve

tance within the range of the species are essential to ensure successful **
* *
management of the manta ray in this area. Thus, the primary goal of *** Afuera zone
***************** ***
************************** ** *
this study was to describe the suitability of habitats for manta ray in * * * * * ******

this region through maximum entropy modeling. We also analysed the Holbox
Holbox *** * Isla
Isla Contoy
spatial and seasonal distributions of manta rays and their variability Cabo
Cabo Catoche
Catoche * *

in response to different environmental characteristics during scien-

Isla Mujeres

tific boat surveys conducted from 2006 to 2011. These results may

be used as complementary information to improve management deci- 600

sions for the species in the study area.




8°W 86.5° 6°W

2.1 | Study area F I G U R E 1 Study area. Stars represent sightings of manta rays
from 2006 to 2011, dashed lines are isobaths (in meters) and the
The study area is located off the northern and northeastern coasts of polygon is the boundary of the Tiburón Ballena (Whale Shark)
the Yucatan Peninsula, an area of high primary productivity generated Biosphere Reserve
HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al. | 3 of 9

T A B L E 1 Number of observed manta

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total
rays (Manta birostris; shown on left) and
number of sightings (shown on right) off May [1, 1] [18, 10] [9, 8] [2, 1] [0, 0] [6, 2] [36, 22]
the northeastern coast of the Yucatan June [0, 0] [29, 13] [24, 9] [12, 4] [0, 0] [0, 0] [65, 26]
July [83, 17] [50, 17] [11, 5] [7, 3] [9, 2] [0, 0] [160, 43]
August [49, 6] [74, 15] [13, 11] [1, 1] [38, 7] [0, 0] [175, 40]
September [3, 2] [71, 8] [16, 4] [2, 1] [0, 0] [0, 0] [92, 15]
Total [136, 26] [242, 63] [73, 37] [24, 10] [47, 9] [6, 2] [528, 146]

incomplete information regarding the target distribution (Phillips

2.3 | Environmental factors
et al., 2006).
We used sea surface temperature, concentration of chlorophyll-­a, pri- We used Maxent to describe habitat suitability for the manta ray
mary productivity, depth and two bathymetry-­derived variables (dis- along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula and determine its preferred
tance to the coast and slope). All environmental data were obtained environmental conditions in this area. Maxent is part of the “dismo”
from the Environmental Research Division’s Data Access Program package in the R 3.2.0 software. For modeling, we used the six envi-
data server of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ronmental factors listed above as predictor variables, and geographic
(Table 2). Distance to the coast and slope were computed using dis- location of manta rays as single occurrence records (i.e. ignoring the
tance and terrain functions of the “raster” package (Hijmans, 2015) of number of animals sighted) as the response variable. Environmental
the software R 3.2.0 (R Core Team, 2015). As the spatial resolution data were aggregated into 4 × 4 km grids cells, which is the most de-
varies for the different environmental factors, they were all projected tailed spatial resolution in the data sets.
to 0.041° grid cells, using the projectRaster function in R. Performance of the model was evaluated using the area under
curve (AUC). The AUC represent the probability that a random positive
instance and a random negative instance are correctly classified. In
2.4 | Species distribution model
presence-­only modeling, the technique is applied to distinguish pres-
Species distribution modeling has been successfully used to model ence from random occurrence, rather than presence from absence
distributions of terrestrial and marine species. The specific sta- (Phillips et al., 2006). The AUC is an indicator of whether the model
tistical model selected to predict habitat preference of a species predicts species distribution better than random conditions, and can
depends on the type of data available (e.g. presence/absence vs. be used to prove statistical significance. An AUC >0.5 indicates the
presence-­only). For example, if data consist of presence/absence model performed better than random, 0.5 indicates “random” and <0.5
or abundance records, logistic regression models, like generalized means that the model performed worse than random (Phillips et al.,
linear models or generalized additive models, can be used (Wood, 2006).
2006; Zuur, Ieno, Walker, Saveliev, & Smith, 2009). However, if To determine which factors contribute most to the best-­fitted
data consist of presence-­only data and no standardization method model, we used the factor contribution percentages from Maxent
can be applied to the data to get an index to measure abundance modeling. These percentages are calculated as the increase in regu-
of the species, a Maxent model is the most suitable (Elith et al., larized gain added to the contribution of the corresponding factor for
2011), as this methodology uses presence records and environ- each iteration of the training algorithm. The increase in regularized
mental background data. A Maxent model estimates a target gain is added to the contribution of the corresponding factor or sub-
probability distribution and identifies the probable distribution of tracted from it if the change to the absolute value of lambda is nega-
maximum entropy, subject to a set of limitations that represent the tive (Hijmans, Phillips, Leathwick, & Elith, 2015).

TABLE 2 Environmental variables used as background data in the maximum entropy model

Spatial and temporal

Environmental variable Data source resolution Units

Sea surface temperature Environmental Research Division’s Data Access Program (ERDDAP) .041°monthly °C
Chlorophyll-­a concentration ERDDAP .041°monthly mg/m3
Primary productivity ERDDAP .083°monthly mg C·m−2·day−1
Depth ERDDAP .008°static m
Distance to the coast Derived from bathymetry .008°static km
Slope Derived from bathymetry .008°static Degrees
4 of 9 | HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al.

T A B L E 3 Variable contributions, as
May June July August September General
percentages, and area under curve (AUC)
AUC 0.94 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.97 of the maximum entropy models for the
Depth 4.15 4.09 11.90 0.33 5.61 5.73 manta ray (Manta birostris)

Distance 41.60 31.90 18.50 8.05 53.80 25.00

Primary productivity 51.60 63.60 54.40 83.10 15.90 59.60
SST 1.03 0.46 6.34 4.57 23.10 6.13
Slope 1.56 0.00 8.89 4.00 1.62 3.52

Variables contributing the most to each model are highlighted in bold. Details of the environmental
variables are described in Table 2.
SST, sea surface temperature.

We also examined seasonal variability in manta ray distribution by et al., 2009; Dormann et al., 2013). The general Maxent model per-
constructing five Maxent models, one for each month (May through formed better than random and produced an AUC score of 0.97. In this
September). Each model was constructed using the monthly average model, the most influential factor was primary productivity (59.6%),
of the environmental factors obtained from satellite images from 2003 followed by distance from the coast (25.0%; Table 3). Similar results
through 2015. were obtained with the monthly Maxent models: the most influential
We used the best-­fit model, referred to herein as the general factor in the distribution of manta rays was the primary productivity
model (Table 3), to predict spatial distribution of the probability of oc- from May to August, whereas in September the most influential vari-
currence of manta rays off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula; these able was distance to the coast followed by sea surface temperature.
predictions can be interpreted as an index of habitat suitability and The effects of the environmental factors on the presence of manta
have values from 0 to 100. Additionally, we used environmental data rays were tested using partial dependence plots. These plots suggest
of the 5 months and the 5 monthly Maxent models to describe sea- that the probability of the presence of a manta ray in the study area is
sonal variability in the distribution of the manta ray. higher when the sea surface temperature is >27°C, at higher primary
productivity (4,500 mg C·m−2·day−1), in shallow waters (<10 m), close
to shore (<50 km) and a bottom slope <0.5° (Figure 3).
3 | RESULTS The resulting prediction map of the general model (Figure 4,
bottom-­right panel) shows that the suitable habitat for manta rays
From May 2006 through September 2011, 146 sightings of manta is within the Tiburón Ballena Biosphere Reserve area, north of Cabo
rays were recorded. Most of them were observed swimming alone Catoche and northwest of Isla Contoy.
or in pairs; however, some sightings consisted of groups of 10 or The monthly maps of predicted habitat suitability (Figure 4) show
more swimming together. Most manta rays were observed in July that there is a seasonal pattern of distribution. The May and June mod-
and August (Table 2). Most were observed within the Tiburón Ballena els predicted the lowest probabilities of occurrence, whereas the July
Biosphere Reserve, north of Cabo Catoche (at the eastern tip of Isla through September models predicted higher probabilities. From these
Holbox) and northwest of Isla Contoy (Figure 1). Manta rays were maps, it seems that the core area of the species is located northwest of
observed within 50 km of the shore in water <100 m and a bottom Isla Contoy, and this core expands in size to the west from July through
with a low slope gradient (<0.5°). This area is in the transition zone September. The Maxent model constructed with data from May seems
between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. to have poor predictive performance; therefore, this specific model’s
Average sea surface temperatures in this area range from 24.8°C predictions must be taken with caution.
during January–February to 29.1°C during August–September
(Figure 2). The concentration of chlorophyll-­a (Chla) peaks during July
(mean Chla = 1.7 mg C/m3) and is lowest in November–December 4 | DISCUSSION
(mean Chla = 0.9 mg C/m3). These concentrations agree with maxi-
mum (July mean = 2766.7 mg C·m−2·day−1) and minimum primary pro- Acoustic and satellite tracking programs have been successfully de-
ductivity (Figure 2). ployed to describe the distribution of manta rays in several parts of
The Pearson product-­moment correlation co-efficient showed that the world (Dewar et al., 2008; Deakos, 2012; Graham et al., 2012;
Chla and primary productivity are highly correlated (r = .89, p < .05). Jaine et al., 2014), providing valuable information about their biology
Therefore Chla was removed from the Maxent models to avoid collin- and ecology. However, these survey programs require sophisticated
earity (Zuur et al., 2009), as Chla has more overdispersed values than and expensive equipment and are limited to a few individuals that can
primary production. Correlation values obtained from the comparison be tracked during a survey.
of other predictor variables had values <.6; therefore, we considered In this work, we used statistical methods coupled with opportunis-
that the collinearity among these variables was not significant (Zuur tic manta ray sightings to describe the species’ distribution and habitat
HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al. | 5 of 9

F I G U R E 2 Monthly changes in sea

surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll-­a
(CHLa) and primary productivity (PP) off
the northeastern coast of the Yucatan
Peninsula from 2006 through 2011.
Solid line = median, box = first and third
quantiles, whiskers = 1.5 times inter-­
quartile range

preferences. Using Maxent models, we attempt to describe the envi- rays likely feed on copepods, chaetognaths and fish eggs (Graham
ronmental factors that led to aggregation sites in the area off the coast et al., 2012).
of the Yucatan Peninsula from 2006 through 2011. Using Maxent models, we examined the effects of depth, dis-
During this study, manta rays were present from May through tance to coast, and bottom slope upon the presence of manta rays
September, reflecting their seasonal presence; however, tourist ser- because previous investigations (Dewar et al., 2008; Jaine et al., 2012)
vice providers and fishermen in the area state that manta rays are mentioned that the continental shelf is an important factor affecting
present during the rest of the year (tourist service providers in Isla upwelling. Our results show that aggregation sites occur in shallow
Holbox, personal communication). Seasonal movements of manta waters close to coasts with a low bottom slope. When the Yucatan
rays have been documented in Venezuela (Notarbartolo-­
Sciara Current is intense during the spring and summer, upwelling occurs on
& Hillyer, 1989), New Zealand (Duffy & Abbott, 2003), Komodo the Eastern Yucatan Shelf, leading to a two-­layered water column of
National Park in Indonesia (Dewar et al., 2008), Brazil (Luiz, Balboni, Caribbean Surface Water and upwelled water that did not mix in the
Kodja, Andrade, & Marum, 2009), the Maldives in the Indian Ocean summer (Merino, 1997). Cochrane (1968, 1969) proposed that up-
(Anderson, Adam, & Goes, 2011) and Eastern Australia (Couturier welling events in this area are caused by bottom friction of the Yucatan
et al., 2011). Other works suggest that seasonal spatial variations in Current against the slope on the eastern margin of the Yucatan Shelf,
manta ray distribution are associated with changes in water tempera- forcing upward cold and nutrient rich Caribbean waters by the rapid
ture or primary production (Dewar et al., 2008; Luiz et al., 2009; Jaine change in depth (Figure S1). This creates optimal conditions for the en-
et al., 2014). We observed that the distribution of manta rays varies hancement of primary productivity and development of zooplankton
from May through September within the study area (Figure 4). Our biomass (Cárdenas-­Palomo et al., 2010), the primary food of manta
data suggest that the variability in manta rays is driven by the seasonal rays.
upwelling present in the area, which increases the plankton concen- Our results show that primary production and distance to the coast
trations significantly, the primary prey of the species. Although we did were the most influential variables in the Maxent model (Table 3). This
not analyse feeding habits of manta rays in this study, previous stud- reveals that manta rays are mostly in shallow, coastal waters where
ies conducted in the Yucatan Peninsula have suggested that manta upwelling is present, which relates to primary productivity. Most of
6 of 9 | HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al.

F I G U R E 3 Effect plots of the predictor variables on the presence of the manta ray Manta birostris, explained by maximum entropy modeling.
y-­axis represents the probability of presence. SST, sea surface temperature; PP, primary productivity; D_coast, distance from coast

the sightings were to the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, where the period, the temperature was within the optimum temperature range
continental platform is very extensive and shallow. To the east, the recorded for manta rays (Dewar et al., 2008; Clark, 2010; Graham
depth of the platform increases abruptly. Previous research involv- et al., 2012) and similar to temperatures recorded previously for the
ing satellite tracking in the study area demonstrated that manta rays study area (Merino, 1997; Cárdenas-­Palomo et al., 2015). High abun-
are rarely sighted in water deeper than 50 m (Graham et al., 2012). dance ranges from late spring (May) through late summer, generally
Satellite data were used to examine the movement of manta rays in with a peak in July through August, when mean sea surface tem-
the study area, revealing movement into coastal waters where upwell- peratures are >26°C. In other areas, manta rays are observed where
ing and thermal fronts are present (Graham et al., 2012). Jaine et al. average temperatures are lower (Kashiwagi, Marshall, Bennett, &
(2014) found that M. alfredi tend to aggregate in areas of Australia Ovenden, 2011). Dewar et al. (2008) stated that manta rays tolerate a
with high primary production forced by mesoscale eddies. We did not wide range of temperatures, between 21 and 30°C.
search for mesoscale eddies in the study area, but we observed that The prediction maps for August and September show that manta
satellite imagery of Chla and sea surface temperature also suggest rays may inhabit a more extensive area than other months in the coast
that manta rays aggregate where Chla plumes and cold water mass of the Yucantan Peninsula. Freedman and Roy (2012) argued that this
are present (Figure S1). behavior reflects the increased primary productivity found inshore and
We included sea surface temperature in our analysis because it has the search for food when coastal waters are warmest, implying that
been correlated with the distribution of planktivorous elasmobranchs temperature is more important when primary productivity is low.
(Dewar et al., 2008; Rowat, Gore, Meekan, Lawler, & Bradshaw, The prediction maps show that manta rays inhabit mainly the
2009; McKinney, Hoffmayer, Wu, Fulford, & Hendon, 2012; Sequeira, northeast of Contoy Island; however, in recent years (from 2009 until
Mellin, Bradshaw, Rowat, & Meekan, 2012; Sequeira, Mellin, Fordham, now), the presence of manta rays in a zone known as “the Afuera” has
Meekan, & Bradshaw, 2013; Rohner et al., 2013). During the study been more frequent. This zone is located southeast of Contoy Island
HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al. | 7 of 9











May Jun Jul


−87.4 −87.2 −87.0 −86.8 −86.6 −87.4 −87.2 −87.0 −86.8 −86.6 −87.4 −87.2 −87.0 −86.8 −86.6










Aug Sep General


−87.4 −87.2 −87.0 −86.8 −86.6 −87.4 −87.2 −87.0 −86.8 −86.6 −87.4 −87.2 −87.0 −86.8 −86.6

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Habitat suitability (%)

F I G U R E 4 Habitat suitability maps for the manta ray Manta birostris in the northeastern coastal area of Yucatan Peninsula. The polygon is the
boundary of the Tiburón Ballena (Whale Shark) Biosphere Reserve

and outside of the protected area (Figure 1). “The Afuera” zone has AC KNOW L ED G EM ENTS
been identified as one of the most important whale shark aggrega-
We thank Ira Fogel of CIBNOR for editorial services. Funding was
tion areas in the Mexican Caribbean. De la Parra-­Venegas et al. (2011)
provided by the ‘Programa de monitoreo del habitat del tiburón bal-
demonstrated that this area attracts dense aggregations of whale
lena’ (CINVESTAV/PRONATURA Whale Shark Habitat Monitoring
sharks, even when surrounding waters are considered as oligotrophic.
Program), Proyecto Fondo Mixto FOMIX-­
Yucatán (CONACYT
These authors showed that the large aggregations are due to the pres-
#108897), Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del Programa de las
ence of dense homogenous patches of fish eggs of the little tunny
Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, The Nature Conservancy, and
(Euthynnus alletteratus), which support aggregations of large marine
Project MEX-­US CN-­09-­360. A.H.D. and N.C.P. were recipients of
animals like whale sharks and manta rays.
doctoral fellowships (CONACYT 318076 and 206588, respectively).
F.G.M. is a fellow of Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Comisión de
SUM MARY Operación y Fomento de Actividades Académicas and Instituto
Politécnico Nacional - Estímulos al Desempeño de los Investigadores.
Observations made during the study period, model results (Figure 3)
We thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their valuable
and prediction maps (Figure 4) all indicate that the manta rays use dis-
comments and suggestions, which led to significant improvements in
crete areas from July through September; this is an important obser-
the final manuscript.
vation that must be considered in developing management strategies.
We argue that variability in their distribution is related to the effects
of upwelling that generate biological productivity. By identifying sea- REFERENCES
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management strategies for the area. Oceanography, 20, 104–113.
8 of 9 | HACOHEN-­DOMENÉ et al.

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How to cite this article: Hacohen-Domené A, Martínez-Rincón
Ocean-­ scale predictions of whale shark distribution. Diversity and
Distribution, 18, 504–518. RO, Galván-Magaña F, Cárdenas-Palomo N, Herrera-Silveira J.
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J. (2013). Predicting current and future global distributions of whale rays (Manta birostris) off the northeastern coast of the
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Yucatan Peninsula. Mar Ecol. 2017;38:e12432.
Ward-Paige, C. A., Davi, B., & Worm, B. (2013). Global population trends
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