ANOVA Table and Explain

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ANOVA -Test APA Report

A One way analysis of variance is conducted to determine if students study hours effected by the
accomodation of students in h1 h2 and h3 respectively.

Table:1 suggested that Hostel 1 affected study hour on average ( M1= 4.20 SD1= 1.50 ) hostel 2
affected study hours on average (M= 3.36 SD = 1.40 ) and hostel 3 affected study hours on average (M =
3.80 SD= 1.50 ).

The hostel 1 and hostel 3 increased study hours than hostal 2.

There was great significant effect of hostel accomodation on study hours at the p <o.o5 and F ( ).
Table.1 Mean ,Standard deviation and ONE -Way ANOVA analysis of effect of three hostels on Study


Study hours Hostel1 Hostel2 Hostel3 F.test

M SD M SD M SD F( ) p

4.20 1.50 3.36 1.483 3 .80 1.50 1.4 0.05

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