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(EDB 320)


Assignment 2


ID NUMBER : 00000116239

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Table of Contents
Q Contents Page
1 Explain SIX (6) steps in product positioning process? 3-4
2 List FOUR (4) objectives of a supply chain management? 4
3 Differentiate between push and pull view of supply chain process. Give 5
appropriate example on each?
4 Identify FIVE (5) logistics impact on the customer? 6
5 Based on your opinion, give THREE (3) reasons why people prefer to 7
use an online payment?

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1. Explain SIX (6) steps in product positioning process?
(i) Identify Target Market
The first step is to identify the specific target market or segment for the product.
For example, a company may identify young professionals as their target market
for a new line of trendy smartphone accessories.

(ii) Understand Customer Needs and Preferences

In this step, the company needs to gather information and insights about the
needs, preferences, and desires of the target market. Like they can conduct
market research, surveys, or focus groups to understand what features or
benefits the customers are looking for in smartphone accessories.

(iii) Analyze Competitors

The company should analyze the competitors operating in the market. This
involves studying their products, pricing, positioning strategies, and strengths and
weaknesses. For instance, if there are already established brands offering
smartphone accessories, the company needs to understand how they position
their products and find a unique angle to differentiate themselves.

(iv) Develop Unique Value Proposition

Based on the understanding of customer needs and competitor analysis, the
company should develop a unique value proposition for their product. This is a
clear statement that highlights the unique benefits and value that the product
offers to the target market. For example, the company may position their
smartphone accessories as a combination of style, durability, and affordability,
catering specifically to the fashion-conscious young professionals.

(v) Communicate the Positioning

Once the unique value proposition is defined, the company needs to effectively
communicate the positioning to the target market. This involves creating
marketing messages, advertising campaigns, and using appropriate channels to
reach the target audience. For example, the company may use social media
platforms, influencers, and targeted online advertisements to communicate the
positioning of their smartphone accessories to the young professionals.

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(vi) Monitor and Adapt
The final step is to continuously monitor the market response and adapt the
positioning strategy if needed. Like the company should gather feedback, track
sales data, and make adjustments to their positioning strategy based on market
trends and customer feedback. This ensures that the product remains relevant
and competitive in the Malaysian market.

2. List FOUR (4) objectives of a supply chain management?

(i) Cost Reduction

Supply chain management aims to reduce costs at various stages of the
supply chain, such as procurement, transportation, and inventory
management. For example, companies may implement cost-saving measures
by optimizing transportation routes, negotiating favorable terms with
suppliers, and implementing efficient inventory management systems.

(ii) Customer Satisfaction

Supply chain management strives to meet customer demands and enhance
satisfaction by ensuring timely delivery, product availability, and order
accuracy. For example, companies may implement strategies like just-in-time
(JIT) inventory systems and efficient logistics services to meet customer

(iii) Flexibility and Responsiveness

Supply chain management aims to enhance the flexibility and responsiveness
of the supply chain to adapt to changing market conditions and customer
needs. For example, companies may adopt agile supply chain practices, such
as collaborative planning and quick response systems, to quickly respond to
market demand fluctuations.

(iv) Sustainability
Supply chain management focuses on promoting sustainable practices,
including environmental responsibility and ethical sourcing. Like, the
companies may implement green supply chain initiatives, such as reducing
carbon emissions in transportation and promoting sustainable sourcing of raw

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3. Differentiate between push and pull view of supply chain process. Give appropriate
example on each?

(i) Push View

In the push view, production and distribution decisions are based on forecasts
and predictions of customer demand. Companies push products through the
supply chain based on their expectations of customer needs. This means that
products are manufactured and stocked in anticipation of future demand. The
goal is to maximize efficiency and minimize costs by producing in large

For example, is the manufacturing of clothing for the local market. Clothing
manufacturers produce large quantities of garments based on their forecasts
of customer demand. They push these products to retailers and distributors
who then store them in their warehouses. This approach allows
manufacturers to take advantage of economies of scale in production but
carries the risk of excess inventory if the forecasts are inaccurate.

(ii) Pull View

In the pull view, production and distribution decisions are based on actual
customer demand. Companies respond to customer orders and pull products
through the supply chain as needed. This approach aims to minimize
inventory and improve responsiveness to customer needs.

For example, is the online food delivery service industry. Customers place
orders for food through mobile apps, and the orders are then transmitted to
the restaurants. The restaurants prepare the food and deliver it directly to the
customers. This approach eliminates the need for excessive inventory as food
is prepared based on actual customer demand.

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4. Identify FIVE (5) logistics impact on the customer?

(i) Delivery Times

Timely delivery of products is crucial for customer satisfaction. For example, if
an e-commerce company promises next-day delivery and consistently fulfills
this promise, customers will be pleased with the quick and reliable service.

(ii) Delivery Reliability

Customers expect their orders to be available when needed. In Malaysia, a
logistics company that consistently ensures products are in stock and ready
for delivery will enhance customer satisfaction. This can be seen in the case
of a grocery store chain that maintains high product availability, minimizing
situations where customers find empty shelves.

(iii) Order Accuracy

Customers expect to receive the correct items as ordered. Like, an
electronics retailer that consistently delivers orders accurately, without errors
or missing components, will provide a positive customer experience. This can
be illustrated by an online gadget store that takes great care in ensuring that
customers receive the exact products they ordered.

(iv) Information Access

Customers appreciate transparency and the ability to track their orders. Like,
an e-commerce platform that provides real-time information about order
status and shipment tracking will enhance customer satisfaction. For
instance, a popular fashion retailer offers a mobile app that allows customers
to track their orders from the warehouse to their doorstep.

(v) Ease of Doing Business

Customers value hassle-free processes for returns, credits, and billing. Like, a
logistics service provider that offers a seamless and efficient process for
handling returns and resolving customer issues will contribute to a positive
customer experience. For example, is a large online marketplace that has a
user-friendly return policy and a dedicated customer support team to handle
inquiries and complaints.

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5. Based on your opinion, give THREE (3) reasons why people prefer to use an online

(i) Convenience
Online payments offer convenience as they allow users to make transactions
from the comfort of their own homes or anywhere with an internet connection.
Users can easily make payments for goods and services without the need to
physically visit a store or carry cash.

For example, a popular e-commerce platforms such as Lazada and Shopee

provide various online payment options, including credit/debit cards, e-wallets like
GrabPay and Touch 'n Go, and online banking transfers. This convenience has
led to a significant increase in online shopping and transactions.

(ii) Security
Online payment systems employ advanced security measures to protect users'
financial information. Encryption technologies and secure protocols ensure that
sensitive data, such as credit card details, are transmitted securely over the
internet. Like, payment gateways like iPay88 and MOLPay have implemented
robust security features to safeguard transactions. Additionally, many online
payment methods offer buyer protection and dispute resolution mechanisms,
providing users with an added layer of security and confidence when making
online payments.

(iii) Speed and Efficiency

Online payments are typically processed instantaneously or within a short period,
allowing for quick and efficient transactions. Users can complete payments with
just a few clicks, eliminating the need for manual paperwork or waiting in queues.
This speed and efficiency are particularly beneficial in scenarios such as bill
payments or online ticket bookings.

For instance, a popular Malaysia mobile banking apps like Maybank2u and CIMB
Clicks enable users to pay bills, transfer funds, and make online purchases
swiftly and efficiently.

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