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(EDB 320)


BOH Plantations Sdn Bhd

Name Student ID
YONG SHI HUI 00000116245



Table of Content
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Q Content Page
1 Acknowledgement 3
2 Introduction/background of company
3 What are the company's next goals?
4 How to build up the customer relationship? 4
5 How does the company handle guest/customer complaints or challenging
6 what are the vision mission and objective of the company?
7 How does the company stay updated with the latest trends and innovations 5
in the hospitality industry?
8 What is the best achievement of this company?
9 What is the strength and weakness of this company?
10 Can you explain the work culture practiced by the employees in this 6
11 How do you promote your company/business in social media?
12 What challenge have this company faced?
13 How does the company gather guest/customer feedback and use it to
improve its services? 7
14 How does the company ensure the safety and security of its guests and
15 What kind of reward that company offer to staff if their performance is
16 good? 8
17 How many employees does your company have?
18 What services or products do you offer?
How do you attract the attention of customers?
19 How does the company engage with the local tourism industry and build 9
strategic partnerships?
20 Conclusion 10-11
21 Appendix (pictures) 12

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In writing this report, We would like to express our gratitude to our lecturer Miss Maizatul
Nadia Binti Samion for granting us the opportunity to do this report and even give us enough
time to finish this report. As a group of five members, we would like to express our heartfelt
appreciation to each other for the collaborative effort and teamwork displayed throughout
this assignment. Our diverse strengths, skills, and perspectives have enriched our
discussions. Each member's commitment, dedication, and contribution have been essential
to the successful completion of this report, and we are grateful for the collective effort we
have achieved.

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BOH Plantations Sdn Bhd is the largest black tea manufacturer in Malaysia, with both
domestic and international distribution owned by BOH Plantations Sdn Bhd. The BOH Tea
Plantation, which is located at Cameron Highlands, Pahang, Malaysia, is also the largest tea
plantation in Malaysia. BOH Plantations is a sole proprietorship which was founded in 1929
by J. A. Russell, a British-born British-educated businessman during the British colonial era
in Malaya. Despite the worldwide great depression at the time BOH was founded, Russell
was optimistic about the tea plantation business, due to steady demand. Established with a
deep-rooted commitment to excellence and sustainability, BOH Plantations has positioned
itself as a leading producer and distributor of high-quality tea products. The company's
unwavering dedication to its mission, vision, and core values has been instrumental in
shaping its success and reputation.


BOH Plantations Sdn Bhd's mission is to consistently deliver exceptional tea experiences to
customers while upholding the highest standards of quality, sustainability, and social
responsibility. The company strives to cultivate and process tea leaves with utmost care,
ensuring that each cup of tea embodies the perfect blend of flavor, aroma, and authenticity.
By preserving the natural environment, supporting local communities, and nurturing strong
relationships with stakeholders, BOH Plantations aims to enrich lives and promote the art of
tea appreciation.


BOH Plantations envisions itself as the foremost global ambassador of tea, recognized for its
unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. The company aspires
to redefine the tea industry by continuously exploring new frontiers, embracing cutting-edge
technologies, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Through its visionary
approach, BOH Plantations aims to inspire and delight tea enthusiasts worldwide, elevating
the tea-drinking experience to new heights of delight and sophistication.

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(i) Excellence
BOH Plantations is driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, striving to exceed
expectations in every aspect of its operations. From tea cultivation to processing,
distribution, and customer service, the company upholds the highest standards of
quality and craftsmanship, ensuring that every cup of BOH tea is an embodiment
of excellence.

(ii) Sustainability
Environmental stewardship lies at the heart of BOH Plantations' values. The
company recognizes the importance of preserving the natural beauty and
biodiversity of the regions in which it operates. By implementing sustainable
farming practices, minimizing its ecological footprint, and championing
conservation efforts, BOH Plantations seeks to safeguard the environment for
future generations.

(iii) Social Responsibility

BOH Plantations is deeply committed to making a positive impact on the
communities it serves. The company actively engages in various social initiatives,
including education, healthcare, and community development, to uplift the well-
being and livelihoods of the people. By fostering inclusivity, empowerment, and
social progress, BOH Plantations aims to create a brighter and more prosperous
future for all.

(iv) Integrity
BOH Plantations upholds the highest ethical standards in all its dealings.
Transparency, honesty, and fairness are the cornerstones of the company's
business practices. By cultivating trust and maintaining strong ethical principles,
BOH Plantations strives to build enduring relationships with its customers,
employees, suppliers, and partners.

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BOH was then facing problems for years after the death of J. A. Russell at the age of 50.
Despite having financial problems, the company will keep moving foward with the help of
Russell’s widow, Kathleen. The company then largely abandoned during World War II after
being occupied by the Japanese. Tristan, the son of J. A. Russell, joined the bussiness but
didn’t go too well for long as the communist terrorists set the Cameron Highlands as their
primary target which made it hard for Tristan to keep the company going during the turbelent
Malayan Emergency. After the independence, Tristan will keep the company going even
after many British planters left. After many success from Tristan’s stewardship, BOH became
the 1st televised company mascots in Asia as Mr. BOH. Caroline, daughter of Tristan,
became the next CEO in the year 2003 until now.

BOH has been crafting exquisite teas from the slopes of Cameron Highlands. Black tea and
green tea is the most common tea that have been produced by them. They all come from the
same plant, Camellia Sinensis, but the difference is how the process growth. After
harvesting the tea plants, they moved to two different process which makes black tea and
green tea separately that is roasting for green tea and withering for black tea. After that, they
started to rolling the plants to release the flavour. They both will get to the drying process but
for black tea, it have to be fermentation first to give the black tea character to it. Lastly, they
will go through sorting process which stalks and fibers are removed and the tea will be sort
according to the particle size. The first product from BOH Plantations Sdn Bhd that produced
in Malaysia is ‘BOH Ada Ummph!’. This local product was introduced and become an instant
national hit in Malaysia.

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Issues, Challenges And How To Overcome The Problem:

(i) Climate Change and Weather Patterns

Climate change can significantly impact tea plantations, affecting factors such as
rainfall, temperature, and pests. BOH Plantations may face challenges such as
irregular weather patterns, droughts, or increased pest infestations. To overcome
these issues, the company can invest in climate-resilient farming practices, such
as implementing efficient irrigation systems, using shade trees to regulate
temperature, and employing natural pest control methods. Additionally, they can
collaborate with agricultural research institutions to develop new tea varieties that
are more resistant to climate change.

(ii) Sustainability and Environmental Conservation

With growing concerns about environmental sustainability, BOH Plantations may
face pressure to minimize its ecological footprint and protect sensitive
ecosystems. The company can overcome this challenge by implementing
sustainable farming practices, such as organic cultivation methods, water
conservation measures, and responsible waste management. They can also
engage in reforestation efforts, promote biodiversity conservation, and obtain
relevant certifications to demonstrate their commitment to environmental

(iii) Market Competition and Changing Consumer Preferences

The tea industry is highly competitive, and BOH Plantations may face challenges
from both domestic and international competitors. Additionally, changing
consumer preferences and trends, such as the rise of specialty teas or increasing
demand for healthier options, can pose challenges. To overcome these
challenges, BOH Plantations can focus on product innovation, introducing new
tea blends or flavors that cater to evolving consumer preferences. They can also
emphasize their heritage, quality, and sustainable practices to differentiate
themselves in the market and build brand loyalty.

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(iv) Labor and Human Resources
Acquiring and retaining skilled labor can be a challenge for agricultural
companies. BOH Plantations may face difficulties in attracting workers to remote
tea plantations or ensuring fair labor practices. To overcome this, the company
can invest in employee development programs, provide competitive wages and
benefits, and create a positive work environment. They can also collaborate with
local communities and educational institutions to promote tea farming as a viable
and attractive career option.

(v) Government Regulations and Policies

BOH Plantations operates within the regulatory framework set by the Malaysian
government. Changes in regulations or policies related to land use, labor, or food
safety can pose challenges for the company. To overcome these challenges,
BOH Plantations can actively engage with relevant government authorities and
industry associations to stay informed about upcoming changes. They can also
proactively participate in policy discussions, providing inputs and
recommendations to ensure that regulations are fair, supportive, and conducive
to the growth of the tea industry.

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The Key Challenges:

(i) Lack of Financing

Access to adequate financing can be a significant challenge for agricultural
businesses, including tea plantations. BOH Plantations may face difficulties in
securing the necessary funds for infrastructure development, technology
upgrades, and expansion projects. To overcome this, the company can explore
partnerships with financial institutions, seek government support or grants, and
develop comprehensive business plans to attract potential investors.

(ii) Low Productivity

Tea plantations require skilled labor and efficient farming practices to maintain
high productivity levels. BOH Plantations may encounter challenges related to
labor shortages, outdated farming techniques, or insufficient training and
education programs. To overcome this, the company can invest in training and
capacity-building programs for its workforce, adopt modern agricultural practices,
and leverage technology solutions to enhance productivity and efficiency.

(iii) Access to Management and Technology

Keeping up with advancements in management practices and technology can be
a challenge for agricultural companies. BOH Plantations may face difficulties in
accessing the latest management techniques, data analytics tools, and
agricultural technologies. To overcome this, the company can collaborate with
research institutions and industry experts to stay updated on emerging trends
and technologies. They can also invest in technology infrastructure, such as farm
management systems and precision agriculture tools, to optimize their

(iv) Heavy Regulatory Burden

The agricultural sector in Malaysia is subject to various regulations and
compliance requirements, which can impose a heavy administrative burden on
companies like BOH Plantations. Compliance with environmental regulations,
labor laws, food safety standards, and land-use policies can be complex and
time-consuming. To overcome these challenges, BOH Plantations can establish
robust compliance processes, engage with regulatory authorities to stay informed

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about changes, and allocate resources for dedicated compliance teams to ensure
adherence to all applicable regulations.


In conclusion, our group had a valuable and insightful experience interviewing Mrs. Ju, the
representative from Seri Pelangi Hotel Budget Melaka. The interview provided us with a
comprehensive understanding of the company's goals, vision, and mission, as well as their
approach to customer service and handling challenging situations. We learned about their
strategies for staying updated with industry trends, their strengths and weaknesses as a
company, and the work culture practiced by their employees.

Mrs. Ju shared with us the company's future goals, which include regaining financial stability,
exploring expansion opportunities, and enhancing guest experiences. We gained an
understanding of how the company handles guest complaints and challenging situations,
emphasizing their empathetic approach and commitment to customer satisfaction.

The vision and mission of Seri Pelangi Hotel Budget Melaka were outlined, highlighting their
aim to become a leading budget hotel chain known for exceptional service and guest
experiences. Their objectives include achieving high customer satisfaction, maximizing
occupancy rates, enhancing operational efficiency, and fostering long-term relationships with
customers and partners.

We also learned about the company's strategies for staying updated with industry trends and
innovations, such as conducting market research. These initiatives allow them to adapt and
improve their services and facilities to meet evolving customer expectations. One of the
notable achievements of Seri Pelangi Hotel Budget Melaka is their ability to maintain a
strong reputation for providing quality budget accommodation. Despite the challenges posed
by the pandemic, they have managed to sustain their operations and build a loyal customer

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During the interview, we also discussed the company's strengths, including their strategic
location, affordability, and commitment to customer service. However, we also
acknowledged the challenges they faced, such as increased competition and financial strain.
The work culture at Seri Pelangi Hotel Budget Melaka promotes teamwork, professionalism,
and customer-centricity. The employees are encouraged to work collaboratively, and their
ideas and feedback are valued. The company prioritizes open communication channels and
fosters a respectful and responsible work environment.

Regarding their promotional activities, the company relies on social media platforms like
Facebook and word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers. They actively engage with
the local tourism industry through strategic partnerships, such as collaborating with tourism
agencies for ticketing attractions.

Overall, our interview with Mrs. Ju provided us with valuable insights into the operations,
goals, and values of Seri Pelangi Hotel Budget Melaka. We appreciate the opportunity to
learn from their experiences and strategies, and we believe that the knowledge gained from
this interview will contribute to our understanding of customer relationship management in
the hospitality industry.

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Appendix (pictures)

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