Philo Rev

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made philosophy the mother of all sciences

1. refers to ideas, views, beliefs, principles, and behavior held by individuals or groups that direct
and give purpose in life.

2. things refers to the limitless scope of the study of philosophy and pursuit of knowledge.
Thismade philosophy the mother of all sciences

3. refers to the philosophical activity that engages us to reason out and allows us to investigate
things not by using laboratory experiments but by means of our natural capacity to think to

4. which is commonly called as unaided reason.

5. pertains to the perspective that considers large-scale patterns in a system. It usually requires an
open mindset and ability to have a general impression about something.

6. refers to focusing on a specific aspect of a situation, which is an important component in

analytical thinking.

7. correspond to what are called philosophical schools of thought or philosophical views. For
every branch of philosophy, there are competing philosophical views or positions. Good
examples are materialism, which claims that reality only consists of material objects ,and
dualism which claims that reality has a dual nature, consisting of both material and nonmaterial

8. generally refer to philosophical activities that occur or flourish in particular regions, and it is
divided into two major kinds: Western philosophy and Eastern philosophy. Under each of these
two major kinds are what can be called national philosophies, referring to philosophical
activities happening in countries or nations. Example of national philosophies in the West is
German philosophy while an example of national philosophies in the East is Indian philosophy.

9. of Philosophies are also classified according to the kind of philosophical method that they used.
We call these methodological types, and they correspond to what are sometimes philosophical

movements, approaches ,and traditions.

10. are mental expressions of our claims

11. is something that occurs in the world, and it is what makes a certain statement true
12. are also called propositions,which refer to a linguistic expression whose function is to advance a
claim about the world.
13. are candidates to be the bearer of truth. Beliefs and statements are considered as bearers of
14. should also be subjected to test and to determine the truth. Any claim should be subjected to
15. It is also the basis for making arguments and convincing people of a certain topic.and prove its
16. is a judgment based on certain fact
17. are statements that assume the claim to be true and provide reasons why the statement is true

18. is are a series of statements that provide reasons to convince the readers or listeners that a
claim or opinion is truthful.

19. is a process of determining the truth or drawing a conclusion from a statement using various
philosophical methods

20. is a method of coming up with a conclusion from an exchange of contradicting logical


21. was developed by Socrates. In this process, statements are deconstructed or questioned to
come up with the actual truth that is believed to rest on
22. also called empirical method, is a process of determining truth or knowledge through
experimentation, inductive and deductive reasoning, and hypothesis or theory testing.

23. is the process of gathering evidence, examining them and formulating ideas about the past to
come up with present truths.

24. come together to form a whole, and this integration defines the embodiment of the person

25. as an embodied spirit gives rise to the characteristics and traits (self- awareness, self-
determination, and dignity that define the person and enable us to engage in profound and
meaningful experiences.

26. possesses self-awareness which refers to the awareness of oneself as an active participant

27. enables a person to look within himself or herself and the experience interiority

28. which refers to the awareness of oneself as an active participant

29. which is the recognition that each person has a worth and value that go beyond quantifiable

30. a state of being or existence that is above and beyond physical needs and realities

31. is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place
in it.jknbmbbbgn nvhcjjjjln
considers humans the most significant species on the

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