The Power of Aid

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In a world that is interconnected by shared difficulties and opportunities, the

concept of aid stands as a pillar of hope, promoting collaboration and
generosity. However, the question still stands. What is Aid? Aid is the provision
of resources, assistance and support to countries facing economic, social or
humanitarian challenges. There are two main ways in which aid can be given
and they are known as long-term and short-term aid. Short-term aid is designed
to provide immediate relief during crises such as natural disasters, conflicts, or
epidemics. This type of aid includes emergency food supplies, medical
assistance, and shelter. On the other hand, long-term aid aims to address
underlying issues and build capacity for sustainable development. It
encompasses projects related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and
economic development. Long term aid is usually needed in developing countries
as they often face challenges such as poverty, inadequate healthcare, lack of
educational resources, and insufficient infrastructure. Aid is crucial in
addressing these issues and promoting stability, as it helps meet immediate
needs and supports long-term development goals.

Advantages of aid include the potential to alleviate poverty, improve healthcare

and education, and increase economic development. However, aid also has its
drawbacks, such as dependency, corruption, and the risk of creating an
aid-driven economy that may hinder long-term self-sufficiency.
International organisations usually provide aid to countries in need. An example
would be the World Bank. The World Bank aims to reduce poverty and support
sustainable development by offering financial and technical assistance to
developing countries.
The Bank, along with the World Health
Organization, helped Yemen establish 37
isolation units and supply medicines and
medical equipment. It also supported
training and deployment of rapid response
teams to 84 high priority districts, where
they are helping detect and respond to
Covid 19. Aid plays a crucial role in
addressing the needs of developing countries, with international organisations
like the World Bank working towards creating positive and lasting change.

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