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Poblacion, Candelaria, Zambales

Third Quarter Examination
Reading and Writing Skills
Name: ________________________ Date: ____________
Grade and Section: _____________ Score: ___________
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number. (STRICTLY NO ERASURE)
For items 1-3, use the choices below.
a. Text b. Discourse

____1. It is made up of sentences having the property of grammatical cohesion.

____2. It is made up of utterances having the property of coherence.
____3. It is defined in terms of its being a physical product.
For items 4-5, use the choices below.
a. Culture d. Previewing
b. Social environment e. Skimming
c. Experiences f. Scanning
____4. It means looking at the readily visible parts of the text. It helps familiarize you with the contents of the selection
and focus on the important information in the text.
____5. It is one of the three factors that may influence a writer to make a claim. Personal accounts or first-hand
experience of events, though subjective, establish credibility and reliability of information presented in any discourse.
For items 6-7, use the choices below.
a. Poetic e. Narration
b. Description f. Argumentation
c. Exposition g. Expressive
d. Transactional
____6. Her hair was curly and dark, and her skin was pale. But what really struck me when I first saw her was her big
round blue eyes.
____7. This type of discourse is commonly found in instructional materials, like a recipe book wherein the proper way of
cooking Chicken Tinola is included.

____8. What outline should be used to develop the major divisions of long report and it is in a sentence form?
a. Outline c. sentence outline
b. topic outline d. phrase outline
____9. What technique in selecting and organizing information in which participants generate new ideas and solutions
through intensive and freewheeling group discussion?
a. brainstorming c. graphic organizer
b. outline d. focused group discussion
____10. The following are the types of brainstorming EXCEPT ___________.
a. Clustering c. Free Writing
b. Listing d. Research
____11. It is a communication tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge, concepts, thoughts, or ideas, and the
relationships between them.
a. brainstorming c. graphic organizer
b. outline d. focused group discussion
____12. The following are the common graphic features EXCEPT ___________.
a. chart and diagram c. illustration and map
b. flowchart and graph d. photo and story books
____13. What type of outline is being shown below?

I. Economical Effects
A. Alcohol
a. word outline c. sentence outline
b. topic outline d. phrase outline
____14. What type of outline is being shown below?
I. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one economcally.
A. The cost of alcohol is high amd getting higher.
1. Alcohol costs are always rising because of rising production costs as well as taxes.
2. The cost of DUI or drunk driving can be enormous.
B. The cost of drug abuse can be high.
1. The cost of drugs fluctates drastically according to the type of drug, its availability,
and amount.

a. word outline c. sentence outline

b. topic outline d. phrase outline
____15. Which of the following describes something without conveying the writer’s own emotion?
a. subjective description c. personal description
b. objective description d. the use of adjectives
____16. Which of the following statements expresses subjective description?
a. Death from hunger and dehydration among elderly natives has increased.
b. John is diligent and conscientious worker.
c. John’s safety record contains no violations and he has been promoted twice in the past five years.
d. The ceiling is missing all panels, exposing open wiring.
____17. Katie defines the word “soul” as a mysterious force within the human body that gives life and yet is separate
from it. What type of definition was used?
a. connotation c. synonyms
b. denotation d. operational definition
____18. What is the purpose of identifying the pattern of development in paragraph writing?
a. To form a proper structure in organizing the ideas of your paragraph
b. To present a clear and interesting paragraphs
c. To have a focus on how to construct ideas and sentences in the paragraph
d. All of the above.
____19. Which among the following topics can be a subject of persuasive paragraph?
a. Apollo 11 space mission
b. Blue Whales’ first baseball game of the new season
c. Air-conditioning of all classrooms
d. First plane ride
____20. “Natasha’s basement was our sanctuary. I return to it in my best dreams and wake up feeling like I could die
happy.” How did the writer get the reader’s attention on her descriptive essay?
a. The writer emphasized the name of the owner of the basement who is Natasha.
b. The writer uses poetic devices.
c. The writer let the readers know what he/she is describing as soon as possible instead of leaving them
d. The writer uses correct series of adjectives to achieve better description of what he/she is talking about at the
beginner of his/her paragraph.
____21. What graphic organizer can be used to clarify the relationship between specific events and the outcomes deriving
from them, thus illustrating the concepts of consequences, inevitability, and causality?
a. Cause-Effect Chain c. Classification table
b. Problem-Solution Map d. Venn Diagram
____22. “Madagascar has one of the world’s oldest systems of natural reserves. This system, established during the early
1900s, was designed to protect lemurs and other animal species unique to the island. However, due to severe
economic hardship, this island country lacks the funds to properly manage the reserves; as a result, many
species risks extinction. One recent solution to this problem has been offered by the international community. If
Madagascar begins to better protect its reserves, its foreign debt will be reduced. This incentive should lead to
some level of improvement.” What pattern of development is this text?
a. Cause-Effect Chain c. Classification table
b. Problem-Solution Map d. Venn Diagram
For items 23-31, use the choices below.
a. Narration e. Compare and Contrast
b. Description f. Cause and Effect
c. Definition g. Problem-Solution
d. Classification h. Persuasion

____23. “I remember the time when I learned how to swim. I was only eight years old and afraid to bathe in a pool. I
envied the kids who played with inflatable balls and animals. Whenever my family would visit the clubhouse, I
would sit beside the pool and never really jump in to join them. A summer camp opened in our neighborhood,
and my mom thought of enrolling my brother and me in a swimming class. Two days before the class started, my
mom gave me a pep talk; that made me realize that I did not want to miss out the fun just because I was afraid.”
What pattern of development is this text?
____24. It explains what a term means.
____25. Anger is having a feeling of hatred toward someone or something. It is one of our basic emotions and can be
most dangerous if it is not carefully controlled. A person can become angry when he cannot fulfill some basic
needs or desire that is important to him. For example, a child may become angry when he cannot play outside
with his friends.
____26. This pattern allows you to either divide a topic into its component parts, or to categorize (or classify) a group of
related items or events.
____27. This type of discourse is like storytelling. It recalls events chronologically. It is told in the first, second, or third
person point of view.
____28. Its elements include setting, characters, theme, and plot.
____29. Consumption of processed and convenience foods and our dependence on the car have led to an increase in
obesity and reduction in the fitness level of the adult population. In some countries, especially industrialized
ones, the number of obese people can amount to one third of the population. This is significant as obesity and
poor fitness lead to a decrease in life expectancy, and it is therefore important for individuals and governments
to work together to tackle this issue and improve their citizens' diet and fitness.
____30. It means to convince someone that your opinion on a subject is the right one.
____31. It is somehow similar to cause and effect essays, however, it provides solutions while the latter only explains
why a certain phenomena happens as well as its impact.

____32. A _________ is what makes a particular thing happen. An _________ is what results from a particular situation,
activity, or behaviour.
a. cause-reason c. effect-result
b. effect-cause d. cause-effect
____33. All of the information about one of the objects being compared/contrasted is given first, and all of the
information about the other object is listed afterwards.
c. Blank Structure c. Point-by-point Structure
d. Block Structure d. Open Structure
____34. Each similarity (or difference) for one object is followed immediately by the similarity (or difference) for the
other. The topics being compared are discussed alternately.
a. Blank Structure c. Point-by-point Structure
b. Block Structure d. Open Structure
____35. Compare is to ________ as Contrast is to _________.
a. Similarities-Differences c. Similarities-Similarities
b. Differences-Similarities d. Differences-Differences
____36. Classification is to ________ as Division is to _________.
a. Similarities-Differences c. Similarities-Similarities
b. Differences-Similarities d. Differences-Differences
For items 37-50, use the choices below.
a. True b. False

____37. The introduction may explain why the topic is relevant or why you have wittern the paper.
____38. There are five marco skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing.
____39. Basically, cohesion refers to the “rhetorical” aspects of your writing, which include developing and supporting
your argument (e.g. thesis statement development), synthesizing and integrating readings, organizing and
clarifying ideas.
____40. Lexis is when we omit words because they are understood from the context (e.g. “John can type and I can [type]
too, I don’t want to go out, do you? [want to go out]
____41. Researchers have identified four basic organizational structures: sequence, description, cause and effect, and
compare and constrast.
____42. The cohesion of writing focuses on the “grammatical” aspects of writing.
____43. By using language that is familiar to the reader, the message is likely to have more impact.
____44. Destructive language phrases a potentially negative message in a positive way, whereas constructive language
directs blame and criticism towards the reader, creating defensiveness.
____45. A hallmark of effective writer is the ability to express the desired message in as few words as possible. Good
writers, in other words, use language which is straightforward and to the-point.
____46. Mechanics is the term we use to describe the technical aspects of writing, such as spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, etc.
____47. If your story is mechanically well-written, many educated readers will not even bother to read it, either because
it’s hard for them to figure our what you’re trying to say, or they just assume the story won’t be good because it
doesn’t appear to be well written.
____48. Use contractions (e.g., shouldn’t, doesn’t, wouldn’t, etc.)
____49. Mention the full name of an institution or organization with the abbreviation in parenthesis, in first mention.
Thereafter, use the abbreviation.
____50. Numbers from zero to twenty should be spelled out while numbers higher than twenty should be written in

****Put your best effort into the exam and God will surely crown you with success. All the best!****

Prepared by: Checked by:

Subject-Teacher Officer-In-Charge

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