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ENGG2400 – Tension/Torsion Lab Report

Stanislaw Lesniak, z5401297

The abstract should summadrise the important contents of the entire report. Important Tip: An abstract is a
piece of information for the readers/peers based on which the readers/peers decides if they should or should
not read the complete document. Therefore a strong abstract is crucial for convincing the reader to read the
whole document. It is VERY important!

1. Introduction

You can use ideas from the introduction given in the lab handout. However, it is strongly
recommended that you re-write in your own words. New ideas are most welcome! The more it is different
than the one from the lab handout, the higher the chances of getting more marks, not to mention that
obviously it has to be logical. Write the introduction from the point of view of the aims of the experiment.

2. Fundamental Theory

Present the theory using both equations and text. Be sure to define all symbols used and be consistent
throughout the report.

3. Experimental Procedure

Briefly describe the experimental procedure in third person past tense. Be sure to link back to the
theory by stating what measurements were made, what you are trying to predict and how they correspond
to the equations. The aim is to only give the information required for someone to repeat your experiment
so as to be able to replicate and verify the results.

Since there are three different experiments, you should clearly present all aims and state which
equations are used for each experiment.
ENGG2400 – Assignment 1 Template

4. Tensile testing – Extensometer data

Present your plots in this section along with information derived from the plot. Present all information
that was given (specimen material/gauge length) and calculate all required values (check the handout).

This is a

Figure 1. Raw data (extensometer)

Describe the process from converting from stress to strain. Give information on how data was adjusted

This is a

Figure 2. Stress and strain (extensometer)

5. Analysis of extensometer data

Calculation of Young’s modulus from data.

6. Tensile testing – Digital scale data

Describe plots and describe measurements of yield point and ultimate point.

This is a

Figure 3. Raw data (digital scale)

This is a

Figure 4. Stress and strain (digital scale)

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ENGG2400 – Assignment 1 Template
7. Analysis of digital scale data

You should refer to all figures and tables in the text of your report. For example, notice how I can
hyperlink to Error: Reference source not found using References>Cross-reference>Figure.

Note: Make sure to do all tasks that were stated in the lab hand out. Describe all figures and make sure
they are clear in what they represent. Figure captions are placeholders, change them if you feel like it
would be appropriate.

8. Torsion test

Present all plots and calculate all values required from the handout. Can be presented similarly to
sections 4-7.

9. Discussion

Write a discussion here about your results and analysis. If your results differed from what was
expected, give possible reasons why this occurred. Be sure to explain why you think these errors affected
your results.

Note: Please read the lab handout and follow the instructions provided by your demonstrators about
the content of the discussion.

10. Conclusion

Conclude your report. It is an important section as it provides the reader with a final summary of how
thoroughly the given task was accomplished and how well it correlated with the expectations and aims.

Cite any external references you have used if necessary. You can refer to something like this [1]. Use
IEEE or Harvard style referencing. I suggest using a reference manager like Mendeley or Zotero, as this
solves many formatting issues.
[1] Reference one
[2] Reference two

 All graphs, equations and text should be computer generated
 All irrelevant template text should be removed
 Headings given in this template are only a guide.
 Use of this template does not guarantee full marks for formatting.

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ENGG2400 – Assignment 1 Template

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