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Grade 7 Mathematics International School of HCMC Criterion B

Criterion B: Investigating Patterns

Maximum: 8
i. apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to recognize patterns
ii. describe patterns as relationships and/or general rules consistent with correct findings
iii. verify whether the pattern works for other examples

Strand Strand 1 Strand 2 Strand 3

Apply, with teacher support,
mathematical problem-solving
techniques to recognize simple State any pattern you see in Pascal’s
1-2 patterns N/A
Correctly complete the sums of
rows 1 to 3 in Pascal’s triangle
Complete Pascal’s Triangle with State how to fill in the missing
3-4 N/A
most values correct values in Pascal’s Triangle
Complete Pascal’s Triangle Verify whether
Suggest the pattern between the
5-6 correctly and find the sum of patterns work for 1
row sum and the number of the row
each row other row
Uses the sum of each row to
Describe the pattern between the Verify whether
successfully come up with the
7-8 row sum and the number of the row patterns work for 2
pattern between the row sum
for any row other rows
and the number of the row

Command Terms / Key Word Definitions

Command Terms Description

Select Choose from a list or group

Use knowledge and understanding in response to a given situation or real


Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern, or process

Suggest Propose a hypothesis or possible answer

Verify Provide evidence that validates the result

Grade 7 Mathematics International School of HCMC Criterion B

Pascal’s Triangle Investigation

Scenario: You are given Pascal’s Triangle, a structure that was created nearly 400 years ago!
1. Your task is to find the patterns hidden inside this ancient triangle.

2. We have given you the first few rows of Pascal’s Triangle. Using the patterns you discover, you
will fill out more rows of Pascal’s Triangle.

3. After you fill out the empty rows in Pascal’s Triangle, calculate the sum of each row and write it in
Table 1.

1. Look at Figure 1 below and fill in the remaining numbers in Pascal’s triangle (Bi 3-8).

1. State any pattern that you observe in Pascal’s Triangle (Bii 1-2).
Grade 7 Mathematics International School of HCMC Criterion B

2. Apply maths to find the sum of each row of Pascal’s triangle and fill in Table 1 (Bii 1-8).
Row Number
(R) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sum (S)

Table 1: Sum of Each Row

3. Suggest a relationship between the row number (R) and the sum of the element in that
row (S) based on your calculations in Table 1. (Bii 3-6).

4. Describe the relationship between the row number (R) and the sum (S) in words and/or
with an Algebraic general rule (Bii 7-8).
Grade 7 Mathematics International School of HCMC Criterion B

5. Verify your pattern and/or general rule (Biii 5-8).

How to Verify: You must show that, by using 2 methods with 2 new examples, you arrive at
the same result.

(a) Method 1. Using Pascal’s Triangle: Add Row 8 and Row 9 to the triangle and find their sum
by adding all the numbers in that Row.
(b) Method 2: Use your Rule: Use the rule that you described in Question 4 to show the 2nd
method of calculating the row sum.
(c) Conclude your pattern must be correct because both methods with two different examples
resulted in the same results.

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