R.Jones My Summer of Chapter 1 Digital Storytelling

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Rha’Mari Jones 01/13/2024

Crystal Power
Charter One Summary of Digital storytelling

Chapter one, explores key concepts such as the difference in storytelling over various periods of
time. The chapter explains what digital storytelling is and how it differs from ‘campfire
storytelling’. Digital storytelling is narrative entertainment which reaches the audience through
digital technologies and media. It also has an interactive component which also was found in
reenactment or drama types of storytelling. The chapter focuses on explaining myths and how
the key features or core elements of storytelling such as symbolism and participation have
continued on into digital storytelling. One of the biggest differences between ‘campfire
storytelling’ and digital storytelling is that digital storytelling has a fluid manner. People who are
interacting with the story have the choice to become a part of it and build their own story. They
have the choice to choose their own path and weave their way through the plot of the story.
Digital storytelling in a sense is a user's own story within someone else. It is a personal narrative
through the vision of a media platform whether through video games or mobile apps.

The main difference that is noted first is where the author says traditional narratives are
“analog” whereas new narratives come to us digitized. So basically in traditional or early forms
of storytelling the stories that are on paper, they’re not interactive, they're dimensional or
Universal . New forms of storytelling or digital storytelling come to us in digital mediums,
meaning we are able to interact with and essentially be a part of them. Though they’re vastly
different they share a common concept of a character or characters being caught up in Different
conflict or drama that gets resolved through the narrative. Many forms of storytelling involve
drama that captured the reader’s attention in some form, ancient games were very dramatic as
were sporting events and were told in ways that captured interest and need to know more. Now
with digital storytelling those same themes apply but with hands-on interaction from the user,
they’re able to choose and navigate different options of the story not previously available in
analog storytelling.

In concluding, The author states that although digital storytelling has certain aspects unreached
by traditional storytelling, it is lacking in creating the limit of emotion that traditional storytelling is
able to push forward. The author claims there is untapped emotional potential that still remains
to be developed.

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