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Rhamari Jones

Film 120
Ron Robinson
Reading essay

**Exploring Cinematic Composition: Insights from Gustavo Mercado and Ascher & Pincus**

In the pursuit of mastering the art of filmmaking, understanding the principles of cinematic
composition is paramount. Through the insightful works of Gustavo Mercado's "The Filmmaker's
Eye: Learning (and Breaking) the Rules of Cinematic Composition" and Ascher & Pincus's
exploration of long shot and extreme long shot in Chapter 10 & 11, filmmakers are equipped
with invaluable knowledge to enhance their visual storytelling capabilities.

In "The Filmmaker's Eye," Gustavo Mercado delves into the intricacies of cinematic
composition, offering a comprehensive guide for filmmakers to master the visual language of
film. Mercado breaks down fundamental concepts such as framing, perspective, and movement,
providing practical insights and examples to illustrate each principle. Through Mercado's work, I
gained a deeper understanding of the importance of composition in conveying mood, emotion,
and narrative in filmmaking.

Chapter 10 & 11 of Ascher & Pincus's work explores the significance of long shot and extreme
long shot in cinematic storytelling. These wide-angle shots establish context, setting, and scale,
allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the world of the film. Ascher & Pincus delve into the
creative use of these shots to evoke emotion, build tension, and create visual impact,
showcasing their versatility in enhancing the cinematic experience.

Through these readings, I have gained new insights into the power of cinematic composition to
captivate audiences and elevate storytelling. Armed with this knowledge, I plan to incorporate
Mercado's principles of composition into my filmmaking practice, carefully considering framing,
perspective, and movement to effectively convey the intended mood and narrative of my films.
Additionally, I am inspired to experiment with long shot and extreme long shot techniques
explored by Ascher & Pincus, utilizing wide-angle shots to establish atmosphere, enhance
visual storytelling, and immerse viewers in the cinematic world.

In conclusion, the works of Gustavo Mercado and Ascher & Pincus offer invaluable insights into
the art of cinematic composition, empowering filmmakers to craft visually compelling and
emotionally resonant stories. By applying the principles and techniques outlined in these
readings, I am confident in my ability to elevate the quality and impact of my future film

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