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“Bad Teacher” reflection

By Itzel Berenice Gomez Vazquez 3°B

The first thing I thought when I saw both videos, is that is very similar to the movie
“School of Rock” maybe the context is not the same, but if we talk about the
attitude of the teacher, it’s almost the same one. I mean, the teacher is not
interested in teaching and worst, the teacher has a very bad behavior with the

It is supposed to be a teaching method where the teacher challenges the typical

image of a dedicated and nurturing teacher, opting instead for a self-centered and
apathetic approach to her job. This choice, while played for comedic effect, raises
questions about the expectations placed on individuals within certain professions,
including teaching.

I think this movie touches a very important aspect on the learning process, the
attitude of the teacher is one of the most important things of this. The film
challenges traditional expectations of what a dedicated and caring teacher should
be. The teacher is depicted as apathetic, self-centered, and more interested in
personal gains than educating her students.

The teacher is portrayed as a teacher who lacks any genuine interest in her
students' education. Instead of focusing on teaching, she is primarily concerned
with her personal life, appearance, and pursuit of wealth. Her indifference to her
students' academic progress and well-being is a stark departure from the nurturing
teacher stereotype.

But something that I think it should be discussed is the mental health of the
teacher, sometimes we feel bad and we are “sick” of the world. I don’t know the
context about why is she like that but, anyways, even if she’s having a bad time,
she shouldn’t behave in that way with other people.

Her behavior can have many responses to the students, some of them can get
angry, others could get sad, disappointed or confused. And that’s why I said before
that the teacher behavior’s is very important in a learning environment. Students
can see and feel how the teacher is feeling, and their feelings affect students as

"Bad Teacher" provides an opportunity for reflection on societal expectations, the

potential for personal growth and redemption, and the subjective nature of humor.
While the film's approach may not appeal to everyone, it serves as a platform for
discussions about unconventional choices, the education system, and the
boundaries of comedic content in storytelling

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