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Pre-Qualification Criteria (To be evaluated in Commercial Compliance Matrix)

1. Earliest Acceptance Year of Manufacture. The manufacturing date should not be older
than six months from the date of supply. Quality /Life certificate will need to be submitted along
with them.

2. OEM / Authorised Dealer Certificate. Only OEM/ Manufacturers or their Authorised

retailers are allowed to participate in Bid. In case Bidder is OEM, it needs to certify the same on its
letter head. Retailers need to upload the authorised dealer certificate from OEM.

3. Make & Model. It is mandatory for the seller to specify the Make & Model of product being
offered, which is complaint with desired Tech Specification. Product catalogue of the offered
model is to be mandatorily attached along with the Tech Bid. Xerox Copy / Photocopy of the
catalogue will not be accepted.

Note: Bidders must not change the name of the item as given in the Tech Specifications.
However, Model number can be added to the name.

4. Past Performance. The Bidder must have previously supplied similar equipment (of same
or different specifications) to any Central/State Govt Organization/PSU/Public Listed Company.
Copy of Supply Order for the same is to be provided along with the Tech Bid.

5. Delivery Period (DP). Delivery period for supply of items would be 240 days from the
effective date contract. This period is inclusive of the time required for inspection, installation,
commissioning and training (if required) of the item at this Depot. Vendors to ensure that delivery
of items is within the Delivery Period including the inspection period.

(a) Please note that Contract can be cancelled unilaterally by the Buyer in case
equipment and its accessories (if any) are not received within the contracted delivery
period. Extension of contracted delivery period will be at the sole discretion of the Buyer
with applicability of LD clause.

(b) Request for extension of DP must reach the Buyer at least two weeks in advance
prior to expiry of delivery period to process the case for approval of CFA and for issue of the
same before expiry of DP.

6. Warranty. Shall be One year from the date of successful installation and commissioning of
the said goods/stores/articles/machines.

7. Payment terms.100% payment after supply, inspection, installation, commissioning and

training at Consignee. Finalized seller is not to generate the Invoice on GeM till the inspection
report and original PBG is not provided to Buyer i.e. HQ MC Nagpur.

8. EMD. EMD (Rs. 1,75,000/- only) can be submitted to the Buyer by FDR or BG. DD or
Banker cheques are not acceptable. Original copy of same should reach the Buyer before Bid
opening. Currently e-EMD or online payment of EMD is not available with Buyer /JCDA. EMD
should be valid for 225 days from the last date of submission of bid. DD or banker cheque is not
acceptable as their validity is generally 3 months. The address and details for sending EMD is
given below. The Seller is to confirm receipt of EMD from Buyer to avoid rejection of Bid. Format
for BG is given at Form 13 in DPM-09.
Address for sending EMD / PBG : CLMO (Procurement)
AOLM Branch
NAGPUR – 440 007
Tel: 0712-2512771 (Extn: 7836)
Fax Number: 0712-2512928

Beneficiary details are as follows:

(a) Beneficiary Name : Air Force Public Fund A/C Unit

(b) Bank Account : 10164835031

(c) Name of Beneficiary Bank : State Bank of India

(d) Branch Name & Address : Vayusena Nagar, Nagpur

(e) Branch Code : 03678

(f) IFSC Code : SBIN0003678

9. Delivery and Transportation: Delivery and Transportation of items by the bidder to

consignee will be at the cost of the Bidder.

10. GeM BID Acceptance Letter: Bidder are to accept all the terms & conditions and technical
specification of item /project on their letter head signed by the authorized signatory of the firm.
Format of this letter is placed at Appendix ‘A’. Any deviation/non-compliance to any terms or
conditions & technical specification of item/project should be brought out clearly with justification.
Please note that conditional bids are liable to be rejected.

11. Compliance to Technical Specifications. The machine offered by the bidder should
meet or surpass the minimum requirements specified for the machine in the GeM ATC. Non-
Compliance to any of the requirements will result in invalidation of the bid.

12. Bidders are required to authenticate, accept & sign the Technical specifications and ATC
and upload the same in this Bid. However, uploading of the authenticated Technical Specifications
and ATC along with the Technical Bid will not be the sole criteria for the acceptance of the Bid
which is liable to be rejected in case the other conditions specified in the ATC is not complied with.

13. Make in India. Only Class-I (Indigenous content more than 50%) and Class - II (Indigenous
content between 20% to 50%) Local suppliers as per MII Order dated 04 Jun 2020 will be eligible
to bid. Format of MII certificate is placed at Appendix ‘B’.

14. MSE Exemption. Any MSE exemption claimed is only applicable for manufacturers of
same range of items as in the Bid document floated on GeM by the Buyer.

15. Minimum Average Annual Turnover of the Bidder. The Bidder must have a Minimum
Average Annual Turnover (as per tender documents) for the last three years. Copy of the Balance
Sheet is to be provided along with the Tech Bid Documents as a proof of the Company Turnover.
This is a desirable Clause.
16. Minimum Average OEM Annual Turnover. For bids where the bidder is bidding as an
Authorized Agency for another OEM manufactured machine, the Minimum Average turnover of the
OEM calculated over the last three Financial Years is as per tender documents.

17. MSE / Start-Up Certificate The MSE / Start Up Certificate should be attached with
the Tech Bid Document in case authorized relaxation on clauses in the Bid is sought under this
head. Any MSE exemption claimed is only applicable for manufacturers of same range of items as
in the Bid document floated on GeM by the Buyer. Bidders registered for services as an MSE firm
are not eligible for these exemptions. The submission of an MSE certificate is not mandatory to
participate in the bid.

18. Installation, Commissioning and Training: The installation and commissioning work as
well as the training of Depot personnel on the functioning of the machine will be catered for by the
supplier of machine. The Buyer will provide the space as well as the electric power supply point
with the requisite specifications at the nearest point of installation of the machine. All other
requirements towards Installation, Commissioning and Training of Depot personnel on the
operation of the machine is to be undertaken by the Seller. The Successful Bidder is to provide the
FRD requirement for installation / commissioning of the equipment within 30 days of receipt of the
Supply Order. The FRD will contain the details of Space and Power Supply Requirements as well
as any other requirements that is to be catered for by the User for operationalisation of the

19. Maintenance Support: The supplier should agree to provide Maintenance / Service
Support at Depot for a minimum 10 Years from the date of Supply of the machine during which
period, the assurance for positive spare support is to be provided by the seller. The Seller is to
provide a Certificate along with the Tech Bid that the supplier agrees to provide Product support for
10 years from the date of signing of contract. Format of the Certificate is placed as Appendix ‘D’ to
the Bid Specific ATC.

Other Terms & Conditions (Only acceptance is required, not required in Commercial
Compliance Matrix)

20. Inspection Authority. CQA and SPE of user depot. The place of inspection would be at
IAF premises. However, the Purchaser reserves the right to undertake PDI / JRI at seller premise
in accordance with the available provision covered in DPM-2009 (as amended). Notwithstanding,
goods on receipt at consignee will be subjected to pre-receipt inspection by the duly constituted
Board under the consignee for ascertaining the correctness, quality, quantity and documents. In
case the goods are found deficient in any way, the consignee has right to reject the goods even if
these were inspected and cleared by the Inspector at seller’s premises.

21. Calibration. Wherever applicable, valid Calibration Certificate is to be provided.

22. Paying Authority: JCDA (AF), Vayusena Nagar, Nagpur – 440007. All online/offline
Bills/documents as required for processing of Bills as per GeM need to be provided by the seller
for payment.

23. Bid Validity. Shall be 180 days with a provision for further extension by 180 days on GeM
in case required/requested by buyer.

24. Performance Bank Guarantee. PBG (@5% of contract value) needs to be submitted
with validity upto delivery period plus warranty period plus 60 days. FDR, DD and Banker Cheque
are not acceptable as PBG. PBG is to be provided in original to the Buyer within 30 days of Date
of Supply Order on GeM. Currently e-PBG or online payment of PBG is not available with Buyer
/JCDA. PBG shall be forfeited by the buyer in case of non-performance by seller, delay in supply
beyond DP. The Buyer is at liberty to cancel the contract if PBG is not received within 30 days of
contract. Payment to the seller in any case cannot be processed without receipt of PBG.

25. Query/clarification: All queries/clarifications related to item specifications and other

commercial terms and conditions i/r/o GeM Bidding are to be forwarded by the seller through
representation module on GeM. No clarification/queries shall be entertained / replied after 20
days of publishing the tender.

26. This GeM Bid is being issued with no financial commitment and the Buyer reserve the right
to change or vary any part thereof at any stage. Buyer also reserves the right to withdraw the GeM
Bid, should it become necessary, at any stage, without assigning any reasons.

27. Commercial Compliance Matrix: The compliance to each Commercial Clause specified
pertaining to the Bid is to be indicated in the Compliance Matrix along with necessary documents
supporting the compliance else the Bid submitted is liable to be rejected. Bidders are to attach
compliance matrix attached as Appendix ‘C’.

28. Compliance to ISO 9000 Stds. Firms participating in the Bidding will require to be
compliant to ISO 9001 standard and the certification needs to be valid at the time of submission of
the bid. Copy of the Certificate is to be provided along with the Tech Bid Documents.

29. Pre-Bid Conference. A Pre-Bid meeting will be conducted at user Depot with the
prospective bidders prior to submission of the offers so that the technical and other issues could
be clarified to vendors. In case of any firm is not in position to attend the Pre-Bid meeting
physically, the firm must contact the user Depot and obtain clarification telephonically/video call.

30. Limitation of Liability. Except in cases of criminal negligence or willful misconduct, the
aggregate liability of the contractor to the procuring entity, whether under the contract, in tort or
otherwise, shall not exceed the total Contract Price, provided that this limitation shall not apply to
the cost of repairing or replacing defective equipment, or to any obligation of the contractor to
indemnify the procuring entity concerning IPR infringement.

31. Technical Compliance Matrix: Full details of the product offered by the Bidder along with
the exact specifications / parameter values of the product is to be specifically entered in the
Technical Compliance Matrix alongside each relevant parameter in the Machine Specification
sought. Non attachment of the Technical Compliance Matrix along with specific inputs on each of
the parameters in the specification / indicating General Compliance mentioned in the Technical
Requirement indicated without bringing out specific parameter metrics can be a cause for rejection
of the Bid. Bidders are to attach compliance matrix attached as Appendix ‘E’.
Appendix ‘A’ to ATC
(Para 10 of ATC )


(To be given on Company Letter Head)


CLMO (Procurement)
AOLM Branch
NAGPUR – 440 007

Sub: Acceptance of Technical Specifications and Commercial Terms & Conditions of GeM Bid.

GeM Bid Id:________________________________

Name of item/Project:-

Dear Sir,

1. I/We have download / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
Item/Proposal from the GeM Portal.

2. I/We hereby certify that I/We have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender
documents (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc.), which form part of the
contract agreement and I/We shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained

3. I / We hereby certify that I / We have read the entire technical specifications of the item /
project (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc.), which form part of the
contract agreement and I / We shall abide hereby by the technical specifications of item / project
contained therein. {Deviation in technical specifications in case any will be clearly brought
out with justification}.

4. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/organization has also
been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.

5. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of the above mentioned tender
document(s)/corrigendum(s) in its totality /entirely.

6. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted /debarred by any Govt
Department/Public Sector undertaking.

7. I / We certify that all information furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in the event
that the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department /
organisation shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or
terminate the contract without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the
full said earnest money deposit absolutely.

Yours Faithfully,

(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)

Appendix ‘B’ to ATC
(Para 13 of ATC)

Self-Certification under preference to Make In India order Certificate (for bid value <10 Cr)/
Certificate by Statutory (Certificate from Statutory Auditor or Cost Auditor for bid value >10

In line with Government Public Procurement Order No. P-45021/2/2017-PP(BE-II) dated 04

Jun 2020 issued by Ministry of Commerce and Industry and subsequent amendment of the order
dated 16 Sep 2020, we hereby certify that we,_______________ are local supplier meeting the
requirement of minimum local content (i.e amount of value addition) ____ % as defined in above
orders for the item/s against

Enquiry/Tender No.: _____________________________

Details of locations at which local value addition has been made.




Details of items in local value addition





We also understand, false declarations will be in breach of the code of integrity under rule
175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred
for up to two years as per Rule 151(iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other
actions as may be permissible under law.

(Signature of the vendor with stamp)

Signature of Statutory Auditor/Cost Auditor
Appendix ‘C’ to ATC
(Para 27 of ATC)

COMMERCIAL COMPLIANCE MATRIX: -------------------------------------------

Sl Desired Value by
RFP Conditions Compliant/Not
No. Firm
Earliest Acceptance Year of Should not be older
Manufacture than six months
2. OEM/ Authorised Dealer Certificate Mandatory
Machine Make, Model and Product
3. Mandatory
catalogue attached with Tech Bid
Past Performance (copy of Supply
4. Mandatory
Orders executed)
5. Delivery Period (DP) 240 days
6. Warranty (from date of installation) 1 Year
100% payment after
supply, inspection,
7. Payment installation,
commissioning and
EMD Submission Value (Proof)
/Exemption Certificate (admissible
8. Mandatory
only for manufacturers of same
range of items)
At the premises of
9. Delivery of Consignment
User Depot
GeM Bid Acceptance Letter
10. Mandatory
Accepted, Signed and Uploaded
Technical Specifications Accepted,
11. Mandatory
Signed and Uploaded
ATC Documents Accepted, Signed
12. Mandatory
and Uploaded
Make In India product Certificate
(Class-I /Class-II) (MII certificate)
13. Mandatory
(Self-Certificate <10 Cr) (Auditor
Certificate >10 Cr)
14. MSE Exemption for EMD, Turnover Mandatory
Minimum Average Annual Turnover
As per tender
15. of the Bidder
(Exempted for MSE and Startup)
OEM Average Turnover (Last As per tender
3years) document
17. MSE and /or Startup Certificate Non Mandatory
To be undertaken by
18. Installation and Commissioning
the supplier
19. Maintenance Support Mandatory
Appendix ‘D’ to ATC
(Para 19 of ATC)


(to be submitted in original with English translation)

Ref No . ………………… Date: ………….

1. This is to certify that ……………………………………………….. (Firm name of seller), the

seller shall provide product support for 10 years including warranty and AMC period (if applicable)
for equipment mentioned below.

Sl No. Part no. Description Qty

2. The source for all necessary spares required for maintaining the equipment serviceable for
the minimum period of 10 years from the date of supply of the machine will be kept live for
utilization by the Buyer in case necessary. It is also further certified that items to be supplied by
the above named firm would correspond to the technical conditions and standards or specification
of the product.

3. This certificate is valid up to …………………………………………….

Authorized Signatory / Designation

Note: This certificate is to be submitted on the OEM’s letter head.

Appendix ‘E’ to ATC
(Para 31 of ATC)



Sl Specification Unit Specification of Compliance

No. machine being
supplied (Unit)
1. Test Rig Commercial Power Supply, 1Ф/3Ф Yes/No
operating voltage
2. Inbuilt Power 0-32 V DC, 2 A max Yes/No
3. Inbuilt Capacitor 35 pF – 1150 pF or more Yes/No
4. Output Voltage Digital DC Voltmeter Yes/No
5. Output Selection Front/Rear Output Selection Yes/No
6. Terminals Socket on front panel for Power Yes/No
Supply input and capacitance input
7. Wire used 22 Gauge Teflon wire Yes/No
8. Protection Fuse holder with fuse Yes/No
9. Connector on 12-10P Type Square Flange Yes/No
Panel Receptacle (JT)
10. Mains ON Mains On Switch Yes/No
11. Cable Assembly 12-10S Type Mating Plug at Test Rig Yes/No
side, 12-10P Type Mating Plug at
Unit side
12. Enclosure Finish Front Panel and box different colours Yes/No
Powder coated
13. Tools For schedule maintenance servicing Yes/No
14. Warranty 1 Year warranty Yes/No
15. Installation & To be carried out by the firm at Yes/No
commissioning 5BRD, AF Stn Sulur, Coimbatore.
Depot shall provide electrical
supply point near to the place of
installation. Priority on installation
to be given on anti-vibration pads
if not feasible then necessary
arrangements for installation to be
done by the supplier.
16. Documents (a) Calibration certificates Yes/No
(b) Functional test report of rig
(c) Technical manual including
illustrated spares list and wiring
(d) Hard copy of operating manual
(e) List of consumables
17. Certification All Testing and calibration certificates Yes/No
requirement like are required with equipment.
CoC, Testing and
18. Requirement of The machine is to be supplied with Yes/No
Maintenance and one set of Manual in English covering
Operational Maintenance, Operations
Manuals, soft Programming and spare part in hard
copy format and soft copy.
19. Customer The supplier should agree to provide Yes/No
Support Maint / Service Support at 5 BRD, AF
Sulur, Coimbatore for Minimum
10 Years from the date of
successfully Installation &
Commissioning of the machine.
20. Technical Completion of Technical Compliance Yes/No
Compliance Matrix with all necessary
Matrix with all specifications of machine offered is
necessary mandatory.
specifications of
machine offered
21. Compliance to Compliance to ISO 9000 Stds with Yes/No
ISO 9000 Stds validity is mandatory
with validity



Sl Details of accessories Qty Compliance

1. Test set 1 Yes/No
2. Cable Assembly with connectors 2 set Yes/No
3. Cover for Test Rig 1 Yes/No

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